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Sorties hurt those who use plat


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I purchase plat every blue moon to support the game. Most of the time you can make alot of plat in just 30 min of trading. But I have ran across a problem with sorties. I purchased the frame nezha with plat. Most of the time I get on warframe run a sortie and and run a t4 and maybe a raid and Its kind of discouraging when you play a sortie and a nezha helm drops when you already purchased nezha.... I don't know if this happens with other weapons.... But it just doesn't seem fair. I feel that if your purchased her then there is no reason why I should get parts to drop.

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Sorry if this comes off as rude, but I think you just made a poor purchase.  If I bought the original Banshee from the market only to find out I could just get her from my dojo, I would be a bit salty, but it would be my fault for not exploring all my options first.

On your second part about not wanting the Nezha parts to drop: I think the parts should still drop regardless of wether or not a player has the frame.  That's how the void works with prime frames and bosses can even drop the same warframe part over and over again (curse you infested Alad).

Long story short, don't buy stuff you can easily farm.  Plat in this game buys you convenience and cosmetics, that's about it.

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very self entitled, cool beans.
no. if you have an item, that shouldn't change Reward Pools. it's randomly chosen between different items in order to establish an intended rarity.

you chose to support Warframe, and that was your decision. good for you, Warframe is cool. supporting Warframe doesn't have an impact on Reward Pools. and shouldn't.

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It's applicable on pretty much everything in warframes.  If you already have a warframe/weapons, their parts still drops, whether you build it yourself or bought it. If you already have a mod, it still drops however you obtained it. If you already maxed every mods in existence, the fusion cores still drops. If you manage to maxed your credits, mission would still gives you credits. It's been like that since always, so i don't see anything new or different here.

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45 minutes ago, swizzybeatzjamz said:

I purchase plat every blue moon to support the game. Most of the time you can make alot of plat in just 30 min of trading. But I have ran across a problem with sorties. I purchased the frame nezha with plat. Most of the time I get on warframe run a sortie and and run a t4 and maybe a raid and Its kind of discouraging when you play a sortie and a nezha helm drops when you already purchased nezha.... I don't know if this happens with other weapons.... But it just doesn't seem fair. I feel that if your purchased her then there is no reason why I should get parts to drop.

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Sorties also drop weapons that previously were gotten during events.  Do they also hurt people who finished earlier events and already have the weapons? No, because everything from sorties are tradeable so you can sell them for plat or parts. You know what you do with that helmet for a frame you already own?  You sell it for platinum.

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Remember you can sell Nezha sets over and over again. Each season yeah you can annoyingly get Nezha again, but there will always be new players who need him. 

You can sell him for a fraction of the market price and still make a nice bit of plat on his parts, especially systems! Although, I find I get takers quicker and get better prices if I sell the whole set. Sure it's gone down a lot and now you probably won't get much more than 50p for the whole set, but that's still a nice little payday, and you can keep collecting his parts and selling them every sortie. 


Nezha is actually one of my most reliable sortie money makers. 


Also, don't feel like your purchase was wasted either... apart from being able to sell those extra Nezha parts for a tidy profit, remember by buying Nezha you also got a slot for Nezha, a pre-installed potato, and you bypassed the one day wait time for building his parts, and the three day wait time for building Nezha himself, all of which costs significant platinum. And you saved waiting for the trade/grind to get him that way. 


Either way you come out a winner in the end. And thanks for supporting the game... DE and all players, especially those of us who can't afford to spent as much as some, are grateful to all those who help keep the game funded by buying plat. 



Edited by Tesseract7777
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Well, you made the choice to buy it instead of grinding it out. It's an option you had, but chose not to take advantage of. If I bought Ember from the market, would that mean Ruk should no longer drop her parts? Of course not.

I understand where you're coming from, but it's kind of an absurd argument. Saying you should get a special reward pool because you chose to purchase something instead of grind is simply wrong, as well as unfair.

Aside from everything else, it would screw up your RNG and give you a better chance of receiving another desirable drop instead of those parts. 

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It's not the sorties fault, it's pretty much yours. I bought Nezha for around 40p after returning from a long hiatus. A frame shouldn't be made p2p just because one player's poor decision making. Literally everything in this game can be earned via farming/trading or just straight up purchased for plat. By your logic, anyone who doesn't buy plat should be forced to only use starter frames/weapons.

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1 minute ago, Yonm said:

It's not the sorties fault, it's pretty much yours. I bought Nezha for around 40p after returning from a long hiatus. A frame shouldn't be made p2p just because one player's poor decision making. Literally everything in this game can be earned via farming/trading or just straight up purchased for plat. By your logic, anyone who doesn't buy plat should be forced to only use starter frames/weapons.


While I agree with people that the reward table should stay the same, after all, as people have said, he can sell the parts for platinum, I disagree with the notion that he made a "bad decision" by buying Nezha. 


If people don't support the game there will be no Warframe, and buying a Warframe is a perfectly legitimate thing to do. If you can afford it and wish to support the game, you are essentially bypassing a lot of wait walls and getting to play with your frame right away. The cost of rushing a frame is significant, especially if you rush the parts too, and by buying the frame you bypass any rng/trading/questing or other artificial wait walls or annoyance. You are paying to get to play it now and avoid a lot of hassle and resource cost and everything else. 

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9 minutes ago, Tesseract7777 said:


While I agree with people that the reward table should stay the same, after all, as people have said, he can sell the parts for platinum, I disagree with the notion that he made a "bad decision" by buying Nezha. 


If people don't support the game there will be no Warframe, and buying a Warframe is a perfectly legitimate thing to do. If you can afford it and wish to support the game, you are essentially bypassing a lot of wait walls and getting to play with your frame right away. The cost of rushing a frame is significant, especially if you rush the parts too, and by buying the frame you bypass any rng/trading/questing or other artificial wait walls or annoyance. You are paying to get to play it now and avoid a lot of hassle and resource cost and everything else. 

He supported the game when he bought the plat, not the frame. I'm just saying it could have been better spent. He could have bought the parts from players and rushed the research. It would have saved him about 100p and he still would have had the frame to play with immediately.

Not thinking something through, then going to the forums to complain that they should take away options from other players is definitely not the way to do things.

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5 minutes ago, Yonm said:

He supported the game when he bought the plat, not the frame. I'm just saying it could have been better spent. He could have bought the parts from players and rushed the research. It still would have been under 275p. Not thinking something through, then going to the forums to complain that they should take away options from other players is definitely not the way to do things.


He's still supporting the game by buying it... because once he spends that plat, he is going to need to BUY MORE plat... in order to buy more stuff. 

And sure, it would be under 275p, but you are still ignoring other advantages. Like some people don't WANT to deal with trade chat at all. Either for buying or trading. And if that's how they want to support the game there is nothing wrong with that decision, it isn't a "bad decision". It's just not one you would personally make... 


I agree with pretty much the rest of what you and others are saying, but I don't like to call other people's decisions in buying "bad". The truth is many buying decisions in warframe are for convenience and that helps fund the game. I'm quite happy with that. I don't mind waiting a bit extra if it means I don't have to pay, and I am grateful to those who DO rush stuff or just flat out buy things because it means we all get a richer gaming experience. 

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Why would this upset you? It's not hurting you in any way.

If you buy saryn- Kela De Thym still drops saryn parts. You make a choice to buy it instead of earn it. If people couldn't get nezha parts from sorties after they own him, that means one less reason to do sorties.

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Just now, Tesseract7777 said:


He's still supporting the game by buying it... because once he spends that plat, he is going to need to BUY MORE plat... in order to buy more stuff. 

And sure, it would be under 275p, but you are still ignoring other advantages. Like some people don't WANT to deal with trade chat at all. Either for buying or trading. And if that's how they want to support the game there is nothing wrong with that decision, it isn't a "bad decision". It's just not one you would personally make... 

OP did say "Buys plat once in a blue moon". Honestly, I don't know what you're trying to argue. Semantics? Use whatever words you want, but spending plat efficiently while still circumventing wait walls is still objectively better than doing the exact same thing, but with more plat. I guess buying a bunch of alloy plating in would be a "good decision" to you too? 

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6 minutes ago, Yonm said:

OP did say "Buys plat once in a blue moon". Honestly, I don't know what you're trying to argue. Semantics? Use whatever words you want, but spending plat efficiently while still circumventing wait walls is still objectively better than doing the exact same thing, but with more plat. I guess buying a bunch of alloy plating in would be a "good decision" to you too? 


No I'm not arguing semantics. I'm saying it being a "bad decision", is your own personal, subjective, opinion, and if you wanted to be more civil to the op, you would keep it to yourself. 


Most of the buys in warframe are about convenience. That's a big part of how the game is funded. Just because you wouldn't make such a buy, doesn't mean someone else made a bad decision because they did.  


Also, I already explained clearly why it is a perfectly reasonable decision to buy something that you can trade for for cheaper. It's because some people find trade chat a huge headache, and a huge waste of their valuable time. You seem to be willfully ignoring my point... 



As for the alloy plate, if someone is rich but doesn't have much time to farm, and/or doesn't feel like doing the farming. Yes, it helps the game funded and it helps the person do what they want in game and play how they want, and it hurts no one. And that rich person has plenty of money to blow so who cares? It's their money not yours. Why do you care so much about how someone else spends their money? Just let it go. 



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10 minutes ago, Tesseract7777 said:


No I'm not arguing semantics. I'm saying it being a "bad decision", is your own personal, subjective, opinion, and if you wanted to be more civil to the op, you would keep it to yourself. 


Most of the buys in warframe are about convenience. That's a big part of how the game is funded. Just because you wouldn't make such a buy, doesn't mean someone else made a bad decision because they did.  


Also, I already explained clearly why it is a perfectly reasonable decision to buy something that you can trade for for cheaper. It's because some people find trade chat a huge headache, and a huge waste of their valuable time. You seem to be willfully ignoring my point... 



I ignored it because it's a poor point. You can go to warframe market (the site) and just message people selling the parts. Their prices are listed so there's no need to go through "headache" inducing negotiations. There's at least 10 people selling whole sets for under 50p as I type this. Again, getting the same things for less plat and effort in the same amount of time = better, from a business standpoint. There's nothing subjective about that.

If you're talking about personal enjoyment? Sure, whatever. If losing plat floats your boat, go for it. If typing a few words to people for transactions that take less than 5 minutes is too bothersome, buy from the market. But at that point, you're just projecting your own preferences/insecurities onto OP.

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