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Conclave and what i think about it


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First of all i must say that english isn't my main language.

I've been playing this game for a long time, i've see all the development of the conclave through many updates and it has always feel tasteless, rooms are always almost empty, you cover so much ground so fast to be one shooted in a fraction of second. Most of the weapon are useless due to their unique feature, many abilities of the warframe are still even more useless due to the fast pace of the game. So many new players are being nuke/face rolled/raped so fast that they just quit and never come back.

The first point i will approach is the meta/skill of those playing conclave everyday. In my opinion the meta is really really f***** deep. Bringing some player to a rank of God tier sweeping newcomer like dust in the wind even when you play against same conclave rating/MR.
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T-N4oarr3x8 vs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wLE3HqQdEuo
Here i'm not saying that this is bad, in fact i found its really awesome that you can reach such high level of gameplay in the same game. But, at the same time, the learning curve and the ability needed and even the right temper to keep playing conclave is something that you'll found only in a small fraction of the warframe community. 

Secondly, i think that all weapon and skill are very well designed, but due to the fast mobility players can reach, some will eventually shine more then other by a large margin. Same as the skill who have a casting time, projectile and most of the AoE spells. The aspect that i wanna highlight by saying this is that there is mostly only one class playable : the scout (wearing some other warframe skins). This making only few weapons really effective/playable.

Thirdly, i almost never saw a full room, never saw all the players stay till the end. Even if the conclave has 3 game style (FFA, TDM, CTF) you mostly end up doing the very same thing, jumping like a crazy and shooting stuff. There is no such thing as defense in this game cuz in CTF the best way to say you defend the point is doing the same exact thing as you would do in the middle of the map on the flag. There is barely no strategic play (having frost on the flag isn't a strategy). And even you'll most of the time end up 2 vs 1.

Finally what i would really talk about is the mobility this game offer to player and how it affect the gameplay/weapons/meta. The movement is so fast that there is no such thing as pushing - defending - flanking. You move so fast that most projectile weapon are useless or very hard to use. And the meta revolve around who's the best at acrobatic gun fight. In the end i feel like i'm playing Gunz, wich is a good game but really not for the vast majority of players. It offers less to no place for strategic thinking, make a TOO HUGE gap between a regular good player and a beginner.

It might sound like a nuclear bomb to some ppl but i would definitely suggest to cap the mobility this game offer to players in conclave by a lot. On a scale let's say that "0" is World of tank, "3" is CounterStrike, "6" is Overwatch, "10" is GunZ. I would say that warframe should be around 5-7, just enough to justify the need of gap closing abilities and enough to say that a sniper can be effective.

In addition i would suggest some mods to allow players to really create a more gameplay versatility. Exemple : [+50% health,+50% shield,- 50% jump height], [-50% mobility, +50% armor], [100% dmg while standing still for 5 sec on your next shot] and vice versa, making scout, tank, healer, control, sniper, assassin style play viable. Adding a lot more gameplay variety by not forcing every players to be a scout.


8 vs 8 capture the flag, interception, tower defense



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Will someone in the PVP Dev team just try to make a Sports game out of PVP Warframe. For gawd sake, you can fly and wall run. Throw a freaking big ball into a big field and see what 8v8 Warframes can do with it.

Little Radio Cars proved the sheer stupid funX10 they can generate. Imagine Space Quidditch with Archwings. 

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Conclave is hard till you find one of the weapons that dumps on the others, a frame that has powers that are actually useful and learn that constantly aim-gliding and rolling about and sliding is your only way to survive. Then get the tactics down, like sneaking up, jumping into a mob of guys shooting each other and dropping your super. 

Once you get some decent mods dropped then you can do even better - my fave is the Tiberon with measured burst mod, two bursts can down some frames.

Its not so much a learning curve as a hit-and-miss approach to finding good weapons - lots of good ones people got rid of ages ago or just didnt build because they are pants in pve. There are too many useless weapons available too. Newbies only get one loadout slot, and have to quit the lobby just to change a weapon - so its really frustrating trying out different stuff because if you make a bad choice you are stuck with it a whole match, getting beaten badly.

I really like conclave now but some weapons just thrash others which doesnt work too well imo.

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i think conclave is overruled by them which "live" their since it started

the only useful development would be to create a "internal conclave MR"

means, when you have the basics where you meet only players of your conclave-expirience and when you reach a certain point you meet higher ranks, you work through a level and the moment you reached it you get MOVED to a higher/better/more expirience "field of players/ranks" and so on and so forth (weapons, mods etc. included, the game simply "cares" about the status quo you have in conclave and move you together with players on a similar level)

right now you get eaten from them which play the longest time there or are most skilled because of the time they play, im not wasting my time there

too cheap for my mind - honestly ^^)

and then this honour- and skill-bla-bla by this guy there, totally out of reality, i really dont need that (^^

Edited by Guest
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Three things I hate about conclave :

1. Lag, host migration and everything that shouldn't happen when playing online, that slight moment when you're following someone ready to empty your entire magazine in his back and he just suddently teleport from your screen to show up 5 meters away, teleporting from cover to cover, facing you and already shooting your "non-moving" body because you're "Moonwalking" into a sea of lag on his screen. It's also terrific and annoying to kill someone and then die after 3 seconds from his cold and already dead corpse laying on the ground.

Dedicated servers would save the day.

2. Secondary weapon ammo... At least for the one that I'm using. I'm not really into main guns : Assault rifle, snipers,Oneshopticor and all that stuff doesn't really interest me that much so I'm always using pistols. The difference between main weapons and secondary in term of ammunition is just too huge, here I am stuck with 40-60 ammo dealing 11-15 damages per semi-auto shots while there's that guy with a full-auto 60 magazine, holding a few 240 in his spare dealing twice as much damage. As a decent player, advanced damage doesn't really bother me, but the fact that I can only shoot someone for 5 seconds before having to leave the fight and find some ammo pack isn't fun and it's even worst when playing against good players as the chance of running out of ammo before killing him is higher

Give me more ammo, I'm even willing to un-equip my main weapon that I never use in order to be more efficient.

3. Daily challenge and forcing you into a game-mode that you probably don't like because : "In order to receive this magnificient 50,000 standing you need to complete an awful lot of challenge that handicap you.
I mean, slide kill, really? In an arena where everyone is flying at the speed of light you want me to slide on the ground, slowing me down and making me the main practice target of every other players...
Power kill... Oh you're playing a completly harmless frame? My apologies, just deal with it.
Tennos, use your entire Arsenal to kill one guy... Is that really necessary Teshin?"

I'm actually fine with those challenge and everything, but doing it in a game-mode that I dislike just make it worst. If you want me to kill someone with a headshot, why restrict it to "Team-Annihilation" on a monday morning when there's 0 players online and when making a lobby requires 4 players to be connected.

Oh and, would someone explain to me, in a logic way, why melee deals less damage when they aren't equipped? Is there some kind of game power that just turns deadly killing weapon into Foam sword suddently?

Edited by (PS4)XxDarkyanxX
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49 minutes ago, AfternoonPalm said:

and when you are one of those players that really suck at aiming... :P

and when the host rage quits cuz pvp is still gross despite all the "balance" which trashes all everyone's progress towards that swanky lex skin which is only the reason to play that mode beyond the minute chance you might be one of the literal dozens of others that actually enjoy playing the floor is lava regularly

you can't color lex prime guys, you just can't and its the reason why bad things keep happening like all the oceans turning into soup or the reason mayonnaise was a mistake that one time or why people say bless you right before you actually sneeze, ruining the sneeze


you can trace all of that back to uncolorable lex prime


Edited by FoxyKabam
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7 hours ago, (PS4)FriendSharkey said:

Will someone in the PVP Dev team just try to make a Sports game out of PVP Warframe. For gawd sake, you can fly and wall run. Throw a freaking big ball into a big field and see what 8v8 Warframes can do with it.

Little Radio Cars proved the sheer stupid funX10 they can generate. Imagine Space Quidditch with Archwings. 

Let the Tenno Olympics commence! 

It would be amazing to have a PvP Sport that does not involves killing each other, and in an open space with the Archwings.... 

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14 hours ago, (PS4)EVILFLUFFMONSTER said:

Conclave is hard till you find one of the weapons that dumps on the others, a frame that has powers that are actually useful and learn that constantly aim-gliding and rolling about and sliding is your only way to survive. Then get the tactics down, like sneaking up, jumping into a mob of guys shooting each other and dropping your super. 

Maybe on PS4/Xbox its more playable, but on PC it has nothing to do with a simple roll, aim gliding and bullet jump.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T-N4oarr3x8
Currently the conclave on PC is a very frantic fight. Where the best build you can use to win is a bunch of Red Bull and cocaïne.

Edited by Charko
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I was somewhat over-simplifying there lol. Though it is slightly easier on console as we are all using controllers rather than kb/m, so because its harder to be as accurate while moving so fast people tend to slow down and pause more than on PC.

Its still by no means easy for newbies to hit somebody who really doesnt want to be hit.

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Its an awful mess.

I tried to like it but it is the opposite of fun, now i login get the dailys and spend the rest of the match (waiting for it to end) waiting in the middle to let other people kill me so they can get their dailys (a player thanked me for that last night ;) ) I do not care about my k:d I just want my challenge bonus and then i'm out :)

And the reason for this is the mods, it is painful looking in codex and seeing mods needed, pokemods gotta catch them all.

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20 hours ago, (PS4)FriendSharkey said:

Will someone in the PVP Dev team just try to make a Sports game out of PVP Warframe. For gawd sake, you can fly and wall run. Throw a freaking big ball into a big field and see what 8v8 Warframes can do with it.

Little Radio Cars proved the sheer stupid funX10 they can generate. Imagine Space Quidditch with Archwings. 


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21 hours ago, (PS4)FriendSharkey said:

Will someone in the PVP Dev team just try to make a Sports game out of PVP Warframe. For gawd sake, you can fly and wall run. Throw a freaking big ball into a big field and see what 8v8 Warframes can do with it.

Little Radio Cars proved the sheer stupid funX10 they can generate. Imagine Space Quidditch with Archwings. 

GG haha!!!

That is a great use of the mobility this game offers!

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21 hours ago, (PS4)FriendSharkey said:

Will someone in the PVP Dev team just try to make a Sports game out of PVP Warframe. For gawd sake, you can fly and wall run. Throw a freaking big ball into a big field and see what 8v8 Warframes can do with it.

Little Radio Cars proved the sheer stupid funX10 they can generate. Imagine Space Quidditch with Archwings. 

You wizard, what kind of magic did you use to predict this.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)XxDarkyanxX said:

You wizard, what kind of magic did you use to predict this.

I've been harping in conclave for awhile now about FUN casual gateway modes of PVP for PVE players. You look at your giant base and say, yeah maybe I should look into competive PVP that PVE players might find fun, rather than how many nerf bats I have to apply to my game that surrounds super powers and hundreds of weapons for PVP players coming out of Halo, COD, and Battlefield, while dillisionally hoping I can attract my PVE base that would rather gouge their eyes out than play competitive PVP to play PVP. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 4/21/2016 at 0:56 PM, Oranji said:

So that Ash can insta kill the entire map again?

How about NO?

During the 5 months that I played rails on the Xbox One, Ive never seen an ash insta kill an entire map. I was sometimes on rails for 16 hours per day and I never experienced anything like what you guys mention. Does anyone have any footage of this ? Like, an ash vs an experienced defense team ?

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On 4/21/2016 at 1:05 AM, FoxyKabam said:

its just too hard to get into with everyone playing the floor is lava


Ye if you just keep jumping around and never stop, unless you get an easy kill, you essentially got god mode.

The minute i found this strategy, I lost all interest in PvP.

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