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Mastery Rank 11 Test is Impossible


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3 hours ago, bitbucket said:

Aint you special.


I don't know why you are being so derogatory? Most people in this thread are saying the same thing: Don't rush it and you should have plenty of time to spare. It's actually really good advice -- if you stress too much about the time limit and how worried you are, you will not do as well. This is just basic human psychology. If you stay calm and don't worry about the timer, and remember that you can always try again, you will do a lot better. You will stay calm and see all of your surroundings. You will act instead of reacting. 

I don't see why you need to be so salty. It's perfectly valid advice on how to approach these things mentally and trust me it really does make a difference. I know from experience. 

In fact his advice is saying that those who are having trouble may not necessarily not be good at it, it's just that they are letting the pressure stress them out too much and it's making it a lot harder for them. He's suggesting mentally calming yourself very deliberately so your skill will shine through. 

Edited by Tesseract7777
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I passed this test in one try before the updates so i went back to try it out:

I got lost several times because the platforms blend into the environment lol. I only ran out of time because i kept making the wrong turns. Once i ran the practice a few times to figure out the course, it wasnt too hard. I kinda gimped myself by using the sybaris, instead of a spread gun too.

The arrow indicators could be more obvious, but the best strategy for this course is to practice it in order to anticipate where the next platforms are. -and use a spread gun to reduce am time. Then just book it!

I was in nova with sprint mods.


Ultimately, All the tests will need a once-over as part of the MR revamp anyway.

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My problem with this test is how hard it is to spot the platforms and judge distance when below them.  It is very annoying I have tried to practice it.. And I get annoyed and stop playing for a while.  I am stuck and unable to proceed and locked out from some content.

While I still enjoy the game I almost rage quit over this test.  I don't mind the jumping and shooting.  I just cannot locate the exact platform I need to go to next in a reasonable time since they are only one pixel deep.  Heck even direction arrows or something would help.  Watched videos of them and nope not working for me.  

Games that cut out content to potential paying customers just loose that customer and their money.  Without the money........ 

It starts with one customer.... but grows..... 

Quit using this silly matrix style room and use a real tileset.  or better yet let us chose a tileset. 


An annoyed Tenno

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As an MR 20 near 21. I literally just went to the relays to test this. successfully completed it 11 times (11 for the MR rank) and Im laughing heuristically. this post is a joke. The test is easy. Just get better at the game. That's all there is to it (FYI i did the test with an Atlas and Gorgon)

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OK this will be my last attempt to help the OP and anyone else who's decided to be snarky in reply to the help we've tried to give. When I said take your time, I meant it. Keep calm and relax or you will panic and most likely fall off a ledge, miss the targets etc. In order to make it harder I used a nice slow Rhino, Vectis Prime(2 shot clip sniper rifle) and didn't use the shift button to sprint, just ambled along, barely even using bullet jumps, just regular somersaults except where absolutely necessary. I also decided to not shoot targets while I'm flying through the air to the next platform to show people you really don't need to rush or have mad multitask skillz, just take your time, get to each platform and then aim. You can of course do it much faster by doing all of these things but the point is to pass the test, not push yourself beyond your gaming limits, leave that to twitch specialists who want the extra challenge . Bring a better spray weapon than I did to make it easier on yourself, any automatic rifle will do.

Ignore that timer cos it will make you panic, practice in the relay and learn the course, THEN do your real attempt. Good luck. Remember also that orbs only give time, you don't have to hit all of them to pass so those last 2 that gave me trouble, you can just run past them to the finish if you have enough time. I shot them cos they made it personal :D (Daredevil's bullseye voice "he... made me... MISS!)

Apologies for the audio feedback, just mute the clip.




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Seriously, anyone who has problems with this test are simply not ready to pass it. If the problem is visually, then lower/turn off the display settings that's getting in the way: color correction, bloom, reflections, particles, blur, glare, etc.

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3 hours ago, NekroArts said:

Seriously, anyone who has problems with this test are simply not ready to pass it. If the problem is visually, then lower/turn off the display settings that's getting in the way: color correction, bloom, reflections, particles, blur, glare, etc.

Ok I realize I am very frustrated and annoyed right now but I am not going to mess up settings just for one test.  This test is becoming an annoying hassle.  I play games to blow off steam not get more and more frustrated. (I do not play platformer games)  Tell me where you run into situations like this in the actual game? There are some areas that require parcore but none that are visually so hard to pick out the platforms.

I also don't want to try and memorize a jumping level just for one freaking test.  I really enjoy most of the game here and would hate for me and my wallet to leave because of parts of the game being locked off to me.

Judging by the amount of threads in the forums I am not alone in this.  Potentially this can cause a lot of $ to leave the game


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if you can't see the platforms on the video I posted then I would suggest the issue is your eyesight. I have the default settings, high graphic options and the only thing I've altered is turning down my Bloom setting to better display the clan logo patch.

Edited by Zilchy
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On 4/23/2016 at 2:16 AM, BlackCoMerc said:

I have a friend who is permanently stuck in the game. Her progress is over. While this person has zero trouble playing the game, they are unable to pass the Mastery Rank 11 test. 

Fortunately for me, I had the luck of passing it before the recent (awful) changes made it even more annoying and tedious than it was. Now, I cant even pass it. I am MR14 at this point, but if I had to retake the MR11 test, I would simply quit playing the game. Which is what she is now considering, since she literally CANNOT progress any further in terms of MR. Which of course means no Syndicate weapons despite her Syndicate rank since someone had the ridiculous idea to lock them all behind MR12.

These tests are frustrating players. They are pushing people away from the game. Honestly, if she goes its the end for both of us. I enjoy playing with her in coop, but I simply dont enjoy solo enough to stay. I would like to continue to play Warframe myself, but frankly, something NEEDS to be done about these awful tests. 

The game does not require nearly the perfect set of reflexes these terrible tests demand. DE, please face it: The only thing you are testing is your players' patience.

-Git gud.

-Yes it may not require much but it helps.

-Its a test, you need to learn.

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To be fair I loved old test tileset a lot more. Ugly? Sure, but everything was well-defined with minimal visual junk whitenoising my perception.

Something tells me that if we still had it, this thread wouldn't have existed.

Side note: if I have to turn off certain visual options to pass in-game content, then either those options or the content are broken and need fixing. No other way.

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After sitting at MR 10 for the longest time due to laziness, I attempted the MR 11 test for the first time. I did fail this test, and it was due to my own bad aim. The timer ran out for me, and this is actually the first test I failed.

Went through it with my Frost and my Hek, and it was pretty easy, actually... The way the targets were placed and the movements I had to perform were a lot like how I fight normally, so I for one don't have a problem with this test-- and I have noticed that people seem to be having bugs with some parts of this from reading the posts. Not to sound condescending, but that is not the test's fault, I hope you know. Still, they have bugs everywhere-- what do you expect from an eternal beta lol

I don't have a problem with these tests, as they certainly make you recognize how far you've come, and help you spot mistakes that you may make in combat. If it weren't for the syndicate weapons, I'd say this system is fine, but then again, nothing is ever perfect. 

Tell your friend to keep practicing, in the practice rooms in the relays, Tenno-- I did it, and I know she can too.

Best wishes!

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5 hours ago, Nar_Daggan said:

Ok I realize I am very frustrated and annoyed right now but I am not going to mess up settings just for one test.  This test is becoming an annoying hassle.  I play games to blow off steam not get more and more frustrated. (I do not play platformer games)  Tell me where you run into situations like this in the actual game? There are some areas that require parcore but none that are visually so hard to pick out the platforms.

I get frustrated when RNGesus is not on my side in void missions, so many keys burned and still don't have the part I need.


5 hours ago, Nar_Daggan said:

Potentially this can cause a lot of $ to leave the game



I highly doubt that.

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  • 2 months later...


Like some who have posted complaints about the parkour tilesets of mastery , I too have hit a brick wall with level 11 and whats interesting is that its actually an old problem going back to the earlier days of 3D gaming.

Im talking about the Parallax Effect. Without going too deep the problem is not enough visual information is in included in the parkour mastery tile sets and some people have trouble processing depth with such limited info. To some of us, all of the 2D platforms in the level have no discernable "distance". Which is why were constantly over shooting or under shooting our marks.

But whats even worse, because  we cant discern what is a reachable landmark and what is just background objects, we cant even figure out which direction to go in! Its all trial and error!  Parallax Effect wont kick in until the split second before were close enough to an object to make any decisions. 

DE forgot about these early problems of 3D programming and went all retro most likely for the cool factor (and lets be honest,  it is a cool if monochromatic experience lol).

So, what to do about it. Well this is not a problem of hand/eye coordination so the "git gut!" crowd are of no use to us. The solution however is very close tho. Basically you "train the brain". How you ask? Easy! By immersion.

By spending as much time as you can in the environment ie the practice simulator, at the Tenno relay as possible.

Sadly this story does not have a happy ending. You see, DE treats the practise sims just like the "real" test and kicks you out to the load screen and the relatively lengthy migration back to the server thus breaking immersion over and over again. 

I have come to accept that I will not have access to Syndicate Weaponry, at least that is not a deal breaker for me. Luckily there is plenty of other weapons and things to do in the game that is not blocked by mastery.

However, I did read somewhere that future plans for mastery that include tying the number of mod slots on your warframes to mastery level. This WOULD be a deal breaker.

My only solution now is to find another gamer to take the parkour tests for me, unfortunately I live in a rural area and don't know anyone who plays.

Side note. Why do we have to leave the fun of the main game to take a test? The vast majority of games track experience in the background. Shouldn't this be an optional feature in conclave? I'm 50+ years old (DAMMIT!). Do I really need to prove myself when I have 30 plus years (DOUBLE DAMMIT!) of experience? 

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1 hour ago, (PS4)marshb863 said:


Like some who have posted complaints about the parkour tilesets of mastery , I too have hit a brick wall with level 11 and whats interesting is that its actually an old problem going back to the earlier days of 3D gaming.

Im talking about the Parallax Effect. Without going too deep the problem is not enough visual information is in included in the parkour mastery tile sets and some people have trouble processing depth with such limited info. To some of us, all of the 2D platforms in the level have no discernable "distance". Which is why were constantly over shooting or under shooting our marks.

But whats even worse, because  we cant discern what is a reachable landmark and what is just background objects, we cant even figure out which direction to go in! Its all trial and error!  Parallax Effect wont kick in until the split second before were close enough to an object to make any decisions. 

DE forgot about these early problems of 3D programming and went all retro most likely for the cool factor (and lets be honest,  it is a cool if monochromatic experience lol).

So, what to do about it. Well this is not a problem of hand/eye coordination so the "git gut!" crowd are of no use to us. The solution however is very close tho. Basically you "train the brain". How you ask? Easy! By immersion.

By spending as much time as you can in the environment ie the practice simulator, at the Tenno relay as possible.

Sadly this story does not have a happy ending. You see, DE treats the practise sims just like the "real" test and kicks you out to the load screen and the relatively lengthy migration back to the server thus breaking immersion over and over again. 

I have come to accept that I will not have access to Syndicate Weaponry, at least that is not a deal breaker for me. Luckily there is plenty of other weapons and things to do in the game that is not blocked by mastery.

However, I did read somewhere that future plans for mastery that include tying the number of mod slots on your warframes to mastery level. This WOULD be a deal breaker.

My only solution now is to find another gamer to take the parkour tests for me, unfortunately I live in a rural area and don't know anyone who plays.

Side note. Why do we have to leave the fun of the main game to take a test? The vast majority of games track experience in the background. Shouldn't this be an optional feature in conclave? I'm 50+ years old (DAMMIT!). Do I really need to prove myself when I have 30 plus years (DOUBLE DAMMIT!) of experience? 

Hey mate you can practice the test as many times as needed in the relay. Have a look at the video I posted, I went nice and slowly and didn't use much wild jumping just the old double jump somersaults for most of it. From your own explanation you should be able to watch that video, realise the path and practice it in the relay until it is second nature for you. Most people who can't do the test don't have enough experience playing normal missions and learning how to move effectively in their environment. It's easily possible to jump into space and recover your mistake back to a solid platform, it just requires knowledge of the game's movement mechanics and that is ultimately what the MR tests exist for.

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Mm I just retried it using a Boltor Prime. I don't see where that difficulty is. Just run and shoot there is no mystery, was made to be cleared without needing anything else other than a weapon and a regular/fast frame's sprint speed.


If you can't clear the usual way for some reason, just cheese with some frame that has mobility skills, like Volt, Zephyr, Nova or even Wukong can be a thing.

Edited by HikariAi
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Guys, thanks for responding but like I pointed out in my post the problem isnt twitch related its the retro environment that the industry spent the last 20 years improving on and DE ignored. But since you guys still have faith I'll soldier on for another week. Maybe I'll get lucky! 

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Update: Finally got it but it was a near thing. Basically instead of aiming for the platforms I aimed for the red dots and after making sure I wasn't going to fall off I shot the red dot and moved on. Once I got up to the 3D area of the map it was easy with the exception of the last three jumps.

Coincidentally,  DE has problems with the new archwing movement and camera controls and the motion sickness issue.  With the problem of poor level design and its effect on perception front and center maybe they'll take another look at the mastery levels and realize that some of its players have real issues with the 2D planes. In the first example, motion sickness, in the second, depth perception. 

Thank you Zilchy for the support and for looking out for your fellow players.

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I thought 11 was hard as hell also. But practiced it on the relay a good half dozen times and figured out where and how to jump till you get to the maze part. At the maze you hit lots of targets and near the end of it you have enough time on the timer to just stop shooting and run to the end. Hope this helps.


Edit:Nevermind I guess you did the impossible. Gratz!

Edited by Asa7
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