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What Does Warframe Make You Think of?


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Pretty much just the title, Warframe is advertised as space ninjas but that kind of stopped for me when the Ogris was released so I'm just curious what comes to mind when others think of it, for me it's Space Wizards because powerspam while sprinting through rooms.

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WF is rather like a traditional sword/magic RPG set in space.  you hunt resources, craft weapons and stuff, and spend most of your time poking around some dungeon, especially in the grineer sets (but most of the maps are long twisted hallways).  

I'm playing skyrim right now and the similarities are pretty scary. 

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A faction of mercenary's that offer work to the highest bidder and have no remorse or regret for the amount of slaughter we do.

And when the day ends we tap our buddies on the shoulder complement them on a nice work done and justify it by blaming the other factions are "evil".

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I get a Warhammer 40K vibe from it.  Futuristic, check.  Morraly grey factions, check.  Space hell, check.  Space hell giving certain characters super powers, check.  Geneticly engineeted space marines, check.  Sentient robots that sleep in tombs far below planet surfaces, check.

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