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Rathuum Event: What each Syndicate Says


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3 hours ago, Venom-Snake said:

Red Veil

"We see that you have gone to great lenghts to help those that wish to join Steel meridian. We want to see all Grineer purged, but we have recognize you have found another way. Just know, when this ordeal is over, you will be asked to prove your loyalty to Red Veil."

Why does it sound that the Red Veil want to kill all grineer deserters? Dont they allies to Steel Meridian? Or not? Or they just okay with whatever we do?

Edited by (PS4)ATreidezz
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3 hours ago, morningstar999 said:

10k standing? is that it? 

I'm gonna keep it. No one gets to know where they are unless they up the reward ;) 

they can just rot in a cell some place. its finnneee.....

You should give it to Perrin...

You're already thinking like one of them. :D

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7 hours ago, Venom-Snake said:

It was said that the Syndicate that I was most affilied with would be the one to contact me, since I main both Steel Meridian and Red Veil... and kinda forgot they currently have a higher standing than Steel Meridian (my chosen Syndicate), I got this message:

Red Veil

"We see that you have gone to great lenghts to help those that wish to join Steel meridian. We want to see all Grineer purged, but we have recognize you have found another way. Just know, when this ordeal is over, you will be asked to prove your loyalty to Red Veil."

What about you guys?

i have 4 syndicate maxed   .merdian.perrin.veil.loka.   and i got msg from Steel Meridian

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6 hours ago, BAR_GUNNER said:

Not sure if this means Loka is trying to help or kill the deserters, someone please elaborate.

when you turn the coordinates into Loka they mention they are going to cleanse/purge them or something. either way they are going to kill them cause they see all Grineer as unclean.

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I think Hexis has a convincing message, they told us that that they will give the Defectors a fair trial, something that is much better than whatever Kela has in store for them.

Well Grineers being Grineers, they might have committed some war crimes against others but I still believe not all of them are bad to the bone (Clem Clem!)

At least with Hexis, they may or may not receive death, maybe they will be put to work to restore damages :v 

That being said : I have no obligations to Steel Meridian anyway : They are cool, but I don't really care about their cause. 

I only received Hexis and Steel, I maxed Suda as well, but I didn't receive one from Suda. 

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1 hour ago, -Vin- said:

Could someone upload the remaining messages? I can't record the Red Veil message right now (just maxed out for goodies), but I will if nobody gets there before I manage to.

Well, you can also write it here like some of us did...

*notices "Tenno Operative" bellow the name*

Oh, btw, what is that behind you?

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I have 2 maxed syndicates and got a message from LOKA the one I maxed first. So I think the game goes back to your history to your first maxed Syndi.


Also defiantly going to give them to Loka because she is Bae. Along with that their message was basically Hexis's but replacing the word Justice with pure.

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49 minutes ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

I imagine the quotes from each syndicate would likely be on YouTube now, like the ones in this thread. typing in "Rathuum all syndicate quotes" would likely yield results.

Nope,.  I searched youtube and only the 3 in this thread have been uploaded.  

There are 2 videos for each of the five Syndicates  (Steel Meridian videos all players get them).  One before and one after you kill Kela.

Both videos of Arbiters have been shown in this thread.
And the first video of Cephalon Suda.

We rather see the videos instead of typed quotes.

I got Arbiters as well, otherwise I would've uploaded mine.


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Stell Meridian


First transmission

Listen up, Tenno. I don't care if you support Steel Meridian or not, I need your help. An entire company of Grineer defectors was just captured by Kela De Thaym.Now they face Rathuum, Trial by combat. Of course, the fight's rigged, a show of force to Grineer everywhere, meant to scare off future defectors. But there's a way we can turn this thing back on Kela, an obscure rule. All you need to do, Tenno, is take their place in the arena and defeat the Grineer Executioners. You game?

Second transmission

I knew Kela would never respect the rules of Rathuum. That's a crime that I'm gonna let you punish. I'm sending your Cephalon her coordinates. Take her out before she can execute my recruits. Some very brave Grineer are counting on you, Tenno.

Third transmission

I see you found the coordinates of our defector's ship? Bring them to me in the relay, I'd like to thank you in person.

Relay question

          There you are. Do you have the coordinates to the defector's ship?

Relay confirmation

Good, my marines are on their way as we speak. The defectors are safe and that's thanks to you, Tenno. You've done more for our cause than words can say. Steel Meridian thanks you.



Arbiters of Hexis


First transmission

We know you must right the imbalance caused by Kela De Thaym and her disgusting trial. This is clear. We also know your alignment has not drifted toward another Syndicate. A fact you will prove to us when the time is right.

Second transmission

Let true justice be served, turn over the Grineer defectors to the Arbiters. With us, they will receive a fair trial and, if necessary, punishment. War crimes will not simply be forgotten. Do this and we will reward your integrity.

Relay question

Well Tenno, have you decided to give the Arbiters the location of the accused?

Relay confirmation

We will pick up the prisoners immediately. Their trial will be swift and just, as all trials should be. Tenno, we salute you for what you have done.



Cephalon Suda


First transmission

Most interesting. What would cause a Grineer clone to turn against his prescribed nature? To abandon his Queens? I am certain your activities with Steel Meridian are born out of a desire to study this phenomenon and are not a sign of your own shifting allegiances. Correct?

Second transmission

These defectors present a fascinating case for study, don't you think? Prove to me your commitment to knowledge. Come to my visage in the relay and hand over their ship's coordinates. Systematic dematerialization of the crew should reveal many secrets, wouldn't you agree?

Relay question

Have you decided to hand the Grineer specimens over to me for study?

Relay confirmation

Splendid. I never doubted your curiosity, Tenno. Together we will learn much from the data this dematerialization provides



The Perrin Sequence


First transmission

Tenno, we are in bitter competition with Steel Meridian. Defectors to their cause are not our allies. By all means, battle De Thaym and her Grineer horde, but do not forget who your partners are. You will be given the opportunity to make this right.

Second transmission

Loyal partner, if you wish to continue our relationship on favorable terms, you will turn over the defector's ship to us. The criminals must answer for their sabotage of Perrin property. Meet us in the relay to fulfill our request. Do this and you will be eligible for a bonus.

Relay question

Do you wish to fulfill your end of the contract?

Relay confirmation

Well played Tenno. You managed a propaganda coup against the Grineer, nullified Kela De Thaym and secured the saboteurs for our punishment. We think you deserve a bonus that matches your cunning. May our partnership continue to be a long and profitable one.



Red Veil


First transmission

We see that you have gone to great lengths to help those who wish to join Steel Meridian. We want to see all Grineer purged, but we recognize that you have found another way. Just know, when this ordeal is over, you will be asked prove your loyalty to Red Veil.

Second transmission

We question the honor and integrity of these Grineer defectors and demand you turn them over to Red Veil for interrogation. If we find their honor is true, we will release them freely to Steel Meridian, if not, they will be purged accordingly.See us in the relay to complete the prisoner transfer. Tenno, you have been an incorruptible ally to us. We trust this will not change.

Relay question

Have you brought us the coordinates of the Grineer defectors ship?

Relay confirmation

Good, with this interrogation will begin immediately. Tenno, we never doubted your commitment to Red Veil. Thank you for showing us your honor yet again. We are in your debt.



New Loka


First transmission

Trial by Rathuum is a disgusting farce. How can any being be judged by one as impure as Kela De Thaym? In time, you will help us give these defectors the fate they deserve.

Second transmission

Your presence is requested in our sanctum on the relay. New Loka desires to show these Grineer defectors a new purity. Deliver them to us, so that our acolytes may perform cleansing and judgement. If they survive that test, they may join us. Fulfill our desire and we will know that our bond of friendship has not been broken.

Relay question

Have you brought us the coordinates of the ones to be cleansed?

Relay confirmation

Good, our acolytes will intercept the ship and prepare it's crew for the cleansing ceremony. Those who survive will find a purity they never thought possible. You have chosen the correct path today and you will be rewarded for it.


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It looks like the red veil is much more tolerant than the other syndicate...they speak about returning them to steel meridian if their "honor" is true (maybe what they mean is innocent)

While The other syndicates decided to kill them, punish them, put them in a trial (which i think will all result in death)...

I think this prove a little bit about the steel & veil alliance, tho it seems too grey to me...

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7 minutes ago, (PS4)ATreidezz said:

It looks like the red veil is much more tolerant than the other syndicate...they speak about returning them to steel meridian if their "honor" is true (maybe what they mean is innocent)

While The other syndicates decided to kill them, punish them, put them in a trial (which i think will all result in death)...

I think this prove a little bit about the steel & veil alliance, tho it seems too grey to me...

Arbiters and Veil have pretty much the same message. The only difference being whether you want to subject them to a trail or interrogation.

Given their M.O. any defector who doesn't match up to Veil's expectations is dead. Hexis are a little more vague so I'd guess either the same or maybe jail time.

Either way, when event comes to me I'm going straight to Meridian.



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1 hour ago, (PS4)Lowk721 said:

Arbiters and Veil have pretty much the same message. The only difference being whether you want to subject them to a trail or interrogation.

Given their M.O. any defector who doesn't match up to Veil's expectations is dead. Hexis are a little more vague so I'd guess either the same or maybe jail time.

Either way, when event comes to me I'm going straight to Meridian.



No...no..no.... Hexis never said they will return them to steel meridian at all. They just wanna give fair trial, and if necessary, punishment...

But from they way they talk, i think they already assume that the defectors are guilty

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1 hour ago, (PS4)ATreidezz said:

No...no..no.... Hexis never said they will return them to steel meridian at all. They just wanna give fair trial, and if necessary, punishment...

But from they way they talk, i think they already assume that the defectors are guilty

"If necessary" indicates they aren't assuming they are guilty. If they are going by a trial system then they are either guilty or not guilty. Its basically the same as an interrogation. Just with more people involved and usually less violent.

Typically if its the former there are generally a list of punishments that depend on the crime in question. They don't have to mention letting them go because If not guilty then they'd be free to go. That how fair trials work.

Besides that Arbiters don't come off as the only punishment is death type.

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