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Grinding Gone Too Far


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I would like to get the Mods, but I wont make a fuss in getting them, I've lived without them before. Causal players play for the sake of playing. Those mods are not mandatory, you feel they are. Having them or not doesnt change a thing: you will keep playing anyways, and those who play casually wont care either.

The only complain I have is that I lose 50 points after fighting Kela and have to build it again and the damage I get in my @$$ during the fight makes me use Cake Pads and the Rollers... omg the rollers!

Edited by Venom-Snake
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At least for me the arena part was fun(except when there's an Ash in the room), I had no problem killing lvl 60 executioners with Nikana prime. But Kela fight is just terrible, it can be the worst boss fight in the history of videogames, I felt like playing one of those terrible PSX games.


I'll never do that again.

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31 minutes ago, Rosalyn said:

Its really not that difficult, and having proper team management you can successfully complete all of the event with an Ash and a Slow Nova. The endless mode as well as the Kela boss fight is a piece of cake with two Valkyrs. EV is not necessary and the fact you are implying it is required is completely false. I would recommend taking two people to complete the event as each node has an average of 3-4 Energy and health pods and so it is easy to share between the two members compared to four. 



Can people seriously stop bringing up the whole "Oh, well, it's easy with THIS team compilation" argument?

Trinity is ridiculous, she is essentially the best Healer and Energy Restorer in the game, we do not need everyone telling us that fact over and over again. We get it, Trinity is great in this event, just like she is everywhere freking else. That doesn't change the fact that you effectively NEED specific Warframes to even be capable of beating the Event. That, all in all, is not good. 

Valkyr's Hysteria is OP as Hek, this has been known for ages. Of course she would make an Event like this easy when she can one-shot nearly any enemy with her Spin Attack and never ending invulnerability.

Ash falls into Valkyr's level as well. He can stay invisible, never being focused for very long, and his Ultimate allows him to easily kill most enemies with Finisher damage, while also giving him a decently long Invulnerability timer.

Nova's CC is downright ludicrous. Of course she would be great in a mode like this, when she can slow them down to the speed of a snail and destroy their health in seconds thanks to her damage potential from her abilities.

Look, I'm not trying to start an argument here, but this is an honestly dumb argument. If I can run with every other Frame on every other Mission and do pretty damn well (well, maybe not Limbo) with a smart and intelligent team behind me, why should it be any different for this event?


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I do agree.. again excessive grind... Even if you could get the points from endless mode, it would be a strech anyway... (and besides that, the amount of ppl leaving right after dying in endless is ridiculous... but about that you can do nothing anyway. Another thing is that sometimes when the last player dies the match wont end , untill the host leaves...)
The rewards are mostly for specific weapons... and they seem like some weak bandaids.. to weak weapons..
The missions i liked them... but they are nothing special.. and repeating it over and over will be simply boring, it was in past events and it will continue to be... this events should change path...
To finish,because i don't want to get too negative here.
I won't grind it.

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good idea but poor use of mechanics to make the fights harder, unreasonably so, my inaros has 4.7k health and maxed armour, the small sentinels which are difficult to see on some maps kill me in less than a second, that is just poor design considering that no other frame has that much health/shield combined, i dont have a problem with them being damage sponges, they are the arena executioners and are supposed to be tougher than the regular soldiers but the invincibility and frankly idiotic levels of near instant damage takes any fun or achievement out of the fight, its a crap shoot for a lot of players

The same can be said for kela, good idea for the fight and the arena, but there are too many rollers constantly staggering and stun locking you, as inaros its not much of a problem as i have a large health pool but other frames just dont stand up to it and the missile strikes are the same, as long as you keep moving you can miss most of the damage and just get clipped by a small bit, not a problem if you have a high health pool and rejuv aura.


overall design was good, but the damage and certain mechanics are a little off making it a chore to grind rather than something i want to do to get more rewards


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1 hour ago, Senpai-Pie said:

My only problems with the event is the Executioners one shotting you when you're an Inaros with 5k HP and that the reworked boss fight is really BS on top of BS. Stun locks by rollers everywhere, air strikes every 10 seconds (literally) and this random "puzzle" with the spinning buttons.

I was excited at first, now I'm just frustrated after only one fight. Guess I gotta git gud.

Dont forget the part where you have to get all for buttons in that same 10 seconds, otherwise the puzzle will actually glitch on you, leaving you unable to continue on. 

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16 minutes ago, (XB1)Graysmog said:

Can people seriously stop bringing up the whole "Oh, well, it's easy with THIS team compilation" argument?

Trinity is ridiculous, she is essentially the best Healer and Energy Restorer in the game, we do not need everyone telling us that fact over and over again. We get it, Trinity is great in this event, just like she is everywhere freking else. That doesn't change the fact that you effectively NEED specific Warframes to even be capable of beating the Event. That, all in all, is not good. 

Valkyr's Hysteria is OP as Hek, this has been known for ages. Of course she would make an Event like this easy when she can one-shot nearly any enemy with her Spin Attack and never ending invulnerability.

Ash falls into Valkyr's level as well. He can stay invisible, never being focused for very long, and his Ultimate allows him to easily kill most enemies with Finisher damage, while also giving him a decently long Invulnerability timer.

Nova's CC is downright ludicrous. Of course she would be great in a mode like this, when she can slow them down to the speed of a snail and destroy their health in seconds thanks to her damage potential from her abilities.

Look, I'm not trying to start an argument here, but this is an honestly dumb argument. If I can run with every other Frame on every other Mission and do pretty damn well (well, maybe not Limbo) with a smart and intelligent team behind me, why should it be any different for this event?


Well i run this missions with Limbo, so i guess now this event is easy for any frame.

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2 hours ago, LoudNoize said:

You patch and fix guns for Conclave, but ignore them in THE ENTIRE FOCUS OF YOUR GAME: PvE CONTENT!

This one has been bothering me for some time now.

Edited by Naith
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The only thing that really gets me with this event is that some frames are nearly impossible to play with given how strong the executioners are.  Unless you're cheesing the event you're gonna have a bad time, and I absolutely hate that.  The grinding is just the icing on the cake.

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I have a hunch why the Deth Carabus does so much damage.

Remember how some flying units like the Mine Osprey weren't just one, but TWO Ospreys perfectly overlaying each other with synchronized movement, playing 2 mines at the same time? The same happened with the Ground-AOE Ospreys apparently.


What if there's two or more Carabuses stacked on top of each other, which leads to the crazy damage?

The loudness of the sound definitely could be a sign, since it's multiple instances of the same sound being played at the same time?

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2 minutes ago, Sherbniz said:

I have a hunch why the Deth Carabus does so much damage.

Remember how some flying units like the Mine Osprey weren't just one, but TWO Ospreys perfectly overlaying each other with synchronized movement, playing 2 mines at the same time? The same happened with the Ground-AOE Ospreys apparently.


What if there's two or more Carabuses stacked on top of each other, which leads to the crazy damage?

The loudness of the sound definitely could be a sign, since it's multiple instances of the same sound being played at the same time?

Possible because sometimes I see 4 Carabus flying in a line, next to each other.

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4 minutes ago, Lobotomy said:

1) The word you're looking for is "sane".

2) You don't have to do it 100 times. If you would actually do the event you would find out that the points you get accelerate in rate for each mission tier. Tier 1 is 1 point per run, Tier 2 is 3 points, Tier 3 is 10 points, etc.

Yes thats wonderful...but you gotta do 5 runs again to do the boss....YIPPEEEEE you want to play with RNGesus....GRIND MORE!

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How on earth did you get EV needed, and bullet sponge? I have seen people end these guys with bows, and shot guns in seconds. I have also ended the executioners using Excalibur's 4th while channeling. A few good swings and they are down. Valkyrs seem to dominate this event with flying colors though using that vicious 4th of theirs.

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Redeemer oneshots them sometimes, I can get 10k damage per pellet on some crits. normal hits were 700dmg per pellet. Thats for a redeemer with no stance and no formas, but blue potato'd. 

Just be aware that it bugs out at times if you try and do a ground finisher, and teleports you several meters back, and teleports them even further away, sometimes inside walls. The finisher misses when this happens

It was rather funny to see one of the executioners come running back through the wall though, I'll give him that. 

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3 hours ago, LazyKnight said:

I am not in the mood for another hardcore pointless grind for limited time mods and I am caring less and less about this game due to wasting my time with fruitless RNG.

pretty much this i have one foot outside warframe, DE if you keep pushing me with this stupid grind ill step out of wf. the amount of fgrind needed in this event is absurd. 

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Yeah, I'm really not bothering after getting a taste of Kela. I went as far as 100 points for the event weapon, and because I wanted to see what the "revamped" Kela fight was like, and then two more missions to fill my executioner codex... but I am definitely not going to do the layers upon layers of grind and rng, don't care if there are mods or weapons on the other side. The dev-player relationship in this game has felt like an abusive relationship for a long time already. Hell, I'm not even doing the grind for the Sibear at this point...

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Soloed the whole event, was EZ but tedious. Got mod, not surprised to find DE included more grind, by not allowing you to re-enter boss fight to farm mods you want. Don't even care anymore, Overwatch Open Beta next week. 

Edited by GSDAkatsuki
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The arena bit was ok, those instant kill buzzing drones were pretty bullS#&$, but eventually I just said F*** it and always ran from them.  

I tried Inaros at first but his 2 doesn't work on arena enemies (straight up "invalid target") and his 1 didn't enable finishers/blind enemies.  I ended up settling on Rhino, I just ran my standard low efficiency high strength/range group roar build, nothing unusual or out of the ordinary.  The energy restrictions were a pain but not impossible to work around I camped the energy spawns and used a synoid simulor for the proc, a few times I had a trinity and let them get the energy instead so they could spread the love.   With a decent Iron Skin up most of the damage didn't really matter, and the simulor was able to deal with the enemies easily enough while still having the energy proc.  

I'm pretty sure I can run the Arena mode with most any frame once I figured out those buzz bots are broken as F***, seriously just as soon as you hear the buzz just start spamming roll and pray you live.  That said I can easily see how this mode could be rather daunting to any new-ish player, multiple enemies are capable of bursting you from around 600-800 total health to dead, no matter how much armor or anything else you have.  

Kela de BullS#&$ on the other hand is just annoying beyond all reason.  Shooting puzzle with standing on pads while getting swarmed with rollers?  alright, you enjoy receptive anal intercourse and I can respect that.  Shooting puzzle while standing on pads while getting swarmed by rollers while also getting pwn missiles carpeting the entire map.  Then after all that Kela herself who is a pretty serious health sponge multi-forma primaries from top tier stuff like the Synoid Simulor to sorta odd ball picks like a Supra all of with maxed mods and multiple forma and she just stands there and takes it like she couldn't give less of a F*** if she tried.  Then the fact you have to go grind 5 more Arena3's just to run her again!?  You'd be hard pressed to make a more annoying boss without just making it full on 1shots for days and making all the numbers bigger.  

I know... How about for the next boss you just spam us with Manic Rollers while we have to do parkor puzzles!

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