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Think we need an even harder Rathuum

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How about a lvl 90 Rathuum with nightmare modifiers

As it is right now a team of 4 will get through the T3 Rathuum with ease, even more so if they have a Nova,Trin and Ash

Also, I still one-shot the lvl 60s with ym Tigris and/or Dread, without them even being weakened somehow, tbh the most deaths I had was because of those dumb Carabi...

Sooo how about giving us a nightmare Rathuum awarding TWO nightmare mods per completion ? With Nightmare Modifiers like time limit,no shields and energy drain !

Think this would make Rathuum way more challenging for coordinated squads, and add some better replayability once you´ve gotten everything from the event


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That's on the cards. I'm planning on adding a forth Arena node, with somewhere between level 80-90 Executioners, and including a couple of new modifiers, one of which will reinstate the health/armour/shields before the nerf and "hoping" (can't make any promises yet) the other will add an extra two executioners, so 4-man squads end up fighting 7 executioners at once. This mode will offer the exact same rewards as the level 60 mission, and will be specifically for veteran players who want a more challenging experience. 

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2 hours ago, Draice said:

...This mode will offer the exact same rewards as the level 60 mission, and will be specifically for veteran players who want a more challenging experience. 

All stick, no carrot. I know the extra challenge might appeal to some, but If I am fighting a harder fight I would expect better rewards. I did one round of the Endurance up to 51, and when I extracted I got nothing (besides the Orokin reactor), so I never went back.  

I am not asking for loot pinatas, but as a player I look for purpose. 


  • Slight increase in drop rate of Stance mods, 1% vs .25%
  • Bonus Judgement Points for each kill (more fun, less grind) 
  • T3/T4 Capture Keys, because as executioners they might know where some targets are. 


Edited by Pyus
usually Obama, today still Obama
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1 minute ago, crimsonspartan1 said:

Then they'll all use valkyrs or have a bess trin on the team..

you can't win :|

Have a Mimic executioner who blocks and randomly uses a "grineer" variant of the power casted. Ash blade storms, get's to this guy and he stops the attack and power fists your entire team. Then you have to hunt him down. He'd be a bubble-less nullifier. 

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1 minute ago, Pyus said:

Have a Mimic executioner who blocks and randomly uses a "grineer" variant of the power casted. Ash blade storms, get's to this guy and he stops the attack and power fists your entire team. Then you have to hunt him down. He'd be a bubble-less nullifier. 

Then he'll be bombarded by tonkor shots :|

3 minutes ago, hazerddex said:

then throw stalker in

Stalker will also die with ease.

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I'd like to see this as more of a Borderlands "Miss Moxxies underdome" kind of thing. Granted defense missions are fairly close, but I'd like to be put against waves of enemies with no respawns except at wave end with varying degrees of enemy level and add the moddifieds at random too.

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2 hours ago, Draice said:

That's on the cards. I'm planning on adding a forth Arena node, with somewhere between level 80-90 Executioners, and including a couple of new modifiers, one of which will reinstate the health/armour/shields before the nerf and "hoping" (can't make any promises yet) the other will add an extra two executioners, so 4-man squads end up fighting 7 executioners at once. This mode will offer the exact same rewards as the level 60 mission, and will be specifically for veteran players who want a more challenging experience. 

Can we have Legendary cores as end mission reward/ rare enemy drop, please?

Don't get me wrong but doing something unrewarding kinda turn it off for alot of people, its true that the mission itself is what most of us want but having something extra might give most of us the incentive we need to do it and do it over again :D

Risk Vs. Reward, high risk mission needs high reward, and no i don't care about stances, i need cores!!

Keep up the good work bro!

Love ya all, yes homo :heart:

Edited by Prinny13
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1 hour ago, Draice said:

That's on the cards. I'm planning on adding a forth Arena node, with somewhere between level 80-90 Executioners, and including a couple of new modifiers, one of which will reinstate the health/armour/shields before the nerf and "hoping" (can't make any promises yet) the other will add an extra two executioners, so 4-man squads end up fighting 7 executioners at once. This mode will offer the exact same rewards as the level 60 mission, and will be specifically for veteran players who want a more challenging experience. 

Just make it that we can't use abilities :3

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2 minutes ago, Prinny13 said:

Can we have Legendary cores as end mission reward?


Just for a quick mission it would be too much, we can already get some rare stance and cores, thats enough

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1 minute ago, sekushiiandee said:

^ that means 95% of the players wont be able to handle rathuum.....cause they all need their hysteria to survive

Well isn't it suppose to be the hard version ? (i was talking about the lvl4 mission only :p ) because they can put lvl 1000 mobs, evryone will still use invisible or immortal frames so in the end it won't change anything :l

Edited by clemza
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5 minutes ago, clemza said:

Well isn't it suppose to be the hard version ? (i was talking about the lvl4 mission only :p ) because they can put lvl 1000 mobs, evryone will still use invisible or immortal frames so in the end it won't change anything :l

^only been seeing immortal frames....have yet to see a viable invis frame survive in there

i like how players say they want a challenge, but they choose not to switch to different frames and stick to convenient abilities.....so killing the abilities wouldnt be such a bad idea....that being said, it is highly unlikely that ppl will climb higher than 25 unless they were really good with the parkour (with no abilities)

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42 minutes ago, Pyus said:


I am not asking for loot pinatas, but as a player I look for purpose. 


Pretty much this... And, actually, Loot Pinatas sound quite good for difficult content.

Any one round of conclave is more rewarding on paper to any one round of any other kind of content.

I don't pvp here... But one would think the risk:reward ration would be a bit more favorable comparatively between the two modes. 

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15 minutes ago, clemza said:

Just for a quick mission it would be too much, we can already get some rare stance and cores, thats enough

RNGuss hates me and he have yet to give me any super rare stances beside High Noon/ Vulpaine Mask/ Snapdragon :'(

Also alot of people will have a "reason" to do it including me! 

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So, more stupid scaling and more gameplay options removed. And you call that "challenge"? This is sad, and only sad. Taking away gameplay instead of creating real, fair challenge isn't the solution. It just makes things worse, as the past 2 years have shown.

This game has no challenge. Because this game has no real balance. Enemy scaling is stupid on both ends, with enemies either too weak or outright overpowered stats wise, CC abilities are OP for anything that isn't downright immune to them, which simply breaks a great many frames since they can't do squat without their CC abilities and instead of balance we just get either immune enemies or the devs remove gameplay options by taking away what counters their beloved broken scaling, and let's not even talk about damage based abilities. I'm sorry DE, I truly am, I want to love this game not "just" for its aesthetics, music, awesome quests we got lately, or it's nervous and intuitive gameplay (when you don't take it away from us of course...), I want to love it for the true, fair challenge it brings. And it simply doesn't "bring it". It never has. And I'm starting to think it never will. Which saddens me greatly.

Of course this is just my opinion, it is a biased as any other post on these forums, and I understand others disagree. As I have stated numerous times lately, I WISH I could find Warframe challenging, like apparently some do. I'm just not wired the same way it seems. Another thing that saddens me. I also know that criticizing without bringing solutions isn't productive. Problem is, MANY players have made threads presenting reasonable, viable solutions that would bring fair challenge without taking away gameplay, that would make experience and skill count, unlike what we currently have. Unfortunately, it seems they've been largely ignored. So yeah, call me bitter if you want to, I most definitely am. But don't ask for "more challenge" when there is none in the first place. Please. Ask for challenge, period. Fair, FUN, engaging challenge. Sorry for the pointless rant, just had to get it off my chest.^^'

Edited by Marthrym
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Edit: And very much ^.


On 5/3/2016 at 6:27 PM, S0V3REiGN said:

The thing is you can easily cheese that mission. I was fighting level 400 executioners last night on endless.


I'm all for optional harder content (*1), but if you're going to give it "tangible" rewards it can't be trivially completable.

(Which is the cause of the whole Corrupted mods -> T4 -> Primed Mods -> Ohshi~ -> Nullifers, etc. spiral.)



More modifiers, worse odds, etc. sounds excellent. Number scaling just doesn't do it.

OKHO damage*16 is still a OKHO.

Edited by Chroia
Just read the post above mine.
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6 hours ago, Draice said:

That's on the cards. I'm planning on adding a forth Arena node, with somewhere between level 80-90 Executioners, and including a couple of new modifiers, one of which will reinstate the health/armour/shields before the nerf and "hoping" (can't make any promises yet) the other will add an extra two executioners, so 4-man squads end up fighting 7 executioners at once. This mode will offer the exact same rewards as the level 60 mission, and will be specifically for veteran players who want a more challenging experience. 

Sounds sweet, I'll wait patiently, but please, keep in mind that Oneshots are toxic, they aren't funny at all and should only come after a telegraphed and clear action to check player's reflexes.
Be aware not to make the same PVP Conclave's error.
Congrats for this nice concept and good luck into developing it.

Also don't forget considering always Counterplay and the Diminishing Return on Crowd Controls (the staff announced recently) please.

Edited by Burnthesteak87
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