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The Original Warframes Theory (Lore)


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Warning: Lots and lots of spoilers.  


I have seen this idea pop up a few times, I am taking no credit for its origins, I am just hoping for some more discussion on the topic (like the Warframes are energy lore thread awhile back).  


The Basic Idea (TL;DR): The Warframes we use today are designs based on an "original Warframe" that physically wore the Warframe armor.  


More details: There was once some character that was corrupted by the Void (in a different way from the Tenno) and got insane powers. These powers fit themselves to the personalities of these characters. Armor was eventually made around these characters and tada, we have the “original Warframes”. The Warframes we use today are replicas of the armor made for these original Tenno. 


I think that most that believe in the “original Warframe” theory can agree with that; it is some of the more specifics where the disagreements will arise.  


This theory gives validation to the Valkyr, Mirage, Limbo, Chroma and sort of Inaros quests. The stories we hear about these characters are not Tenno controlling Warframes, it is the original Warframes themselves. The one of a kind gods of war that can never be equally replaced.  

Also, the Void is where the Orokin's science failed, it is kind of hard to imagine the Orokin making these Warframes from scratch.  


My (detailed) theory on how this all comes together. 


Once upon a time... sh!t happened in the Void. The is long before the Zariman got lost in the Void, maybe even generations before then. Certain people, maybe it was an event that happened all at once (Fantastic 4 style) or maybe they happened sporadically, but the end result was that these guys got hella super powers, controlling the fabric of the universe style (Limbo OP). If this happened pre-Orokin I would assume that these guys were Avengers esque, but if this happened during the Orokin empire, at least from what we have learned so far about them, these people would have been very quickly snatched up by the government. Maybe the Orokin made them armor (we are not to Prime frames yet), maybe they made it themselves, but the important thing is they got it. 

Now let's fast forward to more of the later Orkin empire, but still pre Sentient invasion. The Orokin are screwing around with the Void, maybe it is because they are working on Solar Rails (which we are pretty sure use the Void in some way, shape, or form because they were used as the failsafe against the Sentients reproducing) or maybe they are doing very disturbing experiments, but something happens to the Zariman 10-0. Bla, bla, bla, we got the Ember Prime Codex. These crazy Void bombs that are nick-named Tenno are the only survivors. People probably try to tame/diffuse these child bombs but they are far too uncontrollable.  

Now let's fast forward to completely unrelated events. The Orokin finally got the karma they had been asking for when the Sentients invaded the system. Now, if you were a super advanced technological society what would you do? Create an army of course. The regular soldiers were failing because of the OP damage reduction of Sentients so the Orokin needed something more... primordial to take them on. In comes the Infestation. As we know from the Lephantis boss fight, the Orokin tried to use the infestation against the Sentients and it failed.  

Now for Rhino Prime's Codex. The Orokin failed with their Infestation... oops. So they start trying to figure out a way to beef up their Technocyte. Someone gets the grand idea to attempt to super power the Technocyte by using the power of the Warframes (still the original ones). So, the Orokin get to working on transfering the Warfrme's Void channeling powers into a suit of armor that can be stuffed with the Infestation. This... does not go so well. They are unable to control the Infestation as they try to combine it with the Warframe suits. This is where the Rhino Prime Codex plays in. In an assumingly horrible accident in the lab a stray Infested mass gets loose. Yada, yada, yada, they notice that the Technocyte seemed to tame when it got close to the other extremely dangerous experiment at the lab, the Tenno.  

And now we get to the good stuff. The Orokin crack the code, they use Transference to channel the Tenno's insane void energy into these Infested masses. In a way, this is a complete happy accident for the Orokin. They solved the problem with the crazy Tenno and at the same time found the key to kicking the Sentient arses. This is when the really bad stuff probably starts going down though.  

The Orokin start mass producing these Prime Warframes suits as their new champions, and they are at the same time mass producing Tenno. I have trouble believing that the only Tenno are the ones who were on the Zariman 10-0, chcances are that the Orokin started having... accidents... where more children were corrupted by the Void. Okay, that may be a bit extreme, just for the sake of an alternative happier event maybe the accident that happened on the Zariman 10-0 was not the first. Every time someone took a solar rail there was that .1% chance that things would go terribly wrong (but of course the Orokin would do a cover up every time and not tell the populous what was actually happening). After even a few decades probably there would be quite a few more Tenno that came about.  

Just a quick note about Excalibro's codex. I do not think that this codex is referring to the original Warframe Excalibur, but rather that Excalibur was the first Warframe created for Transference.  

This is probably when the Mag Prime codex would play in with these Tenno fighting in the war with the Sentients. However, also during this time the Tenno are creating a culture of their own. Because the Orokin want to keep control over the Tenno they make sure that Loyalty and Honor are two main components of how they are taught (because they know they can't physically control them, so they have to do it mentally). This probably is part of the karma part 2 that the Orokin get because as soon as the Tenno found out that the Orokin were not the honorable ones... yeah.  

But... we all know what eventually happens. The Lotus infiltrates the command of the Tenno and plants the seeds of doubt in them that eventually leads to Stalker's codex (all the Orokin leadership is killed). Then from the events of the Second Dream we know that Lotus goes all mommy on us and can't follow through with phase two and does not turn on us Tenno, but rather turns on the Sentients (imagine how sad Hunhow must have been).  

So the Tenno live on, the Lotus, now in control of the Tenno (and us still unknowing of who she really is) chooses to make her mission to ensure that balance lies in the system. She uses the Tenno to clean everything up, leaving a mangled mess that left a new ground where a new utopia could form. Once she no longer had a purpose for the Tenno she probably gave a big speech about how our duty has been done and that we should all go into stasis until we are needed again. 

Time goes by, the Corpus and Grineer ries as the new powers and threaten to dismember balance of the system if one would grow to have ultimate power. So the Lotus wakes us up, a la Vor's Prize.  


So this is the main sequence of events as I personally see it. However we still need to go back to those Original Warframes. It is certain that the original Mirage, Limbo and Chroma are dead, but we know of at least one original Warframe lived on to the relatively present times, Valkyr. Alad V should not be able to have the effect he did on a Valkyr Warframe, it would have probably had to have been the original that he tortured. It is the tortured Valkyr we make copies of today (unless you paid handsomely for that original one (Gersemi skin)). This said however, the original Valkyr may have escaped... or maybe Alad killed her, who knows. And before you quote Alad V about there being just goo inside Warframes, do you really think he would talk openly about torturing/killing one of the most prized things to the Tenno? Those are probably just the... other Warframes that he dissected.  

However, this is only a few frames. Inaros is kind of insinuated to be no more, but he could be out there.  And this still leaves all of the other Original Warframes that could be out there though (I would bet that if there was one it would be the real bro Excalibro). So who knows, maybe one day we could meet some of these og Warframes.  

Now this is a major shot in the dark but... Umbras. Maybe, just maybe the Umbra frames are the exact replicas of the Original Warframes (so if we met Umbra Excalibur it would be daddy Excalibur).  


Is this exact theory probably right? Hello no. This is just my current cannon that has not necessarily been disproven yet. Maybe I am on the right track or maybe I am just horribly wrong.  


So... what do you all think? Does it make sense that there were original Warframes or am I crazy (don't dismiss the basic idea based on my rant).  

Edited by DrBorris
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Pretty sure Inaros was being controlled. But then when the time came that they needed to go to sleep on the moon, Inaros had stopped working after the Great Plague, which is why Inaros didn't come when the Grineer first started invading.

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um well i did not read the spoiler part the detailed version but i kinda agree i have my own little story on warframe and this part fits in most of it i do believe that the frames them selves have lifes and a personality but the ones we use are just a "copy" the same way that weapons or clothes work there is the original desing and after that comes mass production and the primes are just a more orokin fancy with more tech and POWA

and for the second dream lore i do believe that the frame had life on its own to break the sword because for my version is the TENNO just have raw void powers and energy but work only as a battery and a operator as it controls the frame as if it was a toy but the toy is alive now i dont know if the frame boing alive means we will se the original limbo personality or its just the infested tissue in the frame controling it self and if it is the infested and not the frame then the teaser on the liset could lean towards that and the kavats would help control the liset infestation but the tenno would have a war within them selves and the frames as it needs to fight the infested to have control over the warframe again and i would love a part were we just have our operator walking and using its power to fight OUR frames with our own weapons the same way we fight infested chroma and mesa in their quests so that would be cool

sorry for bad english but this is what i think and my own little version of the lore and sorry for wall of text

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I would much rather believe that each warframe has infested matter in itself and this makes the personality we can see sometimes. If we go with this theory we could explain why the warframe could remove the sword in second dream, even though our operator was on the brink of consciousness.

I also believe that the stalker is just a rogue warframe, that does not have an operator and became sentient on its own. Maybe the mask he wears is not a symbol but enables him to think for himself at the same time. Maybe the other acolytes work like that also. But that last part with the mask is kind of a stretch.

We might learn more in the next quest, since we have infested matter on the ship (which is a teaser for U19) and the next big quest is called "war within".


Inb4 Ordis gets infested and it is totally boring and does not explain who or what the warframes are at all.


Edited by Megakruemel
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8 minutes ago, Megakruemel said:

I would much rather believe that each warframe has infested matter in itself and this makes the personality we can see sometimes. If we go with this theory we could explain why the warframe could remove the sword in second dream, even though our operator was on the brink of consciousness.

I also believe that the stalker is just a rogue warframe, that does not have an operator and became sentient on its own. Maybe the mask he wears is not a symbol but enables him to think for himself at the same time. Maybe the other acolytes work like that also. But that last part with the mask is kind of a stretch.

We might learn more in the next quest, since we have infested matter on the ship (which is a teaser for U19) and the next big quest is called "war within".

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Inb4 Ordis gets infested and it is totally boring and does not explain who or what the warframes are at all.


This theory does not contrast with that, in my more detailed personal theory I got into how the current Warframes are filled with Infested... stuff. I think I forgot to mention it but I do agree that the infested mush takes on the more primal personalities of the original Warframe that it takes its design from. And when a Tenno uses transference with the Warframe they can't help but be compelled to carry some influence from the infested matter within the Warframe. All the original warframe theory entails is that the design for the Warframes came from some Void altered being that probably made the Tenno look like fodder.

I am not sure about Stalker, maybe he is just a rogue Warframe or maybe not, this one is still pretty high up in the air.

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I'm on this theory, but instead of "void energy special eaters" that don't make much sense for me. I'm on "special snowflake soldiers that can handle infestation"


Like Hayden could be the first Excalibur, and later orokins/whatever could try to remake/clone those guys for their Zariman project, the 10-0 could be a tribute to Hayden in some ways. (iirc Hayden's name is also on some tenno stuff)

Edited by Xgomme
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Well, it's an interesting one, but I don't think it's got much in the way of real support.


Hypothesis: The first generation of Warframes were physically built around Tenno and worn like suits.



It would explain what happened to Mirage and Limbo.



The Ember Prime Codex, Rhino Prime Codex, and Second Dream transmissions give us a reasonably coherent timeline. Transference came before Warframes.


When Ballas is describing the Tenno, he explicitly says that they are not like soldiers, that they are golems, possessed by devil minds. In other words, right from the early days of the project, the Warframes were remotely operated. There has never been any reference to a 'first' generation of Tenno who were inside the 'frames.

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Forum tip on spoiler text, you can actually assign Black to the font.



The reason for the white background and grey letters is the 'Automatic' Color not being dark enough, this text is not using Automatic.


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18 minutes ago, BornWithTeeth said:

Well, it's an interesting one, but I don't think it's got much in the way of real support.


Hypothesis: The first generation of Warframes were physically built around Tenno and worn like suits.



It would explain what happened to Mirage and Limbo.



The Ember Prime Codex, Rhino Prime Codex, and Second Dream transmissions give us a reasonably coherent timeline. Transference came before Warframes.


When Ballas is describing the Tenno, he explicitly says that they are not like soldiers, that they are golems, possessed by devil minds. In other words, right from the early days of the project, the Warframes were remotely operated. There has never been any reference to a 'first' generation of Tenno who were inside the 'frames.


It also explains why the Operator could remember a Tenno holding a next one by the neck (in other words, bullying another), and I believe that this one is refering to the Stalker, which was a low guardian, now only his evil thought enbodied as a hunter. Still digging and waiting for more lore.

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While I'm not an expert on the games lore yet. This might be a game play vs lore thing but infected enemies seem to have no issues in the vacuum of space. While our warframes have problems in it. So the organic part of the warframes couldn't be infested based, but something else.

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Excalibur codex entry states that frames were created after the Zariman incident, with the Tenno in mind. And Excalibur was the first. No matter how vague the Warframe lore is, this is specific enough to infer that there were no warframes before the Tenno. Warframes were most likely created from the infestation; that's why the monster in the Rhino codex has Rhino's powers - the Orokin used the infested as a template for warframes. Why? Because the Tenno proved they were able to remotely control them. This gave the Orokin the edge over the Sentients - they had a virtually infinite army. All they had to do is build more warframes, without fear of losing their soldiers.

Furthermore, there is no mention of warframes being suits. From the beginning they were remote puppets. Limbo and Mirage quests are an exception, but we don't really know why. Maybe the operators died from shock, or the Lotus just tried to keep up her lies. I suppose some parts of the lore were written before DE came up with transference and that's why we have some discrepancies.

Even if this theory was true, we would get some kind of foreshadowing, just like we did with archwing in the Mag codex entry.

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4 minutes ago, LiiKun said:

While I'm not an expert on the games lore yet. This might be a game play vs lore thing but infected enemies seem to have no issues in the vacuum of space. While our warframes have problems in it. So the organic part of the warframes couldn't be infested based, but something else.

Yeah, a few things I'd like to see tweaked is vacuum just affecting Shields and Warframes no longer needing air capsules.

Survival could make use of Liset type Security Disruptors, Orbital Strike Disruptors than need to sustain their signal/signal jamming to survive and keep that operative that is mentioned safe.

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14 minutes ago, Genitive said:

I suppose some parts of the lore were written before DE came up with transference and that's why we have some discrepancies.

this is a valid point but i do believe the warframes are made of infested tissue or flesh and as the infested are alive the frames could be starting to become "alive" because the infested is waking up inside them as for the limbo/mirage backstory and for chroma and valkyr having some sort of character and personality and even valkyr being tortured it could be that each frame was created for a single tenno before being mass produced so the limbo creator had all that style and personality and valkyr operator could have felt so much pain from the transference that he just died (theres a lot of sci fi stuff that also uses that like the matrix if u die in the virtual world u die in real life) and for excalibur being the first could have been for a master swordsman tenno that created a simple frame that used swords very well and after these frames were created and tested they were mass produced and then the orokin just then upgraded them with a "prime" version but yea most of the old lore could be another idea that DE had before chosing second dream but i still find ways to link everything and give them the backstory but its my theory and my vision of the lore but i still think frames have life on their own

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18 minutes ago, Genitive said:

Furthermore, there is no mention of warframes being suits. From the beginning they were remote puppets. Limbo and Mirage quests are an exception, but we don't really know why. Maybe the operators died from shock, or the Lotus just tried to keep up her lies. I suppose some parts of the lore were written before DE came up with transference and that's why we have some discrepancies.

This, there are more ways to "die" other then being physically killed in a suit; especially in fiction. Your brain is a marvelous thing that can make your body do things just from perceived threats. Imagine what it might do if it thought you were really dying. 

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Rhino Prime Codex and Margulis trial need timestamps.

Since there were once "countless creatures like this" that were obviously alive and aware, Ballas and Margulis must have allready discussed Transferrence. 

If this was Lua then the breakthrough in RPC was when a cloned biosoldier connected with a Tenno and this is what Davis knew (from Margulis probably, since it was obviously a secret.)

Davis: This means big fat promotions!

Ballas: They are calling it Transferrence.

Excalibur Codex: In our desperation we turned to the Void. We built a frame around them(the rejects);  a Conduit for their Affliction. They became our saviours.

Margulis: They(Tenno) can save us, Ballas!

Ballas: You used to dream of old Earth, didn't you Margulis? I plan to reclaim it now from the spores and the ruin. I shall call her, Saryn.

Soldier in Mag Prime Codex: There it stood, a humanoid figure.  Was this an ornate armor or a housing for the monster within? Could we trust it? 

Mirage. Lotus remembering. She is overwhelmed, ripping their heads off as they swarm. I tell her to go, but she is laughing. I try to surge her systems but she is too far away. 

I tell her it will be all right,  she smiles because she knows I am lying.

- summary -

I am paraphrasing here and there, but it seems to me that the first batch of warframes were meant to be soldiers. In Rhino's codex he is using void-powers. But he is like an animal, and treated like one.

This must be when the war got desperate,  they tried to use the "rejects" from the Zariman for war, but again and again it failed.

Comparing this to Ember Codex, where the children's powers likely burned the Investigator,  and the Operator herself remembering that they had no control of their powers while awake (Second Dream), that makes sense. 

The cloned survivors from 10-0 still had no control and as such they were failures.

But control happened in that lab. Even without the Reservoir and the chair. And this was before the Second Dream,  where the Tenno believed they were the Warframes. 

At first they must have truly been posessing a clone, maby even moving their "soul" into that body.

- picture rhino, a bloodstained monster,  suddenly in control. Picture that the scientists built a chamber around him, a Transferrence reciever and transceiver all in one. They added armor and technology to create the first of the Tenno.


After these firsts (Primes) were either killed or lost, Transferrence was used to protect the Operators. When the war raged and the Orokin allmost faced defeat, they had no time. They needed warriors and they trained the clones they had and sent them against the Sentients.

- this is the best answer I can come up with that matches Margulis, Ballas, and the Codex.

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4 hours ago, BornWithTeeth said:


The Ember Prime Codex, Rhino Prime Codex, and Second Dream transmissions give us a reasonably coherent timeline. Transference came before Warframes.


When Ballas is describing the Tenno, he explicitly says that they are not like soldiers, that they are golems, possessed by devil minds. In other words, right from the early days of the project, the Warframes were remotely operated. There has never been any reference to a 'first' generation of Tenno who were inside the 'frames.

Uhhh, no... that stuff is not against it. I actually went into how all of those Codices work into a specific formulation of there being original Warframes. Of course the Tenno are not "soldiers", the Tenno are the children of the Zariman 10-0, the first "void children" that eventually became operators. The original Warframse were not Tenno, they would probably have been very different from Tenno. Someone suggested how the originals may have been Haden Tenno-esque in that they were partially Infested. And obviously there has been no reference of a first generation, that is why this is a theory (and DE is still fleshing out a lot of their lore).

Transference gave us the Warframes of today, yes, but the point of the Original Warframe theory is to give an explanation for the creation of the Warframes themselves. Where do you think they came from? I would love to hear another origin story for the Warframe designs, it could make this discussion much more interesting.


Just... read the wall-o-text.


2 hours ago, arch111 said:


You are still missing the main point of the Original Warframe theory... where the gosh-darn Warframe blueprints came from. Is it just me that thinks it is a bit too perfect that the Orokin pulled Warframes out of their @ss? Come on guys, I hate to keep pushing this idea in a "I am right and you are wrong" way but there is yet to be any idea given that could explain where the Orokin got the designs for the Warframes from.


3 hours ago, Genitive said:

Excalibur codex entry states that frames were created after the Zariman incident, with the Tenno in mind. And Excalibur was the first. No matter how vague the Warframe lore is, this is specific enough to infer that there were no warframes before the Tenno. Warframes were most likely created from the infestation; that's why the monster in the Rhino codex has Rhino's powers - the Orokin used the infested as a template for warframes. Why? Because the Tenno proved they were able to remotely control them. This gave the Orokin the edge over the Sentients - they had a virtually infinite army. All they had to do is build more warframes, without fear of losing their soldiers.

Furthermore, there is no mention of warframes being suits. From the beginning they were remote puppets. Limbo and Mirage quests are an exception, but we don't really know why. Maybe the operators died from shock, or the Lotus just tried to keep up her lies. I suppose some parts of the lore were written before DE came up with transference and that's why we have some discrepancies.

Even if this theory was true, we would get some kind of foreshadowing, just like we did with archwing in the Mag codex entry.

But remember when Excalibur's codex was added. DE has not always had this lore, a lot of this came later on. On devstreams Steve has talked a lot about how the office was not in full agreement on the changes that were made to the lore. Also, "we built a frame around them" does not equate to "we built armor around them." The little pod thing we found our operator in could just as easily be the frame they are referring to. I don't know where this certainty is coming from, all it says is that they gave the Tenno a gun and blade. I would say the lack of foreshadowing is the greatest weakness of this theory but the next cinematic quest will probably be more about the nature of the Warframes rather than their origins (The War WITHIN).


And operators dying from shock is terribly boring.

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18 minutes ago, DrBorris said:



You are still missing the main point of the Original Warframe theory... where the gosh-darn Warframe blueprints came from. Is it just me that thinks it is a bit too perfect that the Orokin pulled Warframes out of their @ss? Come on guys, I hate to keep pushing this idea in a "I am right and you are wrong" way but there is yet to be any idea given that could explain where the Orokin got the designs for the Warframes from.



For someone who hates to keep pushing for an idea that has no evidence, or insist that you are right and everyone else is wrong, you're certainly doing a lot of pushing and insisting.




 Your theory here depends on the idea that Warframes predate Transference and not the other way around. You have no evidence to support this other than your argument that the Orokin must have produced the Warframes out of somewhere, and that you therefore conclude that they were based on a 'first' generation of Warframe-wearing super soldiers. 


The Rhino Prime codex showed us the first recorded instance of Transference. The subject was an uncontrollable beast. Not a Warframe.

Ballas described the early Tenno. His description was very clear. He spoke of golems, controlled by devils. He was talking about Transference.



Now, if your argument here is that the Warframes were developed using Orokin biotech, and were based on/incorporated earlier technologies from earlier kinds of combat creatures and earlier designs of power armour, then yes. This is almost certainly true. Warframes were built by the Orokin, using Orokin technology, which probably included some mechanisms which they already tested in other forms of combat armour.


I just don't see how that is relevant to the question of whether Warframes predate Tenno. Did soldiers in power armour predate Tenno? They certainly did. Did full-blown Warframes predate Tenno? Probably not, because what's the point of building a Warframe if you have no Tenno to pilot it?



Effectively....dude, your whole argument smacks of "I think it would be cool if there was a secret first generation of soldiers who wore the Warframes, so I'm going to assume it's true."

Edited by BornWithTeeth
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58 minutes ago, BornWithTeeth said:

-more snips-

Okay, so you believe that the Orokin designed the Warframes from scratch effectively. Sure, the Tenno fell into their hands, but after the Rhino Prime incident the Orokin are responsible for all of the void channeling attributes of the specific Warframes, correct? This seems, admittedly, like the most straight forward option out there. It is much simpler than there being a whole other "race" of Warframes. The descriptions by Ballas does not, IMO conflict. I agree that the modern Warframes are a semi-trial and error by the Orokin, probably involving a more primordial stage when it was Tenno controlling blobs rather than perty warframes, but where we differ is that I would say that the void harnessing super power part comes from some original source rather than the masterful innovation of the Orokin.


Your tone was fine for your post until you got to the end, did you have to really get demeaning there? Yeah, I guess I maybe sounded a wee bit turdy with my statement, but believe me that it was not with turdy intentions. I would say that it is not the idea that there were original Warframes that I am sticking to, but rather that it just seems out of character for the Orokin to design the Warframes from scratch. The only explanation that involves the Orokin not designing the Warframes from scratch, that I have seen so far, would be that there were original warframes. But who knows, maybe I am reading too deep into stuff and it is the simpler solution, this is only a theory.

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Thr Lore and timeline has so many holes that the boat has sunk and been recovered three times allready. 

The original warframes/tenno idea comes from Hayden Tenno oroginally. A figure that DE have not made a.part of warframe, only referencing the name.from the game Dark Sector. 

The problem with the Tenno is that they had no control. It sounded like the Orokin wanted to kill all of them and if it had not been for Margulis,  the warframes likely would never had existed.

I will say though;  the Proto Rhino MUST have been a cloned child of Zariman - because it had powers.

And the only way for a warframe using the Technocyte to predate the Tenno, is if these existed during the rise of the Orokin,  indeed worn by trained warriors.

I used to push for this too, but DE have chosen to keep Hayden Tennl in the dark,  and then they went

Tenno = 10 - 0.  Hnnnggg. Why Steve?  You didn't need to.

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4 hours ago, DrBorris said:

Where do you think they came from? I would love to hear another origin story for the Warframe designs, it could make this discussion much more interesting.

Well by the time the Tenno came about they had gone through sciences involving robotics, nanotechnology, cloning, and bio-weaponry.  Then you have something like the Rhino codex beast.

Put it together and you've got the insperation and the necessary means to reconstruct something similar.  

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6 hours ago, arch111 said:

I will say though;  the Proto Rhino MUST have been a cloned child of Zariman - because it had powers.

Why? Tenno serve as batteries, they don't have warframe-specific powers of their own. Imagine it like this: I have an mp3 player that plays music. It is powered by batteries. Can the batteries play music? No. They just power a device that can. It's similar with warframes.

The thing in the Rhino codex entry was not a warframe or a proto-warframe. It most likely was an infested golem designed to fight the Sentients, but it broke free. Then they happened to reach the place where the Tenno were being kept and discovered transference.

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26 minutes ago, Genitive said:

Why? Tenno serve as batteries, they don't have warframe-specific powers of their own. Imagine it like this: I have an mp3 player that plays music. It is powered by batteries. Can the batteries play music? No. They just power a device that can. It's similar with warframes.

The thing in the Rhino codex entry was not a warframe or a proto-warframe. It most likely was an infested golem designed to fight the Sentients, but it broke free. Then they happened to reach the place where the Tenno were being kept and discovered transference.

This is confusing. The "rhino" had Void powers. The only ones we know of who had them was the Tenno at this time.

I am suggesting that it was a clone because of that fact.

What you suggest, is that the Orokin created Infested humans or something,  and somehow gave them voidpowers?

Please elaborate. 

Just remembered;  on the Zariman the children had powers but they were hard to control.

Edited by arch111
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