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Coming Soon: Devstream #74!


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How are you guys going to address the issue of weapon scaling? As some people have pointed at this forums and reddit there is a problem between which weapons we like to use in the game, and the weapons that are viable in-game. In my case, I really like assault rifles in warframe, but they are not a viable weapon class for end game, not due to the weapon type itself, but because the weapons in the class's stats are simply not enough.

A great example of this is the latest weapon you have released, the Stradavar. You guys nailed every part of the design of that weapon, including the sound(It has that "Ooomph" in my opinion), and I'm in LOVE with it, kudos to you people, the downside being it's stats.

So, my real question is this, have you thought of a way to improve our weapons tier by tier in something like the "Lotus Forge"(you guys would probably name something cooler). That way people that like weapons from early to mid game would be able to keep the weapons they love until end game by working hard on those weapons. Maybe limit how many upgrades you can make to it by the mastery rank needed to unlock/craft the weapon, so that the lower tier weapons could be upgraded more and the top tier weapons less(so as to equalize the weapons, not keep rising the top tier and thus not removing the issue in hand).

I'd love to hear you guys' input on this.

Greetings from spain

Edited by GarnetSan
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2 hours ago, PotatoTrapdoor said:

Excalibur Umbra when?


Also, Vauban Rework confirmed?  ^^^

They said that there wouldn't be many changes to Vauban, if any at all as they were very happy with vaubans' state right now

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2 hours ago, Kalimando said:

The Decisive Judgement nikana stance is one of the only stances which change the idle animations of the weapon it is attached to. Would you consider doing something similar when making stances in the future? For instance a reverse grip hold for one handed blades & daggers, or a one handed grip for axes and hammers.

Yes! And two hand polearm idle animation

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5 minutes ago, PotatoTrapdoor said:

I was just noticing that the trap on-screen doesn't look like anything that he has currently.

I'm not much of a vauban player myself, but I'd say that's a corpus being pulled into a vortex that's off-screen. Anyway, prime warframes are know to have some small variations in their power's looks compared to their non-prime little brothers. For example, my main, volt prime, when casting his first, the lightning comes both from his hand and the sky into the target, while regular volt only the hand

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Just now, GarnetSan said:

I'm not much of a vauban player myself, but I'd say that's a corpus being pulled into a vortex that's off-screen. Anyway, prime warframes are know to have some small variations in their power's looks compared to their non-prime little brothers. For example, my main, volt prime, when casting his first, the lightning comes both from his hand and the sky into the target, while regular volt only the hand

I know that they have Variations. And that crewman may very well be being pulled into a vortex. But the trap in the low center of the screen has two lasers emanating from either side, and that's new.

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Can you please seperate PS4 and XB1 clan and alliance recruitment like how it was before the forum update? Kinda annoying having to look at all the clans that are not on your platform For example, you think this clan seems like your kind of clan. Nope, it's on XB1, you're on PS4, tough luck, kid.

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Can we get a few minutes on reworks in general please?


Which are coming the soonest?  Which are happening further in the future?  Which are not happening at all by any current schedule?


Reworks seems to be a big issue in the forum community.  They're absolutely game-changing when they happen and heart-breaking when they don't.  Perhaps if we were kept more abreast of the plans on a regular basis, the hysteria could be better controlled.


See what I did there...?

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I have come across something strange when play testing the new chroma augment mod for his elemental ward ability with my friend when i noticed that you cant have multiple elemental ward buffs on a warframe a time. Was this intentional? Cause if so, can we have it so that more than one elemental ward buff can be on a single warframe?

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1: Will Frost's ice wave be changed so it follows terrain? Currently if you are on higher ground than the enemy, the ice wave will follow a direct path forward and not hit enemies that are at the below you and same goes for if you are below enemies(most notably on slopes), ice wave will not go up the slope, it just stops, so can we expect more realism with ice wave?

2: when can we expect the ability to sell the items that have no more uses, such as the Nav segments bosses drop?

3: Will we be getting any more Simarus scan targets fro lore anytime soon?

4: When will we see the return of destroyed relays and the statue's of each relay change to what you had talked about and shown in Dev stream 45 i believe, or have you scrapped that idea?

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Speaking of Passives... with the "Leak" on possible Passives that happened recently, is there any comment on what you guys have heard as feedback from some of the player base? If so, has that changed some of what your plans are when it comes to what is going to actually make it to release? I know in particular there was a passive with Banshee that was going to make all of her weapons silenced, and that seems to be confusing with how it would work with her current skill-set and/or rework.


Also, with Kavats being "soon", is there any talk of making armor and fur color patterns for both them and Kubrows possible inclusions in Tennogen? It would be interesting to see what the community could come up with in regards to Companion cosmetics, both living and mechanical.


Third, we've seen both Nezha and Wukong from Warframe China now, along with a few weapons. Can we expect anything more to be ported from them "Soon" or at all? I know Umbras are still up in the air, but is there anything else in the works?

Edited by Jeahanne
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Is there any chance we might eventually be able to pull off charge attacks without having to swing first like it used to be? Some of the charge attacks are really powerful and useful (the hands and feet weapon 12 to 6 foot stomp especially). Having to swing before being able to charge also makes tap to hold combos come out by just holding the melee key down, which just doesnt feel right, and is pretty confusing considering the combo inputs saying tap then hold.

I remember a while back you guys said something along the lines of switching the melee system to read inputs on push of the key instead of release of the key to make it more reactive. Any chance of that switch there being an option?

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will we ever get a quickdraw mechanic : pull out the secondary while still having the primary in the other hand shoot a couple of bullets and put it away

the amount of bullets shot is limited to the clip size of course it would be awsome for pvp

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What is next in the deluxe line? :P surely there have to be artwork :D.D:D:Dæåksaderdfg


also what about better damage numbers? like color and font size options

Edited by khazlol
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