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Game needs "fat" warframes


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I'm not reading through all 18 pages but the most I'd agree to this "fat" talk would be in a more heavy tank-ish warframe. If the bosses can rebuild themselves and be huge why can't we?

Have our tenno look into an asteroid belt for a hidden derelict (new tileset could be created!). In there, we discover an ancient "hayden" tenno base with tech that show our predecessors were working on something big. We look into it further to find out the parts we need are scattered across the star map and we have a new quest. Some bosses from each faction (I'd pick Captain Vor and Nef Anyo/his son since they keep delving into the void) find parts they don't know hold value to our lost cause.

At the end we find out that the void-jump accident was not actually an "accident" and those details I won't ruin for the devs to come up with. Here you go "fat" warframes in a more realistic and non-whimsical manner.

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Atlas should be fat imo; nearly always earth gods have been fat. 







I know that won't happen, but maybe a more destructive earth / gravity counterpart... the only thing is the armor and syandana and weapon clipping issues.

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I can't believe how uncreative you people are (well, judging by the design council, yes i can lel)

Get a big fat warframe in there, it can be large enough that it can serve as a mobile barricade for two tenno, it can buff the crap out of us for higher level missions, etc. etc. So it gets reduced mobility, fine, that's where your buddies come in with Ripline, and Teleport or whatever.

Speaking of diversity, you guys are cool with anorexic Nekros but a fat guy is a no way Jose? Yes? No? Either way who cares, theyre just robot suits, not people. Cripes rofl

FYI Vauban looks like a fat guy. He's totally wearing a corset under there xD

That said, this game isn't conducive to team tactics, outside of specific cheese farming  tactics. Any interesting abilities FatFrame could have will be immediately dismissed as useless, and they will be useless, the same way Banshee is useless for team play since the other frames OHKO entire planets with the press of a button, regardless of whether or not she's in a mission.

Edited by MechaTails
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56 minutes ago, MechaTails said:

I can't believe how uncreative you people are (well, judging by the design council, yes i can lel)

Get a big fat warframe in there, it can be large enough that it can serve as a mobile barricade for two tenno, it can buff the crap out of us for higher level missions, etc. etc. So it gets reduced mobility, fine, that's where your buddies come in with Ripline, and Teleport or whatever.

Speaking of diversity, you guys are cool with anorexic Nekros but a fat guy is a no way Jose? Yes? No? Either way who cares, theyre just robot suits, not people. Cripes rofl

FYI Vauban looks like a fat guy. He's totally wearing a corset under there xD

That said, this game isn't conducive to team tactics, outside of specific cheese farming  tactics. Any interesting abilities FatFrame could have will be immediately dismissed as useless, and they will be useless, the same way Banshee is useless for team play since the other frames OHKO entire planets with the press of a button, regardless of whether or not she's in a mission.

i still want a dark fertility goddess summoner. something shaped roughly like me and heavy on the body horror elements.

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No thank you. Look, I'm a fat guy, but I don't really feel like I want to be "represented" in a video game. In terms of lore, it's a terrible idea: Why on Earth would you produce anything less than the most physically perfect bodies possible? It doesn't make sense here. 


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1 minute ago, jsnforce said:

No thank you. Look, I'm a fat guy, but I don't really feel like I want to be "represented" in a video game. In terms of lore, it's a terrible idea: Why on Earth would you produce anything less than the most physically perfect bodies possible? It doesn't make sense here. 


Well, for some people image is everything.

I like my toons to be a certain way. But it's not because of a political ideal. I just like them a certain way. Not huge, not small, average.

When my toons are changed over night to YUGLY to me, Granny isn't happy, especially when it's not the average guy I left him the night before!

Prince Charming turned into a frog with Ebola...NO!!!!!!!

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On 5/16/2016 at 6:33 PM, (XB1)Gray Silhouette said:

Ninjas aren't fat.


Being bulky has FAR too many disadvantages to it, especially if the name of the game is to be stealthy and agile.

Ninja's arent skinny boned either (Nekros). And there are plenty of "bulk" looking frames such as Rhino, Vauban, Frost, Atlas, etc. Also, if we are here to talk about disadvantages, look at how they are designed other than their body type. do you think any warframe can actually hide looking the way they do? especially with all the cosmetics and colors that they decorate themselves with? no. the whole "ninja" theme of this game never existed which im not really complaining about, i like the diversity and creativity but to say that more body weight = no sense for stealth and agility is ridiculous.

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On 5/17/2016 at 11:37 PM, Visterus said:

Ok, this topic has amused me.

A: As OP put, warframes aren't people. They're crafted. By the Orokin. Artists tend to like perfection from their perspective in their works, and we know the orokin were vain, greedy, etc. Just look at all the gold trimmings. Do you really think the orokin would go out of their way to respect peoples idea of body image, or do you think they would want to idealize what they think a warframe should look like? I think the question should be "Why aren't there larger operator models?". The operators aren't orokin art after all.

B: Warframes have no need for extra mass. Someone posted earlier that warframes do not adhere to the same rules as people. This is true, to an extent. That extent is hit when the mass affects movement (too much extra mass would increase friction, bulletjumps would be held back by the need to accelerate, etc), inability to hide (enlarged hitbox), and various other things. This comes back to the original question: Does that play out like a stealthy ninja? Answer is, no.

C: Model meshing would prevent such a thing. Normally there is a set default for what models can do, etc, and if something on the model is set larger than what was intended for the models default movement, then things would overlap and end up looking a mess. Imagine the complaints that would occur. "Why does my warframe seemingly slide in on itself/slide partly through walls, etc. We want an insta fix". There are no quick fixes for such things a game is built around.

The warframes aren't crafted by artisans, though the resulting look may be influenced and modified by such Orokin biological scientists, the warframes are made off of blueprints of infested lifeforms grown from infested host organisms to exhibit certain mutation abilities and characteristics. The physical form likely heavily influenced by what was chosen as the original hosts chosen to be infected. Thus why we have female Nova and no male Nova warframes or so on. The warframes are living infested creatures crafted in our foundries using blueprints based on those original subjects or on recovered functional warframes still active in this time as is the case with Valkyr. We don't believe they have free will as they were not designed to - they were designed to be remote controlled by us Tenno. The infested also seem discouraged by this arrangement and as Hunhow seemed, calling the warframes hollow shells or soulless puppets.

It is likely that the Orokin would not allow anyone to be turned into a warframe basis infested organism if they didn't have traits the Orokin valued like particular aesthetics. In this case, unless on of those scientists and such really wanted a fat happy Buddha or something or another mythical figure they could argue for, I doubt any such subject would have been allowed to live long enough to be used for material.

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2 hours ago, homiedudemanguy said:

Ninja's arent skinny boned either (Nekros). And there are plenty of "bulk" looking frames such as Rhino, Vauban, Frost, Atlas, etc. Also, if we are here to talk about disadvantages, look at how they are designed other than their body type. do you think any warframe can actually hide looking the way they do? especially with all the cosmetics and colors that they decorate themselves with? no. the whole "ninja" theme of this game never existed which im not really complaining about, i like the diversity and creativity but to say that more body weight = no sense for stealth and agility is ridiculous.

Finally, someone else besides me thinks the ninja theme never existed. I just dont see how a gold plated Rhino, wearing a giant goldish cape and accessories, bashing about and stomping everywhere while weilding a giant space laser cannon, a clusterbomb gun, and a giant jet powered hammer is ninja, or stealthy according to some. The only thing ninja about this game is the Tenno belief and code of honor. The rest is just Sci-Fi stuff. I dont mind either way, if we get a heavy frame cool, if not no biggie, its  no more "immersion breaking" than say a mummy, a fairy, a punching slice of bacon, a skeleton, dragon, or a dual gender yin and yang weilding ridiculous weapons.

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7 hours ago, (XB1)Woofsie said:

No. As matter of fact, you are very right. I'll stick to the side that's using comparisons to other like-minded societies and "research" to back them up. But I advise you leave the thread before it gets any worse.


I have to disagree with this. Well, partially. Simply because the concept of perfection is too dependent on culture as a whole to be something you can predict based on statistics. It isn't something random.

What I mean is that almost every single "perfect society" existent in literature was born out of a particular society (western). Therefore, while they innovate and differentiate themselves on some way or another, when it comes to things like physical perfection, it ends up being nothing but the opinion of the author... Which usually follow the idea of aesthetical beauty of the society the author lives in. And since most of them are western, you get a lot of western canones of perfection-- the ones we kept from Greece and Roman cultures.

There are several outliners, of course. There is one in which the perfect society is one of monkeys, but for the most part, most people just go with the flow.

And in reality it simply doesn't work like that. Mayans, for example, were contemporaries of renaissance Europe, and arguably more advanced on some things. And their concept of beauty was much more akin to the primitive ones than to westerns. Why? Because they weren't influenced by it in anyway. They were quite literally a world apart, how could they be?

And thats the thing. The Orokin society is incredibly different from ours. We don't know anything of their culture (beyond the fact that they are strict and pretentious), anything of their art, anything of their origins. We simply don't know. For all we know, their idea of perfection might be radically parallel t ours. As I said before, it could be "irreverence", instead of one, static model.

However, I have to yield a bit, and admit that, chances are, you people are right. Simply because Orokin aren't a real society. They are a product of our own, and they will mirror most of its dogmas. Hell, this has already been showned, when Ballas said "Lust was my sin. But greed is the (...)". Both this concepts, and specially the first, are characteristics of a Judaico-Christian born culture. There are several cultures that see lust as a perfectly fine thing. A natural and pleasant desire to be celebrated. Our culture in particular, doesn't. And, for my sadness, the orokin society isn't exactly an attempt of revolutionizing our way of thinking (games as entertainment beat games as art 1-0), and so DE isn't fighting deeply ingrained ideas that might simply be illusions...

TL;DR: If the Orokin were a real society, you'd be wrong, because you can't use statistics to predict something that isn't random, specially on such a fundamentally different society. However, they are not, so you probably are right.

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5 minutes ago, ElCorintio said:

PS: I wonder what would happend if people ask for furries frames

They dont need to ask, they already exist.

We got a dragon, a cat, a rhino, arguably a chicken, a goat...

Edited by tnccs215
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