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Vauban's building requirements are too high [Reply from DE]


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Why are people so upset?  Ok, no I do get the oxium issue. But to me it seems like primes exist to give end game players more stuff to do. They're the ones more likely to have an excess of materials or at last complete star chart access to farm said materials.  Thus the resource requirements are playing into the intended demo. 

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What is the problem exactly? It can happen that you don't see a normal vauban blueprint alert for a month or more.

And here you are complaining about 14k opxium, that you can farm in a week or less if you put some effort in it. Seriously......?

Should just give it out for free then...

Edited by Hazzlenut
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On 5/17/2016 at 2:23 PM, x_xUnknownx_x said:

14k oxium? what? ..... *checks inventory* ... Meh i can build him :D


I see it cheap to be honest, he just came up, new prime access.... Thanks DE for letting us farm him ? :)

Yeah thats the right attitude to have, grovel at DE's feet for the things they normally do anyway. Dunno what that accomplishes, though. 

Edited by armedpoop
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Hey Tenno!

We are adjusting Vauban Prime’s Chassis Oxium requirement from 14,000 to 7,000. We’re hoping that in halving the requirements you’ll have an easier time crafting our friendly neighborhood engineer.

As always thank you for voicing your concerns!

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1 minute ago, [DE]Danielle said:

Hey Tenno!

We are adjusting Vauban Prime’s Chassis Oxium requirement from 14,000 to 7,000. We’re hoping that in halving the requirements you’ll have an easier time crafting our friendly neighborhood engineer.

As always thank you for voicing your concerns!

Thanks, Dani!!

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Everyone is so eager to jump to DE's side on this one, but nobody's focusing on the nitain. It's perfectly fine to have the nitain requirement be high, but when you have that AND a high oxium requirement, there's a problem. 

1 minute ago, [DE]Danielle said:

Hey Tenno!

We are adjusting Vauban Prime’s Chassis Oxium requirement from 14,000 to 7,000. We’re hoping that in halving the requirements you’ll have an easier time crafting our friendly neighborhood engineer.

As always thank you for voicing your concerns!

So we're good.

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14kkkk?"?????? wdff?????????? WHY? theres literally 0 point to do that other then to piss ppl off. All it will do is clean out people who stocked up a lot and force the people who dont have that amount to farm excessively and use up all their oxium. Is this a way to get people to buy prime access? DE isnt like this i REALLY hope its a typo/ bug and they fix/change it cause this is like wdf  

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2 minutes ago, [DE]Danielle said:

Hey Tenno!

We are adjusting Vauban Prime’s Chassis Oxium requirement from 14,000 to 7,000. We’re hoping that in halving the requirements you’ll have an easier time crafting our friendly neighborhood engineer.

As always thank you for voicing your concerns!

... I feel like I should say something terribly snarky...


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1 hour ago, (PS4)SupeBoss said:

I feel like the resource creep is going to be a MAJOR problem for newer players in the future. I can't understand it at all.

It's remarkably easy to understand. What resources E players most likely to not have millions and millions of to a frankly obscene degree due to powerfarming? Whatever you think of is the answer. 

I've been saying this kind of thing for a year now, if we keep farming obscene amounts of resources in short amounts of time, the game is going to have to make it the new standard of  farming. People had the chance to change it they spent it farming. Well, farming is what you'll have to keep doing now. I don't  like it, you don't like it, but that's how it is now, and there's not much you can say about the predicted consequences to the actions the players took. 

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1 minute ago, Hazzlenut said:

What is the problem exactly? It can happen that you don't see a normal vauban blueprint alert for a month or more.

And here you are complaining about 14k opxium, that you can farm in a week or less if you put some effort in it. Seriously......?

When Vauban was announced/released (before I played) people most likely knew he was gonna be found by alerts ( a new way to get a frame at the time). 

Now when Vauban Prime was announced, Devs said he wasn't gonna be as hard as his vanilla version. We all know when every prime before him was released, the main problem the community worried about was the drop chance, the "sudden extreme cost requirements". 

We were prepared and conditioned by them to expect the norms, but again, this is sudden and see no real reason behind it. 

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3 hours ago, (PS4)Arkel-99 said:

I just got the blueprint which costs 5 Nitain Extract

I can kinda understand the 5 Nitain for the blueprint. 

The chassis of Vauban Prime however is just ridiculous. A friend of mine sent me a picture of it, the costs are the following:

14.000 Oxium

13.000 Alloy Plate

2 Argon Crystal

5 Nitain Extract

What was DE even thinking..?

Edit: Vauban Prime will also cost 20 Nitain Extract in total so have fun looking 24/7 at your screen waiting for an Nitain alert to pop up :)

simple math:

125 bucks compared to free, what do you people want ?

you open your mouth and you get coke and a flying burger fresh straight there ? =))))))))

shure, life functions that way ... LOL


and DE lives for free on this planet and dont need anything for their jobs etc. then thin air, LMFAO ! thats hillarious ...

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5 minutes ago, [DE]Danielle said:

Hey Tenno!

We are adjusting Vauban Prime’s Chassis Oxium requirement from 14,000 to 7,000. We’re hoping that in halving the requirements you’ll have an easier time crafting our friendly neighborhood engineer.

As always thank you for voicing your concerns!

Still 2x the price of the next most expensive item (Grattler) but no longer equal to the combined total of literally every other recipe in the game.  Sounds like a more reasonable compromise.

Edited by jpgil_galad
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11 minutes ago, (XB1)AtlongsterATL said:

Why are people so upset?  Ok, no I do get the oxium issue. But to me it seems like primes exist to give end game players more stuff to do. They're the ones more likely to have an excess of materials or at last complete star chart access to farm said materials.  Thus the resource requirements are playing into the intended demo. 

Not sure, primes are supposed to be, well, the primes, the high tier. Wouldn't be surprised if DE starts resource walling them for people who have progressed further into the game, which is well, logical. You still have vauban, you still have plenty other frames and guns with MR3 resource costs. Here we have again a product partially focused on the late game players, where noobs are complaining because they dont have the resources for it. What a f*cking surprise, who would have though people would complain. Yeah, i'm sure getting out of the void and draco to play corpus nodes where the oxium drones are common is super hard, and it will take you 6 months to reach 14K, im sure of it.

Now go complain syndicate primaries are MR12 walled, excalibur prime is only in the inventories of those who paid money at the beginning, that the targis armor set has only been released once and will cost $60 as a pack if it ever gets unvaulted with no way to farm it, and that ember mag and frost cost's are exorbitant because they were vaulted. Go on, whine.

Edited by nms.
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Between 6 or the 11 new prime parts dropping in a rotation C and the 70 or so missions needed to get enough oxium to make this I am starting to feel like this relationship is going south.  The concern over player burnout is evident.   Has DE released any statements on this?  I am still hoping that it is just a typo and that they are not completely out of touch with their player base.

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5 minutes ago, [DE]Danielle said:

Hey Tenno!

We are adjusting Vauban Prime’s Chassis Oxium requirement from 14,000 to 7,000. We’re hoping that in halving the requirements you’ll have an easier time crafting our friendly neighborhood engineer.

As always thank you for voicing your concerns!

That is still a Lot of Oxium. But is Defiantly more reasonable and a little less Irritating.

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Lol.  I'm not bothering with Vauban.  This is a joke, and to all of the obvious DE fanboys and girls, well... they do have a point in a very small, insignificant way.  Look:  14k oxium isn't absolutely ridiculous to farm, nor the 20 alertium, but...  what you're really doing is just supporting the trend of the very disgusting, greedy practices of increasing the grind to pinch the average person out of their money to actually get things.

And let's be fair here.  Not a single one of you on these forums is an "average" player.  The average player doesn't even look at these forums, let alone post in them.  People posting here are the ones heavily invested and have probably more hours then they'd care to admit.  Trying to say "its not hard!"  is fine for someone who is dedicated, or a veteran but the average joe will look at this and go  nope.jpg


Sooo.  Keep on supporting this very disgusting trend.  DE will only keep on pushing until there's a sharp backlash, or they kill the playerbase off badly.  And let me tell you, if you love this game you should be praying for the former because the latter always has lasting consequences to a game's longevity.


Post addition:  7k is of course alot better, but to me i'm still sorta MEH about it... but i digress.  My original points still stand.

Edited by CaliburxZero
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1 minute ago, aoguro_ said:

simple math:

125 bucks compared to free, what do you people want ?

you open your mouth and you get coke and a flying burger fresh straight there ? =))))))))

shure, life functions that way ... LOL

They simply don't understand that this is a company with people in it that need to EAT and LIVE too. With what they put in and have to manage to get things close to right with development, you'd think people would go "hmm yeah, this pays the bills over at DE..."



DE shouldn't have caved in. The game is FREE to PLAY. You can BUY Prime Access to get... *drumroll* Prime Access!

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Just now, CaliburxZero said:

Lol.  I'm not bothering with Vauban.  This is a joke, and to all of the obvious DE fanboys and girls, well... they do have a point in a very small, insignificant way.  Look:  14k oxium isn't absolutely ridiculous to farm, nor the 20 alertium, but...  what you're really doing is just supporting the trend of the very disgusting, greedy practices of increasing the grind to pinch the average person out of their money to actually get things.

And let's be fair here.  Not a single one of you on these forums is an "average" player.  The average player doesn't even look at these forums, let alone post in them.  People are the ones heavily invested and have probably more hours then they'd care to admit.  Trying to say "its not hard!"  is fine for someone who is dedicated, or a veteran but the average joe will look at this and go  nope.jpg


Sooo.  Keep on supporting this very disgusting trend.  DE will only keep on pushing until there's a sharp backlash, or they kill the playerbase off badly.  And let me tell you, if you love this game you should be praying for the former because the latter always has lasting consequences to a game's longevity.

Look up.

7 minutes ago, [DE]Danielle said:

Hey Tenno!

We are adjusting Vauban Prime’s Chassis Oxium requirement from 14,000 to 7,000. We’re hoping that in halving the requirements you’ll have an easier time crafting our friendly neighborhood engineer.

As always thank you for voicing your concerns!


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21 minutes ago, (XB1)AtlongsterATL said:

Why are people so upset?  Ok, no I do get the oxium issue. But to me it seems like primes exist to give end game players more stuff to do. They're the ones more likely to have an excess of materials or at last complete star chart access to farm said materials.  Thus the resource requirements are playing into the intended demo. 

It's something to do, yes. It's not something fun to do.

I don't want to get stuff only to have to use it to get more stuff. I want something different and challenging to do with the stuff I've worked for. Skillfully challenging, not mental endurance challenging.

Sorties and raids exist but they too eventually become easy and mundane.

I think the resources are manageable to get if you ignore time but because time exists and that amount of time various for everyone; a large emotional divide is created among players so not only is the content not enjoyable but you have players banding together on their disagreements and not enjoyment of the content.

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