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Vauban's building requirements are too high [Reply from DE]


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5 minutes ago, Extroah said:

That might be true, but at least people have to do SOMETHING to get it. Most people in this thread just seem to want the requirements to be like 1 Forma, 10.000 Credits and 1 Rubedo and then they complain that they already reached endgame content and got nothing else to do because everything is easy to get and they just burn through any new content in an hour. I personally would wish for every Item to be as hard to obtain as Vauban Prime so you have to do SOME work to get what you want, instead of rushing 5 Missions to get everything you need. Over-exaggerated but still.

thats not the main argument/debate of the thread the vauban req are kinda, like woah DE. 

` -` this game is about farming but the nitain and the oxi req are bleh.

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10 minutes ago, Extroah said:

That might be true, but at least people have to do SOMETHING to get it. Most people in this thread just seem to want the requirements to be like 1 Forma, 10.000 Credits and 1 Rubedo and then they complain that they already reached endgame content and got nothing else to do because everything is easy to get and they just burn through any new content in an hour. I personally would wish for every Item to be as hard to obtain as Vauban Prime so you have to do SOME work to get what you want, instead of rushing 5 Missions to get everything you need. Over-exaggerated but still.

I feel like obtaining the parts for primes is challenging enough, personally. Another T3 Survival C...I'm sitting in 40 mins for this prime part and I'm competing against 6 other prime parts, as well as forma and cores. I don't know if my RNG is particularly bad, but god damn I still haven't gotten my Saryn P chassis yet from that mess.

And you want to tell me I'm not working for it? 

Then on top of all that I gotta farm for 5000 more oxium.

Edited by kinrest
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23 minutes ago, Extroah said:

Oh wow, the salt is real in this thread.

I like the idea of having things that are difficult to Farm and/or Build. It's stupid that so many developers are dumbing down their Games so everybody is a "winner" nowadays, so i'm glad that i at least have some kind of challenge here, even if it only means to farm a bit longer but it's something. If you don't like it, don't get Vauban Prime, there's a normal Vauban out there too, i don't see the problem here. Nobody forces you to get it, nobody forces you to buy Prime Access, you WANT Vauban prime so do at least something for it, lol. /lol

Challenge? More like grinding for 24/7 and don't have a real life.

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1 minute ago, kinrest said:

I feel like obtaining the parts for primes is challenging enough, personally. Another T3 Survival C...I'm sitting in 40 mins for this prime part and I'm competing against 6 other prime parts, as well as forma and cores. I don't know if my RNG is particularly bad, but god damn I still haven't gotten my Saryn P chassis yet from that mess.

And you want to tell me I'm not working for it? 

It might be challenging because of RNG, and i know that feel. I've been playing almost nothing else but T4 Defense and T3 Sabotage to farm some Loki Prime Systems for the past 2 Weeks and got not a single one of them. Bit salty, yes, but not complaining, at least i got to spend time with friends.

But my main point is, while RNG makes it a bit harder to obtain, the actual Crifting requirements are nothing on most parts. So if they would, for example with Starchart 3.0, change the droptables to make it easier to obtain certain things, it would make it even easier and people would burn through all the content even faster, eventually ending up leaving the Game because there's nothing to do anymore.

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3 minutes ago, ArionLightning said:

Men stop crying.

Normal Vauban is hard to farm too (only alerts). I think primed vauban's high resources requeriments are coherent.


normal vauban is not "hard" to farm the alerts take 5 mins at best is only about waiting and i can do whatever i want while i wait for him to show up on alert this is just endless hours of doing the same boring unchallenging thing over and over again it has nothing to do with normal vauban

Edited by Zaods
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4 minutes ago, Rambit23Z said:

Says the person who bought PA. Kek.

Oh, sorry for purchasing my favourite frame. I had to farm my normal vauban and it took me long time. If I had to farm primed vauban in order to raise my master rank I would do it too. But you know?? He is my favourite and I purchased everything about it because he is my main.


Problem??  Stop crying and just play


And you know??? Nekros is hard to farm too. But I wont get his prime access because I dont like him. I will farm him only for raising my Master Rank.

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I honestly don't get the whining every time something needs it, I've funded all the research  for my ghost clan, built the frames/weapons that needed it and built Vauban prime.... And I still have enough to do it again twice.

And no I don't hardcore grind I'm just a casual player who isn't dumb enough to ignore a mostly alert based resource popping up.

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I do really enjoy this game but i feel like DE are making the grindwall larger with every new update

Let me give a few examples:

The sibear requires 30k cryotic which means that you have to do either 30 excavators (1k cryotic and repeat), 15 excavators (2k cryotic and repeat) or go further for more cryotic each run. It'll take a really long time to farm for 30k cryotic for a hammer which most likely get's bested by the jat kittag and the brand new fragor prime.

Vauban prime requires 20 nitain (5 nitain for each part) which isn't too much of a problem but pretty much requires you to stare at the screen for hours, waiting for a new nitain alert to pop up if you do not have enough for booben prime. 

Certain clantech stuff such as the knux require truckloads of resources aswell.

There are also lots of grind when farming for prime parts (such as booben prime, who!/ parts are put into the worse drop tables) and such.

I do take notice that this is supposed to be a grindy game but sometimes i feel like with every update, the grindwall seems to get bigger, thus making it harder to climb and obtain those new items. 

Thoughts and opinions?

((edit: huh? This has been merged into a megathread for some reason?))

Edited by crimsonspartan1
Ipad's shouldn't be involved XD
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1 minute ago, ArionLightning said:

Oh, sorry for purchasing my favourite frame. I had to farm my normal vauban and it took me long time. If I had to farm primed vauban in order to raise my master rank I would do it too. But you know?? He is my favourite and I purchased everything about it because he is my main.


Problem??  Stop crying and just play

you don't farm normal vauban you just grab it when is on alert lol is essentially effortless

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2 minutes ago, ArionLightning said:

Oh, sorry for purchasing my favourite frame. I had to farm my normal vauban and it took me long time. If I had to farm primed vauban in order to raise my master rank I would do it too. But you know?? He is my favourite and I purchased everything about it because he is my main.


Problem??  Stop crying and just play


And you know??? Nekros is hard to farm too. But I wont get his prime access because I dont like him. I will farm him only for raise my Master Rank.

Who said I was crying? Did I ever say anything about the crafting costs? No.

Assumptions are bad, mmkay?

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16 minutes ago, Extroah said:

It might be challenging because of RNG, and i know that feel. I've been playing almost nothing else but T4 Defense and T3 Sabotage to farm some Loki Prime Systems for the past 2 Weeks and got not a single one of them. Bit salty, yes, but not complaining, at least i got to spend time with friends.

But my main point is, while RNG makes it a bit harder to obtain, the actual Crifting requirements are nothing on most parts. So if they would, for example with Starchart 3.0, change the droptables to make it easier to obtain certain things, it would make it even easier and people would burn through all the content even faster, eventually ending up leaving the Game because there's nothing to do anymore.

It's not so much the drop tables in themselves that I think the problem lies with me, it's the drop tables as well as the crafting requirements. The package deal, I guess. Definitely there needs to be a challenge to get a primed anything, there's no way I'm disagreeing to that. I just think that one aspect to getting a prime needs to be toned down some. Either make obtaining the parts easier and keep the high crafting requirements, or keep the RNG grind and the low crafting requirements as it has been for the most part.

As I've said, I'm a casual player and I'm by no means ready to spend many hours a day to farm for this stuff. I go at my own pace and it's slow, and I've accepted that. It's just that the way things stand right now, Vauban P just feels so incredibly unobtainable.

Edited by kinrest
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7 minutes ago, Vanthenos said:

Can't understand what's the problem!

14k Oxium is so easy to get. 4 Rounds of Pluto - Cerberus and you can easily get 1000-1400 Oxium.

oxium isnt the problem, nitain is. there's no reliable way to farm it and some people only have short windows available to play games.

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11 hours ago, (PS4)SupeBoss said:

That's about 1500 Oxium Ospreys total.
On what node can you get 280 Oxium Ospreys to spawn in a round?

Dust off Mag and just farm the Corpus hot spots (and probably why the Oxium count is so high ... so players will use her again after the Greedy Pull nerf [since she clears Corpus so easily the rate is high, too).

With Mag it won't take long to farm 14,000 Oxium.

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If only it popped up more often or is buyable off the market (and maybe other players via trading) as i don't play warframe 24 hours per day and i end up missing loads of nitain alerts, making it take longer for me to get new primes and weapons.

If it was made buyable, then i'll be happy.

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4 minutes ago, Rambit23Z said:

Who said I was crying? Did I ever say anything about the crafting costs? No.

Assumptions are bad, mmkay?

You bought Saryn's prime access. I suppose she is your favourite and you wanted to have their items, syadannas, etc. right?  Same reason I purchased vauban's prime access.

I know he is hard to farm.

Just wanted to say from an objetive position that if normal version is hard to farm, primed version must be hard too. So I see his high requeriments very coherent and correct.

If I bought him or not that's not the matter

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3 minutes ago, kinrest said:

It's not so much the drop tables in themselves that I think the problem lies with me, it's the drop tables as well as the crafting requirements. The package deal, I guess. Definitely there needs to be a challenge to get a primed anything, there's no way I'm disagreeing to that. I just think that one aspect to getting a prime needs to be toned down some. Either make obtaining the parts easier and keep the high crafting requirements, or keep the RNG grind and the low crafting requirements as it has been for the most part.

As I've said, I'm a casual player and I'm by no means ready to spend many hours a day to farm for this stuff. I go at my own pace and it's slow, and I've accepted that. It's just that the way things stand right now, Vauban P just feels so incredibly unobtainable.

Hmm yeah that sounds reasonable. If it would be balanced out a bit more i don't think that anybody would have a problem with it. I think the biggest problem with Vauban Prime are the Nitain, and i'm sure they will annoy me once i get home aswell as i have 0 of them right now i believe, but oh well, could've been worse. :D

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Just now, ArionLightning said:

You bought Saryn's prime access. I suppose she is your favourite and you wanted to have their items, syadannas, etc. right?  Same reason I purchased vauban's prime access.

I know he is hard to farm.

Just wanted to say from an objetive position that if normal version is hard to farm, primed version must be hard too. So I see his high requeriments very coherent and correct.

If I bought him or not that's not the matter

Again, I've said nothing about the crafting costs. I don't see why you're still going on about that?

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Just now, ArionLightning said:

You bought Saryn's prime access. I suppose she is your favourite and you wanted to have their items, syadannas, etc. right?  Same reason I purchased vauban's prime access.

I know he is hard to farm.

Just wanted to say from an objetive position that if normal version is hard to farm, primed version must be hard too. So I see his high requeriments very coherent and correct.

If I bought him or not that's not the matter

saryn P was kinda easy to get.

and craft req were not AS ridiculous.

compared to you telling us to stop qq'ing because u got PA while the main foundation of this thread is craft/mat req's. but  O K

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Well, I'll agree with you there... The grind is getting a bit bigger in some aspects.

DE said before that these items that require a large amount of something are for players who accumulate a lot of spare resources over time. However, for newer players... or players that completely avoid the Corpus (for obvious reasons), they would definitely not have the available resources to craft these certain "Resource-Sink" items.

Personally, I don't think there is a need for highly skewed resource costs on items, there just needs to be an alternative for players with huge amounts of spare resources available. I've seen a few good thoughts on the subject, some involved giving spare resources to allied Syndicates for extra standing. Which I thought would be a great idea, if it would deter DE from making resource heavy future items, limiting those items to the people with the resources available while casting those without sufficient amounts of said resources to the Grind.

Yeah... the grind is real... for some anyway.
My thoughts on the subject.

Edited by AEP8FlyBoy
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