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Vauban's building requirements are too high [Reply from DE]


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1 hour ago, Zilchy said:

They don't playtest , 1 dev using godmode in a demo is not playtesting and the rest of them don't play. They need a proper playtesting team, the age old excusr of being "still in beta" wears very thin after 3 years.

They have a QA team, and they do playtest. I don't know why you assume it's one guy with godmode. That's silly.

For the rest of it, we're the testers. It is a beta, it's not an excuse. They don't have the manpower or money to put two hundred people into a playtesting team which would result in updates being delayed by weeks just to make something polished. It doesn't work how you want it to.

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Just now, XRosenkreuz said:

I feel like people are seriously missing the dynamic between Vauban parts being available solely through alerts, and his Prime needing a small stockpile of a resource that is largely available through alerts. Say what you want about it being 'too hard,' I think it's perfectly sensible.

As for not being able to farm it, I'd like to point out that it also drop from the special lockers in the new ship sabotages.

Have you actually gotten it doing that? Probably not... nobody does. They might as well have not added that feature to sabo since i've never heard of anyone actually getting it that way.

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I rather spend 50 nitain on Vauban, but things like this have to stop FOREVER. Is not understandable and is not even fun when you push the limit like this, getting just Lex Prime BPs over and over again and not a single new prime part. This kind of situations, imo, burn prople out of the game, my 2 cents.



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It's a free-to-play game. You either put in the time or the money (farm nitain or buy the things that need it with plat/money). If you can't put in neither, I don't think it's an issue if you don't get EVERYTHING in the game.

F2P is the issue, if there is any.

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2 minutes ago, XRosenkreuz said:

I feel like people are seriously missing the dynamic between Vauban parts being available solely through alerts, and his Prime needing a small stockpile of a resource that is largely available through alerts. Say what you want about it being 'too hard,' I think it's perfectly sensible.

As for not being able to farm it, I'd like to point out that it also drops from the special lockers in the new ship sabotages.

Vauban farming itself needs to be adjusted, so it currently cannot be used to justify a ridiculous amount of Alertium

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4 minutes ago, AdunSaveMe said:

They have a QA team, and they do playtest. I don't know why you assume it's one guy with godmode. That's silly.

For the rest of it, we're the testers. It is a beta, it's not an excuse. They don't have the manpower or money to put two hundred people into a playtesting team which would result in updates being delayed by weeks just to make something polished. It doesn't work how you want it to.

A beta? 3 years in and it's a beta? How many friggin updates do they need before they make it an official version then. No my friend,  game that has received so much money from players and updates every week to fix the screw ups from the previous week, is no longer a beta. That is an excuse, nothing more. And if they do indeed playtest, it can't be very thoroughly since every week players report bugs on just about every new thing added to the game.

And I would have no problem with waiting longer for updates if it meant a more polished product, no problem at all.

Edited by Zilchy
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6 minutes ago, Zilchy said:

Except that's not why they did it. Don't kid yourself, it's purely to manipulate players into buying the Prime Access. I promise you now that there will be future weapons, the new fairy frame, the new archwing etc released with absurd resource requirements very soon. This is where the game is headed unless we head it off now by taking a stand.

Which isn't a problem for people like me that have tons of ressources :/

But lets see if the next prime ask that much things since you said its a bait for prime acces

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1 minute ago, crackbeard said:

Have you actually gotten it doing that? Probably not... nobody does. They might as well have not added that feature to sabo since i've never heard of anyone actually getting it that way.

As a matter of fact, I've gotten Nitain out of ship sabotage lockers 6 times out of the couple dozen or so I've actually run. And frankly, I don't see what you not having heard about it happening has to do with anything.

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1 minute ago, clemza said:

Which isn't a problem for people like me that have tons of ressources :/

But lets see if the next prime ask that much things since you said its a bait for prime acces

but it is for, you know, everyone else. which i estimate make up about 60% of the community, at least.

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4 minutes ago, clemza said:

Which isn't a problem for people like me that have tons of ressources :/

But lets see if the next prime ask that much things since you said its a bait for prime acces

I have for the record, 60 Nitain, 17k Oxium, 1000+ Neurodes, 700+ orokin cells, 100k Cryotic etc but that doesn't make it any better when you consider the average player and not just the longtimers. Not just talking about the next prime either, Sibear was a warning shot, there will be more like it. It's ruined other games, this one looks to be next which is why taking a stand opposing it NOW, is important.

Edited by Zilchy
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7 minutes ago, (PS4)official_79 said:

At first it was atleast a bearable cost, now Vauban Prime requiring 20? I can only imagine it getting worse in the future

Due to the way clan research works, Wukong was for some people a lot worse

Maybe I'm just utterly desensitized because I had to wait a literal month for Wukong?

8 minutes ago, Nesit1 said:

I agree. Nitain is best recource in world, because you, honeslty, can't grind it. No grind = good. And you obtain it from various (mostly easy) missions.

Yep, it means, you can't get it in few hours or smth. It'll require days, but hey. Why you should haste at first place?

For me, the amount of time spent farming Nitain for Vauban Prime will be... 0 hours and 0 minutes. Because I already have my 20. Your logic implies that you could only start farming Nitain after Vauban Prime actually came out

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I've been doing it all day and never seen it, every time i bring it up to people in game they've never seen it happen and didn't even know it was possible. 


And statistically maybe most people SHOULD be getting 1 nitain every 2 days. But statistics never show the whole story, the world doesn't work like that. Depending on when you log in and when the nitain alerts are you could easily be playing for over a month and never get the chance to do a nitain alert.

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The absolute worst part is every single time in the past year or so they have released a horrendously resource expensive weapon or frame, is that there's massive community outcry and yet every time they gradually increase the costs with each frame and each weapon. They know bloody full well what they're doing and how scummy it is and probably won't change while people continue to buy the prime access. Good luck convincing anyone not to when they've got more money than sense and don't care that it's encouraging S#&$ey practices.

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The absolute worst part is every single time in the past year or so they have released a horrendously resource expensive weapon or frame, is that there's massive community outcry and yet every time they gradually increase the costs with each frame and each weapon. They know bloody full well what they're doing and how scummy it is and probably won't change while people continue to buy the prime access. Good luck convincing anyone not to when they've got more money than sense and don't care that it's encouraging S#&$ey practices.

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Just now, crackbeard said:

And statistically maybe most people SHOULD be getting 1 nitain every 2 days. But statistics never show the whole story, the world doesn't work like that. Depending on when you log in and when the nitain alerts are you could easily be playing for over a month and never get the chance to do a nitain alert.

The chance of flipping a coin 31 times and only seeing tails is 1/2,147,483,649

If you log in every day, you're going to see some Nitain

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1 minute ago, Zilchy said:

I have for the record, 60 Nitain, 17k Oxium, 1000+ Neurodes, 700+ orokin cells, 100k Cryotic etc but that doesn't make it any better when you consider the average player and not just the longtimers. Not just talking about the next prime either, Sibear was a warning shot, there will be more like it.

As i said, just play the game, don't try to rush the new items and you won't feel disapointed with the huge requierments as you will get ressources without noticing it.

As i like to farm keys and cores, i got many cryotics on hieracon without noticing i was farming for the sibear for exemple, of course its alot and even too much, but you can't say that it is a problem or something that shouldn't happen, if you play the game you will get evrything, it is just a question of time.

You prefer items that we can farm in 20m all of the time ? For now its just 1 weapon and a prime warframe which is not even 1% of the game content :/


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It's a bandaid solution to resource creep, (trying to be) right up there with argon decay. Combats players that have stockpiles of resources so that they can't just build everything in the game once they get a BP....

but as you can see, the creep is happening with nitain requirements as well - as more people are gaining stockpiles. Argon requirements remain consistent since you can't stockpile them.

On top of this, nearly every weapon that has come out over the past few months requires nitain or argon (or a combination of both). We have what...20 other resources that aren't even being used. And now, when they ARE being used, there are ridiculous requirements (30k cryotic, 14k, now 7k oxium).

Adding nitain is just a stop-gap measure to prevent power farming. But just like every other resource, the requirements are going to get higher and higher. In the long run, it will just be another useless resource until the next thing (most likely higher argon requirements ...or another decaying resource) comes along.

As for being able to get it, they should just make 4 flat alerts lasting 6hrs each per day.

Edited by (PS4)SupeBoss
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4 minutes ago, TARINunit9 said:

For me, the amount of time spent farming Nitain for Vauban Prime will be... 0 hours and 0 minutes. Because I already have my 20. Your logic implies that you could only start farming Nitain after Vauban Prime actually came out

For some that might be the case. More and more things requiring nitain at higher amounts without a reliable farming method leaves the backlash you see now

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Haha, trolled, on a scale?


"You know, this is going to be the first prime that might be easier to get than its base version!"

"Really? We'll see about that."


I thought it meant they'd be revisiting Vauban's acquisition, not outdoing it. I'm not super upset (I'm not buying PA though, not supporting that..), but it is pretty funny, thinking about it.

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3 minutes ago, clemza said:

As i said, just play the game, don't try to rush the new items and you won't feel disapointed with the huge requierments as you will get ressources without noticing it.

As i like to farm keys and cores, i got many cryotics on hieracon without noticing i was farming for the sibear for exemple, of course its alot and even too much, but you can't say that it is a problem or something that shouldn't happen, if you play the game you will get evrything, it is just a question of time.

You prefer items that we can farm in 20m all of the time ? For now its just 1 weapon and a prime warframe which is not even 1% of the game content :/


Give it time, accept it and do nothing and I guarantee you it won't be just 1 weapon and 1 prime frame.

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