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The Prime Vault is a bad idea (feel bad for new players)


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Hello Community

To clear things up at the beginning.I have all the stuff and im MR22.So its not that im jealous on that stuff or whatever.Im not affected by this and profit more from it but ......

After more and more Primes (Frames,weapons,stuff) going into the vault then more and more i feel really bad for the newer players.

The Puppies get their first frames run around enjoy their weapons and get used to some of this.Later they want to get the Prime Version of their frame,weapon,stuff  (natural evolution when playing a game)to just realize its unobtainable for them.Problem is these frames and their Prime variants are "WARFRAME" more like the newer ones ever can be.

Alot of people like Ember.She is easy to get and makes alot of fun.Try to get her Prime Variant today guys. 1000 platinum? Ridicolous !

Rhino,Mag,Frost,Loki,next will be Nyx.So much iconic frames that make warframe to warframe.Happily some prime weapons cant come in the Prime Vault.

So lets clear this up we talk about 5 iconic Prime warframes with their weapons who are already out of the game.Think about how much would that cost to buy them.

Then people will say they all come back sooner or later.Thats true but how long have all the people wait for it?Years?Sorry thats ridicolous.

Try to watch from their perspective.Everyone wants shiny stuff but they have to be ultra patience or spend loads of real money to get it.

Then the horrendous amounts of crafting materials for them for newer stuff.When this continues there will be a time that all cheaper (crating materials) frames are away and only high crafting material cost frames remain.I could easily say who cares because im not affected by that but i dont.

A game should be fun and not an annoying work.

I really can understand alot of disappointment and anger from their side.This is not fair anymore.

What do you think guys?Do i feel wrong here?


Edited by K0bra
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Well of course it's a bad idea, to not say a terrible idea.

There is SO MANY unused rotations in the void, the derelict is freaking empty for the love of Baro! I never truly understood how anyone thought it was a good idea. 

If anyone is honest with themselves, they can see how all of this is another attempt to sell something that was there. Just a cheap way to make money by re-releasing prime acces of ''vaulted'' primes.

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i agree with you id like to see the new comers to be able to get the stuff that they take out to. I just don't know why they don't  just expand the void or just put some of it in direct missions. Even if they don't do that make the vaulted parts random alerts or something.

Edited by puppycorpse
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The Orokin Void is a bad idea. Low effort content design, where any other game would create new areas and new enemies in which to obtain new loot, DE simply stuffs everything into T3S.


On the other hand, the Orokin Void makes for an excellent allegory towards DE and their "Let them eat cake" attitude lately.

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Prime Vault should be for the cosmetics released like a year ago.

The old primes culled from the game for scheduled rarity should come back in a void sortie like system. Where seasons of rotating old prime warframes and weapons. Perhaps Monthly. Not neglected like the current sortie system that has been progressively lasting longer and longer tell its a new dark sector of content.

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Ya I thought the devs were gonna do one prime access rerelease for one month during the 3 months or so of each new prime access but then we didn't see ember prime during Saryn Prime's release unlike Frost Prime during Trinity Prime Access.

Would be nice if they did...

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15 minutes ago, K0bra said:

Try to get her Prime Variant today guys. 1000 platinum? Ridicolous !

Player driven economy. You should be lucky you're even allowed to trade for her parts, at all. Most game developers would have just removed them.

I do agree, however, that the Prime Vault is a bad idea. When you have derelict missions with next to nothing in them, random tower missions with tons of spots that you could stick the new drops, and a player base that's getting sick of everything being hidden behind a 20 minute survival wall... it makes very little sense why they're vaulting anything except for arbitrary rarity.

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I don't agree. The idea of primes is that they are timed exclusives. Just because some people missed an opportunity to get a certain item doesn't mean it's unfair. It's like saying Founders Packs are unfair because some people missed them.

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20 minutes ago, K0bra said:

Everyone wants shiny stuff but they have to be ultra patience or spend loads of real money to get it.

This is literally the ONLY thing in your entire wall of text- OP- that needs to be responded to.

My response is- everyone can get over it. You need to be PATIENT to get something for CHEAP? Oh my lord... such a travesty! Everyone grab your pitch forks and torches!

You have to spend REAL MONEY to get it? Are you aware you can trade for platinum FOR FREE? Something that DE doesn't HAVE to let us do but chose to unlike most other companies.

Seriously.... how impatient and entitled are people becoming nowadays? I blame Draco. If DE had gotten rid of that cesspool ages ago the people in this community wouldn't be slowly.... turning. It's killing me to watch, I'm tired of it.

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The problem currently is, there arent enough Void mission variations to accommodate all drop tables. I have a few times suggested bringing back the old "Raid" style mission to the void where the Tenno had to rush in, grab an artifact and get out but DE could enhance them abit adding traps, doors with timers to get across or not be able to collect the artifacts and areas that required alot of parkour to move through.

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1 minute ago, Zhoyzu said:

You know what would be a bad idea. Diluting the loot pools so that no one gets what they want from the void

That's already happening since the introduction of uncommon/rare cores, orokin cells, and credit caches to the drop tables.

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Just now, (PS4)jFresh215 said:

 The only thing that I really agree with here is that the Derelicts are so underused. 

Yeah, there should be more end-of-missions rewards for those.

Imagine putting the older Prime parts and items into the Derelicts while reserving the Void for the newer parts. Would make sense, yeah?

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Just now, pepsi-tan said:

The problem is the void is overly saturated with parts as it is. Some parts need to be removed to make room for new parts. Once the void explodes, the vaulted primes will come back. Chill.

This would be a valid point if, again, cores, cells, and credits didn't replace those vaulted parts but they did.

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12 minutes ago, (PS4)jFresh215 said:

 The only thing that I really agree with here is that the Derelicts are so underused. 

This would be actually a nice place to put the stuff there until DE finds a better place.

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Finds a better place... As long as there are dooky-tier orokin rewards like, "A single fusion core" or "10,000 credits", there will have been "A better place". Unfortunately, we would rather make everything C rotation survival or defense, and then act like it's a big damn surprise that people play endless missions more than others.

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