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Mag Rework Feedback [Post Update 18.13]


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So after a while of testing i realized that my first assumption, "Mag is trash" was wrong and that she is actually ok. But just ok. But i have the feeling that she is kinda exhausting to play now, since you have to constantly recast your spells on different locations. Some people will probably be like "But that's the point of the game, it's supposed to be challenging and interesting." Yeah maybe, but the Meta tends to favor frames and combos which can be played with the least effort possible. And since Mag doesn't really excell in anything in particular i'm expecting people will not play her simply because it  is bothersome to do so.

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Just now, Valesto said:

So after a while of testing i realized that my first assumption, "Mag is trash" was wrong and that she is actually ok. But just ok. But i have the feeling that she is kinda exhausting to play now, since you have to constantly recast your spells on different locations. Some people will probably be like "But that's the point of the game, it's supposed to be challenging and interesting." Yeah maybe, but the Meta tends to favor frames and combos which can be played with the least effort possible. And since Mag doesn't really excell in anything in particular i'm expecting people will not play her simply because it  is bothersome to do so.

Basically yer saying people are to lazy?

They just want 1 button to win `-`?

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6 minutes ago, Roboplus said:

I'm pleased.

229% power strength because of the Primed Continuity/Natural Talent and Fractured Crush mods.

That's over 50% knocked off of the Blind Rage burst built.

Expensive and a nerf as now Mag is a duration frame -- essentially copying Trinity's Bless build over (minus Quick Thinking), yet suffering about an 1/4 Power Strength nerf.

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12 minutes ago, Cpl_Facehugger said:

Not everyone has the sheer amount of time to devote to passively accumulating huge stockpiles of resources like you apparently do.

I'm down to playing more or less once every Baro weekend, still gaining tons of crap... I don't know. Come to think of it, maybe it's because I seek out nodes with the highest spawn rates conceivable just so I can slaughter more things, resulting in mountains of drops?

But even if I really didn't have that kind of time, I wouldn't really... change my playstyle to anything that isn't fun? I'd probably just wait and get it later, like Baro's expensive dog armor. Just because the game released new gear this week doesn't mean you have to have the new gear this week. I don't have Kela stuff - ah, maybe one of these days I'll fire up Rathuum and enjoy the carabus' latest nerf. I don't have Despair - ah, maybe I'll get lucky and Stalker will finally cough up his last trophy. If I play a weekend and I don't get the thing I want, maybe I'll get it next weekend. Meanwhile, my Mag will still wreak havoc on everything till 20 minutes, and when I run out of keys I'll fish for some more...

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Just now, Neptlude said:

Basically yer saying people are to lazy?

They just want 1 button to win `-`?

Jup. Most combos are people just pressing 1-2 buttons over and over again while standing around. Doing a mission 10 times in a row over 4 hours is exhausting enough, doubt people will want to use a difficult frame.

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6 minutes ago, Neptlude said:

Just a reminder, they made the changes to mag, to pull her out of corpus only `-`

And really 1 shotting a whole horde of corpus with 1 button is really overpowered...

At high level, yes.

But if she can't one shot lowbie Corpus, as a maxed out Mag, ah...................

I hope DE didn't just do tweaks for the Corpus Sorties, as that doesn't scale well for other play styles ... like solo play, especially if the energy cost was increased.

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1 minute ago, Valesto said:

Jup. Most combos are people just pressing 1-2 buttons over and over again while standing around. Doing a mission 10 times in a row over 4 hours is exhausting enough, doubt people will want to use a difficult frame.

wow `-`

so lazy.... _(:3 7 L)_


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18 minutes ago, Wynn said:

Roboplus you gave up a lot to fit that build, no defence mods and was only vs 1 target.

That was also my old build from before this update launched. I just included it in the video so people wouldn't ask what I had on.

I haven't made any adjustments yet.

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5 minutes ago, Valesto said:

Jup. Most combos are people just pressing 1-2 buttons over and over again while standing around. Doing a mission 10 times in a row over 4 hours is exhausting enough, doubt people will want to use a difficult frame.

Says the guy who can even survive.

If Mag can't do burst damage, she's dead. She has zip mitigation ... and one of the biggest complaints about her. Why all the fuss about Grineer about her, they kill her as her #2 didn't help her kill the suckers ... then she dies over and over and over.

In public groups if she doesn't bring something but trouble, she's a bench frame.

In solo, why even take her out if she also must eat a stack of energy "tax" pads? You can just take the Loki or Trinity out instead.

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I tinkered in the simulacrum for a bit, get a sense of the numbers and how the powers use.

I'm not going to even try arguing for the percentage based system as before, much as I miss it for its sheer uniqueness - but something that just bothers me is that enemies in the bubble of Magnetize do not get that extra damage bonus that the actual target does. I think that would be a change for the better that really would make the synergy of her play style.

As it is, Magnetize has become the cornerstone of her kit but it can only affect up to four enemies at a time. I get that you'd use it on high priority targets like Heavy Gunners, Bombards, and the like but I still think if at least the damage increase of its effect extended onto enemies in its area, her usability would shoot right up. Does that make sense to anyone?

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I modded Mag with 200% duration, 200% strength, 130% efficiency and 97% range. I went in a level 30 exterminate on Pluto. My Pull couldn't kill moas, Magnetize did 66 damage on other moas, my Crush couldn't kill Techs and Polarize left a lot of enemies alive. I tried Magnetize and Pull but Pull requires line of sight, is directional, doesn't have great range, doesn't grab all enemies, and the enemies it grabs it doesn't pull them all the way in. So much for gathering them up inside the small Magnetize bubble.

At that point I had died twice already, so I just switched to my Staticor and finished the mission more effectively than Mag could with all of her powers combined.

Maybe I don't understand how to play her, but what I do understand is that I'll never WANT to play her again and I regret buying those TennoGen Mag skins recently. Are refunds, even partial ones, possible?

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5 minutes ago, phantasmalWordsmith said:

As it is, Magnetize has become the cornerstone of her kit but it can only affect up to four enemies at a time. I get that you'd use it on high priority targets like Heavy Gunners, Bombards, and the like but I still think if at least the damage increase of its effect extended onto enemies in its area, her usability would shoot right up. Does that make sense to anyone?

Until weapons and armor scaling are done, why would I use it?

Tonkor - Fire 1 the mob is dead. Fire 2 the instaspawn mob is dead, too.

Hieracon all over again.

That's all anyone cares about -- kill it before they kill you (and with Mag, that's THE case!).

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So pretty much her magnetize is the new go to. I can cast magnetize and shoot randomly and they all go to her...or you know I could @(*()$ aim and do the same damn thing and not inconvenience my whole damn team. So I used to be able to go into a corpus map and have a few abilities to do massive damage. Now I have no abilities to do massive damage and I'm expected to cast a huge bubble that draws in all my bullets until one enemy is dead. This is a game about mass killing enemies and yet you want me to focus all my attention on one enemy. On top of all this the most powerful enemy I'll run into on average is 40 unless I am doing a sortie or most voids past 45m.

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2 minutes ago, Silverton said:

So pretty much her magnetize is the new go to. I can cast magnetize and shoot randomly and they all go to her...or you know I could @(*()$ aim and do the same damn thing and not inconvenience my whole damn team. So I used to be able to go into a corpus map and have a few abilities to do massive damage. Now I have no abilities to do massive damage and I'm expected to cast a huge bubble that draws in all my bullets until one enemy is dead. This is a game about mass killing enemies and yet you want me to focus all my attention on one enemy. On top of all this the most powerful enemy I'll run into on average is 40 unless I am doing a sortie or most voids past 45m.

"one enemy"

There's still this thing.

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Mag was one of my favorite frames but now its useless for high lvl enemies. I know DE wants us to Magnetize every enemy to kill them but spamming Magnetize is annoying as well as it makes the gameplay fussy. I recommend replace Magnetise or rework it entirely with something new. And also make Polarize do  % dmg instead of fixed dmg as fixed dmg makes it completely useless on high lvls.

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Yeah that only works that way because Lanka has an innate 5m punch through at base. That allows the projectile to freely do stupid things, though given that maybe somebody should try using a max rebound glaive.

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9 minutes ago, GreyEnneract said:

It's not a bug. Lanka has insane punch through.

Lanka is not the only weapon with good punch through you know.

This is what the author said:



Edit: this is the build




Try to replicate it with some other weapons if possible.

Edited by Norbac-
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