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Update 18.13 Passives Feedback


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In my opinion Passives should be a good feature to fix Warframes' kits OR fixing Energy generation and management.
We can play with Orbs interaction, Shields, Overshields, etc.

> Nekros: 5HPs are too few. The quantity should be percent-based on the max HP.
A good alternative would be:
"Blood is Power: Picking up an Health Orb increases Nekros' Power Strenght OR Duration by 5% per stack. Lasts X seconds. Max Cap 30%."

> Ember: Should be changed to:
"Pyromania: Applying a Heat Status effect will garant a stack during X seconds: regenerate energy for Y seconds and increase Power Strength by 5% per stack. Max 7 Stacks."
To be balanced basing on how many Heat statuses can apply with skills.

> Loki:
"Stealth kills garant 5 Energy or Energy regeneration for X seconds.."

> Vauban:
For Vauban there have been many nice ideas in the feedback section playing around with Hacking and conversion of Alarm Systems to friendly. Dind't consider in Void and Infested missions it wouldn't work...
What about disabling nearby traps maybe?

> Mag:
The actual one isn't needed.
Maybe a new one allowing a Power Strenght/Range buff basing on the quantity of her own Shield/Overhield?
Or Damage reduction on Shield as Armor does on Vitality?

Edited by Burnthesteak87
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•    Ash: Good one, nailed it and fits with the assassin theme. Probably the best one.
•    Banshee: Another good one, it's not as redundant with Silence as many people is pointing out.
•    Ember: Situational and not a good idea to be willing to activate, on high levels especially where it could make a difference.
•    Hydroid: Good and fun. Percentage could be a bit higher considering how long it takes to make one slam.
•    Limbo: :sigh: no comment on this one...
•    Loki: Useless to be honest, an upgrade for maybe the most underused mechanic on parkour 2.
•    Mag: Have not tried it yet. But as someone who mains Carrier, it has no use to me. I believe this would be the case for the mayority.
•    Nekros: Good one, synergies with the augment.
•    Nova: Bad, why would any Nova player put himself in a situation where he could take advantage of this passive.
•    Nyx: The mechanic is good, but as I believe Irradiating Disarm should not exist, this one shouldn't either. Each WF must be different on his own.
•    Oberon: Situational but fun as hell. He should be able to kill the ones under his command.
•    Trinity: It fits.
•    Vauban: Low range and irrelevant armor buff for him.
•    Volt: Good idea, but it doesn't have too much impact, like Ash's for example.

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I was not sure about Hydroids' but after testing it I think it is nice despite the 50% chance, the methods of activations resulted in not only ground slams but also some combos with slams in the combination like winding claws in the swirling tiger stance and also ground finishers, so we have 3 forms to activate the passive, ground finishers synergise well with Hydroids because knockdowns are a common proc from his powers.


I´d also like to suggest for Chroma, being tanky and using different elements is his thing, so I  would like to sugges that Chroma absorbs the damage from elemental procs to buff his powers specially spectral breath (Chroma and Effigy). So he would resist better elemental attacks being immune or partially immune to elemental procs and keep it thematic.


In the case of Ember I think is a bit counterproductive to get in harm´s way to activate, the thing about fire is that is very easy to propagate, I think If we give fire procs cause by Ember maybe a little bit more duration and a radius in which they can catch adjacent enemies on a fire proc too, would be very thematic.

Edited by Pavelord
added Ember opinion
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•    Ash: Bleed Procs dealt by Ash from any source are 25% deadlier and last 50% longer.


•    Banshee: All weapons are treated as silent.

Good, but then active ability needs a rethink/replacement.

•    Loki: 10x Wall-Cling duration!

I never see anyone wall-cling. If it is to stay, would like it toggle-able (so can be permanent). But it also needs something else. Perhaps make Loki invisible while wall-clinging? A buff to damage while wall-clinging? Greater chance to crit and crit damage?

•    Mag: Vacuum effect on every Bullet Jump.

Useless with a carrier, and even without is barely useful. I was thinking vacuum nearby enemy weapons – but then another disarm. Perhaps her magnetism can disrupt (weaken) the shields of nearby enemies?

•    Nekros: Enemy death within 10 meters of Nekros regenerates a 5 Health.

Concept Ok, but needs to scale.

•    Nova: When Nova is knocked down, she will knock down enemies in a 6 meter Radius + deal damage.

Not that useful. Don’t see the thematic fit. Perhaps her radiation can cause an AOE damage effect to health of nearby enemies?

•    Nyx: Enemies affected by any of Nyx's powers have a chance to lay down their weapon ( become disarmed ).

Not useful given you want mind controlled enemies to attack each other. Perhaps if the disarm happened only after the mind control ended?

Perhaps she could have Oberon’s passive as the mind control fits thematically with her. However there would be some overlap with her active powers – but would be a ‘free’ mind control?

Or make this constant (so not tied to power use), so there is always a % change of nearby enemies disarming themselves. If this crosses into Loki territory to much, maybe a stun instead?

•    Oberon: All wildlife (neutral or enemy faction) within a 10 meter range of Oberon will become allies and fight for Oberon for 20 seconds.

Thematically fits a druid archetype more so than a paladin archetype. If it is to stay, given its usefulness is limited to Grineer, perhaps in addition it could buff your own (and team’s) wildlife (kubrow, kavat) somehow? Self reviving kubrow? Kubrow can revive you?

•    Trinity: Revive fallen allies faster from further away.

Ok in a team, would like something for solo play as well. A limited number of additional self revives?

•    Vauban: Other Warframes within 20 meters give you 25% bonus armour.

Ok in a team, would like to see something for solo play as well. Perhaps also reduce enemy armour (so in effect a free corrosive projection, but would stack with it)?

Also like to see it buff team’s, and own sentinel/kubrow armour?

•    Volt: Physical ground-travel distance between attacks causes bonus Electrical damage on next attack.


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1 hour ago, Rhaenxys said:

Im very happy with the current limbo passive, it takes energy but the values are high enough to encourage the use of the rift, also, nyx passive takes energy too so dunno why people find this a problem.

This. i've seen people IN THIS THREAD even say "Limbo's passive is bad because he shouldn't have to use a skill for it" but then in the SAME post PRAISE Nyx' passive that has a CHANCE of happening when she casts a skill- and "being in the rift" is not a skill as much as it is a mechanic that Limbo HAS to use.

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Instead of focusing on the passives that are useless (and there are a few) I want to focus on the passives that are detrimental.


Nyx - Her passive actually makes her worse. When I cast Chaos I may not expect enemies to kill themselves, but I still want them to deal as much damage to themselves as they can. Her passive works against this. It also hurts Mind Control. Let's say I find an Eximus Bombard and Mind Control him, and at the end of Mind Control he's still at more than half health. I want to Mind Control him again but awwwww too bad, he dropped his gun.


Ember - Her passive incentivizes players to put a squishy frame into a suicidal situation. Nuff said.


Hydroid - Because he's not a tanky frame and his passive relies on melee, see Ember. Well, that and it's useless. But I guess that kinda fits Hydroids theme, useless.

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I think all of the elemental frames should have a built in elemental resistance mod to go along with there passives (Flame Repellent for Ember, Antitoxin for Saryn etc.) 


I mean Ember Primes head is literally on fire, she controls fire and she even gets energy and power from being on fire. Only makes sense that she (and the other elemental frames) have some form of damage resistance against there elements. As for Chroma it would depend what energy color he had.

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Nyx needs a new passive. Her current passive just makes her more like a second-rate Loki. The disarm actually hurts 'the dream' of getting enemies to kill each-other. I have a couple suggestions to help Nyx actually have a niche as a CC frame that does damage through crowd control (by literally controlling the crowd).

Suggestion: Enemies ALWAYS have friendly fire enabled when Nyx is in the party. Meaning that ground pounds from Grineer Heavies will KD allied troops, and point blank AOE attacks from enemies will hurt other enemies.

Also, for the love of god replace Psychic Bolts with something that isn't worthless. I've suggested several times an ability that links enemies together, either causing them to share damage with each-other (which serves as damage amplification) or causes enemies to take a percent of their health as damage when an NPC damages them (which will help MC and Chaos stand out as CC in the lategame by allowing MC and Chaos'd enemies to actually kill each-other past Venus.

Edited by 00zau
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Oberons passive is lame. How bout instead, when his health is 20% or below he has a 50% chance of recovering 50% of his health and increasing his damage output on abilities by 10% for 10 secs.


Also, zephyr needs a second passive.

Edited by (PS4)big_eviljak
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Oberon's Passive:

??? completely lackluster. Why not give the ability to spawn small renewal fairies after each kill he makes? 

Please he remember he is also a paladin, and name after Oberon, the KING of fairies.

Personally my suggestion would be for him to spawn spectral feral kubrows and kavats on kills.

Hydroid's passive:

The current version, although unintended, is actually great for CC. Please do not change.

Chroma's passive:

DE. Be serious please.

Give him a passive.

Saying a basic functionality is a passive is, I am very sorry to say, stupid. It's a part of the way his kit works. Please reconsider.

Loki's passive:


I expected something more  trickster-ish. Like Enemies having their guns jammed for a short duration when he is in melee range, or having them start reloading, or having guns backfire.

Ash's passive:

Very powerful, very boring.

I expected passives to be something unrelated to stats, that makes gameplay interesting. You already did this once, DE: look at Atlas's Passive. Just can't be knocked down while on the ground: so simple but so powerful and adds so much depth to the character.


He is the stereotypical 'ninja', I presume? I can't think of a good one, but how about this: Reduced enemy detection and aggro.

Or, when undetected, if Ash is behind an enemy he becomes cloaked to all the other enemies around him. So he can follow enemy to enemy and stay undetected, true ninja fashion.

Excalibur's passive:

Similar to Ash, powerful but boring :/


He's the legendary sword in the stone, right? Why not play off of Arthur's legends?

Blessed Sheath: When holding a longsword, Excalibur gains a small health regen. (this is based off of excalibur's legendary sheath that made Arthur invincible)

Swordsman's poise: Excalibur's armor increases with melee combo counter. 

Unyielding heir: If Excalibur blocks, allies around him become immune to knockdown, harking back to how none but the rightful king could draw Excalibur from the stone.

On another note, I think it would be really cool if he had a second passive, called 'blessing of the lake' that let him walk on water and get a small heal from it. 




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As had already been stated, Ember needs something else. She's too squishy to be encouraged to seek out fire procs (remembering Ember's Overheat glory days...). I'd suggest making her immune to fire proc damage, which would make sense thematically, except that it would still be a rather situational. What about adding 3-5% fire damage to her weapons, or giving melee attacks a decent chance to proc fire even without fire mods?


I'll also echo requests for Oberon's photosynthesis, and for something more for Limbo that's not tied to a power state- say, giving all incoming attacks a percent chance to be nullified (lost to the rift), or a flat percent damage reduction (again, some amount of damage diverted into the rift), whether he's in or out of the rift. 

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As a seasoned Nyx player, her passive is very uninspired and disappointing, its nothing new or interesting and while the passives don't really need to be anything special they should at least feel unique to the frame. They shouldn't feel like they are trying to compete with a more superior version of a current skill type, this being chaos vs irradiating disarm. Instead give us something more akin to her Esper theme like headshots being able to apply radiation or chaos procs or disrupting would be attackers with a psychic shock.

While Vaubans passive fits the theme of the real life counterpart being a builder of defensive structures in that it makes him more durable, but when you get into his design philosophy it wasn't just about making a fort impenetrable but being able to lock down the enemy in a killzone of sorts which Vauban already exemplifies fairly well. I'd say more fitting and interesting would be to either have him boost the capabilities of his sentinels, enemies take more damage while affected by his abilities or to increase the defensive prowess of structures like cyropods or extractors as examples.

While fitting extremely well to his theme, Oberons passive currently interrupts the flow of gameplay and there also isn't really enough wildlife in game as of now to really justify it. While I'm not saying for a complete and total changing of it as making it less disruptive would be fine and new wildlife is inevitable eventually, it would be nice to have something different and more applicable now such as a bonus to Kubrows and the upcoming Kavats.

Embers passive is kind of self defeating as there is very few ways to be proc'd by heat that aren't likely to kill you outright or wear off by the time you can utilize the damage aspect well. While I'm not saying she should be completely immune to heat damage or anything, having it be her regening energy and dealing more damage to enemies would promote a status playstyle which are rather laking in reasons to use but I think having something like increased health, damage resistance or incredibly increased health regen while being attacked by fire would be interesting as well and work more in favor of her current passive.

Edited by SirCarmen
added in ember and expanded upon other parts.
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Imo DE should decide now, how impactful passives should be. Most of them are pretty minor buffs, but other like Ash's (~+61% overall damage for shuriken and bs) are for a "passive" way too powerful. Which isnt a bad thing at all, imo it would be great to see some much greater passives and frames that resolve around their passive. Passives should be minor rigth down the line (nerfing ashs) or way more powerful! What do u think about that?

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Oberon's passive would be massively better if it was mechanically identical to Nyx's Mind Control. Don't let me or allies damage my controlled Hyekkas until the duration wears off. That would be a huge help to this passive. 

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My problem with the passives is that they seem tacked on, and some of them offer little to no tactical advantage, feel like they have little impact to them, and/or are very situational/limited. 

And before I continue, here is my analysis of the passives from a design standpoint, including existing passives.




Tactical Advantage? Increases bleed damage.

Accessibility?  Ability casts and weapons with slash damage.

Impressions? Kill enemies slightly quicker, but few changes gameplay-wise.  Acceptable.

Suggestions?  Bonuses to finisher attack speed, damage, and/or grants a stacking movespeed bonus upon killing an enemy with a finisher attack.




Tactical Advantage?  CC immunity.

Accessibility?  Must stay on the ground.

Impressions?  Feels tough getting hit by blasts that would knock any other frame down.  Still just an exilus effect really.

Suggestions? Bonuses to fist and sparring weapons.




Tactical Advantage? Stealth.

Accessibility? Permanent effect.  

Impressions? Subtle, but going full auto on a guy without his friend noticing is hilarious.

Suggestions?  Bonuses to snipers




Tactical Advantage? Changes ability functions. Versatile, but only between missions.   

Accessibility?  Ability casts.  Limited by energy.  

Impressions?  Cool, but has no unique effects of its own, just changes existing effects.




Tactical Advantage?  Energy Regen from a damaging effect on a caster archetype.  Reasonable.

Accessibility?  Receiving a damaging effect that is restricted to certain tilesets and enemies, on a vulnerable caster archetype.  Risky/Inaccessible, depending on circumstances.

Impressions?  Insulting.

Suggestions: Killing a unit with one of her abilities refunded a portion of it's cost.  Or enemies killed by her abilities continue to burn, dealing heat damage over time to nearby enemies for a duration.  Or the more damage taken to her shield/health, the higher her ability damage and ability effect radius.  Or casting abilities could give her a temporary, stacking aura that does increased heat damage to surrounding enemies and slightly reduces incoming damage.




Tactical Advantage?  Regain energy from health orbs and vice versa.  Determines starting form.

Accessibility?  At mission start and on orb pickup.

Impressions? Thematically appropriate.  A little lackluster as well.




Tactical Advantage? Increases sword dps. Check.  

Accessibility? Limited by weapon class.

Impressions?  Kill enemies slightly quicker, but few changes gameplay-wise.  Restricted to certain weapon classes to make full use of it's effects.  Limiting, but a personal choice.  Fit's his theme and provides a nice stat boost.




Tactical Advantage?  Freezing a potentially dangerous melee enemy.  Unnecessary at lower levels.  Risky, with other more dangerous threats on higher levels.

Accessibility?  Random chance on enemy melee attack.  Not particularly common, unless something went horribly wrong.

Impressions?  Largely unnoticeable, unless something goes wrong.  Saves nothing in those situations.  Thematically appropriate, practically underwhelming.




Tactical Advantage?  Small source of finishing damage from an erratic tentacle.

Accessibility?  Random chance on slam attack.  

Impressions?  Disappointing.  More efficient sources of finisher damage than a single tentacle, i.e. performing an actual finisher.

Suggestions?  Bonuses to cutlasses?  Chance for him to turn into water, dodging a projectile weapon/melee attack?




Tactical Advantage? Regaining health from finishers.  Returning from death without expending a revive.  Double Check.  

Accessibility?  Melee finishers, also available through a core ability.  Dying.

Impressions?  Health regain is immediately gratifying.  Ability to come back from death itself through the blood of your enemies, awesome.




Tactical Advantage? Intel on enemy positions.  Great for stealth gameplay.

Accessibility?  Permanent effect.

Impressions?  Useful, but a bit dull, and does little to express her identity.

Suggestions?  Bonuses to bows.




Tactical Advantage? Mobility and reload speed in the rift.

Accessibility?  Abilities.  Limited by energy.

Impressions?  Not really a passive effect.  Only works within his abilities.  May as well roll it into them.

Suggestions? Has an increased chance to immediately enter the rift when taking health damage.  Or may deal reduced damage to enemies on either side of the rift.






Tactical Advantage?  Can maintain a position on walls for longer periods of time?

Accessibility?  Wall latching.  Mostly pointless.

Impressions?  Pointless on a warframe that can turn invisible.  Pointless on any warframe really.

Suggestions?   Bonuses to daggers, finisher damage, and/or finisher animations speed? Collision clipping through enemies, not alerting nearby enemies when performing finishers near them, or momentarily making nearby enemies unalerted upon successfully performing a finisher attack.




Tactical Advantage? Recovering surrounding items while maintaining mobility without a carrier.

Accessibility?  Bullet jumping.

Impressions?  Ultimately unnecessary.  Very limited purpose.  Room for something much more interesting.




Tactical Advantage?  Increased fire rate with dual sidearms OR increased reload speed with single sidearms.  With bonus health if no melee weapon is equipped.

Accessibility?  Limited to a choice between sidearm choices, and whether or not to forgo a melee weapon.

Impressions?  Too limiting in application.  Health bonus was unnecessary, but fine.

Suggestions?  Don't limit the fire rate and reload speed to either.  Go with both for both sidearm types.




Tactical Advantage?  Extra mobility.

Accessibility?  Performing maneuvers and bullet jumping.

Impressions? It's not the worst offender, I guess.  But another lackluster effect.




Tactical Advantage?  Health from killing.

Accessibility?  Slaughtering nearby enemies?

Impressions?  A little short ranged, but a decent passive ability for our favorite necromancy themed frame.




Tactical Advantage?  Mobility?

Accessibility?  Movement.

Impressions?  Another exilus one.  Only more frustrating when out of control.




Tactical Advantage?  Some defense against high level threats.

Accessibility?  On knock down.  Vulnerable.

Impressions?  Needs more range to be effective.  And some other less vulnerable effects.




Tactical Advantage?  Weakening enemy forces even further.

Accessibility?  On ability cast.  Limited by energy.

Impressions?  Useful, but could be much more interesting.  

Suggestions? Any enemy affected by her abilities could have a chance to temporarily become Nyx's ally for a short duration.  Or on recasting an ability, there could be a chance that any previously affected enemy could be mentally made to forget how to breathe, be mindwiped into a vegetable, lose all sense of self, and suffer permanent brain damage, making them unresponsive for the rest of the mission.



Tactical Advantage?  Temporarily gaining wild units as allies.

Accessibility?  Limited to certain tilesets and enemy types.

Impressions?  Cool in concept, but lacking in all around usage.

Suggestions?  Weak passive regeneration, damage reduction, and/or buffs within a certain range.  Buffing allied pets and companions?  Or passively damages nearby enemies.  Bonuses to sword and shields?




Tactical Advantage?  Deals damage to and knocks down enemies from high falls. (Note, this can be done with many melee weapons, albeit in a smaller radius)

Accessibility?  Heavy impact landings.

Impressions?  Cool, but it needs more for more general usage.

Suggestions?  Small shockwaves trigger with every footfall.  Or melee strikes deal area of effect damage.  Or bonuses to heavy melee.




Tactical Advantage? Increased durations of status effects from weapons and abilities.  Indirectly increases damage. 

Accessibility?  Through ability casts and weapon usage.  

Impressions? Effective, but also easily unnoticed.





Tactical Advantage?  Increased speed and range for reviving allies.

Accessibility?  Requires a team, with downed allies.

Impressions?  Useful, but needs to be slightly stronger.

Suggestions?  Passive regeneration field.




Tactical Advantage? Quicker recoveries. No heavy impact,

Accessibility?  On knockdown.  On high fall.

Impressions?  Exilus'd again.

Suggestions?  Increased move and/or attack speed the more damage she takes, up to a cap.  Bonuses to whips, claws, blade and whip, (Guaranteed bleed proc.)




Tactical advantage?  A wee bit tankier with your team right next to you.

Accessibility?  Requires a team, in close proximity.

Impressions?  Give him something with soloplay in mind, jeez.  Actually, I'll go back and pen something in for trinity too.

Suggestions? Gain flat armor for being within a certain range of his traps, stacking 100 or 100% with each trap in play, up to a cap.




Tactical advantage?  Bonus damage on next attack just for moving.

Accessibility?  Must stay on the ground and move to build up charges.  Can discharge with abilities, ranged and melee.

Impressions?  One of the most unique ones here.  My personal favorite.

Suggestions? Guaranteed shock proc at a certain threshold. Or a speed benefit from stacking it up.  Or make it build up with attacks/ability casts as well as movement, and consume it all at max stacks to, perform some special effect, like energy restoration or a massive electrical pulse in a similar vein as syndicate procs.  It could also use some particle effects that let players feel the power building up and the impact of discharging its effects into a target, be it a light shock or the full storm. 




Tactical Advantage?  Increased combo counter duration.

Accessibility?  Melee only

Impressions?  Bland

Suggestions?  Bonuses to staves.




Tactical Advantage?  Increased airtime?

Accessibility?  Jumping, aerial mobility, falling.

Impressions?  Impressive for it's time.  Overshadowed by new passives.

Suggestions?  Aimgliding has vertical motion control.  Or unlimited airborne mobility actions.  May perform X number of additional mobility actions while airborne.  Increased ability range and/or power efficiency while airborne.  


Of course just because some of these are just exilus effects on a warframe doesn't mean they need to be done away with entirely.  They could just be rolled in with whatever better passives that could be applied.

Edit: Fixed

Edited by Sibericus
spoilers hypernested within eachother
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10 hours ago, 4ever4gotin said:

Well, what I have to say about Trinity's passive is ONE METER farther and ONE SECOND faster.

That is one helluva trade for what Trinity had to get.

Fitting of theme: sure.
Solo play usefulness: useless, unless you have a dog (and upcoming cat)
Team play: eh, nobody is praising me for scraping them off the floor. (although I do appreciate the "thx" or "ty", along with the occasional "Trinity is trash after her nerf" and "EV only please" comments)
Running Vazarian: Hey! New Moon, Instant revives! and that troll Polluted Waters power? (it's actually quite good at max rank.... really it is!)

Can this get some "scaling", for example: 1 tenno down (+1 metre and -1 second), 2 tenno down (+3 metres / -3 seconds), everyone down and dogs bleeding all over the place (+6 metre and -6 seconds). or something along those lines.

she should also revive multiple people within 5 m of her? for like when half the squad goes down.

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please consider this passive DE i emplore you, please just at least read it.

here is my suggestion to rework/tweak volt's passive (cause currently, (lol) it is kind of unreliable running 1km and then missing because your aim is so poor (especially when the you are using weapon has travel time)):

new name: Ionic Velocity (cause it doesn't confuse newbies and/or you-tubers as to which thing is which; discharge or static discharge?)

While moving (regardless on the ground or in the air), volt gains the following buffs (points 1 and 2 respectively):

  1. +1000 electric dmg (which degrades over time (the more distance traveled over time, the less it degrades) and resets after every attack)
  • this fixes what volt's passive currently lacks and covers the basic concept of the passive. now to pull the kit and comprehend it all together to make it synergise effectively with volts playstyle.

  2.   +15% power strength and power efficiency for him and his team-mates1 

  • this can be a real game changer for the volt rework and can have small but sometimes devastating effects with a bit of tactical gameplay. it also kind of fixes some of the problems with volt (even before the rework) in which he has the tendency to lose more energy than he gains while also not dealing enough dmg with his abilities to take care of high level threats like bombards heavy gunners and anyone with a flame thrower or high dmg weapon in general.

 3.   in addition to the above, volt also has passive lightning dash that stuns enemies for 3 secs.

  • this is just a side benefit which is independent from the dmg "sub-passive" (yep, i just dubbed it banshee, yell at me in anger!) but helps keeps up the benefits by making him extremely mobile on top of what speed already does. (plus it doesn't cost energy!)

the suggested changes above encourage players to move around and doesn't restrict volt to the ground as it does now. rather, it helps players (especially newer players) to survive more effectively and also encourages players to stay near volt to gain buffs such as speed and ES (and occasionally waiting for a stunned enemy from either shock or discharge for them to attack).furthermore, it fits volt's theme as a caster (#caster master race) and adds an alternative twist to the classic type of gun-play at the same time (cause realistically, DE are never going to accurately match the codex description in game). It also forces volt and his allies to be in a position not to camp to much to often and engage in as much of warframe's gameplay and mechanics as possible (a start to what DE clearly wants and what a lot of people i have seen want, engaging and fun gameplay). this passive is a reflective benchmark of what passive should be- meaningful, thematic and very encouraging to participate in the frame's play-style while not abusing the game or insulting the frame itself.

from one of the many foremost cultists of the Storm-Raiders (a.k.a. volt-mains),


1(so long as they are moving within the tenno affinity radius)

(if you like this idea please don't forget to up-vote, share and quote this post or message me on my forum profile page (or in-game on a friday night AEST if you really want)(#Public Relations mission complete; like a classic youtuber).)

Edited by Aquasurge
clearing the storm
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2 hours ago, Sibericus said:



My problem with the passives is that they seem tacked on, and some of them offer little to no tactical advantage, feel like they have little impact to them, and/or are very situational/limited. 

And before I continue, here is my analysis of the passives from a design standpoint, including existing passives.



  Reveal hidden contents

Tactical Advantage? Increases bleed damage.

Accessibility?  Ability casts and weapons with slash damage.

Impressions? Kill enemies slightly quicker, but few changes gameplay-wise.  Acceptable.

Suggestions?  Bonuses to finisher attack speed, damage, and/or grants a stacking movespeed bonus upon killing an enemy with a finisher attack.



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Tactical Advantage?  CC immunity.

Accessibility?  Must stay on the ground.

Impressions?  Feels tough getting hit by blasts that would knock any other frame down.  Still just an exilus effect really.

Suggestions? Bonuses to fist and sparring weapons.



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Tactical Advantage? Stealth.

Accessibility? Permanent effect.  

Impressions? Subtle, but going full auto on a guy without his friend noticing is hilarious.

Suggestions?  Bonuses to snipers



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Tactical Advantage? Changes ability functions. Versatile, but only between missions.   

Accessibility?  Ability casts.  Limited by energy.  

Impressions?  Cool, but has no unique effects of its own, just changes existing effects.



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Tactical Advantage?  Energy Regen from a damaging effect on a caster archetype.  Reasonable.

Accessibility?  Receiving a damaging effect that is restricted to certain tilesets and enemies, on a vulnerable caster archetype.  Risky/Inaccessible, depending on circumstances.

Impressions?  Insulting.

Suggestions: Killing a unit with one of her abilities refunded a portion of it's cost.  Or enemies killed by her abilities continue to burn, dealing heat damage over time to nearby enemies for a duration.  Or the more damage taken to her shield/health, the higher her ability damage and ability effect radius.  Or casting abilities could give her a temporary, stacking aura that does increased heat damage to surrounding enemies and slightly reduces incoming damage.



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Tactical Advantage?  Regain energy from health orbs and vice versa.  Determines starting form.

Accessibility?  At mission start and on orb pickup.

Impressions? Thematically appropriate.  A little lackluster as well.



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Tactical Advantage? Increases sword dps. Check.  

Accessibility? Limited by weapon class.

Impressions?  Kill enemies slightly quicker, but few changes gameplay-wise.  Restricted to certain weapon classes to make full use of it's effects.  Limiting, but a personal choice.  Fit's his theme and provides a nice stat boost.



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Tactical Advantage?  Freezing a potentially dangerous melee enemy.  Unnecessary at lower levels.  Risky, with other more dangerous threats on higher levels.

Accessibility?  Random chance on enemy melee attack.  Not particularly common, unless something went horribly wrong.

Impressions?  Largely unnoticeable, unless something goes wrong.  Saves nothing in those situations.  Thematically appropriate, practically underwhelming.



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Tactical Advantage?  Small source of finishing damage from an erratic tentacle.

Accessibility?  Random chance on slam attack.  

Impressions?  Disappointing.  More efficient sources of finisher damage than a single tentacle, i.e. performing an actual finisher.

Suggestions?  Bonuses to cutlasses?  Chance for him to turn into water, dodging a projectile weapon/melee attack?



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Tactical Advantage? Regaining health from finishers.  Returning from death without expending a revive.  Double Check.  

Accessibility?  Melee finishers, also available through a core ability.  Dying.

Impressions?  Health regain is immediately gratifying.  Ability to come back from death itself through the blood of your enemies, awesome.



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Tactical Advantage? Intel on enemy positions.  Great for stealth gameplay.

Accessibility?  Permanent effect.

Impressions?  Useful, but a bit dull, and does little to express her identity.

Suggestions?  Bonuses to bows.



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Tactical Advantage? Mobility and reload speed in the rift.

Accessibility?  Abilities.  Limited by energy.

Impressions?  Not really a passive effect.  Only works within his abilities.  May as well roll it into them.

Suggestions? Has an increased chance to immediately enter the rift when taking health damage.  Or may deal reduced damage to enemies on either side of the rift.





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Tactical Advantage?  Can maintain a position on walls for longer periods of time?

Accessibility?  Wall latching.  Mostly pointless.

Impressions?  Pointless on a warframe that can turn invisible.  Pointless on any warframe really.

Suggestions?   Bonuses to daggers, finisher damage, and/or finisher animations speed? Collision clipping through enemies, not alerting nearby enemies when performing finishers near them, or momentarily making nearby enemies unalerted upon successfully performing a finisher attack.



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Tactical Advantage? Recovering surrounding items while maintaining mobility without a carrier.

Accessibility?  Bullet jumping.

Impressions?  Ultimately unnecessary.  Very limited purpose.  Room for something much more interesting.



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Tactical Advantage?  Increased fire rate with dual sidearms OR increased reload speed with single sidearms.  With bonus health if no melee weapon is equipped.

Accessibility?  Limited to a choice between sidearm choices, and whether or not to forgo a melee weapon.

Impressions?  Too limiting in application.  Health bonus was unnecessary, but fine.

Suggestions?  Don't limit the fire rate and reload speed to either.  Go with both for both sidearm types.



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Tactical Advantage?  Extra mobility.

Accessibility?  Performing maneuvers and bullet jumping.

Impressions? It's not the worst offender, I guess.  But another lackluster effect.



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Tactical Advantage?  Health from killing.

Accessibility?  Slaughtering nearby enemies?

Impressions?  A little short ranged, but a decent passive ability for our favorite necromancy themed frame.



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Tactical Advantage?  Mobility?

Accessibility?  Movement.

Impressions?  Another exilus one.  Only more frustrating when out of control.



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Tactical Advantage?  Some defense against high level threats.

Accessibility?  On knock down.  Vulnerable.

Impressions?  Needs more range to be effective.  And some other less vulnerable effects.



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Tactical Advantage?  Weakening enemy forces even further.

Accessibility?  On ability cast.  Limited by energy.

Impressions?  Useful, but could be much more interesting.  

Suggestions? Any enemy affected by her abilities could have a chance to temporarily become Nyx's ally for a short duration.  Or on recasting an ability, there could be a chance that any previously affected enemy could be mentally made to forget how to breathe, be mindwiped into a vegetable, lose all sense of self, and suffer permanent brain damage, making them unresponsive for the rest of the mission.


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Tactical Advantage?  Temporarily gaining wild units as allies.

Accessibility?  Limited to certain tilesets and enemy types.

Impressions?  Cool in concept, but lacking in all around usage.

Suggestions?  Weak passive regeneration, damage reduction, and/or buffs within a certain range.  Buffing allied pets and companions?  Or passively damages nearby enemies.  Bonuses to sword and shields?



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Tactical Advantage?  Deals damage to and knocks down enemies from high falls. (Note, this can be done with many melee weapons, albeit in a smaller radius)

Accessibility?  Heavy impact landings.

Impressions?  Cool, but it needs more for more general usage.

Suggestions?  Small shockwaves trigger with every footfall.  Or melee strikes deal area of effect damage.  Or bonuses to heavy melee.



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Tactical Advantage? Increased durations of status effects from weapons and abilities.  Indirectly increases damage. 

Accessibility?  Through ability casts and weapon usage.  

Impressions? Effective, but also easily unnoticed.




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Tactical Advantage?  Increased speed and range for reviving allies.

Accessibility?  Requires a team, with downed allies.

Impressions?  Useful, but needs to be slightly stronger.

Suggestions?  Passive regeneration field.



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Tactical Advantage? Quicker recoveries. No heavy impact,

Accessibility?  On knockdown.  On high fall.

Impressions?  Exilus'd again.

Suggestions?  Increased move and/or attack speed the more damage she takes, up to a cap.  Bonuses to whips, claws, blade and whip, (Guaranteed bleed proc.)



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Tactical advantage?  A wee bit tankier with your team right next to you.

Accessibility?  Requires a team, in close proximity.

Impressions?  Give him something with soloplay in mind, jeez.  Actually, I'll go back and pen something in for trinity too.

Suggestions? Gain flat armor for being within a certain range of his traps, stacking 100 or 100% with each trap in play, up to a cap.



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Tactical advantage?  Bonus damage on next attack just for moving.

Accessibility?  Must stay on the ground and move to build up charges.  Can discharge with abilities, ranged and melee.

Impressions?  One of the most unique ones here.  My personal favorite.

Suggestions? Guaranteed shock proc at a certain threshold. Or a speed benefit from stacking it up.  Or make it build up with attacks/ability casts as well as movement, and consume it all at max stacks to, perform some special effect, like energy restoration or a massive electrical pulse in a similar vein as syndicate procs.  It could also use some particle effects that let players feel the power building up and the impact of discharging its effects into a target, be it a light shock or the full storm. 



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Tactical Advantage?  Increased combo counter duration.

Accessibility?  Melee only

Impressions?  Bland

Suggestions?  Bonuses to staves.



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Tactical Advantage?  Increased airtime?

Accessibility?  Jumping, aerial mobility, falling.

Impressions?  Impressive for it's time.  Overshadowed by new passives.

Suggestions?  Aimgliding has vertical motion control.  Or unlimited airborne mobility actions.  May perform X number of additional mobility actions while airborne.  Increased ability range and/or power efficiency while airborne.  


Of course just because some of these are just exilus effects on a warframe doesn't mean they need to be done away with entirely.  They could just be rolled in with whatever better passives that could be applied.

Edit: Fixed

this has to be one of the best analysis for warframe passives.+1

Edited by Aquasurge
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Alrighty, I decided not to judge them immediately and figured I'd test them out over the weekend and get a feel for them...

Ignoring those I either simply don't play or don't have strong opinions on.

•    Banshee: Actually, I really like this, though her silence power now needs to be reworked, as half its function has essentially been negated.
•    Mag: I rather enjoy this passive, works great in my opinion(especially with the removal of the sound effect! that was pretty annoying.)
•    Nyx: Counterproductive, doesn't even seem to work a meaningful amount of the time to actually take it into account. Downright aweful passive. I recommend something more 'constant effect' like negating hostile Radiation procs perhaps?
•    Oberon: Uh... Thematically, I like it I guess? Crank up the range and timer on that passive though and add an alternative function that's available on non-wildlife tilesets... which is most of them. I have two alternative suggestions.
One: If Oberon is meant to be a pack leader now, have the passive generate a Shadow Companion that mimics the stats and abilities of your current Kubrow(and later Kavat).
Two: Have his passive straight up buff his Kubrow's stats across the board. I don't know what would be exactly reasonable, 20%?
•    Trinity: In practice... this is entirely meaningless. Thematically it may be appropriate, but I think she deserves more than a fraction of a second earlier response time to raise an ally. If you want to improve her raising ability, or her ability to help teammates, have Trinity provide the team an increase in bleed out time when Trinity is around(25m range?). It would be more useful in more situations. Alternatively have her very presence increase everyone's damage reduction or provide a combined low level health/energy regen when allies are in close proximity, based upon the number of those allies present(including her), have it stack with auras too.
•    Volt: Funny, I'll give you that, hasn't provided an observably useful contribution to my gameplay thus far. I don't have any good suggestions for an alternative, but it made me laugh at least.

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Oberon Passive: it still seems to have a few problems one being some times you need to stand next to the beast for a few seconds before it decides to fight for you as well as they should at lest last till the beast dies and of course they should follow you not just walk around in a small area or decide to kill you again for no reason as there master is most likely already dead or trying to kill them anyway the passive seems very lack luster seeing as i see the beasts miss a lot anyway but at the very least if you don't change much with them or the passive at least make them last indefinitely and if your worried about it becoming over powered limit how many you can have fighting for you at one time  

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15 hours ago, Zari2015 said:

Nova Passive is exaggerated for only low level content.

In sorties when i got knocked down or intentionally wanted to be knocked down i died... 

With different level 80 enemies in simulacrum happens same thing, many enemies keeps distance and her passive is kind of dodged.

Also she can't resist to incoming damage after she got knocked down with enemies level range over 60.

Taking in mind she dies too fast and enemies are too far away for her passive, the passive becomes useless even for reviving a dead nova.

yes,nova and ember have a "suicide passive" (they not tanks)

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Just now, LeifKlover said:

There are notable issues with Vauban, Nyx, Limbo, Oberon, and Hydroid.

Vauban's passive is lackluster in anything but Full comps and Raids.

Nyx's passive can be intrusive to specified gameplay. Why would I MC a bombard or heavy gunner for them to reduce their DPS by putting down their Ogris or Gorgon?

Limbo's Passive is lackluster and doesn't help him with output, nor does it help him set up his already niche gameplay.

Oberon's Passive is fundamentally useless and offers nothing.

Hydroid's Passive is bugged. On any land impact with melee, he spawns a tentacle. This includes punching walls and enemies. These tentacles will consume part of the cap on his fourth, which effectively makes his swarm useless to use in long duration melee combat. Either uncap and let us build around tentacles, or fix the bug which makes his passive viable in the first place and rework his passive to be something more pirate oriented, while preferably making his swarm more viable to use. (Power = More tentacles would be preferable.)



A recommended Hydroid replacement would be something like:

Blunderbuss: On melee attack, there is a chance (Smaller for fast attacking weapons, larger for slow attacking weapons) for Hydroid to
A: Sneak in a burst of water, Drenching the target and applying all three physical debuffs. (Impact = Stagger | Piercing = Damage Reduction | Slash = A bleed effect, scaling with his power strength.) (This may be guaranteed and only target limited)
B: Fire a copy of his secondary weapon at the primary target

The replacement u are asking for is a joke a good replacement  would be that every melee attack loots an amount of credits from the enemy

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