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Pls dont choose and use Frost if you cant keep your bubble up all the time in the first 20 waves!


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1 hour ago, JohnViande said:

I'm always assuming Frost's job for every Void defense so I know the job will be done right :p

Good one, but 99% of the players in wf know only how to play offense.

It's ridiculous how often you can see Frost with only stretch or no stretch at all... in t4D. And similar other bs. The most frustrating part here that it comes from literally all the players, their fancy clan or mr doesn't matter - I mean it tells little about the palyer itself but still. No common sense at all and it feels like they don't leran.

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1 hour ago, ranks21 said:

stacking the bubbles doesn't help one bit it only makes you waste 3 bubble stacks and all 4 diminish with each hit just as fast as having 1<< myth busted.

Stacking bubbles does help... but not nearly as much as recasting during combat to absorb damage during the invulnerability period. This is what frosts should be doing (if they actually want to protect the pod).

Edited by AXCrusnik
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2 hours ago, PsychedelicSnake said:

Not as bad as when a player puts a bubble up with the clear intent to play defensively... only to hike it over to the spawn door and sit there camping while a bunch of other enemies invade from the other spawn doors.

Amen to that, absolutely redundant!

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Bad Frost:

Casting globe once and only once at a time

Casting globe on the ground in a defense only then to cast it on top of the defense target later on thus changing the area it defends

Casting 4 globes all around each other thinking that's what "stacking" means

Casting a globe to defend a regular target with under 160~% range

Casting a globe with under 235~% range with an infested defense target

Using ONLY globe the ENTIRE game(You have 4 skills use them)

Not listening to the team when they tell them in an infested defense to take down their tiny globe cause no one can shoot the enemies inside and are then forced to stay inside the globe

Using no strength mods or armor mods to not only help frosts ehp but increase the health of the globe and the armor reduction of avalanche

Having no duration whatsoever so that Avalanche is useless later on



Welp I think I got them all.

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33 minutes ago, Gelkor said:

It kinda was actually, Sleep Arrows have diminishing returns when kept on the same targets now, so you need to kill targets or your SA will last 1/10th the normal duration. Not a problem for Defense soloing which is tied to enemy spawns, but MD and Int are on timers so that's tougher.

Huh. Need to check this out.

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Unfortunately this is not going to change anytime soon,as most players don't frequent the forums or reddit,thus they will be unaware that the bubble do stack,I play around 4 T4D defense missions per day,and I can guarante you that 80% of frost players don't know that bubbles stack,most will cast one when the round starts and be done with it,and when the bubble is destroyed they will cast another,I have done a 60 wave of T4 once as soon as we started I casted the bubble 3 times and after each round 3 times,when my zenurik was ready I casted the bubble10 times after each round until wave 20 and I can tell you that the bubble never went below 80% the entire time


Digital Extremes needs to add any kind of info on the abilities tab for frost showing that the bubbles do in fact stack,something along these lines *casting addional snow globes inside the remaining ones will increase their health pool for a maximum of 1,000,00 health,gid gud tenno."


note: the gid gud line is not necessary but would help greatly.

Edited by iCasual
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2 hours ago, trieuazn0 said:

as a common, t4 Defence Frost player, i just want to say.

if the Frost is using a black or dark energy Colour, they most likely don't know if the bubble is up or not. Just remind us forst players to slap one up again


2 hours ago, trieuazn0 said:

Also, the power indicator only shows for the last globe placed up, which will be a common thing when you are activly Reviving Hallway heroes or other players in the later Waves. please take other factors into consideration before informing other players

You have the indicator. If you use the frost globe away from the defense point to revive someone, destroy that bubble using your 1st skill afterwards, so it doesn't falsify your indicator and so it's not an obstruction for shooting.

Also remember, please, that the snow globe is invulnerable for the first 4 seconds after cast and that a globe cast within a globe will add the remaining hp to new ones, therefore by casting the clobe few times in the same spot will result in much stronger one.

Another thing to remember is that globes stop projectiles but they do not stop explosions. The bubble has to be big enough for that so I heavily recommend using at least Stretch for defenses.

Edited by Lijka
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People should also know that they can have maxed globe (streamline + fleeting (+stretch)) with a maxed freeze force build (200% str and the augment). There is no reason for Frost to be only using Globe.

Keep the Globe AND Freeze Force buffs on all the times.

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2 hours ago, Jakorak said:



as a regular frost player, that globe health indicator does bug out and lock, showing a false health percentage from time to time

edit: then again it does usually fix itself if you sit in your bubble like "a good little frost" and refresh your bubble frequently

It's funny that it has never happened to me

Interesting tho

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1 hour ago, AXCrusnik said:

Stacking bubbles does help... but not nearly as much as recasting during combat to absorb damage during the invulnerability period. This is what frosts should be doing (if they actually want to protect the pod).

Bubble at 90%?  Recast (btw, this eventually balances out to 10x displayed bubble health)
Bubble taking heavy fire?  Recast, wait 4 seconds, cast Avalanche
New wave?  Recast
Picked up an energy orb? Recast... twice with max efficiency!
Arcane Guardian proc'd? Recast
Want to show everyone how ludicrous Zenurik is?  Recast every 4 seconds for an entire wave, end with more energy than you started with.

1 hour ago, rawr1254 said:

Having no duration whatsoever so that Avalanche is useless later on

Having no duration and gloating about how OP Chilling Globe is.  Disturbingly common in my experience.

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If you're playing Frost against Infested, please don't use the globe to protect the objective unless you have on the Chilling Globe augment. The globe only blocks projectiles, of which the Infested have one, and the globe prevents players outside the globe from picking off Infested within the globe (it blocks all fire). Against Infested, Bastille is probably the best objective protector.

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4 hours ago, G4d0 said:

If you cant keep the bubble up in the 1st 20 waves, pls dont choose frost choose other frame instead. Dont just cast your bubble once and think ok i'm done my job. Thanks!

if it was a new player or frost-user you could be useful by helping him out with tips ...

we all started once and we all do "our mistakes" where we have to learn

you know what im totally tired of in warframe, sentences like you create and share, can i help you to understand new players or the situation you was in ? because there doesnt exist the right playing or behaving in a GAME !!! for that its a GAME !!! PIXELS !!! it has nothing to do with whatever realitiy, not a bit ... just as a friendly reminder =)))

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4 hours ago, Machayna said:

I understand what you're saying but I also don't like to lock frames into a specific role unless specified before.  For instance if a trin joins a group some people immediately assume an EV build but I love running a link build.  With frost I have a bubble build but I primarily play his CC icewave build.  Just because someone isn't playing "the meta" doesn't mean they're doing it wrong.  However if you brought a frost with and the frost understood his job was to keep that bubble up then yeah.....I completely understand.

I get where you're coming from, and in a lot of situations it's a valid argument.  But in Frost's case...if there's one Frost on a defense mission, I'm willing to bet 99% of players will assume his role is to protect the crypod with Snowglobe.  If that's not someone's intention when they join as Frost, they really should be letting the group know ahead of time.  While not letting the group know isn't exactly lying, it definitely falls along the lines of omitting the truth imo.

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3 hours ago, ranks21 said:

stacking the bubbles doesn't help one bit it only makes you waste 3 bubble stacks and all 4 diminish with each hit just as fast as having 1<< myth busted.

You don't know how Frost's Globe works do you? Or do you move away from the bubble and overlap them instead of stacking. That or you stack like 3 times and suddenly expect the bubble to stay there for 20 waves. 

Try to stack more then 3 times good sir. I main Frost and everytime I do my Td3/Td4s, I literally spam my globe (while protecting my space) until I hit wave 5 with my energy restores, even more if I have a Trinity. After wave 5 or so, if I have energy, I stack my globe once each wave ends. I never leave my globe's percentage go down to 80. And my globe stays strong after even 20 waves.

I don't stand there either. I do go out of the battlefield and run back when needed. 

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59 minutes ago, SenorClipClop said:

If you're playing Frost against Infested, please don't use the globe to protect the objective unless you have on the Chilling Globe augment. The globe only blocks projectiles, of which the Infested have one, and the globe prevents players outside the globe from picking off Infested within the globe (it blocks all fire). Against Infested, Bastille is probably the best objective protector.


I think this is your personal preference, not necessarily the way all infested defense missions should be played.   A frost that continually casts his globe does not need the chilling globe augment as the enemies entering the globe are 100% frozen and flung away every time frost recasts the globe.


As for picking off infested from outside the globe, some snipers might want to do this but most of them can be sniping away cozy safe inside the globe of a good frost that is continually refreshing the globe.  

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2 minutes ago, Penguinbuddy91 said:

You don't know how Frost's Globe works do you? Or do you move away from the bubble and overlap them instead of stacking. That or you stack like 3 times and suddenly expect the bubble to stay there for 20 waves. 

Try to stack more then 3 times good sir. I main Frost and everytime I do my Td3/Td4s, I literally spam my globe (while protecting my space) until I hit wave 5 with my energy restores, even more if I have a Trinity. After wave 5 or so, if I have energy, I stack my globe once each wave ends. I never leave my globe's percentage go down to 80. And my globe stays strong after even 20 waves.

I don't stand there either. I do go out of the battlefield and run back when needed. 


Edited by rawr1254
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4 hours ago, Jakorak said:

as a regular frost player, that globe health indicator does bug out and lock, showing a false health percentage from time to time

edit: then again it does usually fix itself if you sit in your bubble like "a good little frost" and refresh your bubble frequently

Edited 4 hours ago by Jakorak

I have never had this problem :/ but then if I have spare energy and I see it's below 80%-90% I'll top it up for the hell of it anyway XD

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we can test the stacking  per 1 bubble which I have done many times and the numbers are always equal  in time to diminish starting with level 60 enemies. stacking bubbles is a waste and only tricks the player into believing that its stronger when in reality they are only renewing the counter to 100 secs.  go ahead prove me wrong.

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1 minute ago, ranks21 said:

we can test the stacking  per 1 bubble which I have done many times and the numbers are always equal  in time to diminish starting with level 60 enemies. stacking bubbles is a waste and only tricks the player into believing that its stronger when in reality they are only renewing the counter to 100 secs.  go ahead prove me wrong.

You're either trolling, or way past fashionably late to the party.  Go test it yourself - take Frost into the Simulacrum, spawn a L100 Gunner or whatever, grab a stopwatch, and measure time to bubble popping.  Then cast two, pop the gunner again, measure time again, etc etc.  Should come up with a nicely linear curve.

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4 minutes ago, ranks21 said:

we can test the stacking  per 1 bubble which I have done many times and the numbers are always equal  in time to diminish starting with level 60 enemies. stacking bubbles is a waste and only tricks the player into believing that its stronger when in reality they are only renewing the counter to 100 secs.  go ahead prove me wrong.

Unless you have 40% str and no armor mods then you're clearly wrong and my suggestion to you would be to NEVER play frost if that's how you think.

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6 hours ago, trieuazn0 said:

as a common, t4 Defence Frost player, i just want to say.

if the Frost is using a black or dark energy Colour, they most likely don't know if the bubble is up or not. Just remind us forst players to slap one up again

This is pretty much why I stopped using purely black/dark energy colors, visibility is great and all, but in the clusterf*ck of the moment, I would have a hard time noticing whether globe was still alive and would just respam it, even when not needed. Just choose something in between dark and light, more leaning to dark and you will still get some particles but it wont be obnoxious at all and will still have good visibility.

Edited by nms.
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its part of the reason I don't play defense after the frost change back then, you could stack his bubble just like how you could've stack volt's shield  and get the desired effect but all that has changed when they were reworked.. simply don't know which game youre playing thinking that stacking the bubbles makes it stronger or lasts longer.

 I played a defense mission (t4) just the other day for a Vauban chassis and  one of the players were saying the same bs about stacking the bubbles which I proved to him then in real game how wrong he was which he was totally surprised by the results there in his face.. so go ahead prove me wrong.

whether its 4 or 1 bubble it will take the same amount of hits 100 to completely remove the bubble stacking does not make it stronger

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35 minutes ago, ranks21 said:

its part of the reason I don't play defense after the frost change back then, you could stack his bubble just like how you could've stack volt's shield  and get the desired effect but all that has changed when they were reworked.. simply don't know which game youre playing thinking that stacking the bubbles makes it stronger or lasts longer.

 I played a defense mission (t4) just the other day for a Vauban chassis and  one of the players were saying the same bs about stacking the bubbles which I proved to him then in real game how wrong he was which he was totally surprised by the results there in his face.. so go ahead prove me wrong.

whether its 4 or 1 bubble it will take the same amount of hits 100 to completely remove the bubble stacking does not make it stronger

There are tons of videos out there to prove you're wrong, if you aren't willing to go test it yourself.  It's a well-known and well-documented effect.

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43 minutes ago, ranks21 said:

whether its 4 or 1 bubble it will take the same amount of hits 100 to completely remove the bubble stacking does not make it stronger

you are wrong sir.  it stacks, I use it all the time and in hiiggghhh end stuff you really notice it. 

it's health is affected by frosts Armour and power strength... 

again long-time frost player 

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