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Sniper Rifles should be removed from the game and players refunded


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3 minutes ago, Futurehero said:

and they're a noob trap item.  


really...? really...? i mean really...?

now i know your a troll!

the trap guns in this game are simulor, tonkor, phage, synoid gcore. nething you can just hold the trigger and spin in circles 4 the win... NOT SNIPERS.

ive never ever seen a newer player rocking a sniper in this game


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Well, guess it's time to try to make some elaborate case as to why shotguns shouldn't exist, because they don't exactly suit my playstyle in most cases.

That's literally what your logic boils down to. "It doesn't suit me, so it shouldn't exist." No.

Edited by Camelslayer
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11 minutes ago, Futurehero said:

I've been playing Don't Starve, and I didn't find a reason to post since nobody posted anything of note except hate and bile.

Also, I gave a very good reason to remove them : They don't fit with the style of game Warframe is, and they're a noob trap item.  


So.. You went to play a game instead of having a discussion.. Because of "hate"? You know that old saying" Can't take the heat stay out of the kitchen? "

No you gave points to have them looked at again, as a buff or rework (whatever they call it) also you said you never met a sniper user well now ya know people actually use the weapons. 

While you are forced to use snipers (for one random sortie condition) you aren't forced to fire a single bullet, you don't start with snipers as well so.. not a noob trap. 

If it doesn't suit your playstyle then don't use them but respect the fact that people enjoy that playstyle 

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1 minute ago, helghastgunner said:


No you gave points to have them looked at again, as a buff or rework (whatever they call it)


We can call it a buff work. The snipers should really go to the gym, you know.

...or yknow, stay as they are because they're already really good, but we can make them even better...heheheheheh...

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I enjoy sniping. Not in Warframe though. It's just not made for sniper rifles. I wouldn't just take them away though, I mean we can still use them even if they are largely outclassed. We can still have fun with them once in a while, so removing them from the game... Not sure this is such a good suggestion.^^'

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2 hours ago, Futurehero said:

I have't seen a single one.  Everyone I've talked to thinks all sniper rifles are pure garbage, with the exception of the Lanka.

The only reason the Lanka is considered decent is that you can do the Gas-Electric status build and have an option to deal with crowds from the gas procs. That and the recent Magnetize glitch with Mag.  

For people who ask :Why remove them ?  For the same reason DE removed stamina in warframe. It didn't work as a mechanic for their game, and as of now, sniper rifles are "noob traps", items that exist to effectively waste materials on something  that is fundamentally broken. People came down hard on the Dark split sword and the Stradavar for being "traps" for unknowing players to build, and snipers are several times worse.

You what m8? Do you even know what you are saying? Stradavar cant even compete with Rubico on def and mdef missions. You know, there is something called punch throught. Snipers do use them, and it much less limiting than any AoE weapon. Try to not piss on everyone useing snipers just coz you dont want to learn how to use them yourself.

1 minute ago, (XB1)Listed mia 510 said:

This thread should be removed because it doesnt fit my reading style!


Edited by Xardis
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20 minutes ago, Futurehero said:

I've been playing Don't Starve, and I didn't find a reason to post since nobody posted anything of note except hate and bile.

Also, I gave a very good reason to remove them : They don't fit with the style of game Warframe is, and they're a noob trap item.  


eh... i wouldn't be so sure of that...don't just restrict yourself to just your style of playing... we have people who goes up close and personal and others that are all-around but we also have people who prefer to go long range and safely snipe and kill by camping and all that stuff. Snipers are put there to fulfil their role regardless of whatever their stats are... dps, crit whatever it is... regardless don't just ask to remove snipers from the game because you think they don't do their part better than other weapon types. Also there are people that know how to skillfully use their snipers so i wouldn't really call it a noob trap

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As they are now, they are pretty useless. But I don't think they should be removed. I think they need to get rid of the whole combo thing and be made into anti-heavy weapons that do finisher damage and increased damage vs heavy units. This gives them a role specifically for taking out heavy units while people with faster weapons take down the cannon fodder.

Edited by Ceryk
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Sorry man, but you lack constructive criticism.  You post all of the reasons they are bad and no suggestions otherwise.  This will generally open you argument to the flame bath you are experiencing right now.  Watch it's like this:

Issue: I don't like sniper rifles because they are irrelevant.

Solution: allow sniper rifles to ignore nullifier bubbles.

Result: people love snipers again.


For the record I like sniper rifles, they have a neat mechanic where you can gain a combo counter and they behave differently the further you zoom.

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Why are you saying snipers should be removed?

There are like myself actually really like them. For example the vulkar wraith is my favourite weapon and because you don't like it they should remove something which other people and I enjoy. That's just not right if you do not want to use snipers then bring a different weapon(there are lots to choose from).

Look I'm  not going to say that snipers are perfect though and there are some changes which I would like to see implemented: give them innate punch through, higher crit chance, they are really bad against eximus and nullifier bubbles( a problem with all single shot weapons.  

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Oh my another chuclefest to read. I do love these. Let's ruin this for you a step at a time :D

  • Warframe is about killing crowds. Heard of Punchthrough? Where you have one bullet rip through full crowds? It feels great
  • Bosses have health gates. Yep, Maybe Damage 3.0 will fix that issue. For now ending an entire phase in one shot isn't bad, Saves the trouble of them teleporting around like a poop lord.
  • Game is Close range, discouraging camping. While Ill use another game for this example, borderlands presequel (its got proper lvbalancing) shows that snipers can be just as effective close range as long, even hipfired in that game effectively. Camping? MOST games try to discourage that as that can grow boring, resulting in lose of players.
  • Shotguns and mobility solve what a sniper can do. Yes, yes it can. But that's preference of playstyle. As you are saying they both do the same job. One just takes more effort. And flips.
  • Enemies jiggle making shots harder. Good, noone runs in perfect lines. Everyone misses, get over it.
  • No lack of ammo. I fail to understand how this is bad in any way. A lower ammo count is a way to push you away from camping,.
  • Explosives are better. Yeah, a rocket launcher can be used to snipe and even make up for a near miss. So? Pistols can be used to snipe too. If you can actually aim, you can snipe with almost any gun. And please, let's not compare a snipe to the Tonkor, we all know how broken that thing is.
  • Bows trump snipers. Bows are snipers you silly And while a bow is more accurate hipfired, anyone with decent aim can build up nice bonus crit with a sniper rifle. Again, this comes down to playstyle preference.


Next time mate, don't make such a flamebait title. They only make it worse for you.

Try to touch my Snipetron again kiddo, watch what happens.

Edited by corporatePaladin
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2 hours ago, Futurehero said:

Snipers have no role in this game that they can fill. They are completely pointless and so should be removed from the game and players given compensation.

Here are a couple of reasons why:

-Warframe is based more around fighting large amounts of mooks than a small number of elite enemies. High single-target damage is often too overkill for most of the enemies in the game.

-Most of the bosses have HP gating, so the difference between a 10 k shot and an 100k shot is 0, hence all the damage is wasted.

-Warframe maps are often designed around close quarters fighting, and fighting on the move. Long range sniping  and camping is not a supported play style.

-Even when long range combat is possible, warframes are agile enough to cover massive amounts of ground quickly . In the time you can snipe someone, you can also bullet jump next to them and destroy them with a shotgun.

-Animations for enemies are simply not good enough to facilitate accurate shooting. Enemies tend to "jitter" and transition awkwardly between animations, and this becomes worse with lag. For example, when an enemy runs forward, then to the left, they don't spin their bodies to the left, they go from "running forward" animation, to "running left" animation, and their heads suddenly transition from one animation to the other , making accurate sniping more difficult.

-Ammo economy is not an issue in Warframe. The high damage per bullet that a sniper rifle can provide is meaningless.

- Explosive weapons can do the same thing that snipers can do, but can also deal with crowds. As mentioned above , since ammo is not an issue, a grenade/rocket and a sniper round are treated as the same , but one has vastly more damage potential than the other.

-Bow weapons trump snipers on many planes. Their shot power can be dynamically adjusted by charging/not charging, preventing overkill on weak enemies.  They have innate punch-through , that gives them some benefit versus crowds. They don't require a scope to get accurate shots, etc.


A lot of these issues can't be solved with buffs or reworks. They simply do not work in the context of warframe.  It's like being given the option to play as an infantry-man in World of Tanks. 

They need to be removed from the game, and players who invested in them refunded their materials. 




Look, I dunno about you, but I personally find it hilarious that I can achieve over 5 million damage with a single bullet.

Also, go try Conclave.  Good snipers are few, far between, and incredibly devastating game-changers.

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2 hours ago, Futurehero said:

Snipers have no role in this game that they can fill. They are completely pointless and so should be removed from the game and players given compensation.

Here are a couple of reasons why:


Not sure if I can agree with you, but you do have many good points.

Snipers do have use, but in limited situation at the moment. Otherwise, you have some good points about the game so far: all missions are about fast-paced mass shooting, and crowd control. And the bosses are like bullet sponges. Maybe it's time that the game could use some new contents where some missions would have fewer enemies spawn at a time, not bullet sponge like, but ones that would take some time and skills, both melee and guns, to be taken down. Snipers then would have more use and be more relevant as some would engage in close combat or keeping the enemies busy, while others can snipe from afar...

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How about no. I love Sniper Rifles and i would be mad beyond belief if they were removed. Just because you don't like something, it doesn't justify removing it. By this logic, i could remove your favorite frame because i have a problem with it.

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2 hours ago, Futurehero said:

Snipers have no role in this game that they can fill. They are completely pointless and so should be removed from the game and players given compensation.

Here are a couple of reasons why:

-Warframe is based more around fighting large amounts of mooks than a small number of elite enemies. High single-target damage is often too overkill for most of the enemies in the game.

-Most of the bosses have HP gating, so the difference between a 10 k shot and an 100k shot is 0, hence all the damage is wasted.

-Warframe maps are often designed around close quarters fighting, and fighting on the move. Long range sniping  and camping is not a supported play style.

-Even when long range combat is possible, warframes are agile enough to cover massive amounts of ground quickly . In the time you can snipe someone, you can also bullet jump next to them and destroy them with a shotgun.

-Animations for enemies are simply not good enough to facilitate accurate shooting. Enemies tend to "jitter" and transition awkwardly between animations, and this becomes worse with lag. For example, when an enemy runs forward, then to the left, they don't spin their bodies to the left, they go from "running forward" animation, to "running left" animation, and their heads suddenly transition from one animation to the other , making accurate sniping more difficult.

-Ammo economy is not an issue in Warframe. The high damage per bullet that a sniper rifle can provide is meaningless.

- Explosive weapons can do the same thing that snipers can do, but can also deal with crowds. As mentioned above , since ammo is not an issue, a grenade/rocket and a sniper round are treated as the same , but one has vastly more damage potential than the other.

-Bow weapons trump snipers on many planes. Their shot power can be dynamically adjusted by charging/not charging, preventing overkill on weak enemies.  They have innate punch-through , that gives them some benefit versus crowds. They don't require a scope to get accurate shots, etc.


A lot of these issues can't be solved with buffs or reworks. They simply do not work in the context of warframe.  It's like being given the option to play as an infantry-man in World of Tanks. 

They need to be removed from the game, and players who invested in them refunded their materials. 

You say theres no camping yet in defence (cryopad) and survivals (best room) are about camping.

You also say that you could bullet jump and kill them with a shotgun in the time it takes to snipe an enemy, but the sniper would've been onto it's next target by then, unless you take forever to fire.

If your having trouble hitting the target Frost's abilities are good for sniping because you simply cast to stop/slow them, then take the headshot.


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So why can't we opt in to having actual bullet sponge enemies? I mean DE using artificial difficulty by way of enemy scaling has always been pretty annoying. However, the introduction of a slow moving enemy with possibly 1 or 2 million HP along with a timer of sorts maybe 2 minutes before warning of a 200m explosion guaranteed death. Possibly larger radius knowing how fast warframes can move. Giving them some form of a audio or visual maybe even both to notify everyone of they're appearance. God know with something like that they can't use they're normal approach of throwing  30 of them at you at one time like they do with nullifiers. It gives some variety and purpose though. Maybe even more health is required because a lot of weapons can deal that much damage rather easily. 

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As someone who has invested time in building a Lanka, getting the Snipetron Vandal, and collecting the parts for the Vectis Prime, I respectfully disagree...

I would disrespectfully disagree, but I dont want to get spanked by Space mom...



3 hours ago, Futurehero said:

I have't seen a single one.  Everyone I've talked to thinks all sniper rifles are pure garbage

You cant say something like this when you only talk to like 4 people, who all probably use Tonkors and synoid simulors (spl).

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man i think you are seriously just trying to get some attention after yesterdays post and now this? i thought you were sarcastic but it seems that you are either as i said an attention seeker or you are being serious about removing snipers and might i add i know A LOT of people who enjoy snipers including me.

Edited by thatguythatrocks
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Well Snipers would be more usefull when ever they improve the AI so the Devs can make Warframe more tactical and less mindless killing like they wanted. Only thing is that is going to take a while because they are trying to put in new content and upgrading old systems that have degraded over time.

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look if u cant aim or dont know how to use cover and take ur shots and mod well just go to another weapon style that suits u i like sniper but i dont use it that much because of dmg but do i want it removed? no in some tilesets like the moon or the grineer shipyard they are great with enough dmg if u cant aim and want CC go back to yer baby tonkor and keep on using it until they nerf it and u have a reason to cry again i dont like shotguns but just because of that i dont want them removed i dont like nova but i dont want her removed

look if u dont like something just dont use it the game has a lot of weapons and dont take a weapon by its type its all about finding the item that most suits u and u like the playstyle the acrid is a pistol but does it work like a normal pistol? no does all shotguns work like the tigris or hek? kinda but not the drakgoon, convectrix and phage just try to find ur playstyle in the game i dont like the tonkor but love the secura penta and i always see people telling me to stop using it and go to the tonkor but i dotn want it why? because i like the penta more

sorry for english and SALT SALT SALT SALT POST

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I can agree to the extent that the situation that Snipers exist for is not currently in the game but that does not mean the weapons are not useful or also that such a mission type will not exist later. Snipers act currently as very far distance marksman rifles, probably not the best role for a loud high damage bullet launcher, but it does do the job. The addition of ranged combos also gives them usefulness though I wonder at a one-shot one-kill weapon having such a mechanic, its a welcome feature none-the-less.

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