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We do have a counter to nullifiers.


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6 hours ago, Alma_Elma said:

Warframe only has 4 weapon options: single shot, burst, automatic, and close combat. Nullifiers just makes single shot weapons ineffective, burst weapons are in the middle, and automatic weapons and close combat still highly effective against them.

What' "few viable choices" (Unless you're one of those people who just takes a Tonkor/Simulor and a Sonicor to every mission they go into)?

WTF man? We have bows, shotguns, grenade launchers. Do you really think you are on the right side of meta-complaining if you call it all one type of weapons?


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10 minutes ago, -JT-_-R3W1ND said:

WTF man? We have bows, shotguns, grenade launchers. Do you really think you are on the right side of meta-complaining if you call it all one type of weapons?


Bows fire in single shots, crossbows fire in bursts and full auto. Shotguns have weapons that fire in full auto and single shots. Grenade Launchers fire in single shots.

And yeah, I'm on the right side because nullifiers are only strong against weapons that fire in single shots, while being weak against weapons that can shoot rapidly or melee attacks that can shred through or bypass their personal shields and kill them in one hit, making weapon class largely irrelevant.

I could take down a nullifier using a shotgun, rifle, or handgun, and the only difference I'd need to consider is how fast it can shoot.

Edited by Alma_Elma
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16 minutes ago, Alma_Elma said:

Bows fire in single shots, crossbows fire in bursts and full auto. Shotguns have weapons that fire in full auto and single shots. Grenade Launchers fire in single shots.

And yeah, I'm on the right side because nullifiers are only strong against weapons that fire in single shots, while being weak against weapons that can shoot rapidly or melee attacks that can shred through or bypass their shields, making weapon class largely irrelevant.

And again. You call large part of the game "only". So why you are talking about Tonkor users, if it is YOU doesn't play with many weapons?

BTW, there is real classification in game, what we are all use. So i have no idea what are you talking about again.

And not so long ago we see BOWS vs Corpus.

Edited by -JT-_-R3W1ND
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44 minutes ago, Alma_Elma said:

You do know that there's only a small amount of viable, slow-firing automatic weapons, right?


Again, Trigger mechanism doesn't matter.

For instance when you said earlier :

"Nullifiers just makes single shot weapons ineffective, burst weapons are in the middle, and automatic weapons and close combat still highly effective against them"


Burst weapons are just as effective as automatics of the same Rate of Fire. You simply have to Macro them, they fire exactly the same. Single shot weapons work in a similar way however many lack the mag size. Outside of Glaive and Invisibility close combat or melee is actually the worst possible option post lvl 80 which is when the difference in RoF actually matters.


And why should Nullifiers make damage per shot weapons ineffective? Snipers, Bows and Pistols are the more skill based weapons in this game. They should be rewarded not diminished. Differentiating between launchers is also easy, slow projectiles bounce, hit-scale / fast projectiles don't, Done.



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What I do not get is if you are going into a Corpus mission, should you not be bringing something to take care of Nullifiers? They might be in that mission type so what reason would you bring something that does not work on them? You have a melee choice, a Companion choice, a Warframe choice, mod choice, primary and secondary. Plus Focus power as well. 

I guess I have not had issues with Nullifiers since they have been in the game. I really have problems with Sapping Ospreys especially when it is 5 or 6 together dropping a floor of sap balls. Especially when I am hitting life support and they drop those in my area. 

And this is even in sorties. 

Out like a light

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It takes 6 shots to take down nullifier shield and 9 to take down corrupted nullifier shield. At least wiki says so, in my expirience, those fancy shields don't hold very well at all, and not to mention that they can be taken out from behind a wall, throuh the floor, through the ceiling... because they clip through everything! Plus their mechanics of min/max incoming damage works against them.

Look, i understand people want to tank bombards and nullifiers with their faces, but it's not the best use of your time. I tried that, got my face blown up and now i have to run void 4 missions to make a new face from Vor's.


Hey, at least you SEE nulli's bubble. When kombas/scrambus SUDDENLY drops on you, it's a total surprise.

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1 hour ago, -JT-_-R3W1ND said:

And again. You call large part of the game "only". So why you are talking about Tonkor users, if it is YOU doesn't play with many weapons?

BTW, there is real classification in game, what we are all use. So i have no idea what are you talking about again.

Considering you fail to grasp or are completely ignoring my point, I'll just leave you.


And not so long ago we see BOWS vs Corpus.

Yeah, and I've wasted about a dozen or more Sortie 2 nullifiers using an unpolarized Daikyu when that happened. What of it?


55 minutes ago, Xzorn said:

Burst weapons are just as effective as automatics of the same Rate of Fire. You simply have to Macro them, they fire exactly the same.

I'm speaking from a point where you don't rely on mechanical means to artificially influence the game.

55 minutes ago, Xzorn said:

Single shot weapons work in a similar way however many lack the mag size. Outside of Glaive and Invisibility close combat or melee is actually the worst possible option post lvl 80 which is when the difference in RoF actually matters.

Except that single shots RoFs are capped to prevent people from turning single shots into full autos using custom macros or software. Single shots will never really crank out enough shots to efficiently, in comparison to the other, more ammo and time efficient options.


And why should Nullifiers make damage per shot weapons ineffective? Snipers, Bows and Pistols are the more skill based weapons in this game. They should be rewarded not diminished.

The same reason why Damage 2.0 has enemies that are highly vulnerable to one damage type and highly resistant to another damage type; it forces players to be versatile with their equipment, instead of face-rolling the entire map using a single weapon.

Edited by Alma_Elma
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1 hour ago, Alma_Elma said:

Except that single shots RoFs are capped to prevent people from turning single shots into full autos using custom macros or software. Single shots will never really crank out enough shots to efficiently, in comparison to the other, more ammo and time efficient options.

The same reason why Damage 2.0 has enemies that are highly vulnerable to one damage type and highly resistant to another damage type; it forces players to be versatile with their equipment, instead of face-rolling the entire map using a single weapon.


Because semi auto have higher damage per shot and Nullifier Bubble decay rate is set per frame rate and will not go faster a fire rate of 10 is more than sufficient. The difference with faster rate of fire auto-trigger is maybe 0.5 seconds time firing. However this is impossible for Bows or Snipers to achieve and impractical for semi-auto builds.

The ruling factor is still RoF, not the trigger mechanism.


Comparing faction damage modifiers to Nullifiers is just awful.  If anything Damage 2.0 is just as poorly constructed as Nullifiers. Both due for a revamp.

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its too bad that ONLY the explosion hurts them

as even the glaive itself with punchthrough does ZERO dmg on a direct hit to a nully inside their bubble, so you can hit them directly and no dmg, or hit the ground at their feet for the explosion dmg [if channeling or using maxed power throw]

and of course ever since the re-intro of the screwed up half-assed charge attacks the throwing melee have been screwed by having to throw from a lower-left orientation, making aiming from cover or from over a waist-high barrier basically impossible =[ [the launch point used to be your upper right shoulder, which was MUCH better]

not to mention the return of the terrible 'stutter-step' that forces you to move forward for every throw, causing any frames on a ledge to fall down instead of throwing the glaive

bottom line, yes the stupid explosion works, but its a dumb mechanic and the throwing melee need SOMEONE to pay more attention to them and address some of these reoccurring issues that get solved but then re-introduced over and over again, its incredibly frustrating to have to suffer thru something after it was fixed previously =[

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DE pls fix ASAP because Nully is our god and should be completely invincible, also disable all of our abilities because whining for challenge on the forums is much more powerful. Also nerf all the melee because they kills the god and god deserves a shotgun-like rocket launcher that one-shots everything within 1000m pls pls pls.

Edited by VCaptiion
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17 hours ago, Distruco22 said:

We have a Counter to nullifiers Guys!!

Turns out Glaive with maxed out Quick return and Default Unranked Punchthrough mods actually can enter a nully bubble and if you aim at the ground near them the Explosion will kill up untill level 105 (atleast for my 3 forma and 1 potato glaive) 

So if your Going corpus hunting use da glaive :D


any Glaive type weapons i guess will Work (throwing melee) but the (alert weapon) glaive is the only one i have experimented with and it turns out that this has been here for a long time :D


De ty for giving Glaive a purpose.... if only we knew that sooner ;-;  

Gl hf tenno

There is another that wrecks them also.  Mutalist Cernos with it's gas/toxin cloud.  Just don't do as someone else did and shoot at the top of the bubble.  :D

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I don't get where the whole nullifier hate is coming from. Unless you go insanity mode in endless missions (in which case any problems with enemies is YOUR fault for deliberately breaking the system and then wanting a cookie) they are not difficult to deal with. They have a battlefield role that makes sense and I honestly find Combas far more annoying as they don't have massive "KILL ME!" beacons on them. Not to mention better mobility and higher damage weapons. 

Nullifiers are only a problem to power-centric builds who get squeamish at the thought of going in close and getting the hands dirty in a VERY narrow and specialized portion of the game that is outside of reason. 

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Muta Cernos is obviously the best weapon against nullies. One shot kills them mostly, and even when there 4 or 5 nullies together, 1 arrow is enough.

if the nullie dont die instantly, the bubble takes rapid dmg. And the cernos has such a nice firerate so a second shot is no problem.

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48 minutes ago, Lakais said:

I don't get where the whole nullifier hate is coming from. Unless you go insanity mode in endless missions (in which case any problems with enemies is YOUR fault for deliberately breaking the system and then wanting a cookie) they are not difficult to deal with. They have a battlefield role that makes sense and I honestly find Combas far more annoying as they don't have massive "KILL ME!" beacons on them. Not to mention better mobility and higher damage weapons. 

Nullifiers are only a problem to power-centric builds who get squeamish at the thought of going in close and getting the hands dirty in a VERY narrow and specialized portion of the game that is outside of reason. 

Although I completely agree with everything you said, there are few situations that nullifiers can make worse.  Even then only if the player panics.  I can only imagine the Panic some players had when doing the Bow only Corpus Sortie mission.  Hehe.  My only worry that whole mission was running out of arrows, and keeping Bursas from spawning in the crowds.  

In hindsight, I probably should have used the Mutalist Cernos for that mission.  :D

Edited by DatDarkOne
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20 hours ago, (XB1)DShinShoryuken said:

Hmmm....not sure if serious or joking.

How many bubbles do Warframe users have? 

Frost, Nyx, Mag, Nova, Vaub, Ember, and Any others I might have not listed? Bubbles are fun! 

Wait....lemme guess- you only prefer the player to have bubbles? Ahhhh.

Bubbles are fine and good for enemies. It shows us the main threat in a bunch and gives them the same coverage for protection that we get. Remember that before Nullies showed up we had Eximus tossing up Ice Bubbles and Explosion Bubbles....Heck we still do and no one complains about those. 

OP- nice find on your own without reading the WIKI/Bing/Google/Forums. This is what it Was like back in the days before interwebs sharing. Discovered on your own. 


It's funny how you are making assumptions that I want only warframes to have "bubbles".


Last I checked, Warframes don't even have nullifier bubbles and the ones we do have are stationary. If we're gonna go by assumptions, I'm betting you're the type of player that would love to see Snow Globe removed.


Bubble nullifiers are a sloppy ideas to begin with and has been made apparent several times with the only players complaining are the ones that constantly want this game to be hard as all possible and make warframes as weak as possible.


Really, get over yourself.

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10 hours ago, -skimmer- said:

Just do me a favor and look up etymology of the word "cheese" and check if you are using it correctly before using it again. Seriously.

You are the classic example of someone that takes things too literally and shows how multi-enabled our community is. 

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10 hours ago, -skimmer- said:

Just do me a favor and look up etymology of the word "cheese" and check if you are using it correctly before using it again. Seriously.

He's using it entirely correctly as a slang term. Do me a favor and look up the word "slang" and check to ensure you aren't suffering from excessive pedantry.

On a different note and more on-topic, speaking generally: Nullifiers, bombards, and aimbot enemies (they essentially never miss a shot unless you're behind a barrier that physically stops the projectile) are all part of what is clearly poor decision-making in game design. Not all of Warframe is poorly designed, but some parts of it are, and null/bomb spam is one of those parts. Anyone who's played or seen videos of early Warframe knows that it was a very different game three years ago.

My belief is that weapons, abilities, mods, and so on have slowly but surely been increasing in power over time in order to keep veterans interested and the money train rolling... not that power creep is a radical or original idea, mind you. DE simply didn't quite know how to cope with power creep, and it shows at the top levels of play.

As "Vivergate" proved, DE places a high priority on making sure that players can't grind too quickly, that we don't get too much use out of a single void key, etc. It's very understandable, but unfortunately they've made a lot of decisions based on that priority. Good design comes second, or possibly third. If you need any evidence of this, just look at all the frames that have fairly recently been "reworked" to deal non-scaling damage so that they're less effective outside of the Star Chart.

I think Warframe is a great game and I enjoy it quite a lot, and I hope to someday see some of its more glaring flaws improved or eliminated.

Edited by Kastorius
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4 hours ago, Lakais said:

I don't get where the whole nullifier hate is coming from. Unless you go insanity mode in endless missions (in which case any problems with enemies is YOUR fault for deliberately breaking the system and then wanting a cookie) they are not difficult to deal with. They have a battlefield role that makes sense and I honestly find Combas far more annoying as they don't have massive "KILL ME!" beacons on them. Not to mention better mobility and higher damage weapons. 

Nullifiers are only a problem to power-centric builds who get squeamish at the thought of going in close and getting the hands dirty in a VERY narrow and specialized portion of the game that is outside of reason. 

Same. In fact, to Hek with both of them, I have more problems with bombards than nullis and skram/combas TBH... those things are made from nigh-invulnerability, i swear.


Oh! I know! I need to start a thread saying how bombards are cheesy and op.

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14 hours ago, Hypernaut1 said:


Mostly playing Dark Souls 3 these days, when I game at all. Been playing Find Good Stuff on Netflix a lot, though, too.

Modern gaming is lising it's luster for me. Too much repetitive grind, too little Creativity.

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so much bs written....nulli are bad design because basically you have to build specially for them( and in a 2h surv i have other stuff i want to build against)...so building your loadout for the weakest ennemy IG is total BS(for those with BS tips like " go in the bubble melee them" you clearly havent played endless for real)....

and the worst point about nulli ( lately there are a lot of players complaining about nerfs) keep in mind nulli actually nerf your weapons on the go IG ...devs did say somewhere that nulli where basically a crutch ...soo hourray you found a counter( witch i didnt know of after 1500h^^)but it doesnt solve the issue. I dont want to HAVE TO take a glaive in a 2h+ surv just because "hey i can shoot nulli now" this is bad design....such BS that makes new player think that there is a meta( there is none ofc)and ruins the gameplay for all of us....try going in a nulli bubble after 1h or 2 h surv then you can talk or make posts about it...nullifier NEED a rework ( i mean we now have actual ennemy that nullify powers WAY BETTER( in design) then nulli does)...even in raw gameplay they are badly designed(they keep you from spamming powers so they have to get close BUT have a sniper as a gun...yay logic) nulli needs to go or be reworked.


sorry for bad english (im french^^)

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10 minutes ago, jazonw33d said:

so much bs written....nulli are bad design because basically you have to build specially for them( and in a 2h surv i have other stuff i want to build against)...so building your loadout for the weakest ennemy IG is total BS(for those with BS tips like " go in the bubble melee them" you clearly havent played endless for real)....

and the worst point about nulli ( lately there are a lot of players complaining about nerfs) keep in mind nulli actually nerf your weapons on the go IG ...devs did say somewhere that nulli where basically a crutch ...soo hourray you found a counter( witch i didnt know of after 1500h^^)but it doesnt solve the issue. I dont want to HAVE TO take a glaive in a 2h+ surv just because "hey i can shoot nulli now" this is bad design....such BS that makes new player think that there is a meta( there is none ofc)and ruins the gameplay for all of us....try going in a nulli bubble after 1h or 2 h surv then you can talk or make posts about it...nullifier NEED a rework ( i mean we now have actual ennemy that nullify powers WAY BETTER( in design) then nulli does)...even in raw gameplay they are badly designed(they keep you from spamming powers so they have to get close BUT have a sniper as a gun...yay logic) nulli needs to go or be reworked.


sorry for bad english (im french^^)

I wish I could bring MK 1 Braton to T4 endless too, young man, but alas, we are stricken to a fate where we actually have to get good weapons and build around threats in an MMORPG.

Woe is us.

Problem solving skills never seemed to hinder us so.

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yup your right but building against the weakest threat( literally 1 shot after 1 hour surv if you get in the bubble) isnt good design...i love the nulli idea but the actual design reminds of a time where devs wanted les power usage but no nerfs( and now that they nerf stuff the "crutch" can go or get reworked )

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