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Show DE that we still care about oberon


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Just a simple little thing, all this post is meant to do is just draw DE's attention. All I want you to do is show Oberon some love in the comments, just show DE, that even if theirs only a few of us, there are people who still care about our mace-swinging fairy king. It can be small, big, serious or nonsensical, I don't care. Just show DE that you do. Write a goddamn poem if you want, just give this king of fairies the love that DE hasn't.


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I don't love Oberon. Oberon is a weak, poorly designed, useless, concept-less "jack-of-all-trades" who is also terrible at being that "jack-of-all-trades". That being said, Oberon was a frame that deserved (and desperately needed) his rework the most during the whole time I've been playing this game. Reworking Oberon should've taken priority over every single other frame rework since probably Excal's one.

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I play Oberon from time to time. One time I was in a Void squad and I used Renewal to keep the hallway heroes from bleeding out (divide and conquer they said), made my way through the map to revive them, which earned me an "alright in my book" and "finally someone who knows how to Oberon." Good times.

Oberon has lots of potential. He has burst damage, damage over time, knockdown, procs Radiation (confusion) & Puncture (reduced damage), status cleanse, healing over time, bleedout timer extension, health orbs, and armor bonus.

Sounds good when you list it out like that, but the abilities should be reviewed nonetheless as many are clunky to use; namely, Hallowed Ground armor boost is very negligible on low armor frames, Renewal heal-over-time ending once fully healed when there is still duration left, and Reckoning health orb spawn chance being tied to kills (meaning orbs almost never spawn in high level content).

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Broberon was my first crafted Frame, he took me through much of the star chart,
I even did Second Dream with the ol' antlerhead (that Sigil works great as an "eye scar" on Feyarch BTW).

I'm not entirely convinced he needs a full-blown rework (including e.g. any "Exalted Mace" nonsense)
but stuff like a buff or twenty to Hallowed Ground and a fix (no more Duration limit, come on) for Renewal?


"Jack of all trades, master of none, is oftentimes better than a master of one."

Edited by NinjaZeku
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I've been a devout Broberon-lover since my 6th day playing.


Tbh, I've never felt he needed a rework and still don't.  All he needs is a way to heal allies npcs (local heal aura on 3 cast) and have hallowed give DR instead of a paltry armor bonus. I've brought him into everything this game has to throw at him and emerged triumphantly victorious. He does not NEED improvement but it would be nice.


I like Oberon because he demands awareness and prediction, rather than annulling and trivialization.

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6 hours ago, PsiWarp said:

I play Oberon from time to time. One time I was in a Void squad and I used Renewal to keep the hallway heroes from bleeding out (divide and conquer they said), made my way through the map to revive them, which earned me an "alright in my book" and "finally someone who knows how to Oberon." Good times.

Oberon has lots of potential. He has burst damage, damage over time, knockdown, procs Radiation (confusion) & Puncture (reduced damage), status cleanse, healing over time, bleedout timer extension, health orbs, and armor bonus.

Sounds good when you list it out like that, but the abilities should be reviewed nonetheless as many are clunky to use; namely, Hallowed Ground armor boost is very negligible on low armor frames, Renewal heal-over-time ending once fully healed when there is still duration left, and Reckoning health orb spawn chance being tied to kills (meaning orbs almost never spawn in high level content).

I was thinking about this after reading your post, so here's an idea:


Enemies struck by Reckoning are "tagged" (similar to nezzy's chakram) for the radi duration. Killing enemies AS THE OBERON could apply the HP orb drop chance instead of ability-only kills. Regulates their spawning to the Oberon's actions still.

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I don't care about Oberon exactly, I care a lot about paladinframe he's supposed to be, but doesn't do this good enough. I'd even prefer if they make him pure nature-themed frame while adding pure paladin frame. Like this one.


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I really liked Oberon he had potential, albeit overshadowed by more specialized frames. Rage and QT very tanky outside to when QT starts to fail because of enemy scaling. Started running teams that needed more specialty and looked towards the augments and then found out this was probably one of his biggest problems.

Phoenix Renewal: I've tried this in practice and honestly can't get this thing to work, the 90s timer is fairly painful and mixed with a slightly odd Oberon build and it doesn't always seem to like to proc at the right time. Would like to see this either work at a certain % of HP or just auto-revive someone when they get downed while affected.

Hallowed Reckoning: Lingering damage, 250 armor to allies, affected by duration and strength, whats not to love? Oh its not affected by range, and the pylons are hardly large enough to fit a single warframe?? ....

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I have him, I use him in lower level solo missions. Even have the skin for him.

Realistically though, he sucks. There's so many different effects on each of his abilities to the point of absurdity. He doesn't scale too great, some of his abilities are awkward, and unless he has a pure power strength build, he doesn't do much damage.

Why his rework hasn't taken priority over everyone else is beyond me.

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I don't agree with a rework too. Hallowed grounds should be buffed and getting mobility (like the nullifier without the shield of course), the renewal inverse effect of duration or efficiency mods (i really don't remember but it was something that goes against logic), that for abilities. As for stats, I think it should get some armor buff, i know oberon can become some kind of a tank with rage and spam of renewal, but in higher levels it becomes annoying, putting double the armor that it has right now, doesn't hurt, it won't make it OP, and armor mods won't be very effective either. Those are my ideas, especially for abilities. Now let's stop being a little serious.

So why don't we start a group of protest for DE to see that there's ppl fighting for Broberon's rights; the only good that DE had done to Broberon is a skin, we've been ignored and slapped in the face (with that great passive)  just because we are fewer, but we are TRUE WARRIORS and this changes TODAY!!! DE, OBERON DESERVES MORE LOVE!!

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17 hours ago, LuckyCharm said:

Broberon. Name kinda says it all. Make this guy a  proper bro who has your back rather than those bros who're there just to take your hard earned forma without giving anything back. 

that rhymed. upvote.

Oberon needs fixes and buffs to stats and the way duration affects his powers, bare minimum. - If only one ability needs a rework its hallowed ground for sure. Hallowed ground could even be removed and it's buff/immunity effect added to renewal and it would be an improvement to his kit. His passive could also be more useful.

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Hallowed ground needs to be made mobile and more substantial, Renewal needs to be competitive with Blessing, and his 4 needs to not be a mindless nuke with little effect.

Renewal would be pretty simple to fix. It doesn't need to be made as good as blessing, but currently there's almost no reason to use Oberon as a healer when Trinity exists. My thoughts would be that Renewal would not end when an ally caps health. Duration would be removed, and instead, targets at full health would incur half energy drain on Oberon. Whenever an ally affected by Renewal is damaged, the target of Renewal again begins to regenerate health, and once again draining Oberon's energy at full drain. This would be helpful for health tanks, allowing them passive HP tanking without Oberon having to cancel his heal for other players just to save one person. Hallowed Ground would be made straight damage resist and status immunity, following Oberon and making allies in the area slightly more bulky. His 4.. I don't know, but it needs to be something other than what it is. It's currently probably the worst ult in the game next to Crush.

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I agree with what you guys said but Oberon is not in the biggest need of a rework. sure he was his problems but what frame doesnt. Also Oberon is getting alot of love from DE you guys are just too blind to realized it. He got a new deluxe skin, a new augment, ability buffs and a few visual tweaks to his ability but as for his rework that will have to wait until the frame that are in horrible positions are fixed first. I believe that Oberon will be getting a rework after Limbo and hydriod who are in much worst positions. So please untwist your panties and be patient.


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