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Mag Prime Vault Feedback


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1 hour ago, Kappatalist said:

This is rerelease content. It's been two YEARS since they made this, and touching up the textures on them all a bit does not justify the same price tag. A 2014 Toyota Camry holds a fair bit less value than a 2016 model. If I were you, I honestly wouldn't be fazed if I had this armor set and it was offered cheaper two YEARS later. It's old hat by then, and besides, you and I both know that the only truly "exclusive" gear in the game is of the Founders' variety. Hell, I wouldn't mind seeing more folks running around with Excalibur Prime. Obviously that won't be happening, but at least we all have Umbra to look forward to... I think. If they ever bother putting him in the game, that is.

Don't lie: do you really buy Platinum at face value? And no: if I were to buy this pack, I wouldn't be getting a Prime Warframe and two Prime weapons. I'd be getting some slots after deleting the untradable copies of crap I ALREADY HAVE. So, for most of us, the pack offers a handful of Platinum and one armor set. 1200p = about $15 USD, so really someone like me would be paying $45 for Targis Prime alone (not counting the profile pics, because honestly who cares?)

Okay, go farm Targis Prime then. The vault's open now, so you can- oh, wait.
I appreciate your optimism, and to be fair, under most circumstances you wouldn't be wrong. Hey, they're grateful enough to let us farm all of the standard Vaulted items for a month anyway, which really just undermines FLSH_BNG's point even further. I'm sorry, not really his point alone. A lot of people are arguing the "points" made in the first two quotes here with not a lot of basis.

The sad thing is, if DE would just get with it and stop relying on an alien lifeform with no concept of human currency to price all their paid content, this entire fiasco would never have been. If this pack was, like, $30, they'd be rolling in money by now from all the sales. Or, you know, they could have had a separate pack for the cosmetics. But instead of thousands of sales, they're getting thousands of pissed-off forum posts and disappointed customers. And as usual, there's been total radio silence and disregard from the staff. They'll gladly prune posts from and even lock threads like this inb4lock, but they won't even bother to, I don't know, explain themselves on this matter?

Yep, there was a perfectly reasonable thread the other day (after a bit of a clean up :)) where players were not asking for a discount but just an alternative bundle with something other than the primes, which got locked.

ive already said my piece in that thread and won't continue to bash my head against this particular brick wall. Instead I just bought Battle borne for half the price of this bundle and while it's not the greatest, it is a blast and has kept me away from WF (except logins, so close to prime fury lol) for the best part of a week and counting, so they have done me favour really.

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2 hours ago, (PS4)shadowwraith_666 said:

I agree, PA, PA Accessories and Prime Vault packs are way overpriced, they cost more than full games or even expansions for full games.


Batman: Return to Arkham, 2 full games plus all the DLC - £35

No Man's Sky (Hello Games only has 15 Employees) - £48

Dishonoured 2 - £45 PC, £48 PS4/XBONE

Watch Dogs 2 - £48

TES V:Skyrim Special Edition (Remastered will ALL the DLC, plus added mod support) - £50


WoW: Legion expansion - £30

Fallout 4: Far Harbour - £20

ESO: Dark Brotherhood, Thieves Guild and Imperial City DLC 's- ~£20 - £22 each

ESO: Orsinium DLC - £25


WF PA - £58

WF PA Accessories - £45

WF Frost Prime Vault - £45

Warframe ADDONS should not cost more than a game expansion, there is no justification for it.

People seem to forget that DE is a company, and Warframe is their product. The purpose of a company is to make revenue. As much as we want things to be cheap or free, it's just not plausible. Warframe's F2P model is one of the best out there since it doesn't require any player to pay any amount of money. However, that also poses a problem for DE, since they have to find other ways of earning money without ruining their F2P model by adding in micro-transactions or a P2W wall that players have to climb. Instead, they have Plat for sale, merchandise, Prime Access, Steam Workshop, and of course Prime Unvaults. IIRC, those are the only 6 ways DE earns money. And you have to remember, Warframe's audience isn't the largest out there and DE isn't a large scale company like Activision or EA that pumps out games every few months. That means DE has to carefully calculate how the want to price those things so that in the end, they still make money instead of losing it. So yes, some things may be fairly expensive, but if you want to indulge in those items, be prepared to pay the price. Keep in mind however, nobody is forcing you to pay if you don't want to. If you want Targis Prime, then pay. If you want it but you can't have it due to how much it costs? Save up a bit of money and buy the pack. Whining and complaining about the price gets you absolutely nowhere.

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1 minute ago, (PS4)obsidiancurse said:

Yep, there was a perfectly reasonable thread the other day (after a bit of a clean up :)) where players were not asking for a discount but just an alternative bundle with something other than the primes, which got locked.

ive already said my piece in that thread and won't continue to bash my head against this particular brick wall. Instead I just bought Battle borne for half the price of this bundle and while it's not the greatest, it is a blast and has kept me away from WF (except logins, so close to prime fury lol) for the best part of a week and counting, so they have done me favour really.

Nice to hear that your optimism has carried you to greener pastures for now. I tend to be pretty critical of a lot of things, so when I see crap like this, I can't help but rant and rave about it. I was actually thinking of picking up Overwatch, amongst other odds and ends from the Steam Summer Sale, in lieu of a separate accessories pack offering. (By the way, what a time to try to push an overpriced item pack like this on the players, right? Great way to bomb your sales, DE)

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The Prime Vaults are worth it simply because they are relatively good deals while also making it so you can obtain these items without having to put up with trade chat scammers who are ballsy enough to sometimes try asking for 50-100$+ worth of platinum for what they think is valuable. 

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Business is business.

You called a boycott in their place of business and suffered the consequences.

See, there's a difference to calling a boycott and just saying, hey, I don't like the way this is monetized and I'm not buying because of that. There's a big difference.

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31 minutes ago, Sloan441 said:

Business is business.

If that's what it comes down to, for you, then we're not having much of a discussion, are we?

The only reason the term boycott is being used is because a certain moderator who has posted in this thread is seeing it that way, in all honesty. It can be interpreted that way, but the actual text was as follows:

EDIT: Because formatting broke, I'm going to slip in what I said at the end right here:

This is the topic that was locked. This is the "boycott" that was deemed inappropriate feedback for DE to receive. You call it business as usual. I call it censorship.


Once again, being a high-MR, longtime, or just coincidentally-interested-in-Mag-Prime player earns precisely what it always has from DE: contempt. Despite a megathread on Unvaulted Accessories, great unrest on the forums and outside communities, and strawpolls indicating 

overwhelming support for separate accessories, we are forced to pay $59.99USD regardless of whether we already possess anything in the pack. There are several reasonable outcomes, but DE has adopted none of them.

Don't buy the Mag Prime Vault Access pack. Use your wallets to communicate with DE in the only language they seem to comprehend.

Edited by Chipputer
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  1. Mag unvaulting is NOT overpriced. You get a prime frame, 2 weapons, platinum, and prime armor set for $60. That's more like a bargain. 
  2. The unvaulting is more in the line of it being inconsiderate. Some of us already have Mag, Boar, and Dakra, so we don't want duplicate. Some of us already have enough platinum, so we don't want more. The lack of options and choices are what most are ranting about.
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I will be honest I want the amor so badly. I am a founder but took a long hiatus from the game. I came back when i heard they had volt prime and he is my main frame but I refuse to pay 60 for just the amor. Most of us veterans would already have mag and the weapons offered. they were some of the first prime gear offered. I dont understand why they dont give the option to buy what you want instead of HERE!!!! all or nothing. This is geared to newer members. SO what is the benfit to being a founder or veteran at this game. This will lose a lot of players because it makes DE look greedy even though that may not be there intention but as they say " Actions speak louder than words" so come on DE show some action that benefits all. I will bet you will make a lot more money selling the armor and avatars seperate;y than everything all together. 

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12 hours ago, Padre_Akais said:

Happily purchased it.

Hate I missed out the last time it was up and feel like I got the better deal this time around. The armor plus Plat.

The rest of the stuff I already had and kinda wish DE had just given the components, mats, potatoes and slots for them instead.

All things being equal though, I'm a happy camper. 

Yes that would have been a better deal so then at least you could sell the parts to other players and not be stuck with items you alredy have. In my opinion its just not right. Options is the American way.

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It was okay with Misa vault pack, since

1.) there was a statement "planned in advance, ... can't be changed"
2.) no accessory pack at ember prime access.

So i bought Misa.

This time I'm out, because the "conclusion feel" from last vault pack was kind of we listen to the community ... next time. (otherwise the statement about "planned in advance" was pointless/nonsense).

Psychologically it is a money grab for vets ... even with platinum. So I plan to spend on StaCitizen (which is even worse), but probably on some new fishing gear and enjoy some hours outside.

It's not like it's expensive for people with a proper job, but DE should consider also a younger community ...
In a sake of exclusivity ... something about 30 $ is fine (cosmetics only), but this strategy all or nothing is just stupid ...

Basically I want it, and I could buy it, but then I would hate myself ... 

EDIT: my post might be confusing but long story short, its overpriced in sense of "all or nothing mentality" ... The pack as is okay. But without other options for people who have 3k plat, and all other items except of armour is on a borderline between silly and "I lived for that armor"...

Edited by Voidflow
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On 28.06.2016 at 10:47 PM, Knight_Ex said:

As the topic says, how many of you purchased the mag prime unvault pack, I purchased it the moment I could, only for that sweet prime armor though, so as some people mentioned before about being against the pricing and content I wanted to make up a quick strawpoll to see how many purchased the pack, who didn't and who is going to.  http://www.strawpoll.me/10612908

most people choose here 4th but main reason is 3rd...

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8 hours ago, Megakruemel said:

Just so you know- you could just get real live merchandise from the same company FOR LESS.

Making it cheaper now would be kinda dumb since people who bought it before paid to much then.

But the reason for that is, THAT IT WAS TO EXPANSIVE IN THE FIRST PLACE. The lunaro-armor looks nearly the same and costs dirt compared to this. I don't care about the extra stuff in the pack. It should be "hey i got plat and armor as extra" but we all know that more than 70% of the people who will buy this pack will buy it for the armor and not for the plat. The plat and boosters in accessories packs are there to raise the value of these packs.

Take it form me. I spend more than those 60 dollars on this game already and I don't need plat. I still have over 2k left. The only reason i would buy this pack is because of the armor. And I won't buy it.

The problem here is, that no one can guarantee that DE will make more money if they split the pack. So yeah. Next time someone tries to defend this strategy they can just use that.

This is the most stupid thing I've read all day. The Prime Vault pack is for the theme of the frame. Which is Mag Prime. The main product in the pack is the primed weapons that were introduced with Mag. The Armor and Plat are the extras. All of you need to stop complaining cause literally this is exactly what it should be priced at. Before, the Tigris Armor was sold with boosters and a few extras for $50 when it was available during the Prime Access it came out. The added $10 is due to the plat that it offers. The only thing that was changed is that the added items are the Primed Weapons. Which by the way, on a normal Prime Access pack, cost usually $50 as well with plat included. Based on past sale prices and prime access packs, this is actually cheaper than what it usually went for reasonably.


Seriously, all of you are complaining cause you just want the Tigris Armor for cheaper. It's out for a month. Save the $60 and buy it. It wasn't overpriced or hiked in price. It was adjusted based on the related items compared to the Prime Access packs. Even I don't have the money for it and I am not even complaining about the price. This has been the norm since the game first launched and since Prime Access was first introduced.

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4 minutes ago, (XB1)EternalDrk Mako said:

its actually under-priced if you take into account how much the regular prime access was .

Remember the fact that prime access contains new items that no one have, unvaulted pack contains items that you probably have. So you are paying more for less. With Prime access you have 4 options and one of those options have only accessories and boosters. More people would buy unvalted items if there were more options. Yet for some strange reason DE chosen "One size fits all" approach with unvaulted items.

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5 minutes ago, LZWilde said:

Remember the fact that prime access contains new items that no one have, unvaulted pack contains items that you probably have. So you are paying more for less. With Prime access you have 4 options and one of those options have only accessories and boosters. More people would buy unvalted items if there were more options. Yet for some strange reason DE chosen "One size fits all" approach with unvaulted items.

Because it's not a one size fits all approach. The prime vault is to give players who do not have the weapons and frames a chance to get the items again. That is the idea behind "unvaulting" these primes. The primary goal of the pack isn't to sell the armor. It's to sell the prime weapons that you potentially can't get anymore. If people decide to buy it for the armor knowing they have the weapons already, that is on them. This isn't a value argument. 


Ontop of that. The 1,200 platinum you get from the Prime Vault pack is roughly $60. ($60 in plat is worth 1,170 plat. So you're missing 30 plat) That missing 30 is substituted with the added items (primed weapons plus armor). So seriously people, stop complaining. You're getting your money's worth in Plat with added bonus'.


Also, to further counter your argument. Even if you already have the weapons, you can delete them and have 2 extra weapon slots.

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Just now, Lusts said:

Because it's not a one size fits all approach. The prime vault is to give players who do not have the weapons and frames a chance to get the items again. That is the idea behind "unvaulting" these primes. The primary goal of the pack isn't to sell the armor. It's to sell the prime weapons that you potentially can't get anymore. If people decide to buy it for the armor knowing they have the weapons already, that is on them. This isn't a value argument. 


Ontop of that. The 1,200 platinum you get from the Prime Vault pack is roughly $60. ($60 in plat is worth 1,170 plat. So you're missing 30 plat) That missing 30 is substituted with the added items (primed weapons plus armor). So seriously people, stop complaining. You're getting your money's worth in Plat with added bonus'.

Its exactly "One size fits all", S#&$ luck if you have frame and weapons, you are in the same wagon as people who don't have them. No price reduction, no option to buy separate items. I have exactly no problems with prime access prices - new items, DE had to make them and such. Unvaulted packs on the other had are blatant cash grabs, nothing more.

Platinum don't have intrinsic value at all. Its unlimited amount of digital tokens, nothing more. DE can write that 1200 platinum worth 1200$ and it means nothing.

In the end of the day DE supports customers, customers will support DE back. Respect and trust is earned.

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1 hour ago, pmorales50 said:

Yes that would have been a better deal so then at least you could sell the parts to other players and not be stuck with items you alredy have. In my opinion its just not right. Options is the American way.

Eh, I don't know that I'd say, "It's Just not right"... "It would have been nice" would be a more appropriate description for my thinking.

I agree that options are nice though. 

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2 minutes ago, LZWilde said:

Its exactly "One size fits all", S#&$ luck if you have frame and weapons, you are in the same wagon as people who don't have them. No price reduction, no option to buy separate items. I have exactly no problems with prime access prices - new items, DE had to make them and such. Unvaulted packs on the other had are blatant cash grabs, nothing more.

Platinum don't have intrinsic value at all. Its unlimited amount of digital tokens, nothing more. DE can write that 1200 platinum worth 1200$ and it means nothing.

In the end of the day DE supports customers, customers will support DE back. Respect and trust is earned.

"Platinum doesn't have intrinsic value". Well, you just proved you're stupid. It's literally a cash currency for premium items. If you have 10,000 plat, and want the armor from the Prime Vault, you're paying $60 for 1,200 plat with the added items. Even if you do not want that 1,200 plat, that is the promotion that is being offered. Yeah; it's a cash grab, but based on platinum prices and prime access prices, you're getting what you pay for. And the argument that "Oh those items are old" is a stupid argument. Like, so stupid that I am laughing at how you can even think it's an argument. There are games that release 'limited sale' items. Guild Wars 2 to be exact. These items come in for 2 days to 1 week sales for people to try and get them and then they go away. New players come in, see players using these items and want them, and they wait out till the next sale to get them. There is always want for them. It's not about how new or how old an item is. It's about demand. That is basic economics. So for you to argue "that's not worth it cause it's old" is absolutely stupid. This isn't a piece of hardware or technology that can be dated with newer versions. It's a digital product you are paying for that can't be dated or rendered obsolete. It's a cosmetic item.


So deal with the price and stop complaining. Cause what DE is offering is actually fair to everyone. Whether you see it as fair is on you.

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17 minutes ago, Lusts said:


Also, to further counter your argument. Even if you already have the weapons, you can delete them and have 2 extra weapon slots.

For a newer player, that might be a thing.  But for me; $60.00 for slots I don't need(I currently have an open 13 slots between all of my weapons and Warframes) roughly 50k credits after selling the Prime items, that I can't even get MR from, plat I don't need (I already have twice that amount thanks to 50%/70% coupons) and a cosmetic that's situationally appealing.  

That's not a good deal. 

If DE made it possible to sell the Prime items to other players, via blue print form, or even the whole item for Ducats, then the value of the pack rises for me.  I can actually get some benefit out of the "fluff" items.  As it stands however, DE is losing out on added revenue by only offering the pack in this form.  Over various topics about this pack, before and after it's unvaulting, I've seen roughly 3 dozen people say that they'd buy the pack if it was changed to either be the cosmetics and boosters for a lower or equal price, or if the items were in blue print form, but as is, they will not be spending the money.

That means that DE has potentially missed out on roughly $2,160.00, and that's just the people that have bothered to say anything. 

With all that in mind, how is this pack a good deal to anyone in my position?

Yes yes, FashionFrame, don't buy if you don't like it, stop complaining, stop being entitled, etc.  I'm just pointing out the flaw in the idea that slots and plat make up the downsides to this pack as it is, and my numbers are hyperbole. 


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The problem is not a booster 30 or 90 days in one package. The problem that remains is that how you will spend this amount if you already have the items they are offering you? If the only item INTERESTING (in case the item is missing and that many want) is the armor? Still would not do anything to put a booster in the package, it would still be rather expensive for only one armor. If only put the armor by 15 or 20, but there would be good in my view, but pay 60 in a package where almost nothing matters, for those who already have a long game, it's ridiculous.

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