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New Prime Rewards Process: Double Grind Wall


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I'm not the only one interpreting it as more RNG walls being put into place.

So now you have to grind RNG so that you can grind more RNG so that you can grind some more RNG so you can attempt the wacky RNG on DE_Sheldon's drop tables.

Dunno about anyone else, but initial impressions come off as putting a LOT more grindwalls into it.

We'll see what the implementation is like, after all, the devs keep hysterically stating they're trying to minimize grind.

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I'm going to make the assumption that the projections have a drop chance of, or similar to, Void Keys. If it only takes 1 T1 Void Tear to unlock a Common Part, T2 for uncommon. and so on, then the current system is technically less grind, because with endless missions you can get many parts with one key. So ducat farming will likely be harder. I do hope that prices will drop to compensate.

However if it takes multiple even T4 Void Tears to unlock a part, (which is still based on RNG, you don't know what part it is until you unlock it) then it is far more grindy than the current system. 

As with all new systems, we'll have to see it in action. We don't have any numbers, and frankly DE's incentive is to make Prime parts as grindy as possible to push Prime Access sales. Hopefully they don't go the moneygrubbing way and make it a reasonable grind.

Remember that even if the grind is (Mission count wise) the same as now. It likely will feel like less of a grind due to being varied tilesets and mission types.

My current gripe with the system would be not being able to see what part you're putting your effort into until it's done. But if parts don't take many missions to unlock then it won't be too much of an issue.

Hopefully the update comes soon so we can stop the paranoid speculation and praise/complain about the system using actual data.

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Just now, cghawk said:

what I want to know is how defense, survival and interception void keys will be converted, doesn't seem very fair if you can only get 1 item from those converted keys

Keys that can give multiple rewards, you mean? If so, I'm curious about it as well. It'll definitely be related to the Void Tears somehow. Perhaps points earned or duration spent in-mission?

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7 minutes ago, Redthirst said:

I don't see a difference. Right now, it's a chance for you to get a key you want, and then a chance for you to get an item you want from that key. In the new system, there are projections instead of keys.

It's still not an improvement then.

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Just now, That1Cactus said:

Now this also brings up another question. What about the Orokin Derelicts? Will they go through the same projection process or will they still be an abandoned piece of content that will continue to suffer horrid drop tables?

It's likely that instead of Void Keys being used to build Dragon Keys/Derelict Keys, it will be projections that are used.

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1 minute ago, PsychedelicSnake said:

It's likely that instead of Void Keys being used to build Dragon Keys/Derelict Keys, it will be projections that are used.

Ok but I am talking about getting the rewards from Orokin Derelicts. Specifically Derelict Defense and Derelict Survival, both that are infamous for giving very poor rewards (especially for Rotation C).

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Just now, PsychedelicSnake said:

Keys that can give multiple rewards, you mean? If so, I'm curious about it as well. It'll definitely be related to the Void Tears somehow. Perhaps points earned or duration spent in-mission?

yeah that's what I meant, I can go do any of those 3 missions and get anywhere between 1 to 10 primed items.


and even if as you suggest they may give more points, ducats may then become a problem as they may become more difficult to obtain if you can only get 1 prime part per projection.

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Just now, cghawk said:

yeah that's what I meant, I can go do any of those 3 missions and get anywhere between 1 to 10 primed items.


and even if as you suggest they may give more points, ducats may then become a problem as they may become more difficult to obtain if you can only get 1 prime part per projection.

Like I said, lots of factors we don't know about yet. No info on Dragon Keys or Derelicts. No info on multiple-reward missions. So on, so forth. Hopefully the Dev Workshop post will clear it up.

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19 minutes ago, Artorius-Alter said:

I find a ''chance of something appearing'' to be a step back no matter how you try to spin it.

Right now I can go into the void whenever I want, the reward I get from it is chance, yes, but at least I don't first have to -chance- to even get to try.

Keys mean you can't go to the void whenever you want.  First you need to get a key, which always means a chance of a key - and then only on certain missions.

A chance on every mission is better then a chance on only missions with key in the table.


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Just now, Aurea_Hiigara said:

The only difference I see from the current system is that with the tears spawning like alerts all over the solar system we won't be grinding the same tileset over and over and over and over.

That was one of the goals, if I recall correctly. Trying to spread things out throughout multiple areas rather than the same thing over and over again.

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3 minutes ago, Artorius-Alter said:

It's still not an improvement then.

It can be since you get these residuals every time you close a tear and its supposed to increase your chance for a rare item.


Overall its not more RNG as right now, its the same with a chance to be less.

Currently you farm for Keys that have a chance to drop (and you still need the right one) then you use your key to play the mission which has a chance to drop the item you want.

With the new system you farm for projections which have a chance to drop and then you play ANY (and that is the big difference, now im not forced to play Modes i don't like) mission and you will have a chance to get the item you want. And if it isn't the one you want you get residuals which will increase your chance next time.

Overall this seems not like more RNG. It seem like it will be the same or less RNG BUT you can play whatever you want now which is a hugh improvment for me atleast. So im definitly looking forward to this.

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Two rules here :

1/ Wait for the update to be live to get informations on the forum.

2/ Wait an extra month to even care about it as hotfixes will probably answer some community's requests. As always, chances will be low until the community starts its rage on the forum. Or the system won't be relevant enough and fixes will improve it.

I don't trust any major game changes. We have history with DE, learn from it and wait for hotfixes.

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Actually It's ...

A) Get A Projection (i'm guessing same as the current Key Drops?)

B) Use Projection (apply residue to get better chance at rare Drops)

The big question here is how much residue/projection use and how much does it cost in residue to get rarer drops.

I have a feeling the residue/rare drops is what where not going to like in the end.


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2 minutes ago, GreyEnneract said:

Due to the residual mechanic, it would be wise to hold onto your keys.

If the residual is always granted "for free", I agree, but if you have to choose between the projection reward or residual, oh my, I will burn my keys without doubt.

But like I said, let's wait the update and see like it will really be.

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