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PS4: Lunaro [+Hotfixes]


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3 hours ago, (PS4)Kamranos said:

After an hour of Lunaro, I'll pass on until they do something about the melee spamming and goalies making this a cluster ^%#^

Honestly checking just needs to be removed entirely. Then people will be forced to play more skillfully and predict where the ball is being passed so they can try to intercept 

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1 hour ago, (PS4)The_Eliatrope said:

When I try to download the update the PS4 says I have to delete unnecessary content from system storage, but I have over 20 gb free?

Help :(

I had to delete some things; it's the cached download data. Try just deleting some videos or whatnot you don't use. Then you can just re install or redownload what you just deleted.

Edited by (PS4)vamp6x6x6x
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2 minutes ago, (PS4)slayerserenity said:

When is the next update? Will there be more weapons? New warframe being release? New solar maps being release with next update?

I find it kinda funny that we just got an update and someone wants to know when the next one will come...

But to answer your question: Most likely 1-2.5 months from now depending on both when they update pc to part 3 and if they decide if they are going to combine part 2 and 3 together for us on consoles.

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13 hours ago, (PS4)deadzendz said:

Valkyr is broken now after this update at 160% efficiency she eats energy with the 100% debuff once at 100% it lasts about 30 sec 

Just kill quicker and get energy orbs. She was OP as hell with her nearly infinite hysteria wreckage (coming from a Valkyr player). I like a little balance in my life. Especially since no matter how nerfed a warframe is still stronger than hundreds of Corpus of Grineer. 

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hi, guys. did anyone have a trouble like me. i was downloading new update 1.35 and it says that i have to download it from 0 to 21gb (like downloading the entire game all over again even though i already has the game in my machine). does it required that much of capacity? or is it just an error and what's the sollution? Thanks and sorry for my terrible english

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17 hours ago, (PS4)deadzendz said:

Valkyr is broken now after this update at 160% efficiency she eats energy with the 100% debuff once at 100% it lasts about 30 sec 

It's not broken, now it works correct.

The highest ability efficiency that you can get is only one way, 175% efficiency and 40% duration, the result is the lowest energy per second costs. If you want to work with an energy efficient warframe you can't work with blind rage (negative efficiency effect). You can only mod Streamline + Fleeting Expertise [this two are recommend], Constitution + Transient Fortitude without any other duration mods (for more strength). Tip: Make sure that you get duration 40% not 41% the position of the mod's are crucial. The max Strength is only 200%.

The other way to get lower energy per second costs is to get an higher duration but not efficiency, only 75% effeciency would been good. Then you must work with: Narrow Minded, Transient Fortitude, Constitution, Primed Continuity and Streamline, now you can get an higher strength with not so high energy per second costs (result: doubled the lowest possible channeling energy costs). If you mod in this way then it's possible to get 299% Strength.

I hope i can help you, now you must decide what you want and in which way you want to play all warframes with channeling abilities (Ember, Banshee, Excal, Valkyr and so on...).

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7 hours ago, (PS4)slayerserenity said:

When is the next update? Will there be more weapons? New warframe being release? New solar maps being release with next update?

Probably in four to six weeks.  Specters of the Rail is suppose to go live by Tennocon tomorrow.  A new fairy frame is being released, and two new weapons are usually released alongside a new frame.  A new support archwing is also coming, along with two new archwing weapons I'd imagine.  Star chart 3.0, void 2.0, etc.

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4 minutes ago, (PS4)Magician_NG said:

Probably in four to six weeks.  Specters of the Rail is suppose to go live by Tennocon tomorrow.  A new fairy frame is being released, and two new weapons are usually released alongside a new frame.  A new support archwing is also coming, along with two new archwing weapons I'd imagine.  Star chart 3.0, void 2.0, etc.

Thank you

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ok i figured out what was up with mesa thanks to my friend it turns out i did have shooting gallery active for me too but when i was the host it didn't appear visible for me but did for him while it does appear now sometimes it just goes invisible too dunno why this happens and as for peacemaker it is doing more damage too i just guess i didn't notice it thanks to those who helped me try to figure it out. 

also loving lunaro now was not sure of it but its a fun diversion from the main game and some games can be really crazy.

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19 hours ago, (PS4)deadzendz said:

Valkyr is broken now after this update at 160% efficiency she eats energy with the 100% debuff once at 100% it lasts about 30 sec 

Use narrow minded. It fixes everything. You forget with a higher duration it extends the time needed to take away energy. Although your warcry is reduced it was definitely worth it. 

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1 hour ago, (PS4)Magician_NG said:

Probably in four to six weeks.  Specters of the Rail is suppose to go live by Tennocon tomorrow.  A new fairy frame is being released, and two new weapons are usually released alongside a new frame.  A new support archwing is also coming, along with two new archwing weapons I'd imagine.  Star chart 3.0, void 2.0, etc.

Fairy Frame is coming with War Within, not Spectres of the rail.

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