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Wall run?? - please bring back!!


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Ok so I see there are a thread or two about this, but I wanted to reissue this request.


I just came back to Warframe after at least a good year or more. Previously I played religiously amassing just about every Warframe there was.  Needless to say... holy fiddle sticks has this game changed!  Much to my dismay however is the wall running (and flip) that had existed previously is no longer.


What the heck happened? Who the hell thought a bunny jump was better?!?! Seriously though, I dunno why such a small thing tweaked me but it did. Game feels less flowing and parkour-ish, the wall bunny hop is just awful, like seriously awful.

Even after playing for a few hours on the new version I can't stand it, I miss being able to slide down a wall and shoot enemies, or run around a bend and think...holy S#&$ that was awesome. Now it feels like some sorta cheap replacement...


New UI is ok, seems a lot larger and more intrusive. I liked the previously minimalistic UI - it felt more like me being the Tenno and less i'm Robert Downy Jr. playing Iron Man. I also really miss the level up sound, was way cooler. Now it sounds like I tripped an alarm or something, I realize most of this stuff is minor little things. But honestly, i'd be willing to bet a lot of the little things that got people hooked are why they got hooked in the first place...remove those and enter Game01 land. Go-go generic game.


Kudos on the content (amount), impressive!

Edited by (PS4)Tiburon
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Agreed as well... Also would like bullet jump removed so height is a bit more meaningful again.. but generally parkour doesn't feel nearly as fun as it did with Parkour 1.0 for me. I got into this game because it had wallrunning... you could wallrun and shoot at people at the same time or wallrun and launch yourself off the wall for a melee wall attack (still possible... but it's so god damn clunky no one in their right mind uses it regularly if ever). Now parkour is disconnected.

If you want to be fast and fight the only use walls have to you is to reset your bullet jump, whereas before you could chain parkour moves together while fighting.

Edited by AXCrusnik
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it should be optional.. (if you dont press run while wall running it will wall hoping)

like a speed boost that stop if the surface is not good and swap back to wall hoping


Edited by Tsoe
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You played while parkour 1.0 was still in the game and don't remember how impractical, glitchy and awkward it was to try and utilize? You sure about that?

You don't remember sticking to a wall you never meant too and when you tried jumping off you had momentum wackier then a loonietoons animation? You don't remember trying to wallrun upward only to stop dead after a few seconds? Don't even get me started on coptering vs bulletjumping.

Edited by SirCarmen
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I disagree, the change from a magnetic wallrun and to a wall hop was needed.

The previous one lacked height and control making it useless. 

You can say as much as you like to say that we need to bring it back, but I could careless, the previous wall-running was too "locked in".

I never used a lame wallrun because itself was clunky. And shooting while wallrunning is a joke.

It was bugged, and very lackluster for most of the game's tileset layout.

Edited by Magnulast
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32 minutes ago, clemza said:

forward = bunny jump

run forward = wallrun

DE please :3

This^^. That way, all tenno can be happy. Besides DE, all the tile sets were made with Parkour 1.0 in mind, so in some places Parkour 2.0 either works very poorly (sometimes getting you killed or even worse, tripping an alarm in a sortie spy mission while in the vault) or it does't work at all.

Bonus Reason:


Some of us want to do this again.

giphy.gifgiphy.gif <--- especially this one!

Parkour games have a come a long way sence Prince of Persia, but true wall run melee atacks never get old.


Edited by AlphaPHENIX
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There is a middle ground here. the wall run was fun, badass, and in some spots practical. Honestly, if its more than two hops, or if im going vertical,its difficult to steer. I still feel like a floppy fish and cant hit a landing when im wall hopping. That, and it basically turns every tileset into a flat plane with how easy it is to traverse.

There has to be a middle ground where hopping and running can be interchangeable and used as needed.

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38 minutes ago, (PS4)Tiburon said:


People keep complaining about the bunny hop. Do you know why it was added? It was added because the wall running could not handle the complex terrain. It was shoddy, it's hit detection was less than decent, and it looked glitchy as hell. The bunny hop was added because when you're bunny hopping, if you encounter a small object like a pipe you're likely to hop around it. Wall running would attempt to run on said pipe. Also, you can't slide down the wall anymore but you can wall latch and bullet glide.

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8 minutes ago, AlphaPHENIX said:

This^^. That way, all tenno can be happy. Besides DE, all the tile sets were made with Parkour 1.0 in mind.

Then why Parkour 1.0 was sh*t and didn't worked in 90% of the tilesets? That thing only worked in long and perfect flat walls. What tilesets have this type of wall? Void and Grineer Galleon only?

In the Grineer Galleon tileset, how many tiles have flat walls? 3?

Edited by -SDM-NerevarCM
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10 minutes ago, AlphaPHENIX said:

This^^. That way, all tenno can be happy. Besides DE, all the tile sets were made with Parkour 1.0 in mind, so in some places Parkour 2.0 either works very poorly (sometimes getting you killed or even worse, tripping an alarm in a sortie spy mission while in the vault) or it does't work at all.

Bonus Reason:

  Reveal hidden contents

Some of us want to do this again.

giphy.gifgiphy.gif <--- especially this one!

Parkour games have a come a long way sence Prince of Persia, but true wall run melee atacks never get old.


Are you REALLY sure you actually played parkour 1.0? Are you REALLY sure you don't have rose tinted glasses considering its been gone a year and you've forgotten what it was actually like? 

Because it neither worked well with the older tilesets, was FAR more likely to get you killed or detected in spy vaults through the lack of control and glitchy nature of it and most certainly of all looked nothing like Prince of Persia. I'm seriously convinced you've never played parkour 1.0 if your comparing it too Prince of Persia because even the god awful DS game had more control then parkour 1.0.

Edited by SirCarmen
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1 minute ago, -SDM-NerevarCM said:

Then why Parkour 1.0 was sh*t and didn't worked in 90% of the tilesets?

It may have not been as refined as the Wall Hopping we have now, but that is probably because DE made it back in the begining, when they may have not had as much time and resources (dare I say also experiance, no offence),


1 minute ago, SirCarmen said:

Are you REALLY sure you actually played parkour 1.0? Are you REALLY sure you don't have rose tinted glasses considering its been gone a year and you've forgotten what it was actually like? 

Because it neither worked well with the older tilesets, was FAR more likely to get you killed or detected in spy vaults through the lack of control and glitchy nature of it and most certainly of all looked nothing like Prince of Persia. I'm seriously convinced you've never played parkour 1.0 if your comparing it too Prince of Persia because even the god awful DS game had more control then parkour 1.0.

Yes, I am 100% sure that I did play back when stamina was still a thing. Maybe not as long you have, but I did.

PS: No I am not saying that I want stamina back, I miss it and it is one of the changes I eventually got used to, but I don't want it back.

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4 minutes ago, AlphaPHENIX said:

Yes, I am 100% sure that I did play back when stamina was still a thing. Maybe not as long you have, but I did.

PS: No I am not saying that I want stamina back, I miss it and it is one of the changes I eventually got used to, but I don't want it back.

Oh really now? Is that why your account was created 3 days after u17 came out?

Even if you have an older account that you don't use anymore or some excuse like that, parkour 1.0 was impractical, dated and poorly made in the first place; thats why they changed it. The fact you are actually vouching for stamina just proves you don't remember how limiting and contrived a system it was.

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2.0 works - 1.0 didnt. 2.0 looks awkward - 1.0 didnt. Choose one, I chose one that works. Yes, they could tweak animation to be less pronounced but then again, they had a lot of work to create it in teh first place so tweaking would still take some time. I personaly dont care about this animation.

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59 minutes ago, AXCrusnik said:

Agreed as well... Also would like bullet jump removed so height is a bit more meaningful again.. but generally parkour doesn't feel nearly as fun as it did with Parkour 1.0 for me. I got into this game because it had wallrunning... you could wallrun and shoot at people at the same time or wallrun and launch yourself off the wall for a melee wall attack (still possible... but it's so god damn clunky no one in their right mind uses it regularly if ever). Now parkour is disconnected.

If you want to be fast and fight the only use walls have to you is to reset your bullet jump, whereas before you could chain parkour moves together while fighting.

But height wasn't meaningful before, directional melee saw to that.

Old Directional Melee vs Bullet Jump height. They are pretty much the same. The only difference is you aren't locked into having to use polearms.


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12 minutes ago, SirCarmen said:

Oh really now? Is that why your account was created 3 days after u17 came out?

Even if you have an older account that you don't use anymore or some excuse like that, parkour 1.0 was impractical, dated and poorly made in the first place; thats why they changed it. The fact you are actually vouching for stamina just proves you don't remember how limiting and contrived a system it was.

Account creation date on the forums =/= account creation date for the game. That's just the first time they ever posted on the forums, some people go years without using official game forums, especially since subreddits are a thing.

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Just now, Gelkor said:

But height wasn't meaningful before, directional melee saw to that.

Old Directional Melee vs Bullet Jump height. They are pretty much the same. The only difference is you aren't locked into having to use polearms.

There was a time when directional melee didn't exist as well.

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17 minutes ago, SirCarmen said:

Oh really now? Is that why your account was created 3 days after u17 came out?

Even if you have an older account that you don't use anymore or some excuse like that, parkour 1.0 was impractical, dated and poorly made in the first place; thats why they changed it. The fact you are actually vouching for stamina just proves you don't remember how limiting and contrived a system it was.

Here is my explanation for the account. I didn't make the forums one at the same time as the game one. That is mainly because I didn't use to look at the forums of online games at all before starting to play Warframe. I have only one account to play the game with and only one to chat on the forums with. Understand?

Wait wut? I dont renember the problems with the stamina system? Well true, guess I didn't play melee only much, but what part of that means I don't renember? Also why did we start talking about the stamina system? I was the first to mention it yes, but that doesn't mean you had to continue it.

Edited by AlphaPHENIX
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4 minutes ago, Xardis said:

2.0 works - 1.0 didnt. 2.0 looks awkward - 1.0 didnt. Choose one, I chose one that works.

You didn't choose, you just took what was given to you. It's not a choice when there's only one option present at the moment.

As for the topic - I want wallrun. Not as it was, because hopping is more comfortable, and actually looks good as long as you don't need to do more than one hops on one surface before jumping away. However if you're going long distance it looks awkward and is as clunky to steer as wallrun was. Tune it up and add it, along with hopping, and everyone will be happy.

If you manage to bring wallflip and object vaulting I'll be even happier.

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3 minutes ago, Gelkor said:

Account creation date on the forums =/= account creation date for the game. That's just the first time they ever posted on the forums, some people go years without using official game forums, especially since subreddits are a thing.

Thank you.

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