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General Forum Toxicity...


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The problem with the Warframe forums has started to show its ugly head... Forum Toxicity... yes, the same kind as League of Legends... has started to really show as of late. Players who speak their opinion about issues within the game are constantly attacked by players who think Warframe is Flawless... Let me set the record straight... Warframe is far from flawless. Posts pointing out flaws are attempting to better the game through suggestions and facts... For the players attacking these posts, you are attempting to stagnate the games development cycle and by that respect, attempting to make the game worse. 

To the developers... 2 points... First, The constant toxicity of the forums has really god unnoticed by your staff, it seems that they are just brushed aside as acceptable. And Second... Listening to the players who have concerns about the game is far more effective than trying to develop things based on what people "like" because when it comes down to it, the people that find flaws are generally right, and the players who defend the game to their dieing breath are generally wrong.

To the players... Support threads looking for solutions, if you don't agree with their solution, suggest different ideas to fix the problems...do NOT... and this is important... do NOT disregard the post as just another complaint thread, this is the biggest mistake a developer can make. A game is built around players and for players... not for the developers.

And lastly... Dont try to be right.... The forums is based around opinions... the moment you try to say your opinion is better or more important is the moment you become worse than LoL players.

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Just now, PureIcarus said:

Not necessary. Unnecessary posts can be seen to be just as toxic as attacking posts...

Sorry, that was my obtuse and (to me) humorous way of pointing out that your thread is a meta-complaint, and will likely be locked soon.

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The forums have become much more toxic over the last few months, I agree.

It would be nice to see a larger Com Mod presence to help balance this, but I imagine they're busy with personal lives, other hobbies, other responsibilities and general burn out.

Maybe it's time for DE to add some new Com Mods?

Tbh the only way this gets better is if enough of the community stands up and makes the effort to correct  it.  I doubt enough of the veterans with community pull are left, or even care anymore. : /

Edited by Noamuth
Screw you auto correct.
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Just now, Gelkor said:

Sorry, that was my obtuse and (to me) humorous way of pointing out that your thread is a meta-complaint, and will likely be locked soon.

You can call it what you want.... im not wrong. Toxicity in the forums is getting worse, for the moderation staff to ignore it would be foolish

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Yeah, I feel like there's been a marked increase in "This is a slap in the face!" type posts lately.

Dear everyone: if you ever find yourself tempted to describe something in Warframe as "a slap in the face", please feel free to get in contact with me. I will happily provide you with one or more genuine slaps to the face, so that you can contrast and compare that experience with the experience of your magic space ninja guy doing smaller numbers than he used to.

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20 minutes ago, PureIcarus said:

has started to really show as of late.

as of late? been here long? (yes I see the founder symbol, but seriously)

21 minutes ago, PureIcarus said:

Players who speak their opinion about issues within the game are constantly attacked by players who think Warframe is Flawless

I seriously doubt anyone thinks WF is flawless, but opinions will differ on every topic and there will always be those who take it a bit too far.

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It was like this from the start, nothing has changed it was always hard to suggest changes that really does not affect others but maybe helps some, what you always get is the ones not affected arguing against it.

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4 minutes ago, Xekrin said:

as of late? been here long? (yes I see the founder symbol, but seriously)

I seriously doubt anyone thinks WF is flawless, but opinions will differ on every topic and there will always be those who take it a bit too far.

Its gotten worse... and peoples ignorance has as well.... Its like many people think U19 is going to be the God patch that will fix everything. They forget that U19 is 90% content they promised us back in U16 and 17. Theres nothing saying that everything they have said will be in 19 will even release with 19... the chances are actually quite likely that will happen.

2 minutes ago, Genoscythe said:

The forum really could use a sweep. All this memeposting and the one-phrasers are not really constructive. I would also take some warning points I guess, but it's for the good of the forums and the game.

Im sure i would be in the same boat... but passion for a game is one thing that is hard to stop.

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I'll agree on general basis except for your case, because you antagonize developers and dooming them to failure for not taking YOUR suggestion. They take others suggestion and have made various improvement and changes based on that. Yet you claim they're not doing anything simply because it's not your issue that got fixed and blame it all on the content.

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9 minutes ago, PureIcarus said:

Its gotten worse..

Yes, that's the reference for "been here long?" toxicity always increases before a major update.  I've only been here a year and I have seen it plenty.

9 minutes ago, PureIcarus said:

ts like many people think U19 is going to be the God patch that will fix everything.

This is also a symptom of anticipation of a big update.  People get hyped and expect too much.  I don't play nor have played a great deal of MMOs nor have I visited forums of games I have played but from what I've observed, this is pretty normal.

Not a whole lot can be done, moderators weed out the truly bad comments as best they can but it is a few people against hundreds if not thousands of posts/replies per day.

I'm not entirely sure what the point of this thread is, you are giving instructions to developers and players alike as if they don't already know these things.  Toxic players will be toxic regardless of it right or wrong, they do it to be annoying.

Developers listen plenty to their players, I find it is the players who don't have their opinions agreed with or see them reflected within updates that accuse developers of not listening the most.  It doesn't mean they aren't they just didn't agree with those opinions/feedback, oh well.

Move on.

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2 minutes ago, chaotea said:

The forums have always been like this, its just that the amount of users has increased greatly so you notice it more.

If the forums has always been toxic, then the amount if posters wouldnt have that much of an effect, imo.

Its be like saying the sky has always been blue, it's just easier to see now because there's more blue in it.

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25 minutes ago, PureIcarus said:

Players who speak their opinion about issues within the game are constantly attacked by players who think Warframe is Flawless

I have never, in the entire time I've been paying this game, seen anyone say that warframe is flawless. You are attacking players who disagree with you by claiming that they all think the game is flawless, and then disregarding them by saying that they are toxic. Furthermore, you claim that your side is generally right, and do not acknowledge that toxicity can come from people that post "change everything about warframe cause it's all bad" posts. In my experience, the most toxic players think this game is boring and complain about it constantly. (Not that suggestions to fix things are toxic, just that people who don't complain generally aren't)

And no, I don't think the game is flawless. But I enjoy it, I don't complain about it, and I don't make posts calling everyone who disagrees with me toxic.

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You love to hunt people down and attack on sight, dont you.... THAT is antagonizing. What i was doing was a calculated response to the current projections of the game industry. Using current knowledge to provide an accurate prediction of a games outcome if it succumbs to a bad development system.

4 minutes ago, Rekkou said:

I'll agree on general basis except for your case, because you antagonize developers and dooming them to failure for not taking YOUR suggestion. They take others suggestion and have made various improvement and changes based on that. Yet you claim they're not doing anything simply because it's not your issue that got fixed and blame it all on the content.

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3 minutes ago, Rekkou said:

I'll agree on general basis except for your case, because you antagonize developers and dooming them to failure for not taking YOUR suggestion. They take others suggestion and have made various improvement and changes based on that. Yet you claim they're not doing anything simply because it's not your issue that got fixed and blame it all on the content.

How'd you know I was a dev? lol kidding. kidding.

Edit: Oh wait, was that toxic? I was just being pretentious and playful. It's just bad right now because of the hour and the work load. Topics will be back to being locked in no time

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I just wish when people are discussing in topics, to stop insulting each other by having little comments like:
And so on.

If you disagree with someone, or their idea, please discuss why you disagree, and how to make it better in your perspective, instead of crying like a man child.
Oh wait, I just did it.

Because remember, a Insult isn't opinion or adding to discussion. It's a insult which will flame a whole thread for locking or cleaning constantly.
And make people not like you.

Edited by Monsterwithin
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Just now, Noamuth said:

If the forums has always been toxic, then the amount if posters woykdnt have that much of an effect, imo.

Its be like saying the sky has always been blue, it's just easier to see now because there's more blue in it.

Bad analogy that. It would be more like saying 'there has always been sharks in the sea, we notice more shark attacks now because there are more sharks in the sea now'.

The forums have always been toxic, but the % of toxic posts has remained similar. However, toxic posts tend to gain more traction, as people comment to 'fight' the toxic view. However, this in turn gets it more traction, and thus it snowballs.

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Is it about this thread?


Because, you know, you haven't been the most polite person there and got yourself dragged into an argument. 


42 minutes ago, PureIcarus said:

As someone who understand game development on a level you could not possibly comprehend... they CAN slow down...They NEED to do fixes.... they CAN put off content (hell, they did that for kavats and the solar map revamp for 6 months and still haven't brought back solar rail conflicts). 

Looking down on people like that is not too polite.


37 minutes ago, PureIcarus said:

And lastly... Dont try to be right.... The forums is based around opinions... the moment you try to say your opinion is better or more important is the moment you become worse than LoL players.

You talk about being respectful but you yourself seem desperate to prove your opinion better than the others. Or you are just mad that someone disagrees with you. By making threads like that you only add to the toxicity.



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While I agree that toxicity in the forums is more prevalent these days, I think we also need to acknowledge the underlying problem that causes for such toxicity in the forums.  Players who are pointing these problems about the game (who are trying to help improve the game), will always have players who view things differently. While some are more louder than others in their objections, I think the general toxicity in posts like those are understandable. Players who objects in a toxic way to those posts which calls for changes in the games are afraid that the change could possibly ruin an aspect of the game for them, which is again understandable. In my view, the toxicity stems from the fact that changes in this game, usually means its going to be permanent for quite a while. It takes DE a while to revisit things that they have just released, unless everyone is one sided on one thing and or there is chaos about it. Other than that, any change to something, either a weapon or frame, its going to be stuck like that for a while. With this mindset for many players, that maybe a change could lead to something becoming useless, it makes players really on edge with any suggestions made by any player. In conclusion, toxicity could only be handled by DE and their COM Staff.

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1 minute ago, chaotea said:

Bad analogy that. It would be more like saying 'there has always been sharks in the sea, we notice more shark attacks now because there are more sharks in the sea now'.

The forums have always been toxic, but the % of toxic posts has remained similar. However, toxic posts tend to gain more traction, as people comment to 'fight' the toxic view. However, this in turn gets it more traction, and thus it snowballs.

Eh, tbh I should be asleep for the last 4 hrs. Ignore me.

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How come you start a thread about forum toxicity, where you're as much at fault? I assume it's because of @Pratigious's thread, where, I am sorry to say, you weren't exactly polite at all times. The fact that majority of the people that took part in this thread disagreed with OP's and your notion does not add credibility to your post here.

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