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Void 2.0 Feedback [Megathread]


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Liking the improvement to the fissure system. I've run into two problems:

 - I'm having trouble identifying the invincibility frames and when they end, especially with four tenno's worth of special FX flying around, focusing on this little cluster of mobs!

 - The speed at which some groups progress means that you can queue up for a pub group and if it's an Exterminate and you load in while it's partway done, you actually can't get enough reactant to activate your relic. Going 'back' into the mission results in encountering reactant that you can't pick up. You can see it, just not collect it.

Edited by starsrift
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Enjoying the Fissure 2.0 with the corrupted enemies scattered through the level. Very enjoyable for the standard capture / exterminate / sabotage missions. Unsure on the endless missions, as I haven't done a fissure for those. I'm pretty new so I can't compare to the old system - but I do like this one a lot.

Except, that is, for the reward screen at the end. It's honestly causing some pretty severe anxiety, to the point where I legitimately can't play the mode. Right now I have to have a loot list on my second screen to check for rarity and screenshots of my inventory to know what I already have - then I need to check all of that against 4 different drops in 15 seconds. It's unreasonable. I've cost myself hundreds of ducats / dozens of plat by picking the wrong items because I misread my lists or misclicked in a panic to switch items at the last second. I can not stress enough how detrimental the lack of information on that screen is to my enjoyment of the game. The sinking feeling when I get to my ship and re-check my lists to find I picked a common part over a rare, super valuable BP - that's not a feeling that will keep me coming back for more.

Rarity, ducat value, and # owned all need to be displayed. In an ideal world, I'd also like to see the time limit go away. It's neat that you get void traces for other people picking your item, but I'd happily sacrifice 1-2 bonus traces every map to be able to sit in my ship and pick the item I really want. As it is now, killing myself switching screens and scanning lists in a frenzied panic is exhausting and sucks all of the fun out of the mode.

Thanks for your time if you read this.

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2 hours ago, Alucard3Dark said:

Except, that is, for the reward screen at the end. It's honestly causing some pretty severe anxiety, to the point where I legitimately can't play the mode.

Hey, I used to have the same problem, but I found a way to help alleviate my anxiety: I familiarize myself with the rare rewards before going into a mission, and I don't bother remembering common rewards unless I want a specific item. Just a quick glance over the wiki list here: http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Void_Relic/ByRelic can help me be more prepared for the ending. Don't try to memorize the whole thing. For example, If you're going into a Lith mission, just look at Lith rewards. I can see that, currently, any warframe BP (except Nyx) and all Fragor parts are rare, and they do not appear in any other tiers. If someone gets one of those parts, pick it without hesitation.

There are several reasons this works great. For one, you don't have to memorize exactly which part is rare, just know the general rule for the era you're battling. (In the Lith example, the rule is "Warframe BP and Fragor are rare, except Nyx, but no one likes her anyway."(JUST KIDDING, don't flame me, it's a mnemonic device.)) Second, you can do this ahead of time, and take as long as you need.

And my final piece of advice is to take a deep breath, relax, and put things in perspective. This is just a game. JUST A GAME. If you pick the worse reward, oh well. You're not going to lose your car or have your electricity cut off; your hand won't need to be amputated; you're not going to lose your eyesight; California will not fall into the ocean; France won't declare war on England; and the sun will not explode. The world will continue, and you'll get another chance tomorrow to get the better reward.

Edited by IcicleFerret
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Void Keys need to make a come back.

I don't care if you wanna make them rarer than relics, but we need them back. They don't need to change in functionality, but they NEED to come back.

I have no use for relics, AT ALL. I've got all the primes, and until new primes come out, I have no need to farm specific prime parts, and would rather have a random shot at multiple parts.

Fissures, and relics are a great ALTERNATIVE to regular void runs, but it's no replacement.

I've decided to give DE one more shot with The War Within, but I'm going to be hyper critical, and if I'm not impressed, I'm done with WF for good.

I've said my piece, fairly sure it's been ignored, but I'm done, giving it until TWW, if DE screws that up, that's it.

I also understand Kavat sequence drop rate got buffed, so gonna give that a try (not terribly optimistic).

Edited by Azathoth0013
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I'm not sure how I feel about the updated void 2.0 compared to the earlier void 2.0. What I know I don't like is that updated void 2.0 has fissures spawn everywhere, on most missions that would be fine, but spy in particular is a pain in the &#! with updated void 2.0. Having a fissure open up and spawn enemies as you're doing the vault and trying not to set off the alarm is so annoying. I honestly prefer the earlier void 2.0 where you picked up reactants and put them inside the fissure.

This allowed you to open the void at your own time and not be constantly swarmed. The only problem with the earlier void 2.0 was that the enemies would spawn in odd places and hide making you fail the fissure. Although, im pretty sure updated void 2.0 is here to stay unless there's a lot of disdain for it, my suggestion would be to keep the enemies spawning as is, but make it so that they stop spawning as soon as everyone in the party has collected 10 reactants. This ensures that everyone in the party knows that everyone else has collected 10 reactants and it is safe to extract.

Also, I just don't see why the void fissures would continue to keep spawning corrupted even when we collect 10 reactants. The only reason for that would be that area is permanently plagued by fissures, but considering the fact that fissure location changes, that doesn't seem likely.

Edited by Akwa9
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is annoying when you enter half of the mission and all the team collected all  reactant and they reach the extraction and no more enemies out of fissures so you can not collect more reactant then you do not get the reward, sorry for my english.

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1. Being Blunt Here This new mode is Crazy Fun to play. But it's buggy, broken, and needs lots of fixes. Players will never be satisfied with a system that robs you of your chance to earn a reward for your hard-work. Even if you were late to the party.

2. This really is a great replacement for non-endless Void missions. It successfully adds in newer game modes by simply spawning on a node with one. However it fails at reaching some of the MORE FUN ENDLESS mission runs we love from the void. Without them players really have no reason to test their mettle, get stronger equipment, or get better at the game. Cause be honest wouldn't you want to be Nekros and let everyone protect you while you Desicrate! Instead they sit back and watch the show. But getting serious this is really bad for endless mode game play. That's where the tough players go when not in PVP. They must feel sick to not be rewarded for there efforts of becoming the best in this Game. I know you want the game to be easy for everyone but the fact that one relice is only good for one mission is kinda bad. if you insist on this measure I suggest making it so players who have upgraded their key can collect more than one prize.

Basically I mean fore each upgrade you can get a certain amount of bonus rewards. The players can select whatever rewards he wants. If the player can select 4 he can choose one from each player and one from the set he earned. others without a refined relic can pick one of any one of the rewards, Furthermore the players with refined relice will have to earn more Traces in order to open their relic.

3. The Buff for getting 10. Yeah, Uhm, what does it do? Not stated and gives no info on activation. So getting seems pointless. If in the abilities tab we could see what kind of effects it cause for each frame (assuming its different for each frame) then maybe we'd pick better frames for both the mission and the Fissure alike.

4. the 10 reactant thing is kinda dum. It's relevance is actually equal to the 100 only limiter from before. I understand you don't want people staying in one match forever farming them, but please only 10. Not to mention when you leave you end up with more than 10. I'm not sure if it's a bug or not but I would like to be able to pick up extra reactants lying around. With the markers and rare glowing light it does nothing but Attracts my attention, Makes me want it, and Annoys me seeing it there begging to be touched! really you don't put something lootable that can't be looted. I like Dungeon-ing and certain farming games where loot is friendly and lets you take, or makes you walk into a trap if not careful. But a mode in warframe where loot stares you in the faces Saying 'COME GET ME! BABY!" and you not be able to even touch breaks my a heart a little.


Please I beg you patch this for the lttle VoidTraces that love Tenno Masters!

P.S. even though I know the Dev's will probably look at this I figure no one else will because of my not so well thought out writing style. So srry if it offends you.

Edited by CounterOne
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The new mode is a vast improvement. It really is very fun.

But the Nullifiers are killing that fun.

They are everywhere. Grineer missions. Corpus missions. Anywhere there's a fissure. Last night, I had two Heavy Gunners and a Bombard INSIDE a Nullifier bubble. OVerlapped by ANOTHER Nullifier bubble.

Automatic weapons wouldnt work. Too many enemies in front of the Nully when the bubble went down to even hit them.

Charging in wouldnt work. Bubble was filled with knockdown spam.

Powers? Nope.

Finally just ran in and slid. Got one on the slide and was luck enough to have the other in front of me when I spun around. 

Then I immediately spammed Avalanche for the Horde.

And so here we are: An enemy designed to prevent power spam...placing us in situations which ENCOURAGE power spam the MOMENT they go down. Every time.

I dont know how this unit made it into the game. I guess one day someone decided to see how unfun you can make a game before people quit playing it, and everyone else was just on board for the social experiment...but its really just beginning to turn me off to even bothering any longer. Because this isnt Warframe. Its just some bog standard third person shooter where we can, occasionally, use a special power - though NEVER in ANY Circumstance where we really NEED to do so (Bosses, Nullifiers, Capture, Simaris Hunts...all those moments where we might really NEED our powers...they fail us. Which sort of makes having them, well...pointless).

This game is beginning to feel like Mass Effect with Parkour...at best.

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I love the new void system. I hate the "H> -insert relic name here- RADIANT ONLY" spam that is all you ever see in recruiting chat. I don't want to join random matchmade parties since most of the time there's just one guy there running the mission for traces. I just want to join a group that is running relics. whatever relics. I don't care about the chances to get stuff since Its usually forma I'm after anyway. This recent change where you can see what relic others are using has killed the random groups that just ran whatever relics sadly. 

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The new void is making solid progress; I like how we're getting a little more reactant and not locked to the same room trying to close a fissure. I've also been glad that the void isn't a mandatory tileset because quite frankly that contributed to my void sickness.

Some improvements that this new system could use is an indicator of how much reactant each player has (assuming it's not global) so we can all make sure we have enough reactant by the time we reach extract. This can probably be done the same way we measure other player stats. It'd also help if we could look at the player's loadout to see what relic they're using to make keyshares more reliable publicly.

Furthermore, some missions are less practical to run than others; void fissures should stay out of mission critical rooms such as rescue cells and spy vaults so they can still be approached with some finesse.

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Are there any of those missions with fissures with dynamic closing? Or all of them are boring now? I was playing a missions with enemies scattered around the level and I was really dissapointed that it seems it was changed for some reason I don't understand... If someone would say he doesn't like defences, would you remove them too? It was the only reason I was playing and the only change I liked since Mummy quest... 

Edited by Morndawn
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More Reactant. 

More "just do the mission."



All enemies are back to spawning in massive hordes right on top of players. Its tired, its old and its frustrating at higher levels.

Too many Nullifiers. Just walked into a room with FIVE Nullifiers. Bubbles overlapping. And filled with heavy units using knockdown spam at close range and tracking rockets at long range.

Theres literally no tactic that works at that point. You charge; you get knocked down and grappled by ancients. You stay at range, you get homed in on and destroyed. You cant use powers, the one thing you need right then, either. Its utterly ridiculous and makes Warframe feel like any old generic shooter...except worse, since generic shooting is what those games DO. Stop trying to compete with a horde of games that do it better, and BE WARFRAME again. 

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I genuinely miss the old Void system where players play for prime parts. The Void setting was the epitome of the solar system because it arguably was the most difficult "planet" since it contained aspects of enemies from all other planets. This is where prime parts should drop.

Nowadays, I only log in to retrieve the daily reward and maybe do the Sorties.

The old system:

  • Allows squads to be more easily formed since the tileset is always the same rather than dynamically changing.
    • More squads means that more players will be able to more easily join a squad.
    • The advertisement from the squad leader makes it very clear what the mission objective is.
  • Allows a "key" to be used to obtain more than 1 prime part.
    • Some weapons require more than 1 part, so it was more efficient to use 1 key for more than 1 part than to use 1 Relic for 1 part.
    • The new system makes it such that 1 Relic gives 1 part. It also introduces more grind:
      • Players have to get the Relic, get enough traces, and then use it all on a single mission to get the reward, which may not even be a prime part. The Void Fissure objective is always the same: Close the fissure. This is repetitive and creates a longer road for players to reach from getting the Relic to getting the reward. With the old system, each mission objective was different to get the reward: Defense, Capture, Interception, Sabotage, etc.
    • This is what made Void missions, particularly Void Defense, fun and exhilerating.
      • Players would rather cope with increasing difficulty to try to get the part that they want than play a normal Fissure mission to get 1 part that they may not want.
      • They would rather enjoy a variety of mission types than go through a monotony of "Get Relic -> get Traces -> Close Fissure -> Get reward."
      • Some players like me who have most things log in only to play T3/T4 Defense because it was challenging (and therefore fun) and rewarded fairly well.
        • Challenging how? T3/T4 Defense could be played using endless combinations of Warframes and weapons; all of these combinations provided for unique challenges and scenarios every time.
    • The new system takes away this aspect by making most Void Fissure missions solo-able and therefore less socially interactive.
  • Most of the solar system consists of "normal" Grineer, Corpus, and Infested missions. Void Fissure missions makes this more repetitive because we face the same enemies to complete the mission objective. I would hate to see the Void "planet" become a normal tileset just as how Lua became a "normal" tileset.
  • The disappearance of Deception missions and reduction of Capture and other quick missions are saddening.
    • Quick missions are what made Warframe so popular - no other game had missions where players find it fun to race each other to the finish line while shooting 'em up in 60 seconds or less. Players hardly enjoy Mobile Defense and Interception missions because they are too slow and their rewards are lackluster. High level defense is still fun because it requires strategy. 
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Before you read, I had already posted this in the specters of the rail megathread in general feedback before I knew that this void 2.0 feedback megathread existed. After I saw this thread, I thought I should go ahead and post here since the information in my post pertains entirely to the new fissure system. It's not entirely a double post since I have added more stuff into this post, but I just wanted the moderators to be aware of this.

For me, Specters of the Rail (I'll just call it sotr) was a regression in the gameplay of prime part acquisition rather than an improvement. The fissure system ended up creating a repetitive, melee brawl around the fissure that I (and many others) found painful to play. It undermined the objective of the update, which was (among other things) aimed at diversifying gameplay and letting people get prime parts outside the void; however, the update made the only relevant gameplay in fissure missions into that melee brawl around the fissure. In addition, the alert system for fissures means that, unlike before sotr, I can't play the missions that I want to play to get the prime parts that I want; I'm stuck with whatever missions are available with the fissure alerts. Sotr 13 fixed the melee brawl gameplay, which certainly improved the situation, but it didn't fix endless missions because as of now, going far in endless fissure missions is still pointless because you don't get extra traces or prime parts, which sucks because going really far (90+ minutes) with my friends is my favorite thing to do in warframe.

What I would've wanted to see going into sotr 13 was that relics would drop in the void as well as in the derelict (it makes sense and this also makes the void matter again, which is something I've seen many complain about), and void traces would drop throughout the star chart. Non-endless star chart missions like capture and spy would have the fissure mechanic as it is in sotr 13; pick up 10 reactant and you can leave. Endless missions would also work the same as in sotr 13, but the fissure would reset its reactant count every C rotation AND the average number of traces you get when you feed the fissure 10 reactant increases by 13% every C rotation. You don't get an extra prime part every time it resets (because that would involve you picking another relic mid-mission, which would be disruptive); however, leaving after putting in 10 reactant for the first time just to get your prime part will mean that you forfeit the chance for higher void trace drops later on. This gives players an actual reason to go far in endless missions. In addition, the alert system for fissures would be removed, and you can just chose to equip a relic (or go without a relic) in any mission of your choice (except for assassinations and raids and other special missions). Equipping a relic will cause a fissure to appear in that mission. All players in the squad must equip a relic for a fissure to appear (so you can't leech). As expressed by @SoulOfTheHunter back in the general feedback thread, if I wanted to play an Axi survival, there is a ~3% of that appearing via a fissure alert, but my solution alleviates that by allowing you to play almost any mission with a fissure when you want to. This also makes sense with the lore because the Neural Sentry would have a reason to open up a fissure on you and your team because you stole from the void, and the Neural Sentry can tell because you are carrying the relic. That's assuming the Neural Sentry is the one opening up the fissures, and if he isn't then I still think it improves the gameplay nonetheless.

However, I think DE is already too deep into the whole fissure alert system to implement changes that drastic. As it stands right now with sotr 13, I would consider it an acceptable update if DE just found a way (maybe taking my suggestion) on how to get void traces infinitely on endless fissure missions. Don't get me wrong, sotr 13 was an improvement because it made the fissure more of a passive gameplay element, which allowed players to concentrate on the actual mission objective. However, I think void 2.0 still needs some more refinement, particularly for endless missions.

Forgive me if my wording was a little unclear; I made up many of these mechanics as I went along.

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Personally, I feel as though this has removed variety in the game. Before, there were different gamemodes to farm for the void parts :captures, survivals, intercepts, defence. Honestly now its just the same thing to farm all of the parts with different tilesets. You really only have one objective in any and all of these new void missions: load in, close fissure, get out. This is unlike Void 1.0 where you would survive for long durations in the intense survivals, hold your ground in the tedious defence missions of wave 40 and up, hold your points in the interceptions. You could even pick up your ducats at the same time for when Baro comes every 2 weeks. To me, Void 2.0 has killed my drive to play this game. First of all, the method of completing the fissure is simply boring to me at least and it is there for all the "variety" of missions now. What this is is nothing more than some low tier, easy missions and just hope for RNG that i get the reward i farm. It feels even worse than farming. At least i could enjoy the difficulty of the mission whilst in void 1.0. Now, what is there? Different tilesets for basically one gamemode which is what i would call tier 1 Excavation. I plead with you DE please go back to void 1.0 . You had good ideas in this which included the ability to choose from a pool of items. However this has killed the game for me and i feel no motivation for playing it anymore. I think you tried to move 2 steps forward but moved 3 back instead. I hope you see this comment and at least consider what I have said. Surely i am not the only one who has noticed that endgame has vanished but i still wanted to voice my concern for where this game is heading. 

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Being able to choose a reward from other's relics at the end of a mission is really nice.  However, not so great for solo queue.  Any chance this can be changed to remove that option or time limit?

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Im sure this has been mentioned but have just played 3 missions and have missed out on the reward each time because the other players completed the mission before I have collected all the reactant. Now this was obviously impossible in the void mission system because everyone got the reward at the end of those missions. In other words you are forced to go solo which I have just done in order to collect the reactant and complete the mission.... but you dont get the opportunity to pick another players reward now.

Heres a thought....... how about not being able to extract unless the whole team has their required reactant........ wow  a revelation. 

I cant begin to say how much I dislike these changes, talk about over complicating what was a really simple system originally. I am getting to the point of moving away from what was a great game but has become a completely different creature and after nearly 3 years of effort,.... what a waste.


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The first change after Void 2.0 [should i call it Void 2.1 ?] is kinda mix feeling. And now, that the grind is basically shoved like all in one area plus knowing how the new relic will be introduced, The relic drop pool needs to spread all over the mission types. Something like:

Tier 1:
Exca = Lith relic 1,2,3
Spy = Lith relic 4,5,6
Survival = Lith relic 7,8,9

Tier 1:
Exca = Lith relic 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
Spy = Lith relic 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
Survival = Lith relic 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9

Edited by ShirakawaNaoya
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On 7/28/2016 at 5:50 PM, Akwa9 said:

I'm not sure how I feel about the updated void 2.0 compared to the earlier void 2.0. What I know I don't like is that updated void 2.0 has fissures spawn everywhere, on most missions that would be fine, but spy in particular is a pain in the &#! with updated void 2.0. Having a fissure open up and spawn enemies as you're doing the vault and trying not to set off the alarm is so annoying. I honestly prefer the earlier void 2.0 where you picked up reactants and put them inside the fissure.

This allowed you to open the void at your own time and not be constantly swarmed. The only problem with the earlier void 2.0 was that the enemies would spawn in odd places and hide making you fail the fissure. Although, im pretty sure updated void 2.0 is here to stay unless there's a lot of disdain for it, my suggestion would be to keep the enemies spawning as is, but make it so that they stop spawning as soon as everyone in the party has collected 10 reactants. This ensures that everyone in the party knows that everyone else has collected 10 reactants and it is safe to extract.

Also, I just don't see why the void fissures would continue to keep spawning corrupted even when we collect 10 reactants. The only reason for that would be that area is permanently plagued by fissures, but considering the fact that fissure location changes, that doesn't seem likely.

I understand your concerns. Honestly, though, this is a major problem with how the Void Fissures spawn enemies now. 

Frankly, its a stupid system. 

Enemies shouldn't spawn from the Fissures at all. Instead, Fissures should corrupt what's already there. Like, you know, Steve said the system would do. 

Fissures are causing missions to lose their identity. Every Fissure you run, its the same enemies for the most part. And they spawn constantly, right on top of you, in hordes and droves, unless you keep pausing to let them spawn and scatter. But this is Warframe; who is standing still, waiting for Spawns?

This new system is, in my opinion, much better than the previous one. However, enemy spawning needs to be replaced by Fissures corrupting what's there. We dont need artificial reasons for Ancients and Nullifiers on every map, thanks. 

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What I would like to know[DE] Taylor is why can't I do void fissure missions solo oron invite only; tried 4 times and each time it was a regular mission. I had my relic equipped but it still came up a regular missionstarting to really get sick of some of these changes that don't work or only work part of the time.


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Fissures: A broken, poorly balanced, unfun MESS

1. Enemy spawns: Fissures track the player, spawning enemies right on top of them on larger sections of map. And I mean ON TOP OF the player. As in...new Nullifiers (you know, that poorly thought our, terrible idea you put in the game anyway) can spawn in such a way that you are ALREADY INSIDE the bubble when they spawn. And when they do this, its ALWAYS in conjunction with Bombards and Ancients, and all their (also poorly thought out) knockdown spam.

2. Ruining the flavor of Factions: Fissures were SUPPOSED to corrupt already existing enemies. Instead, they've just become a reason to spawn ALL OF the most b\obnoxious garbage in Warframe in the same mission, over and over again. They're a steady stream of the same annoyances - Nullifiers, Bombards and Ancients - on every map, across ALL factions. Its utterly ridiculous and I frankly cannot believe this kind of endless repetition got past QA - except then I remember, PC players ARE the QA, apparently (except where Nullifiers are concerned, since they remain in the game against the wishes of virtually you entire community).

3. They still require us to run missions we would not otherwise choose to: Face it, star map missions, while they offer some cool tilesets and interesting levels, are...useless. Most of what drops there we have in droves or dont need at all. Without the Fissures, we would NEVER choose to run these missions again. WITH the Fissures, all you are doing is reminding us of hour useless this mission would otherwise be to veteran or even players who have been here a shorter while.

4. They dont bring new Gameplay: Warframe's game play is BEYOND stale. We've been running the same missions, with zero (good, enjoyable) variation for the last year or so. The only changes you made were making Capture worse (artificial, unexplained, obnoxious power immunity, again) and making Sabotage more frustrating (either turning it into yet ANOTHER defense missions, or the Fire Escape scenario, which is tedious and annoying (and those are the polite words for having us automatically take fire damage constantly, because THAT might actually be the one idea you've had lately that was WORSE than Nullifiers). 


After several days of running Fissures, I am once again burned out. On the same old maps. The same old missions. The same tired, frustrating, cheap, poorly designed enemies. There's nothing fun about constant bubbles. Knockdown spam. Irritating, poorly thought out spawn mechanics. About Reactant and its not being shared, and thus enabling trolling. Indeed, while the current iteration of Fissures raises the bar over the first implementation, that's sort of like winning the high jump at a limbo competition. 

This whole system is a disaster, from Reactant and its not being shared to the over use of cheap enemies and their spawn points, to being forced to run missions we would otherwise never run...its just a disaster from start to finish.

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The idea of this "new Void" was to get people into other maps - not just the Void. The thing is, even after all those updates/fixes, to me, the fissure system feels "meh". And really, I don't think it's accomplishing the set goal. Since we're obviously not getting our old Void back (even tho I'm completely behind that idea since I really liked it), DE could implement some of the old system into the new one.

For starters, all those Relics that we're farming right now... it's a mess. I mean, we just have soo many of these things out there and... like, It's not organized in at all. 

And the other thing are the missions themselves. Having all these different fissure type missions that you can choose to play your relics.. Well, let's face it, people will pick the fastest one there is - they'll wait for them if they have to. So I think it's really all that good. Which is why this thread is here, so we can *@##$ post our thoughts on the matter.


Now, to really add to the previous post,

I think DE could pin, first, all the tiers (T1, T2, T3 andT4), and second, all the mission types: CAPTURE, DEFENSE, EXTERMINATE, INTERCEPTION, MOBILE DEFENSE, SABOTAGE, SURVIVAL (and maybe Spy, but they'll need to do some extra work on that, so let's just leave it) - like in the menu where it is right now. What I'm saying/suggesting is to have all the mission types available at all time - they could reset location every hour, like it is right now, but keep them all available.

Now the other thing is for the Relics, please, set each relic into a mission type. It will fix some of the problems I see right now. One, it will organize things (to some extend) and make it easier for people to Relic-share and FARM parts together. And the other thing, you guessed it, endless missions. Endless missions are pointless right now. If you would set each Relic into a mission type, we could have multiple rewards for the endless missions. I'm not saying - give us prime parts every 5 minutes, you can just take the old Void reward system and implement it here. I'm sure everyone will be pleased with that. 

Edited by -S-I-L-V-E-R-
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So what I've seen on the forums shows that I'm not alone when I say that I was expecting something very different from the current Relic system. About half of the community likes the current system, but the other half thinks it's way worse than it was. Basically saying we have little to no reason to do anything in Warframe at the moment.

This is the reason why I've decided to write a Forum thread about my personal idea of what it could've been.

So first things first:

-Fissure missions would have a different reason: to obtain Relics. The idea of alert-like missions is fine, but it could be way more different and less repetitive.
There could be more variety and lore-friendly ways of obtaining Relics, as of:
These missions would be available on Grineer/Corpus tilesets.
The missions's description would tell us that the Corpus/Grineer have found a Relic (maybe even the specific relic type, like Axi A1 or w/e) so you have to head there and pretty much steal the relic that they've found. On each map, there would be a Void-gate like on every Void Sabotage mission, but the other way around.

  • Capture: the enemies are searching for the Relic in the Void, we have to find the Scout, eliminate him, then find the Relic.
  • Sabotage: go through the Void-gate, search for the Relic, then destroy the enemy ship along with the Void-gate device.
  • Spy: enemy has information on the exact location of a Relic, gather their intel and find the relic based on the information.
  • Excavation/Defense: no Void-gate, but a simple excavation at a specific point, defending 1 extractor until it digs the Relic out.
  • Mobile Defense: defend the consoles until the Lotus gathers the intel on the Relic's whereabouts, then head to the Relic.
  • Hijack: the enemy has collected the Relic and is about to extract it in a vehicle, we have to steal the Vehicle and extract it ourselves.
  • Interception: once again, steal the data by reaching 100 points faster than the enemy team, then get through the Void-gate to find the Relic.
  • Survival: survive until another Tenno Operative finds the Relic, then extract.

-Once you obtain the specific Relic, you have to crack it open, but with my idea, the Void would have a reason to be played again.
Void Traces. Yes, I would keep the Void Traces, but in a very different way.
Void Traces would be dropped by the Corrupted in any Void mission. ANY Void mission. Each corrupted unit would have a low chance of dropping a Void Trace, the higher the level, the higher the chance. Eximus units would have a slightly higher drop-chance.

-So you get the Void Traces, then what do you do with them?
You infuse them into your Relic, on your ship. If you want a common drop, you infuse 25. You want an uncommon drop, you infuse 50. And 100 Void Traces would guarantee a rare drop.

So why would this be a good system?

  1. Not repetitive. The misson types would rotate like the current Fissure missions, but you don't have to do the same mini-game over and over again 100 times.
  2. Void wouldn't be pointless (yes, I know, you can get Relics there now... Amazing...) and people could go to ANY mission type they want, because Void Traces would drop on every single mission. You want survival? Go ahead. You prefer Defense? You got it. Capture, Extermination? It's all there.
  3. Less grind. Each Relic could have 2-3 common, 2-3 uncommon and 2-3 rare drops attached to it, so you would have 25% or 33.3% chance each time you infuse your Void Traces to obtain what you desire.
  4. More rewarding to everyone. There are people who prefer the current system because it's less grindy. But there's the other half of the community, who are planning to leave the game or just don't find it fun anymore, even more repetitive than before. This way you could do anything you want and get  what you want.

There might be some fine-tuning needed, because this system could fasten up obtaining Prime Parts compared to the old, or even the current version, but that's not impossible to do. Just a few more numbers to add.

For now, this is pretty much what I came up with, thanks for reading and hope DE reads this as well, as a way of expressing my feedback on the current system, speaking in the name of many.
Feel free to ask questions, and I'm open for criticism.

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