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Star Chart 3.0 Feedback [Megathread]


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,New star map is really bad with a controller, gives less information( or at least makes you work a lot more for it), and is really confusing( maybe that part is just because it's new). It feels like a straight downgrade to me. Looks pretty, though, like taking a Veyron to Dakar.

Edited by o-gibre
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24 minutes ago, o-gibre said:

,New star map is really bad with a controller, gives less information( or at least makes you work a lot more for it), and is really confusing( maybe that part is just because it's new). It feels like a straight downgrade to me. Looks pretty, though, like taking a Veyron to Dakar.

And yeah, I hadn't even thought much on that. If it's bad just using a controller, I can only IMAGINE how hard it'll be on the PS4/Xbox One. I wonder if anyone ever considered how well that interface would work with other inputs.

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We have less overall information then before. We now have to scroll to a planet then zoom in and then click the extractor icon to even see what resources drop there. 

You increased the time frame to find this information by at least 3 times due to this change. 

Also please do something about how missions are started while on the star chart. If i have a maxed zoomed out view of the star chart and click on neptune it should not start a random mission on that planet without a prompt from me as a player.

Alerts also make it impossible to start the normal node mission during the duration of that alert. This should be looked at since we had a dropdown menu in the old 2.0 star chart that worked well. There is no reason to remove such a function when we moved to star chart 3.0


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* Please provide an option to hide the Warframe in the map - to me it's just distracting and obstructing. Hiding it works fine conceptually, because it's the Operator picking the destination, the Warframe can be sitting there waiting.

* It looks great

* It needs to be easier to read and interact with nodes

* Mission details background needs to fade further down

* It shouldn't zoom out when you click a link to another planet, it should just pan with a tween.

* It would be great if the icons for the missions indicated what mission type it was

Edited by Temragon
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The new star chart is artistically a masterpiece but it has some flaws:

-icons are really too small. I can tell a mission is not a normal one because the icon is a bit bigger and darker, but to see what it is I have to stay 20cm from the screen. They should be increased in size, and maybe colour variation could help differentiate them better at a glance

-there lacks a proper icon for archwing mission... searching for them is painful

-it needs a smoother trasition from the Liset view to the star chart. Being used to the old one, this is really too sudden

-I have a little complaint to do: junctions are clearly made for new players, but for veterans it's a bit annoying having to do so simple but tedious (and sometime time/RNG based) tasks just for entering the junctions and oneshotting the specter. I will do it anyway, since it costs me nothing... I just wanted to share this point of view

-navigations is a bit odd:

        -when clicking the transition node, the "zoom out then zoom in on the other planet" is very annoying. Could it translate directly, without all those zooms?

        -there's a clear and counterintuitive discrepancy between movement sensitivity in full zoom out and full zoom in. In the first case it's very low, so to move to one side of                  the Solar System you're slow and need to do more than a swipe, while in the second case sensitivity is too high, making difficult to be accurate and often ending way far                  from the planet


Sorry guys if we're here to list all these flaws, we appreciate your work and do this just to help you make it better :)

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I will add my thoughts:

- warframe in the background feels unnecessary

- nodes that are not completed yet should be red, not blue, and there should be another indication of it, like 'incomplete' in brackets.

- zooming in and out is too abrupt, I tend to either zoom in or out too much; it should be more smooth

- I'd like mission start confirmation button to be back, in case of choosing a wrong node

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I really like the look of it aesthetically, and I think it will be enticing to new players in an immersive sense, but QOL-wise, for someone used to the circle of planets, it's oddly clunky with all the hovering (surely that depends too much on the quality of a person's system? either that or the hover delay needs to be tweakable) - it's bad enough with a KB+M, I can't imagine how clunky it must be for people with controllers.  But I think I'll probably get used to it.

But what happened to Accept and Play?  Clicking on a node and immediately going into the mission is an annoyance, I liked the fact that you could be relaxed about it and change your mind.

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You cant click on the menu button, the square with the 3 bars on the top left, when you are in the new star chart.

You have to totally back out to be able to get anywhere.

You have to ad the option to navigate within the star chart.


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I like the theme of the new chart. Feels much more thematic.

But the graphics are really low-fi and lazy.

There is not enough eye candy and the planets are dreadfully dull. Try zooming in and really look at those textures.

I really like the small Liset moving about. But the background warframe looks awkward :(

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The New Star Chart 3.0

Wow! It took me back to wen i started playing this game! and so did the "Why the hell my tenno is there with all his glowing stuff making even more difficult to see the rest" especially now that we have a fog that drives my eyes crazy wen trying to read some stuff.

The warframe in the background of the map is the sole thing i did not like ind Star Chart 1.0 and now he's back!

Lines connecting nodes and planets should be thicker and represent better in color and animation(he little blue or white glow is to faint and i have to force my eyes to check the color) witch ones have you done already and the ones you have to unlock. Lines ticker and easier to read as to witch node to go next and a simple way for us to know witch ones we have not unlocked yet would be WILDLY better!

I first came to the forum to tell about the size of the texts and nodes - side icons on my screan its headaching and eyesoring since i play the game exclusively on my Razer Edge Pro with a  10.1-inch screen with a 1366x768 resolution but the thing is that even the other players with way bigger resolutions are facing the same problem. Please make the nodes symbols/icons bigger and wen clicked upon giving us the ability to select mission(if more than one on that node) and the option to start the mission when we find it best.

I was going to say to have to option to roll(or flip) the planet to the dark side and have the option to play nightmare missions there but aren't that many anyway and would make it even slower than it already is to go thru the map than already become with all the zoom in zoom out aspect of this new Star Chart...

The fact that i can't even read thru the fog and my warframe's "glowingness"(syndanas and stuff do not help either glowing like crazy) when i'm trying to read the faint and shadow-less text of the junctions progress quest info... witch should have at least a background like the World State Window(and not be added there as someone said, cuz i think that window is getting too big now... from wen it started... so many things were added there since the beginning) but slightly more transparent.

Also WHY don't we have the icons on-top of the planets indicating Quests, Alerts, Invasions, Syndicates, Void Fissures, Sorties AND ESPECIALLY in my case the best one of all the frigging EXTRACTORS anymore?!?!?! And where is the list of resources? having to hover the mouse over the freaking extractor icon to discover the resources the planet gives instead the hover over the planet its not practical nor noob... i mean user friendly!

Besides this i think it looks great and beautiful and magnificent(if my warframe is not in the back ground of it).

Sorry for the long post and discard any typos and grammar errors since English is not my native language cuz i can speak it dam well but not write properly xD

EDDIT: Example




Edited by Hellker
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When there is a Fissure alert, I can't play the mission without equipping the relic. Pressing <Esc> takes me back to the whole planet again. What if I don't want to do the fissure alert? Same with regular alerts. And syndicate missions. I, for example, am passively upping red veil. I don't want to do any syndicate missions that hurt that. Can you bring back the option of doing the normal nodes and the double confirmation on launching a mission? Clicking a node and immediately starting even by mistake isn't fun.

Thank you for the space given for my problem.

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I agree the suggestions on general visibility of icons and usability for selecting missions/auto-play.

What I'd like to add is actually controls. Mouse drag is nice but having it as the only option to move the map seems to be causing some control issues. I instinctively try and use WASD to move the map as that is the primary movement scheme of the game, and it doesn't move the map at all. I feel incorporating that would also be a help in being able to navigate the map on KB+M.

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I like the idea, but i have a few issues with it.

  • An issue I had with the previous starchart was that while trying to click on various chat tabs or thetiny  resize chat box icon I would inadvertaintly click on a mission node that happend to be undeath. This seems even worse in the new startchart. Apart from making that resize window icon bigger, making the chat windows size persistant would help as well as adding a small dead zone around it.
  • At about 50% zoom I tried to drag the map to see other parts, I happend to click on a mission as my point of drag. This selected the mission, found a match and loaded me into it before I had time to blink. This also occurs at other zoom levels, I want to be able to drag without selecting nodes or planets. ie Don't select anything until I release the mouse button. Better yet, dont select a mision node until the zoom is way way in.
  • I assume it gives more direction for new players, but as a player who has completed the nodes the new starchart offers even less detail than before. I find that the icons on mission nodes are extremely difficult to see and even more so when they are on the side of a planet and skewed. Dark sector, assaination, void fissures and syndicate icons are tiny and are often distorted by the route lines that run behind them. I find it amazing that in plant zoom level I can try and read the text/see icons by zooming in but everything gets SMALLER. There is so much empty space (hehe ;) that could be better used to relay the mission type, faction and level.

Missions are now more obviously on/off planet now which is nice.

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Since the first navigation map rework a long time ago I made a complaint about having an issue where may game would lock up as it tryed to boot up the menu.

With this new update to the navigation I have an even greater slow up. It took roughly 10 to 20 seconds to boot up the nav menu for the first time before the update.

Now with the update its taking 30 - 60 seconds to load the nav menu. What im seeing when i check my task manager is that my disk is using its max read speed and cant keep up with the demand of the game to load the nav. Can we get an option to have the nav load in the back ground once the game is booted? Also have it stay cached for smoother play for people with lower rpm/data rate hhds?

I dont know why its giving my pc such a pain, but i dont have this issue with any other game. My pc is a $1,500 pc and i shouldnt have this problem. Is there any way you guys can optimize the nav or put in options to cut back on resources so this is smoother?

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It's pretty, but I have no idea what I'm looking at. I wanted to deploy an extractor on Eris and it tells me I need to complete all nodes (though it was fully completed previously).

"No problem, I'll just knock out whatever mission(s) I need to complete!"

I just have absolutely no idea what I'm looking at. I don't know which node it wants me to do. I don't know what any of the icons or colors mean. It's jibberish.

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1) Brightly colored warframes make the starchart significantly harder to read (at least for me). An option to toggle or turn off my warframe displayed in the starchart background/to the side of a planet would be appreciated. See screenshot.

2) 1-click instant mission means that we cannot select the mission type we want to play if there are more missions in a node (regular/alert/syndicate/invasion/nightmare(?)). I don't want to play a lvl 35 syndicate spy mission for red veil on a lvl 11 planet when I'm wearing my cephalon suda sigil and a rank 5 weapon. Right now I only have an option to play the syndicate mission or not to play that node at all. See screenshot.

3) The 1-click instant mission feature is also annoying when I want to click on a planet to zoom in on it but I'm zoomed out just enough for the node names to be clickable yet completely transparent/invisible. See cursor position in the screenshot.DC044C98B0D2536B1580361E4F0DF3931C8B819A

4) The starchart drag&move speed is inconsistent at various zoom levels. At max zoom in, dragging and moving the cursor by a few pixels moves the starchart by almost half the screen.

5) Another thing: Why should I need to mouse over the extractor icon in order to display useful information that I've been used to see for the past few years? If anything, this icon should be clickable to toggle the info to be shown/hidden. Also, I don't appreciate the fact that when I'm zoomed out, there isn't any indicator as to on which planet I have an extractor. Not even when moused over the planet. I really DON'T like losing functionality because of "clean design" or whatever.

I'm sorry if I'm double posting but I'm tired and not in an investigative mood anymore.

Now for some POSITIVE feedback: apart from the functional issues, I really like the new/retro starchart. I wasn't a fan of the first change to the rotating planets etc. and I'm glad the pathways made a comeback. I like the starchart visually as well, the detail of the planets and surrounding debris/spacecraft. I also like that Mars is now red/arid and Phobos is just a rock with the corpus ship tileset. The only visual issue is the warframe in the background.

Edited by Elythara
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On max zoom out, you should work some button or mouse interaction to show a planet`s resources, maybe on mouseover, maybe a "show resources on map" button.

The warframe should be more melted with the background, currently its making too much noise for the cosmetic role it plays.

When into a planet, you def can increase the sensitive mousearea for each node, theres enough empty room to play with that, you should draw bigger invisible contact zones around the node and its title.

Special nodes could be bigger, like alert, syndicate, bosses i think.

3d floating elements like grinner and corpus ships could use a work with light making its shape more distinguishable from the background, currently the light allows its details to be lost.

Texts on brigthy planets is harder to read, examples are the moon and  uranus.


Overall i really like this new chart, people thinks its harder to use, but i find myself doing actions comfortably and quickly by only using click and right click, memorizing the placement of important thing has been quick, not scrolling things to find where the hell is my dojo this time, etc.

I think that most of the lost functionality comes from the size of the node´s buttons, like i said before, you could work with contact areas, or even try alllowing customized text sizes, certainly the currnet size is too small to please the whole range of eyes and screen sizes.

Also, man, i wish i was a new player tonight, i bet they will have a great time progressing across this starchart, the rewards at the junctions are clearly worthy for a noob.

Edited by rockscl
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Just a small nit pick on top of the already good feedback:  Zooming with the mouse wheel zooms into the center of the screen instead of where the cursor is.  This is wreaking havoc with my brain trained on Google Maps.

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Doesn't really seem like you put much effort into it other than the graphical design. It reminds me of this (this isn't my photo) 



It's hard to read the missions (locations as well) on the planets. 

The old(the original starchart) arrangement gave me headaches as well, so this one also does.

In the previous one before this,  you could hover over the planet without zooming in, to see what resources were there. 

Edited by pinkelf
Separated sentences.
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I mostly love the new starchart, but there are some flaws.

You really need to be able to select the normal mission type. Alerts/syndicates/invasions overwriting them is annoying and unhelpful.

On that note, I really think more attention should be drawn to nodes which have things going on at them. right now, all you get is a really dull grey/white icon. Maybe make a flashing boarder around a node which has stuff going on? (Yellow flashing for an alert, white flashing for a void fissure, grey flashing for invasions and flashing for syndicate missions could be the same color as their logo).

I haven't had a problem with the icon size in terms of clicking it, but I think special nodes like bosses and dark sectors could be bigger then other nodes, it would add more character.

Lastly, while I love idea of the junctions and they can be great for new players, some of the requirements to do them seem very off. One of the earth junctions for example, requires you to kill 3 eximus units on earth. Eximus units never spawn on normal earth missions, and this doesn't really teach new players. I recommend instead it being "Destroy 5 kubrow dens" This will let new players know that they can be destroyed and when they get the Howl of the Kubrow quest, they'll go "Oh, Kubrow dens? Those are on earth!"

All-in-All though, I love it because now it has a real sense of direction, which is great.

Edit: Also, I think the resources that drop on a planet should be displayed when you're looking at that planet. Having to mouse over the circle is very obscure.

Edited by Thetantanman
Added another suggestion.
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About the New "Junction" system:

In short - it is completely pointless for more advanced players once you got the Relic Segment.

The planets/missions you unlocked previously will be shown as locked yet you can still access them no problem. The rewards for them are simply not worth all the really RNG and occasionally annoying requirement to do these junctions.

These requirement seems not really well thought out - instead they seems like thrown in just for the sake to having some sort of requirement. I mean okay doing certain missions is acceptable - yet why are these RNG requirement like requiring you to kill certain amount of certain units? There are also some requirements to kill the bosses on certain planets - agian what is the point of these for the experienced players? They just gonna go in - One shot the boss and leave. It's just waste of time.

The rewards. Steve personally promised there will be something cool for us to collect. I was thinking maybe a exclusive noggle? Some sort of exclusive skin? That maybe cool.

Nope. It's just ~5-10K credits (which is quite little, lets be honest), a weapon blueprint (again, most of them are welll.... rather underwhelming weapons). In fact, the only useful reward for many players are the relic segment. Considering how time-wasting some of the requirement to even access the junctions are, there is literally no incentive for us to touch it, at all. You still get to play all the missions and unlock the others by playing just like before (or when you feel like it, lol).

I'll agree that this system is way more clearer for newcomers to know what they are doing - yet how about the others? It's really just a waste of time on some RNG/boring missions tasks that is completely pointless for experienced players.

IMO there should be at least some incentive for experienced players to play these junctions.

A. There NEEDS to be reward that is somewhat attractive. I know it couldn't be really huge, but at least something cool like a skin or may be boosters.

B. The requirements of these junctions need a look. Right now these things are really boring and not engaging at all. You just do certain mission a couple of times/ Kill a boss/ Kill something over and over and over and over again.

I think they either need to be changed, or simply let the players who already unlocked the planet previously to go straight to the Junction instead of wasting time on these missions.


As for the Starchart, it seems that the thing that show what resources the planet drop is missing or forgotten. Lovin the new look but the lack of resource panel kinda sucks.

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