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Specters of the Rail General Feedback [Megathread]


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Im not liking the star chart, It reminds me of the old one used in the early days of warframe.

I found the previous one much easier and quicker to navigate. I,ve also played less since this change.


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We have a problem. A big one.

The new Void Tears are supposed to be a feature late game attraction. But a large swath of players hate them. A lot of the hate stems from the Nullifier spam.

With Nullifiers these missions are tedious, confused messes that remove any semblance of tactics, reducing them to a mad dash to keep Nullifiers dead.

But without Nullifiers? Then this just becomes Frost and Nova/Volt/Rhino, Freeze Prime Shock Stomping whole crowds.

Do you see the problem here? Removal of our powers on EVERY Prime Part run makes these already carbon copy tear closing events feel even more like a repeat, from one to the next. Like playing a bog standard shooter in late game.

But leave us those powers and we will utterly trivialize the content, leading to complaints of boredom and a lack of challenge.

The only logical conclusion is that these events are a poor fit for this game. The Void Tear events need to be many and varied, not the same every time. Personally I have yet to run ten, and I'm bored. I could happily go back to the old Void right now.

This new mode has no longevity. No staying power.

Edited by BlackCoMerc
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2 hours ago, Drag0nChaser said:

- You should try speaking for yourself: Look whos doing the same
- It's pretty damn pretentious to act like you speak on behalf of the entire community of three platforms of gamers, most of whom don't use this forum : look whos doing the same
- Most of the things you say "no one asked for" have actually explicitly been asked for by some of the playerbase: You are confirming his post
- But, to post in that tone of voice and act as if your opinion holds the weight of everyone else here in the forums and beyond?: its written text, what tone?
- It's insulting to the rest of us and to the developers as well, and only belittles your own feedback :  he stated facts, but again contradicting yourself and your trying to speak for all of us yourself.
- will be much more productive in the long run: start being productive yourself.

You may agree with what he wrote, but everything in his post is opinion. I didn't confirm his post by saying people asked for these changes; that is in fact what is directly contradictory to what he wrote, not what you say I said. Read it again, please. Written prose has tone just like speech does, in fact. Asking him to not speak for everyone is in fact not "doing exactly what I told him not to do". Notice I didn't proceed to write 26 different counterpoints trying to argue or even say he was wrong? He can't be wrong, it's his opinions about the update - again, not facts. 

I've posted several times in multiple feedback threads and bug report threads. This is a community, after all; we have an obligation to remind each other to be civil and constructive, especially in the threads designed explicitly for collecting topic-specific feedback. Making your posts full of snark, or worse, really doesn't help make your point, nor does threatening to quit, which is why those posts are deleted. By all means, be creative when expressing your opinion, and be critical where it's needed - and don't get me wrong - it's needed now - but it can be done in a way that will actually get attention paid to your posts and not risk getting it edited or worse.

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Good Job DE! really! I love most the changes but like always there needs to be some improvements. The relics most definitely need a tutorial of some sort as I know how they work but my house hold had a very hard time figuring it out and aren't as tuned in with the devstreams and patch notes as i am. The starchart is great just make it a little bit more obvious which nodes are completed and which arent ( maybe using brighter colors) The Fissures are a bit hell ish, but thats good just the nullies are a bit op i like the idea of seeing them and going OH S#&$E and dealing with them but i think it'd be alot better to have them temporarily disable a power so that once you killed them your powers come back. 

The Market needs some help. please.

But overall its good. i like it as do many others i know, going into this new star chart feels fresh and i like it. would love to see more lore and what not added to it which im sure it will be and already is. but i see alot of bad reviews of it on here and IM begging you not to revert it back. i didn't love the old one navigation on it was clunky and this feels much easier to me after a few minutes of playing.

biggest issue is the smoke. its everywhere and it glitches threw walls and it hurts to look at ( please this takes priority haha please fix)


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I am extremely disappointed to see that the old void system and my void keys are all gone as I had been still having fun with them. 

I was an active player up to this point, the new system somehow dampens my desire to play more.

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Bugs observed.
1.Sortie rewards are not properly displayed.

2. Simaris daily synthesis mission is not working properly. Able to find and scan target, but no reputation standings given at the end of the game.

3,. Jupiter junction, 3 successful spy vault extraction is not registered.

4. Players unable to choose between normal mission nodes and special missions( alert, sortie, invasion etc).


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Time for another list to throw onto the fire here

- Kavats drop their genetic items about as often as I encounter pub Ashes that aren't black and red (I've yet to see either, that is).
- Nullifiers shouldn't be able to cancel abilties like Snowglobe and Shadows of the Dead on contact.  In most cases, that's just taking a glass cannon and removing the whole "cannon" part of the equation.
- PVP stances really need to be released outside of PVP.  I'd kill a man for a new machete stance, as our current one is just "diagonal slash" followed by "diagonal slash", and maybe even a "diagonal slash" if we've been really good.
- The Credit and Fusion Core bundles are still both missing out on the fact that both items are so painfully easy to get that charging that much plat relative to the amount of stuff you get just isn't valid
The Pistoleer Special still exists, DE.  Why?

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4 hours ago, BlackCoMerc said:

We have a problem. A big one.

The new Void Tears are supposed to be a feature late game attraction. But a large swath of players hate them. A lot of the hate stems from the Nullifier spam.

With Nullifiers these missions are tedious, confused messes that remove any semblance of tactics, reducing them to a mad dash to keep Nullifiers dead.

But without Nullifiers? Then this just becomes Frost and Nova/Volt/Rhino, Freeze Prime Shock Stomping whole crowds.

Do you see the problem here? Removal of our powers on EVERY Prime Part run makes these already carbon copy tear closing events feel even more like a repeat, from one to the next. Like playing a bog standard shooter in late game.

But leave us those powers and we will utterly trivialize the content, leading to complaints of boredom and a lack of challenge.

The only logical conclusion is that these events are a poor fit for this game. The Void Tear events need to be many and varied, not the same every time. Personally I have yet to run ten, and I'm bored. I could happily go back to the old Void right now.

This new mode has no longevity. No staying power.

I am on ps4 but if the game reaches me in this broken state its sounding like its going to be deleted by me due to boredom?

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Which do you prefer?

1: Spending tons of hours searching for nodes where everyone must have the same one 


2: Spending tons of hours searching for prime parts where anyone can join?

i prefer the 2nd one with endless missions. I have to say i am kind of sad to see these go. No more endless prime parts :( 

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On top of what i already said :

Having to clear void nodes that i played a thousand times was boring because of no rewards. 

Doing the jonction quest was boring too, i recall a dev saying it was challenging and such and vet would like it, well...

I feel restricted by the new void tear alert system, i'm not free to play the missions i want when i want. All prime missions are now short missions, that will make the game repetitive real quick for me.

Credits acquisition seems to be harder now

Mission start as soon as you clic on it

archwing parts can be found in syndicate offering : good

13 hours ago, wowgameavision said:

5) Creating dragon keys now requires the new rare drops from the Tears that you need for refining relics.  Well that kills that.

I should have crafted more before the update... The new price is overkill. 

It seems they are aware of some problems, at least there is that.

Edited by Gilmaesh
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Personally I really like the new starchart, took me a minute or two to get familiarized with it again, but in the end it seems  better.

The void tears are also neat IMO, and the ability to choose from 4 different rewards is great.

What I really am not a fan of is the market, it's very confusing to navigate, especially I feel for newer players.

The archwing has been both improved and made worse, the movement is cool(Love the feeling of moving in any direction in space!), but the camera I feel is way too close (Playing on max FOV)

All in all, I'm enjoying the starchart and void tears but I despise the market and archwing at the moment.

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Put off entirely from playing Warframe at all. Won't be returning until there is a significant update/fix. 4gb update that reduces the amount of content in game, while making the remainder almost unplayable due to bugs.

Since the update I've reached MR22 and spent a chunk of time trying the new archwing & flight mode (which is sickening). Today I spent doing alerts simply because trying to find an enjoyable mission in the star chart is impossible; Egeria where are you :(

(I have not attempted fissures/void relic anything). I like the idea of removing the Orokin Void as the sole tileset to aquire prime gear, I understand the basic concept of the relics is to seperate key and reward from mission type but and I find the naming of the relics convoluted and meaningless. Surely 20 something arbitrarily named relics is not the solution.

Something as simple as fusing 2 relics together doubles the chance of rare item. Less runs with more chance per run. None of this farming void traces in a fissure mission to refine relics, just so you can go back to a fissure mission and redeem relic for loot.

Ps. whats with the art of the Relics, a half eaten Malteaser? I've been to the void, that place is beautiful, is a relic of that place realy a crappy looking chocolate ball?

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11 hours ago, Scylax said:

- RNG was tweaked so that there will always be enough Reactant drops to seal the Tear. This fixes failing missions due to RNG

Yeah, didn't happen. Just ran a Void Fissure mission and only 6 reactants dropped before the enemies stopped spawning..

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Got completely disappointed in Warframe around U18 and dropped it. Got bored during summer drought and decided to give it another go. Two hours later it went into a trash again.

  • Still no build variety. It's a weapon? Go for damage. It's a frame? Go for power spam. Why give so many mod slots, when multishot and damage mods take their places every single time?!
  • Sniper rifles are still outclassed by everything and never a valuable choice. A gimmick. Why bother to make them an anti-HVT kind of a weapon, to dispose of Heavies, Bursas and Nullifiers. Why indeed! Lets make them absolutely useless against the latter and less effective then full-auto weapons vs everything else. Combos. What a joke.
  • Still can't charge melee without switching to melee-only. Can only imagine why. 
  • Powers still do not scale with anything. Enemy health and armor scales super fast and powers do not, so we end up with abilities that only useful vs low-lvl enemies and spamming that one button that our frame good at at higher difficulty. Basically, your build plays your game for you.
  • Power spam is still present. Again, brain and skill doesn't matter. Only your build. Just stand there and hit one button.
  • That's why we have Nullifiers. Which DE made to cure symptoms(as they usually do) instead of looking into core game mechanic. Hell! These people danced around absolutely useless stamina system for how-many-years, before accepting how obsolete it was.

Kinda wanted to write about grind and whatnot but whatever.

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