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Specters of the Rail General Feedback [Megathread]


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3 minutes ago, Vorfeessa said:

Hey am I the only one who's stuck on login failed + Unexpected server delay ?

Nope, happened to me aswell today. Also, prepare for mission results page freezes. This patch sucks. Honestly, i would be ashamed if working on it and publishing it would be my responsibility. I dont want to be rude, but this is most half-assed piece of game-developing ive seen in a while...

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The understandable spike in forum activity, the flood of new threads and posts make some disappear completely. We all want to give feedback to DE as we all want the game to get better and to continue to grow.

There are two main Megathreads, started by DE themselves, which is the best place for feedback. However for obvious reasons, there are hundreds of posts in them already so browsing through them might be rather tedious and therefore some ideas and suggestions lost.

I would like to prevent that and start gathering such ideas in one place. Mind you, this needs to be a team effort and I'd like you, ladies and gentlemen, to help me create a consistent, clear thread.

Post your ideas and suggestions for fixes/changes according to U19. Post also ideas of others if you find them on the forums and believe they are worth considering, but give credit where it's due and make sure you include the name of the person who came up with it.

Please, keep your posts on topic and avoid debating other people ideas, this is not what this thread is about. I am not saying you should not comment on them at all, but if you do, then please add something constructive to them.

Thank you! :)

I'll start with one of my own ideas and some others I came across recently. I will be adding ideas you, guys, post as well as others I find.

Italic indicates quotes.

1. Starchart



Many people see the new Starchart as unintuitive and confusing, unreadable. Increasing the icons and font would be very desirable, as well as more information available "at first glance", without the need to hover over each node separately. Therefore my idea is as follows:

- Make a set of different icons, each indicating a different game mode - excavation, survival, mobile defence, etc.

- Colour each node depending on the type of the mission: alert, sortie, syndicate (each different colour), invasion, nightmare, etc.

Alternatively make icons for type and colours for gamemodes.

- Add superscript next to each node indicating level and faction, and whether the mission requires an archwing or not.


2. Fissure events by @BlackCoMerc


Honestly I wish more than one can kind if event could trigger. Sometimes this one. Occasionally a portal into the void, to sabotage the portals other side. Now and then a void portal to find a vault containing our reward while exterminating enemies (no Dragon key needed, of course). And even rarely, enemies from the main mission could rush the Tear, trying to gain the charge, and we defend it while closing it.
My concern is not that it Spawns an event. Just that it's the same event every time.

3. Choice between ways one farms prime parts by @NotAnNSASpy



Now, my opinion is that we have both the Original system (when we open a void mission, we have a choice to use a relic and reap prime parts as our reward) AND the new system where we seal the tears and get prime parts. Both of these missions should have the feature to choose our parts out of what your other squad mates got.

Basically, this system lets people choose whether they want to go to a Fissure mission and close it to get a prime part or whether they want to do it an oldfashion way and do a Void mission with similar reward choice system to the one currently implemented.

I'd like to add that perhaps instead Void could be turned into a place to farm, fusion cores, orokin cells and perhaps very rare mods. @Moppin44 suggests relic farming as the Void would be a logical place to find them.


4. Nullifiers by @NeedMoarBoolits



My suggestion here is to make nullifiers suppress abilities instead of dispelling them. This means that whenever you are in a nullifier bubble, none of your buffing abilities has any effect and you cant cast any (but you can still toggle off channeled abilities). However, if you kill the nullifier or leave the bubble your abilities immediately take effect again without having to recast. This rewards you for dispatching of a nullifier quickly and cleanly due to minimal interruption.

@mrrobotto67 adds:
when the nullifiers appear, the bubble should not appear right away ... it should grow slowly until it reaches the caped size. 


5. Story progression by @MordaxPraetorian



While this is not strictly U19 related, I feel this is a very important issue that OP points out while also suggesting fixes. Along with @Arktourus's idea it would help new players immensely.



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just a few things for now, surely will be more.

  • Hyekka Master ground fire is 'neutral', harms everyone even if 'friendly'. including Players, allied Enemies, Et Cetera.
  • Rare Mod Lightbeams aren't working
  • Phobos Junction is stupid, have to complete 3 Void I Alerts on Mars? GTFO with that bullS#&$. people will need to play for like 6 months to progress past the first few planets.
  • what happened to being able to manually increase difficulty of Planets/Missions for when you want something harder and better rewards?
  • Handshake Emote not working?
  • Regulators in Interception? (Grineer Settlement in particular)
  • Liset ramp doesn't work for Companions. i.e. can't use it on their own.
  • Saturn Junction Spy Mission task doesn't register.
  • if you click the 'To Planet' buttons, trying to pan the map around will have ridiculous speed, whereas zooming back up and clicking on the Planet will be controllable as expected.
  • Stradavar doesn't show the Auto/Semi notifier on the HUD anymore.
  • the 'cancel' x on the Search bar in the Mods Terminal doesn't work.
  • why exactly are Mission Rewards STILL not easy to identify? the 'row' entry for them should have a sharp contrasting box or something easy to see, just something so that you know you got that(those) as a Mission Reward.



this reads badly:

rather, i recommend:
Credits picked up in the Mission - 'Mission Credits' is okay, but something that more directly implies what you picked up off the ground would be much better.
Credit Reward - would be much better being used as the Credits the Mission gave you for completing it.
extra Credits - for Alert Bonuses or Et Cetera, being much simpler and saying 'Extra Credit Reward' would make so much more sense.

also, having different Icons for each could possibly be nice? don't get too different, you want them to all still look like Credits, but one being say a pile of Credits for example, would go great for Credits picked up off the ground, Et Cetera.

Edited by taiiat
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7 hours ago, (PS4)DARK-STAR23 said:

It seems that the junction challenge from mars to phobos is not counting when i seal Lith void fissures. it requires you to seal 3 but ive closed a few and it hasn't counted. is this affecting anyone else?

i completed this by doing the lith fissures when they landed in a mars mission earlier today.

i suspect the ones for neo fissures and meso fissures will be the same for their planets.

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Firstly, excellent idea. Greatly improves visibility for all our thoughts, as opposed to their implicitly competing to oust one another from the forefront.

I had another idea today, that I would like to submit, revising as I go.

On maps with Void Fissures, one of three things could happen:

1. The event we have now. No other changes. This would become a rare occurrence, known as Early Stage Fissure (Orokin have only just begun to leak through).

2. Orokin could exist in the mission as a Crossfire situation. This is a Mid Stage Fissure, where early Orokin forces are seeking a foothold.

3. Orokin could replace all normal enemies on the map. This Late Stage Fissure would be most common.

Additionally, Orokin enemies on the map would be buffed slightly in comparison to normal enemies, just as now. 

Events 2&3 would REPLACE the current Mini Excavation when they happen. The single event we have now is going to get old. It needs some variation. So let's have Orokin become the mission, as opposed to being tacked onto it.

One last thought: I would like to see Traces, and small amounts of Ducats, drop in the Void. But others have expanded on that far better than I.

Thoughts welcome.



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This new update was very complicated for us who already played a long time is already difficult, imagine for new players?

Well, my view is:

Navigation was beautiful, but it is not easy to locate certain missions, the names of the nodes were very small and difficult to locate.

On the keys and crevices that lead up to the Void:
We imagined that you would create something much more interesting, we could enter certain missions and find crevices and our relics access the Void, but no, you destroyed the Void and just bring some mobs up to us which makes the dull game as is always the same, not to mention that killed all the missions we loved to do, Interception, Sabotage, Capture, Defense .. Anyway.
Unfortunately Warframe is becoming a boring game to play, a very dull game ...

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Quite frankly the only logic solution at this point would be to pull back the whole Specters update, nearly everyone is completely disappointed with it and the ones who are are the ones where you could throw an update that would put the whole game in a blank screen and they would still love it.

Aside from the badly designed parts, I don't think the game had so many bugs as now, I just finished a junction part, one of the few that didn't required me to do things I did a long time ago, or that simply isn't totally bugged and refuses to acknowledge that i did the requirements like one on Jupiter where it required me to extract 3 data mass and still showed it as not done. I killed the specter, ended the mission, camera stuck on me while I'm sitting in the missions select (another of the bugs), I use Esc go back to the game camera is stuck in the same spot, I can move at will but the camera doesn't...


Try to alt+tab, image still shows WF but I'm in windows started another game unwillingly

Melee is bugged, during certain combos you are rooted in place (don't even try to tell me that Final harbinger spinning on the air part is some sort of working as intended as you shouldn't be moving or that you can't move while throwing your shield)

Can't select regular missions when there's alerts, invasions, etc on that same spot, jut had to do the syndicate at Draco before I could do the 20 minutes survival for junction.

The update even came bugged to the point where certain people couldn't start missions aside from the ones at the alerts/sortie/syndicate/etc, at least that was already fixed

But seriously, just do the right thing pull out this update, listen to the community and then implant it slowly with the right changes to it, trying to keep it and forcing it down our throats is not gonna make right on this, it will only make people start to go away from the game, I'm not joking this is the worst update I ever saw in Warframe and the game never looked as unappealing as it is right now, and thankfully I already farmed the Vauban primes, if I had to go to excavation+fissures i might give up, and I say this when I went in survival for over 2 hours to get those systems, at the end I even got some sense of achievement, but thinking about falling asleep during excavations and then fissures...

Just pull back this update, face it, it was a failure that needs serious rework, I say this because I love this game and don't want to see it go down so soon, but this update is a giant leap into an abyss.    

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1 hour ago, steelblueskies said:

i completed this by doing the lith fissures when they landed in a mars mission earlier today.

i suspect the ones for neo fissures and meso fissures will be the same for their planets.

Was doing them today also. did like... 6 maybe seven, which i completed, as a host. None of them was counted by phobos junction. When i tried to solo, i failed 3 of them, cause of not enough reactant dropped from mobs. One i miraculously finished, still didnt count. For me, its a big middle finger to new players... its like:

"Oh, you heard about our game? People are telling that its even better than Destiny (thats why i tried it. was true for me for first 3 days of playing)? Well heres a new update where we clearly show how rushed it is and how we didnt consider new players while planning it."

Edit: Also it really grinds my gears that devs are seeming to ignore the major issues and complaints at the moment. Im playing few MMO style games and user-dev's communication seem to work waaay better there. Also, only problems that are affecting the "old guard" players were adressed in hotfixes. Nobody seems to care about us new guys here. No offence to vets, it's just how it looks to me.

Just look a these forums threads. 95% of posts are about bugs, progression delays, being unsatisfied or sometimes even completely screwed by a new system (vide some guys rant that he lost his credit boost). 3% is neutral style comments and the rest is praising the update...




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ive a bug where my screen is black and it shows the names of the missions while saying that everyone is quitting the squad, also its very hard to see the difference on wich missions player completed and wich not and the void fissures...we need increased drop rate of reactants another thing with drops from the fissures it seems even if one does upgrade the relic to radiant to increase the drop chance of rare items to the max it still seems like my chances did not increase at all of getting the desired items not to mention the thing u said simular to this: if we have all drops form 1 relic our chances will increase of getting the rare one? in that case it does not work for me, and 1 more thing about relics....i dont get the purpose of increasing the chances of getting the rare loot if players bring same keys by that i mean what is the point of letting players do that if players equip the different keys...it beats the purpose of the ''increased'' drop chance of rare items...try implementing something like: who first puts his relic into the fissure all players get loot from the players relic that has been use to seal the fissure, or something like that...never the less the update seems good on the paper, but in practice if u excuse me sucks and there is nothing really special about it...kinda disapointing for 4 gigabytes of download...try better next time

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So I'm not exactly sure how you want this to go, but I had some thoughts on both fissures and the starchart. First the fissures.

1. Void Fissures

When they first discussed the Void Fissures, I assumed they would function like Void portals (e.g., the various Vor missions). They did say they were "breaking up the Void." The current way they spawn is annoying because you're still dealing with both Void enemies AND regular enemies. I see no reason why they can't just place portals on the Fissure mission planets. At the same time, some of the junctions require Void Relic refinement. It'd be a bit hard for new players to progress when all of the fissure missions are such high level.

2. Starchart and Progression (it's a bit of a long read)


I really, really love what DE has done with the Starchart. It's beautiful, it's logically laid out, and there is a sense of actual progression. Moreover, it feels more immersive and fresh. However, I think it's still missing a critical component. I made a new account to see how new player progression works with the Starchart changes. It's not as bad as I thought, but it does raise some of the core issues with WF progression in general.

The game starts with "Vor's Prize," the initial quest that introduces the player to the main enemy (the Grineer) while also presenting the Corpus as a secondary (and more powerful) foe. This quest also introduces players to the market system via Darvo, as well as the core mission types. And at the end, it releases you to conduct your own missions. All good stuff.

However, the new Starchart system highlights two issues with this progression:

1) Vor's Prize is almost entirely focused on repairing the Liset. As a result, your guided exposure is quite limited. As a result, the game introduces the Grineer, the Corpus, the Liset, Darvo and the Market without any substantive explanation. More importantly, this introduction doesn't provide nearly enough background on the Grineer, Corpus or Tenno. I get that a lot of things are introduced slowly over the course of the game, but some things should be established early on. For example, Vor is your first introduction to the Grineer, but his sole interest is in taming and capturing the Tenno, while the Queens are said to be primarily interested in destroying them. Okay, but first, what caused the Queens to suddenly go after the Tenno, and second, aren't the Grineer about more than just killing/capturing Tenno? Or, to give another example, Darvo is introduced as a merchant sympathetic to the Tenno cause. What Tenno cause? For all the new player knows, s/he is the first Tenno to wake up. So there's a sense that you're missing the first chapter of this story. And by focusing such a short quest on merely repairing the Liset, it seems to me that the new player is robbed of a proper introduction that provides some direction as to what the game is about. "Chaos is spreading" isn't really enough for a game that has become this lore heavy.

2) At the end of the quest, having gone through a good portion of Earth's missions and one Mercury mission (via navigation coordinate), the Lotus sets you free to do whatever mission you like. Freedom is certainly great, but the guidance ends there. There's no sense of where you go from here; there is no actual progression to the next planet(s). More than that, Earth and Mercury are still entirely locked, after having completed several Earth nodes and one Mercury node. Earth doesn't even connect to Mercury; It runs between Mars and Venus! So there's still some work to be done in revamping the quest progression to align with the new Starchart.

All that said, I do have a way of revamping the quests/story in a way that provides meaningful progression within this new Starchart system.

The player starts out on Earth trying to survive against Captain Vor's Grineer. In the first mission, the Lotus tries to extract the Tenno with the old Liset model, but it's shot out of the sky, forcing the player to travel across the map to his/her own Liset (newer model). From there, the player undertakes tasks in order to restore the ship and defeat Vor (who's hiding on Mercury).

Instead of this rather short and limited quest, I suggest a much longer quest that guides players through Earth entirely, properly introducing the Grineer while guiding players through ranking weapons and Warframes, movement, combat and even the use of companions (starting with Kubrows). Instead of immediately locating your Liset, perhaps the player has to weaken the Grineer hold over Earth. At one point, the player loses contact with the Lotus. I'd extend that out until you complete Earth. Instead, the player would encounter the New Loka syndicate, which would guide the player through Earth's nodes. This is not only an appropriate place to introduce New Loka, but it's also a good way to introduce Syndicates (who have a dedicated module in the Liset). Players would not get access to the Liset until they've rescued Maroo (not Darvo), completed Earth and beaten Vor, at which point they'd find the abandoned Liset at Maroo's Bazaar. At that point, players would reconnect with the Lotus and be introduced to Ordis.

The Lotus would then guide players to reopen the Earth/Venus Junction and travel to Venus in order to obtain the Corpus tech necessary to relocate and fully restore the Orbiter. There they'd rescue Darvo, who would assist in guiding players through Venus's ship-based nodes and acquiring all the segments. After defeating the Jackal, players would be granted access to Larunda Relay at Mercury, from which they would gain the ability to join up with other Tenno and be released to carry out missions on Earth and Venus. The next directed planet, however, would be Mars (now desert and Grineer, finally) where Tenno would link up with Steel Meridian, who'd guide players in a Lech Kril-focused quest.

So Earth and Venus would serve as the introduction to Warframe, showing new players how to navigate the starchart and rank up/modify their Warframes, weapons and companions. But not only would Earth and Venus be directed, but ideally every planet would be directed by one faction/character. And my own preliminary progression would be as follows: Earth (Vor and New Loka) > Venus (Jackal and Darvo) > Mars (Lech Kril and Steel Meridian) > Phobos (The Sergeant and Maroo) > Ceres (Kril and Vor) > Jupiter (Alad V and The Perrin Sequence).

After that I suppose it could be optional where players go next (either back to Earth to deal with Vay Hek, or forward to Saturn to deal with Sargas Ruk, etc.). Obviously the general chronology of the quests might dictate what comes next, but that I think is a good linear progression. Generally speaking, all of the quests would either be "filled in" or changed entirely. But the idea is that new players have a clearer progression path, one that logically introduces the game's features at the appropriate time and helps them to understand the various events and characters present in the game.

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29 minutes ago, Arktourus said:

So I'm not exactly sure how you want this to go, but I had some thoughts on both fissures and the starchart. First the fissures.

1. Void Fissures

When they first discussed the Void Fissures, I assumed they would function like Void portals (e.g., the various Vor missions). They did say they were "breaking up the Void." The current way they spawn is annoying because you're still dealing with both Void enemies AND regular enemies. I see no reason why they can't just place portals on the Fissure mission planets. At the same time, some of the junctions require Void Relic refinement. It'd be a bit hard for new players to progress when all of the fissure missions are such high level.

2. Starchart and Progression (it's a bit of a long read)

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I really, really love what DE has done with the Starchart. It's beautiful, it's logically laid out, and there is a sense of actual progression. Moreover, it feels more immersive and fresh. However, I think it's still missing a critical component. I made a new account to see how new player progression works with the Starchart changes. It's not as bad as I thought, but it does raise some of the core issues with WF progression in general.

The game starts with "Vor's Prize," the initial quest that introduces the player to the main enemy (the Grineer) while also presenting the Corpus as a secondary (and more powerful) foe. This quest also introduces players to the market system via Darvo, as well as the core mission types. And at the end, it releases you to conduct your own missions. All good stuff.

However, the new Starchart system highlights two issues with this progression:

1) Vor's Prize is almost entirely focused on repairing the Liset. As a result, your guided exposure is quite limited. As a result, the game introduces the Grineer, the Corpus, the Liset, Darvo and the Market without any substantive explanation. More importantly, this introduction doesn't provide nearly enough background on the Grineer, Corpus or Tenno. I get that a lot of things are introduced slowly over the course of the game, but some things should be established early on. For example, Vor is your first introduction to the Grineer, but his sole interest is in taming and capturing the Tenno, while the Queens are said to be primarily interested in destroying them. Okay, but first, what caused the Queens to suddenly go after the Tenno, and second, aren't the Grineer about more than just killing/capturing Tenno? Or, to give another example, Darvo is introduced as a merchant sympathetic to the Tenno cause. What Tenno cause? For all the new player knows, s/he is the first Tenno to wake up. So there's a sense that you're missing the first chapter of this story. And by focusing such a short quest on merely repairing the Liset, it seems to me that the new player is robbed of a proper introduction that provides some direction as to what the game is about. "Chaos is spreading" isn't really enough for a game that has become this lore heavy.

2) At the end of the quest, having gone through a good portion of Earth's missions and one Mercury mission (via navigation coordinate), the Lotus sets you free to do whatever mission you like. Freedom is certainly great, but the guidance ends there. There's no sense of where you go from here; there is no actual progression to the next planet(s). More than that, Earth and Mercury are still entirely locked, after having completed several Earth nodes and one Mercury node. Earth doesn't even connect to Mercury; It runs between Mars and Venus! So there's still some work to be done in revamping the quest progression to align with the new Starchart.

All that said, I do have a way of revamping the quests/story in a way that provides meaningful progression within this new Starchart system.

The player starts out on Earth trying to survive against Captain Vor's Grineer. In the first mission, the Lotus tries to extract the Tenno with the old Liset model, but it's shot out of the sky, forcing the player to travel across the map to his/her own Liset (newer model). From there, the player undertakes tasks in order to restore the ship and defeat Vor (who's hiding on Mercury).

Instead of this rather short and limited quest, I suggest a much longer quest that guides players through Earth entirely, properly introducing the Grineer while guiding players through ranking weapons and Warframes, movement, combat and even the use of companions (starting with Kubrows). Instead of immediately locating your Liset, perhaps the player has to weaken the Grineer hold over Earth. At one point, the player loses contact with the Lotus. I'd extend that out until you complete Earth. Instead, the player would encounter the New Loka syndicate, which would guide the player through Earth's nodes. This is not only an appropriate place to introduce New Loka, but it's also a good way to introduce Syndicates (who have a dedicated module in the Liset). Players would not get access to the Liset until they've rescued Maroo (not Darvo), completed Earth and beaten Vor, at which point they'd find the abandoned Liset at Maroo's Bazaar. At that point, players would reconnect with the Lotus and be introduced to Ordis.

The Lotus would then guide players to reopen the Earth/Venus Junction and travel to Venus in order to obtain the Corpus tech necessary to relocate and fully restore the Orbiter. There they'd rescue Darvo, who would assist in guiding players through Venus's ship-based nodes and acquiring all the segments. After defeating the Jackal, players would be granted access to Larunda Relay at Mercury, from which they would gain the ability to join up with other Tenno and be released to carry out missions on Earth and Venus. The next directed planet, however, would be Mars (now desert and Grineer, finally) where Tenno would link up with Steel Meridian, who'd guide players in a Lech Kril-focused quest.

So Earth and Venus would serve as the introduction to Warframe, showing new players how to navigate the starchart and rank up/modify their Warframes, weapons and companions. But not only would Earth and Venus be directed, but ideally every planet would be directed by one faction/character. And my own preliminary progression would be as follows: Earth (Vor and New Loka) > Venus (Jackal and Darvo) > Mars (Lech Kril and Steel Meridian) > Phobos (The Sergeant and Maroo) > Ceres (Kril and Vor) > Jupiter (Alad V and The Perrin Sequence).

After that I suppose it could be optional where players go next (either back to Earth to deal with Vay Hek, or forward to Saturn to deal with Sargas Ruk, etc.). Obviously the general chronology of the quests might dictate what comes next, but that I think is a good linear progression. Generally speaking, all of the quests would either be "filled in" or changed entirely. But the idea is that new players have a clearer progression path, one that logically introduces the game's features at the appropriate time and helps them to understand the various events and characters present in the game.

I would create a second account or otherwise find some way to experience this. DE could introduce a "relive early memories" option so Veterans could play through this amazing quest line...now I really want this to happen.

Great suggestion.

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Thank you so much for this update, it's perfect.

Had some bugs, nothing really bad.

The archwing rework is very cool, the starmap is even cooler, and the Void-reward and mission rework is incredible. Junction parts are also a very good idea.

God damn you did an amazing job. Cheers.

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8 minutes ago, Stonehenge said:


Thank you so much for this update, it's perfect.

Had some bugs, nothing really bad.

The archwing rework is very cool, the starmap is even cooler, and the Void-reward and mission rework is incredible. Junction parts are also a very good idea.

God damn you did an amazing job. Cheers.

i hope it's sarcasm... please let it be sarcasm....

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RIP Deception. :(
The only quick, in-and-out mission that doesn't suffer from Capture's Capture Target bullcrap immunity-to-everything, and occasionally its gib-Glaxion.
You will be missed.

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This new update. Great? Hate it? Everyone has opinions on the matter, some people don't care about it. I, for one, care enough about this game to log into my account and post a forum thread about it. Not many games inspire such progressiveness in me.


Specters of the Rail: What Happened To The Fun Of This Game?


I like this update, but bad things have happened.


Very. Bad. Things.


I love the Void rework. It wasn't very fun farming rotation C survivals to get around a 20% chance at one item of 4 that you wanted. It's much better to pick your reward from the relics. Much better. I love the new star chart, it's a thousand times better to look at. The new content is fun and refreshing.


Now for the part that has made this game dead to me.


I've got close to 250 hours in this game, not much compared to some others, but quite a bit. I've invested money into this game because I want to see it grow. When it started growing into something that not only I, but many many others dislike, that's when things start dying. 


1: The experience system.


Experience towards weapons and warframes before the Specters of the Rail was sub-par at best. You could run missions all over the system and get very little experience for anything. This is why Draco was such a hotspot, people would go to level their weapons and frames there because there were no other viable alternatives.


Enter Specters of the Rail update


For some odd reason, the devs thought that taking away the player's only viable option to level their weapons was a good idea. Great idea. Let's do that. Draco is now dust and ashes, there is no place in the entire system, as of now, that is a good place to level your equipment. The devs have taken away Draco as some sort of "these guys are taking advantage of the system, we can't let this happen" sort of thing. Well, when the system is faulty, people will go to what actually works.


Here's a counter argument I've heard and my response to it:

-The devs want you to take your time leveling things, they don't want you to just plow through leveling and be done with it.


I understand why someone would think this. Really, I do. I believe that weapons should take some time to level, along with frames.


But not ten thousand years.


The fun of this game doesn't come, for me at least, from leveling my equipment. That's a bit of a chore, and Draco was the best place to go and get rid of that chore so I could take my newly leveled equipment and go have fun farming prime parts or whatnot. Now, they've taken away any options to level your equipment faster. This small chore called leveling has now become a poisonous thorn in everyone's side. I don't want to waste my time and energy using a forma on my weapons or frames, something I wouldn't have thought twice about pre-update. I don't want to spend my entire adult life leveling one frame to level 30, only to forma it, reset it to 0, and spend the rest of eternity as a spirit leveling up my newly forma-d frame.



2: Credits System


Credit rewards for missions were fine, possibly above average. I got a good amount of credits for most difficult missions I've run. I had boosters from various things applied to my account and got even more credits. Definitely worth it.


Enter Specters of the Rail update


Credits. It now seems that no missions give you any credits. I had almost 2 million credits chilling in my account a week ago. I'm now hanging around the 50k mark, always having to sell things to scrounge by. Why is this? Oh yes, they've taken away all the missions that give you good amounts of credits. Golly gee.


3: Fusion Cores


Fusion cores were always on hand if you kept running the missions that dropped them. Some mods can eat up your fusion cores, that's fine! Go out and get some more.


Enter Specters of the Rail update


Fusion cores....what were those again? I can't remember, I haven't seen one in a very long time.


Now, I can't just sit here and rant away without giving what I personally think would be a better solution.



Up it. Everywhere. People shouldn't have to repeat one mission multiple times to get experience for their weapons because everywhere else gives nothing. Increase the experience gained across the entire board. High level missions give you a lot, lower levels still give you a good amount. That way, people will be more apt to actually do missions on planets. I literally had no reason to go to a majority of the nodes on any planet unless I needed a specific thing. If this is implemented, I believe it will give people more incentive to actually do all of these nodes that have been created. Complete their star chart.



Rather obvious one, give high level missions a greater credit drop


Fusion cores:

Another obvious one.



The main concern, as I'm sure you've noticed, is experience. I have less will to play this game now because of the botched experience system. This was a wrong step in a wrong direction for the devs, and I truly hope they'll see this for the problem it is and attend to the mistake. This is a very great game, I love playing it. What I don't love is never getting experience, credits, and fusion cores for the multiple instances of 20 minutes of my life that I just used running a survival mission. 

Edited by Crimwell
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More feedback to the new Archwing movement system:

The amount of inertia/momentum we currently have is fine in open space areas with lots of room to maneuver. However, traversing the Corpus trench-run style tiles is an absolute nightmare with the same amount of inertia/momentum. Making sharp change in heading is nearly impossible in close confines, and the recovery period after collision is far too long, as inertia/momentum appears to be still in effect after collision.

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With the new AW system. The pitching and rolling and not being able to level out properly is causing me to be physically sick and get severe migraines. I've always had problems with flight sims and i actually had issues with the old AW system til i could get used to it. Now tho.... i honestly don't think i could get used to it unless there is a way of orienting myself with the environment.

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