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Specters of the Rail General Feedback [Megathread]


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1 hour ago, ShortCat said:

Are you not ashamed of yourselves? Several years ago games were released complete and almost bugfree. And even now there are games with polished updates! Nowadays games get a pass just because they were recently released or the player accepts additional content locked behind DLCs. No wonder EA does what it does!

What he said....

1 hour ago, Agentawesome said:

Tell me how many of those games were MMOs? In a development perspective, its inevitable to have bugs in a MMO with every update. With the sheer amount drastic system changes in SotR, its almost impossible not to have less than a hundred bugs. 

DE doesn't exactly have the time nor man power compared to other big companies, give them time to sort out the issues.

I played several MMOs, and everytime a huge game changing updates will always carry bugs.

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21 minutes ago, ShortCat said:

Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2, there you go. And it is still not an excuse to bring out unfinished content, there is no just excuse for it.

Point taken, though the content Warframe makes vs Guild Wars seem to be far too different to be compared (though i don;t know much about the subject.) New content in Guild Wars doesn't seem to effect older content, rather just make it obsolete, SotR is the complete opposite of that.


21 minutes ago, ShortCat said:

The thread is also not only about bugs, but other issues the game has. Every 2 weeks there is a DevStream, or how I would call it "HypeStream". Instead of talking in detail about new features or about recent major changes, all they do is create hype. And if they start talking about some important topics they stay vague or hide behind "Spoilers". Up to this date there were no words about sniper accuracy changes, not in patchnotes, on the forum or in a DevStream. Why?

Never caught up with the Developer Workshops? It explained all the recent changes with Warframe reworks/ Relic system, they can't possibly explain everything they have planned as it is all subject to change. 


21 minutes ago, ShortCat said:

What exactly are those drastic changes? The fact players got dispossessed with conversion from keys into relics? I had all the keys there are in the game, and a lot of them; nevertheless, I was missing some relics. Or do you mean the massive Credit nerf all over the game, not mentioned anywhere? Noone can unintentionally do this. Or reduction of Voidfatigue by converting all void missions into 2 minutes spamfest?

The drastic change was the revision of the entire void drop tables and now relic tables and distribution of relics throughout all systems. This should have fed into issues with Credit rewards and such, as it was never stated as a change it's most likely a bug though there is no word about this yet. You might not realize it but the change of Void fatigue was to make players play in different environments which already exist but are never used due to Void grind.


21 minutes ago, ShortCat said:

I did/do not compare DE to Blizzard or anyone else. However, Warframe is also not that big, compared to the games those companies produce. In relativ terms they are the same. And if DE is not that big, why are they not talking with each other? Remember last DevStream? When Rebecca said Primed Pressure Point is released and Steve and Scot were surprised, because they said this mod should not be released. Yea, great teamwork there. This update was split into 3 parts not because "Players are overhelmed with one big release", they are just not ready. War Within will not come out in July, because it is not ready. And if it does, it will be the same mess, all because they shove unnecessary stuff, like Archwing, into their updates. They didn't fix Focus, yet they announce entirely new mechanics (E3 presentation). 

A recent interview with Scott showed that the release of Primed Pressure Point was intentional, they only did so for the sake of the stream (though we don't really know). The reason why this content was so rushed was explained by Steve, a lot of his time was taken up by failed tests and systems for the new starmap. Archwing will only be considered unnecessary until its polished, right now, they're polishing it. 

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1 hour ago, BiomiZ said:

Ah, i get what you mean but, the problem with the new void missions are the rewards. Personally, i don't find it worth my time farming there. A friend suggested an idea earlier today. Giving the current state of farming prime parts in survival, instead of capping the time at 10 minutes for 1 reward per key, remove the time limit and revert survival/defense missions as it was previously, endless (whether it's Grineer, Infested, Corpus or Void). Now of course, if they were to implement this change, acquiring desired prime parts would be too simple. However, instead of returning the reward timer to every 5 minutes, they could continue it's current timer to ever 10 minutes. Just a suggestion. 

@BiomiZ I agree the new void survival and defence are less rewarding per minute spent. Also I was not entirely accurate in saying the missions were still there. While the Mot node is the equivalent of T4 Survival, the highest level defence is only the equivalent of T3: the node named Belenus. I apologise for this inaccuracy in my comment which was accusing you of being inaccurate.

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1 hour ago, Zemosu said:

I just did a random alert on the solar system and it counted towards the junction unlock. It doesn't have to necessarily be a earth alert.

Nope, I can confirm that it does not need to be an earth alert. But the Earth - Mars junction was bugged on Saturday. I did a Mars alert and the junction was not updated. Did another Mars alert on Sunday and it was updated...

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Rail Spectre should be a PvP experience instead of a PvE thing. 

Several lives & different powers & stats. 

Beginner players should be introduced to the PvP mechanics by the first junction they unlock, and be properly taught by the Lotus on its mechanics differences in this fight. 

It should be possible to repeat the fight with the spectre as a sparring training for players which have not yet delved deeply in PvP. 

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No more reason to play END GAME?

As of right now there are no rewards for making it hard for ourselves. I do like the new prime system as it makes it easy and accessible to every level of tenno. It is a little bit annoying that if i wanted a challenge I can't go T4 surv/def/intercept and get prices while I do it. I assume that a lot of long time player such me also feel like doing hard core runs but as ceres survival before, it was fun to play at times but if the rewards are blunderbuss or pressure point it comes at a bit of a disappointment. The game is basically saying oh you have 10 copies of this mod by running around for 10 mins here's another one. I like my endless missions, please make it worth while to do an hour of it(and no resources don't count unless its fieldrons/detotine injectors/mutagens <-- this actually sounds nice if this was in the rotation of high level missions).

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tbh I like the new void system very much. It is definitely a step in the right direction. Even though I don't like the excavation type event and something different would be way better i don't get the repetitive argument. It is a 3 minute event in a normal mission which is different every time.

How can anybody say it is more repetitve than doing 10-20 defence waves ?

It would be nice if there would be different challanges coming out of rifts though, maybe including modifiers ect.

But this whole thing is still raw and needs to be refined a lot. I don't like the way how to obtain traces at all and the amount we get in one run. That should be handled completely different. Same as how the enemies spawn. 3 Nullifiers spawned right next to me. I could not even prepare for it. Also rng at dropping those rectangle things a terrible idea.

I don't even know if there is a middle point at all in how to balance this challange. Either it will be to easy or too hard. Maybe spawning executioner type of enemies that are a some kind of challangen, maybe a corrupted mini bosses, or teleport to a speedrun course ect.? 

Apart from that the whole game is broken due to bugs, terrible bugs. There needs to be done a lot of fixing and balancing. But I can see glimpses of what the devs want to achive with these changes and I think that overall it will improve the expirience as soon as it is fixed.

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19 minutes ago, P0TAT0CANN0N said:

Also, do you want the numbers on the void RNG? Because it certainly has not gotten better I can tell you that now.

For Void RNG, i dont have any problems, i mean, no bigger problems than before, i can previsualize the rewards, that's cool, and one thing i ve noticed, i have the strong feeling the drop rate on common ressources and mods has been buffed. I just droped 18 Saï stance in one mission on Earth.

Wiich is a bit unbalanced, since you have access to ressources like nano spores very late now. This could be (and will be) rework i guess.

That being said, no problem for me so far with Void RNG, nothing unusual, even if you can tell me that. Sorry.

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14 minutes ago, Stonehenge said:

For Void RNG, i dont have any problems, i mean, no bigger problems than before, i can previsualize the rewards, that's cool, and one thing i ve noticed, i have the strong feeling the drop rate on common ressources and mods has been buffed. I just droped 18 Saï stance in one mission on Earth.

Wiich is a bit unbalanced, since you have access to ressources like nano spores very late now. This could be (and will be) rework i guess.

That being said, no problem for me so far with Void RNG, nothing unusual, even if you can tell me that. Sorry.

Here is the thing. This update was supposed to make the RNG better. Instead you need to use more keys for the same (or worse) reward. 

Let us also not forget the fact that it removed a ton of variety in gamemode making it utterly monotonous.


EDIT: Oh and lets also be aware of the lack of clarity of where things drop (which also was supposed to be fixed) and the nullifier and bombard hell.


Does any of that sound better to you!?

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On 08/07/2016 at 10:29 AM, [DE]Taylor said:

Hotfix: Specters of the Rail 1


Archwing Changes and Fixes:

  Reveal hidden contents


  • The Void Fissure sealing process will be aborted should no players in the squad have a Relic equipped, i.e leaving while only having one equipped Relic will close it out.
  • Adjusted the position of the Tenno in the background of the Star Chart.
  • Completed nodes will now connection lines to Solar System shortcuts.
  • Adjusted the timings and maximum amount of repeats for Void Fissure transmissions.
  • Removed the Natah and The Jordas Percept quests from Junctions as these are given out through server rewards.
  • Okina now match polarity of Spinning Needle stance.
  • Improved the way Void Fissure rewards are replicated for Clients after a host migration has occurred.
  • Improved the way the Archwing Pursuit game mode handles host migrations.
  • Adjusted the lighting of the Grineer Forest tilesets.
  • Tweaked the visuals of Void Traces.


  Reveal hidden contents


  • Fixed progression blocker due to ramp refusing to budge in Second Dream quest mission
  • Reduced the number of Nullifier and Bombard units spawned during Void Fissure sealing process

Hotfix: Specters of the Rail 2



  • Reduced the sound effect volume of enemy spawns from Void Fissures.


  • Potential fix for a couple of progression stoppers related to the Chroma quest: 
  • Fixed an issue with Lunaro functionality breaking after a goal replay.
  • Fixed an issue with Okina having the wrong polarities.
  • Fixed an issue with the Staff holster customization background image appearing incorrectly.
  • Fixed the pricing of Staff holster customization items.
  • Fixed an issue with Staff holster customizations not being properly visible in the Arsenal.
  • Fixed an error that could sometimes occur when attempting to breed pets.
  • Fixed an issue with Prime Access Market banners not appearing correctly.


  • Fixed progression blocker due to ramp refusing to budge in Second Dream quest mission
  • Reduced the number of Nullifier and Bombard units spawned during Void Fissure sealing process


Quoting the updated hotfix info for visibility. Thank you all so incredibly much for your opinions and feedback! We're working on another hotfix as we/I speak/type. 

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24 minutes ago, BeKorni said:

tbh I like the new void system very much. It is definitely a step in the right direction. Even though I don't like the excavation type event and something different would be way better i don't get the repetitive argument. It is a 3 minute event in a normal mission which is different every time.

How can anybody say it is more repetitve than doing 10-20 defence waves ?

Totally agree with that.

24 minutes ago, BeKorni said:

It would be nice if there would be different challanges coming out of rifts though, maybe including modifiers ect.

Yeah, adding some more unexpected challenges could be bery nice. Could give a strong Who's behind the door impression.

24 minutes ago, BeKorni said:

But this whole thing is still raw and needs to be refined a lot. I don't like the way how to obtain traces at all and the amount we get in one run. That should be handled completely different. Same as how the enemies spawn. 3 Nullifiers spawned right next to me. I could not even prepare for it. Also rng at dropping those rectangle things a terrible idea.

I personnally like the big packs of nullifiers. It's a bit challenging. It's harsh, you don't have your powers. But hey, they are solid as piece of butter.


24 minutes ago, BeKorni said:

I don't even know if there is a middle point at all in how to balance this challange. Either it will be to easy or too hard. Maybe spawning executioner type of enemies that are a some kind of challangen, maybe a corrupted mini bosses, or teleport to a speedrun course ect.? 

Good idea.

24 minutes ago, BeKorni said:

Apart from that the whole game is broken due to bugs, terrible bugs. There needs to be done a lot of fixing and balancing. But I can see glimpses of what the devs want to achive with these changes and I think that overall it will improve the expirience as soon as it is fixed.

Here 's a tip a few player know, it's a bit surprising : Go to your Steam library, righ clik on Warframe (when its not launched) > properties > local files > verify integrity of game cache.

Every major update, i loose 100/150 files in the process, and i have to launch that to get them back. No big deal, it's about an hour.

Apart from that, it's normal you know, every first week after an update you have those problems.

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9 minutes ago, P0TAT0CANN0N said:

Here is the thing. This update was supposed to make the RNG better. Instead you need to use more keys for the same (or worse) reward. 

Let us also not forget the fact that it removed a ton of variety in gamemode making it utterly monotonous.


EDIT: Oh and lets also be aware of the lack of clarity of where things drop (which also was supposed to be fixed) and the nullifier and bombard hell.


Does any of that sound better to you!?

The only thing clear to me, pal, for now, is this : i prefer BY FAR farming void in this way than it was before. We spend more ressources, but i'm having a lot more fun.

Is that sound better to you ? What do you want me to say.

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1 minute ago, Stonehenge said:

The only thing clear to me, pal, for now, is this : i prefer BY FAR farming void in this way than it was before. We spend more ressources, but i'm having a lot more fun.

Is that sound better to you ? What do you want me to say.

Your personal fun is not a valid argument. You may have fun but other people don't. 

It removed a ton of variety from the game much of which I found fun.

With us spending more resources to farm don't you see that they are not improving the void but making it much worse!?

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6 minutes ago, P0TAT0CANN0N said:


Your personal fun is not a valid argument. You may have fun but other people don't. 

It removed a ton of variety from the game much of which I found fun.

With us spending more resources to farm don't you see that they are not improving the void but making it much worse!?

You personal point of view is not a valid argument ?

I never said i had the TRUTH with me you know, it's just the way i see it.

It added a ton of variety, in my opinion. Other people dont have fun ? In every changes people dont' have fun.

Spending more ressources is not a problem for me, because the important is to PLAY. I'm not here to maximize my rentability, yeah,

we have to spend more, BUT, the reward system is cooler, can you see the positive two minutes or no ? No. You have to spend more ressources

so IT IS worse. It's not for me, that's not the alpha and the omega. BUT, that's only my personal taste. You can let go now.


edit : As for the ressources spending, thats a thing they will look at. The update is 4 days old, ffs. Can you see it's the kind of thing which needs time ?

Edited by Stonehenge
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I've said it before and I'll say it again, the best way to do this is to move as many rewards as possible to completion rewards for starchart nodes, to clear up both the Market and drop tables.

Finish a node five times? Have that node's common mod reward. Ten? You've just earned yourself a normal weapon blueprint. Twenty? Look at this shiny new uncommon mod you've earned. Fifty? It's Codex entry time. A hundred? Here's the specific rare mod tied to that node.

Then you go above and beyond for prime parts, which are honestly best off being made into skins for their base weapons to serve as bling without requiring an increase in player power.

The idea is it gets players out into the entire Starmap, instead of just playing Chase the Alert all day long.

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4 hours ago, Ghost_Yo said:

Well, the devs said it was utterly rushed. The update is evidently a shell of what was supposed to be SotR. Pity. We get it. Why isn't anything getting done about it?

We got a mission screen glitch that makes you alt+F4 every 15 minutes, we got broken Sorties, Synthesis missions, we got freezes, unbelievably unpolished starmap and pretty much everything else... Why not fix at least something of it? It's been more than a day since last hotfix. The devs can go all 'it was supposed to come out years later but the financial restrictions and stuff and guuuh we failed you' and all but there are thousands of players waiting for at least something.

You know, basically, deadlines exist for a reason, and 7 months since U18 was more than enough to get everything of it ready. The thing we have now is really half-baked for no reason and nothing is getting done about it. I thought I was ready to like the devs again but no, no I'm not.

Okay, as someone who works with developers there are some things you're saying that bug me.

1.  "It's been more than a day since the last hotfix".  While I personally would NEVER launch something on a FRIDAY, remember that SotR was launched on Friday.  I'm not going to expect people to work over the weekend (again, why this SHOULD NOT have launched on a Friday), it was also Tennocon, where they were expected to make appearances.  The reason why there hasn't been a hotfix since Friday is logical.

2.  I'm pretty sure you're not a developer, because saying "7 months since 18 was more than enough to get everything of it ready".  Keep in mind, in a few weeks we're supposed to get War Within; for all we know, War Within is what got the most dev time.  And, to be honest, 7 months isn't really that long as far as development timeframe goes, considering the number of employees that D.E. has.


However, I will agree that this update was really poorly messaged and had bugs that show way too much rush and an absolute lack of testing.  I can't imagine, for example, kavat gene code drop rates going through playtesting well, and the fact that there needs to be a GUIDE for existing and new players to find blueprints int he market is absolutely insane.

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1 minute ago, Yezzik said:

I've said it before and I'll say it again, the best way to do this is to move as many rewards as possible to completion rewards for starchart nodes, to clear up both the Market and drop tables.

Finish a node five times? Have that node's common mod reward. Ten? You've just earned yourself a normal weapon blueprint. Twenty? Look at this shiny new uncommon mod you've earned. Fifty? It's Codex entry time. A hundred? Here's the specific rare mod tied to that node.

Then you go above and beyond for prime parts, which are honestly best off being made into skins for their base weapons to serve as bling without requiring an increase in player power.

The idea is it gets players out into the entire Starmap, instead of just playing Chase the Alert all day long.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ +9999 this

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5 minutes ago, Stonehenge said:

You personal point of view is not a valid argument ?

I never said i had the TRUTH with me you know, it's just the way i see it.

It added a ton of variety, in my opinion. Other people dont have fun ? In every changes people dont' have fun.

Spending more ressources is not a problem for me, because the important is to PLAY. I'm not here to maximize my rentability, yeah,

we have to spend more, BUT, the reward system is cooler, can you see the positive two minutes or no ? No. You have to spend more ressources

so IT IS worse. It's not for me, that's not the alpha and the omega. BUT, that's only my personal taste. You can let go now.


edit : As for the ressources spending, thats a thing they will look at. The update is 4 days old, ffs. Can you see it's the kind of thing which needs time ?

If they needed time then they shouldn't have rushed the update, marketing team deadline or no.

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1 minute ago, Yezzik said:

I've said it before and I'll say it again, the best way to do this is to move as many rewards as possible to completion rewards for starchart nodes, to clear up both the Market and drop tables.

Finish a node five times? Have that node's common mod reward. Ten? You've just earned yourself a normal weapon blueprint. Twenty? Look at this shiny new uncommon mod you've earned. Fifty? It's Codex entry time. A hundred? Here's the specific rare mod tied to that node.

Then you go above and beyond for prime parts, which are honestly best off being made into skins for their base weapons to serve as bling without requiring an increase in player power.

The idea is it gets players out into the entire Starmap, instead of just playing Chase the Alert all day long.

With Draco finally dead, i have to move my &amp;#&#33; everywhere now, and that's not a bad thing at all.

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I made topic with it, but if there is a megathreat i'm posting this here too. My own list of bugs :) 

  • Resolution changes don't save - Everytime i want to play Warframe, it opens in windowed mode with smaller resolution i have in my monitor


  • I can't see sortie rewards, because it says i have all missions completed, but i don't have any sortie mission completed
  • End mission reward menu doesn't disappear and sometimes i can't close this menu so i must restart whole game.



  • I don't know how it's looks like with other weapons, but my Orthos Prime is stuck in my hip and it's rotated on my back. 



  • Very often when i'm coming back from relay, dojo, or solar rail junction to Liset my warframe is in crouch position and i can't  do anything. Solution is to open menu by pressing ESC and then back to game


Edited by ReZZo
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-> Increase the limit of text in chat...

* I used to post:

Selling prime set of: abc, efg, etc... 

* Now I would want to post:

Selling: [abc prime], [efg prime], [etc... prime]

Which eats characters way faster...

-> Also can we autocomplete by keyboard (I would suggest Ctrl+Space)? so I can choose the first currently active autocomplete suggestion without using mouse.

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