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Specters of the Rail General Feedback [Megathread]


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The trend I'm seeing is people upset at is the Void being removed as endgame content. Easy way to bring back the Void to players is to have it offer multiple unique things - this used to be prime parts, but it doesn't need to be.

- Have rare or a substantially increased drop rate of relics spawn exclusively in Void missions

- Have a perodic, random "Void Storm" mechanic where players get a free resource, credit, or affinity boost when doing Void missions

- Give the Void a weekly set of Void based quests, like the Junction quests (i.e. a 40 minute T4 survival equivalent) that give players huge rewards

The Void has been treated as and should be treated as endgame content. Give it some good incentives for high level players to keep returning there, and I think people will be much happier with the fissure system.

Edited by SmallRuth
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The new prime part hunting sucks.

This Prime reward system is more of an event then anything. This should have been only an event and not an entire game change. There is No merit for longer runs anymore. Fisher hunting or prime part hunt is more of a chore then it ever was before. You had a better chance running endless missions with multi rewards then this fisher hunting stuff.

Old way was better and just need some improvemt.

What happened to mission customization- DE could have done somthing with that and prime parts but is a crule joke and Im not fooled by it. This is more grindy and hurts many tennos game experiance. The Hype/Buzz is over. Lets get back to Warframe now that the event is over.

Make mission custmization with multi-part drops depending on teir. Save this fisher stuff for events or combine it some how. Or make endless runs more rewarding again.

Please dont abandon your seasoned players like this DE.

Edited by 5nak3Doctor
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The grind still exists.  It's just less rewarding.  Example:

I had to blow through about 20 relics to get the medium drop chance Onadata Prime bp which was my goal.  It took about 2 and a half days of play sessions because I would run the fissure about 8 times or so and then get bored and log off.  I refined the relic several times and got formas for my effort.

In the old system, it would have taken several runs, but I would also have gotten enough other rewards in the form of Fusion cores, Formas, Credits and ducats.  I would also have had to use less keys.

This is another kinda not-so-good change in that now you have to bring your own key if you want something, and if you don't you're robbing the group of a potential drop choice.  I rarely ever used my own keys, and I know i'm not the only one.  So yeah I have hundreds of relics stockpiled, especially from T1, T2 and T4.  Once these are exhausted the grind will go up massively and eclipse the old system.

In the old system, if I wanted an Ash Prime bp then I would find a T3D group to join and deal with RNG, repeating this until it dropped.  I did not need a special key or relic.

In the new system, If I want an Ash Prime bp, I have to have the relic and deal with RNG on it.  So you may say something to the effect of "you're squad may also bring this relic increasing the drop chances" but this really isn't the case because there's an RNG chance that a squad member i'm grouped with brought the relic I need first of all (if any), and there's a chance that it won't drop for them either.  It's still a grind at the hands of random numbers, the only difference is they swapped around the % some things drop a little bit and destroyed the concept of key sharing and mission diversity.

It's bad now.  Just wait until people run out of keys.  It may be a bit early, but I get the feeling some primes are going to be a LOT more rare than they were before.


Edited by Clowee
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The grind is both less rewarding and pretty boring. It really is a glorified excavation mission you repeat over and over for less of a reward than before. Also don't understand why you fail the whole mission when the fissures should clearly be a secondary/optional objective and are more reliant on RNG to succeed.

I feel like fissures should've just been an alternative to grinding in the void, not try replace the void grind like it's struggling to do now but just a different way to grind for parts.

Edited by Jenjix
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There has been a huge problem with matchmaking for some time now where the game finds you a match and then dissolves it making you have to click on the "ACCEPT" button again. This has been a commonly reported issue in every major event, alert or really any node where there was a great concentration of players at the same time.

The problem now occurs in the Void missions where you have to select the projection and click OK every time that happens resulting in an extremely frustrating and tedious process. I'm talking about this: (sorry about the poor quality)


I've also noticed a significant number of FPS drops and crashes. The game was always smooth with 60FPS for me, but it's gotten to the point where I have about 2 game crashes (usually at extraction, but sometimes mid game) per day with significant FPS drops inbetween, compared to maybe 1 crash in 2 weeks before the update. I'm playing on an i7 (3630QM), 8 GB RAM and 750M SLI.

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i thought i would give it a fair shake for a few days after my initial disappointment but still it's just so boring, i dont even feel like playing anymore. It's just like, what is the point of the game now ? to me it was the fun hoard mode's of the void now its 2 min run's get prime > do more 2 min runs > prime gear utterly under used there making it pointless. I still dont get how this update was even released let alone how they thought it could replace the previous void game mode's. you really just destroyed the game in my opinion. 

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14 hours ago, SoulOfTheHunter said:

1. Moved many people right out of the game more like. My clan activity has halved at least. Alliance activity is even lower.

2. Good luck getting a squad to play long void survivals when the prime rewards no longer exist.


1. 33k via steam statistics which is the usual and that is not counting those who do not play it through steam the many players you say that stopped just because of this update you will need to provide proof for that point to have any validity. the game is still widely played.

2. i can agree somewhat here. i dont know why forma BP didnt stay as a reward in void tables and they (like some have already said) could have put traces as rewards but i believe with the new space they created in the void alot of the items that were unobtainable will make a come back.

this update is still new and there is still alot of time but too many people in the community want things like in the blink of an eye. patience is not the strong point of WF community. this game has evolved vastly from what it was and no other game in its genre can match it. all they need to do is roll out some tweaks which will happen but we all need to be patient.

Edited by EinheriarJudith
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38 minutes ago, EinheriarJudith said:

1. 33k via steam statistics which is the usual and that is not counting those who do not play it through steam the many players you say that stopped just because of this update you will need to provide proof for that point to have any validity. the game is still widely played.

2. i can agree somewhat here. i dont know why forma BP didnt stay as a reward in void tables and they (like some have already said) could have put traces as rewards but i believe with the new space they created in the void alot of the items that were unobtainable will make a come back.

this update is still new and there is still alot of time but too many people in the community want things like in the blink of an eye. patience is not the strong point of WF community. this game has evolved vastly from what it was and no other game in its genre can match it. all they need to do is roll out some tweaks which will happen but we all need to be patient.

Excuse me, people want things in the blink of an eye? You are aware that this disaster happened because of that very attitude, correct? You are accusing those of us who hate the update of exactly what those who caused it are doing. This either means that those who wanted the update, and those complaining, ARE the same people and this update is a disaster and we are still correct. OR it means that you are wrong to accuse us of wanting things in the blink of an eye, and therefore we must be complaining because the update has added easy drops at the cost of fun.

I'm not entirely sure what you mean by people wanting things in the blink of an eye, though. You need to clarify, people are angry at the update and aren't waiting long enough for corrections or people are angry at the update because they're impatient neanderthals who can't handle the fact that farming for prime parts has been screwed up? Which is it?

If we're not waiting long enough for corrections, I'm sorry, but 10 hot-fixes later and DE have still failed to address the clear issue that EVERY SINGLE PART TO THIS UPDATE IS A PROBLEM

If you mean we're morons that can't handle the grind then I quite frankly have nothing more to say to you. It's DE's duty to pander to the customers, us, not our duty to enjoy whatever boring crap they come out with next.

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You've seen one fissure, you've seen them all. More repetitive than farming the old Void ever was. And the complete lack of any challenge makes it even worse. Frames? Group composition? Weapons? Who cares. It's so easy you can take everything so there is really no reason not to take either Necros or Hydroid and get more Void traces.

So not just is it the same objective every time, people are also incentivized to take the same 2 frames every time because there is really zero reason to take anything else. How DE thought this was a solution to "void fatigue" is completely beyond me.

Seriously DE, at least give us nightmare fissures as an option. They could come with somewhat higher drop chances for rare parts and the nightmare damage bonus for enemies as well as a random nightmare mission de-buff to make the fissures at least a little challenging.

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Not a new player, only MR16 but with 2.2K hours in game,  got all frames except for excaliber and only missing 4 prime weapons.

I play solo 90% of the time due to technical issues with my ISP, for example on an average ODD, i get 6fps when playing with 3 others, so i solo.

Few observations:

Reduction in XP awarded for successful spy hacks

Reduction in XP awarded for finding caches

Reduction in credit rewards on void missions.

Warframe is now even more biased against solo players.

Having void fissures in the void, really ? how does that work? , next thing will be spacial anomolies that warp you to a random location.

I am finding that, despite killing everything that pokes its ugly head out of the fissure, i rarely get enough drops to seal the fissure ~ mission failure ~ waste of time.

Reducing the quantity of available prime parts from missions limits trading, forcing players to buy platinum (bought platinum in the past ~ never going to do so again)

New nullifer buff that wipes out snowglobe, bastille etc is 'words fail me'

For me, this update is several steps backward, I hate the star map design and execution, its no longer intuitive, its slow and clunky

Sealing fissures is just another grind, still RND at the end of the day, just more poorly diguised.

Having to unlock nodes on starmap that provide no reward that player needs is pointless.

Having to complete a tasklist to progress is so '5th grader'

For me, Warframe is no longer fun, i play games for fun, ergo ~ i will be playing less warframe and playing games that are fun like Fallout4.

Also I wont be recommending warframe to my friends anymore.

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my thoughts about the "big one"....:

- new starmap: i like it, even though the icons for the nodes could be a bit larger and the "one-click-and-start" mechanic let one often start a mission while navigating...

- junctions: good idea but to some new players maybe a bit hard sometimes and for us veterans much to easy. it should scale with our mastery rank. also i hope to see something like a rotation in the rewards here too (not sure that is already how it will work). also hope to either get parts of mirage again throu this method...again (since i stupidly sold here in my early days) same goes for those other quest-frames (of course it would be even better if we could replay those quest and get the bp's this way)

- the void (the new "planet"): well... on one hand i do like to be able to farm stuff there now without the need of something like a key - on the other hand feel those "endless" type missions are now rather useless. i feel a bit unmotivated to do more than one rotation now (or not even that far, for a relic now drops at b-rotation). i think that those endless-mission (not only those in the void) should get spices-up with something motivating... maybe already refined relics in later rotations (since void-trace farming is annoying as hell - but more of that later on) or other more rare stuff - god knows there are tons of items that farming for is a pain in the backside...

- archwing: well... i do like it in general, but... dev's, i'm sure at least some of you did play one or more space fighting games (elite, frontier, freespace, x2,x3 and many others to name here), so way do you not "borrow" the proven ideas of movement AND, even more important, the radar system, that you find in allmost every game of this kind? i'm sure there is no copyright to something like common sense, right? ^^  furthermore with the new movement system there are some issues to mind too: the fov should be changeable in the options, extra keybindings for roll left/right (maybe a separate archwing control-set?), and not this "hidden" roll-keys from the "hold-to-crouch" + left/right -> again, borrow from those space figthing games you certainly know too. one more issue with the new movement is localization and collection of the loot... since we have no "real" horizon in space and the minimap simply sucks in telling us where to look for it, getting drops in some kind of missions (grineer/interception, i looking at YOU) is really a pain in the backside now - even more than it was already before... a MUCH bigger auto collect radius would be a good thing here. even better would be an automatic collection of ALL droped stuff for all (active) players - that would also help to actually get people to play the interception mission as they should: stay-the-hell-at-your-point-and-defend-it (except for helping downed comrades of course...). i do understand that this method might be a bit too easy though, but i though i should mentioned it anyway. for the movement...well...either a real space like movement would be nice, OR a plain arcade like space-movement (maybe both, seperatly for example: arcade-style in close-quarter maps (corpus and underwater, obviously) and real newton mechanic space-movement in freespace grineer missions). for those poor fellows who are cursed with motion sickness, i can't speak of much (never had such issues, thank god) but i'm sure either a more zoomed out archwing would help (would be much better for all of us, actually) and/or an option to change the field of view (fov).

- spacecat ^^:

can't say much of those since i still couldn't get ANY dna from scanning scores of them :P  (funny though i already got a lot of the segment bp - why was that even put into our dojo lab i wonder...)

- relics, voidtraces and the fissures: i'm aware of the split in all our opinion about THAT topic - and my own one too is splitted here... i do like the way we can now farm more focused one specific part but the way the system is implemented at the moment leaves a lot to be desired for. lets not start with the voidkey-to-relic transformation though, for i don't care much about that and also wasn't much affected of it. no, lets start with the acquiring of them - it's pretty much the same ol' way of getting them (endless missions and spy-runs). so why not just getting them as rewards for other "normal" missions too? since you have a lot of stuff that is dusting in the void-vault, and the new relic system gives us a possibility to add even more kinds of relics into the game, why not just doing that and put the vaulted stuff into them as rewards? you already plan of doing this? well, sorry i did't know ^^  also some those mods that can be only bought from the void trader (not the primed mod, no) could be rewards in the relic droptable ( i'm sure some people would name their firstborn after you for doing this ^^).  the next point is the refining process... well, plainly said i hate it - not, that we can refine a relic to get a better chance for rare loot, no, but nearly all the rest of it. starting with how we are suppose to get those traces - without a necro and/or hydroid (booster maybe too?) one gets around 7-14 traces from one fissure (if holding out till the last sec b4 closing the fissure)... too few for the effort imho. i would suggest to let traces drops from EVERY eximus enemy (yes, corpus, grineer and the lil' arse-biters (aka infected) too - reduce the amount to one or maybe two (if you fell generous ;) OR let them drop the normal amount with a chance like those color-pigments (none-boss-ones). either way, doing fissure-runs for getting THEM is getting to me, and i hate it, for its a time wasting way (and yes, i DO know i get prime parts too - but a vet with most stuff already and not much need for either ducats or platinum at the moment, it is a waste of time). an alternative would be the possibility to keep the rift open for as long as you want to (or can - for the voidspawns would get stronger with every minute too) - that would also gives us back a meaningfull endless mission option. i think something like this is already in planing afaik, but wanted to mentioned it just in case anyway. last thing about the void-traces: please remove the cap of 100 max - make it 1000 if you really have to, but i do dispise such resoucre caps in a game that does not have any other caps like that (ok, maybe those bloody argon crystals will argue now against my statement, but who cares about then, right?). its not so much the wasting of some traces (since the droprate sucks anyway atm) but the way i always have to check how much more i need to refine the next relict and not accidently do an other run to farm them and noticed later that i wasted my time...again... also, since i do not need much parts anymore, i would rather save them for new prime stuff that will come into the game later on instead of wasting them on some random relic when i reach the point i have the current max of prime parts but still need some "spare-part" for the void traders newest vanity items and pirme mods. enough of traces now and to the next annoying part, the randomness (or not) of those "energy-cell-like-things" (i still can't remember the actual name of those, so i will just name them "e c l t" for now). in some mission types and/or mission places (i'm looking at you, grineer settlement, void/survival and earth) in solo runs the spawnrate and/or eclt droprate is abysmal at some runs (can't get more than 70% b4 time runs out) just to get so much eclt's on the next try that i could close the fissure with more than 2 minutes left and nearly drowning in them all around me when actually closing it a few sec b4 time out. i think a bit more time in general and/or more extratime when throwing eclt into the fissure should be enough (or a better dropchance). even though i like that you doesn't lose your relic when failing to close the fissure in time, i do hate that the mission needs to fail too then (it really sucks in spy runs, you know?). i understand, that this is probably because of the game mechanic (like it was with the void keys too) but i'm certain it is not that much coding effort to change that into a "relic saved, no void-reward but at mission completed anyway" kind of gameplay - it also wouldn't hurt anyone except them dev's who likes to be punished anyway, right? ;)


i think that is all... did i miss something? i'm certain i did, but since that i already a tldr-post, i refrain from thinking too much about it...for now...

sorry for the lack of CAPs btw, i consider them as almost evil and try not to use them...ok, the truth is i'm a lazy bum and rather use them to emphasize words - so accept my deepest apology and bear with it (not that you much of choice other than ignore it, right?) and if you find any other typos, you may keep them.

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56 minutes ago, EinheriarJudith said:

1. 33k via steam statistics which is the usual and that is not counting those who do not play it through steam the many players you say that stopped just because of this update you will need to provide proof for that point to have any validity. the game is still widely played.

2. i can agree somewhat here. i dont know why forma BP didnt stay as a reward in void tables and they (like some have already said) could have put traces as rewards but i believe with the new space they created in the void alot of the items that were unobtainable will make a come back.

this update is still new and there is still alot of time but too many people in the community want things like in the blink of an eye. patience is not the strong point of WF community. this game has evolved vastly from what it was and no other game in its genre can match it. all they need to do is roll out some tweaks which will happen but we all need to be patient.


Population doesn't die or dwindle overnight unless the game becomes mechanically unplayable due to something like crippling bugs.  It's a painfully slow process.  This is because people actually don't expect things to change in the blink of an eye.  Seen this happen before many times to several dead games.  You will also never hear the vast majority of these people complain.  They simply disappear quietly until you notice that you and a few other die-hards are the only ones left in the room.

This update damaged many key aspects of the game.  This game may have come far so no other game in the genre can match it, but it took a huge leap backwards with this update and there's no real solid competition out there either.  Maybe they can fix it, but historically most game developers get hard headed about this kinda stuff because they put time and money into developing it and refuse to accept that their idea is a fail (would you want to be the exec who explain how your idea flopped horribly?).

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Remember the invasion with reactor blueprint as a reward? The sabotage that spawned a broken drop pod 3 times out of 4.

Now there is a catalyst for capture. That spawns the same broken drop pod for some reason.

Way to put something nice as a reward for a mission that glitches most of the time.

And did you know that if you Alt+F4 out of the mission, it still counts for ''abandoned'' score in profile?

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1 hour ago, Dark-Vortex said:

Excuse me, people want things in the blink of an eye? You are aware that this disaster happened because of that very attitude, correct? You are accusing those of us who hate the update of exactly what those who caused it are doing. This either means that those who wanted the update, and those complaining, ARE the same people and this update is a disaster and we are still correct. OR it means that you are wrong to accuse us of wanting things in the blink of an eye, and therefore we must be complaining because the update has added easy drops at the cost of fun.

I'm not entirely sure what you mean by people wanting things in the blink of an eye, though. You need to clarify, people are angry at the update and aren't waiting long enough for corrections or people are angry at the update because they're impatient neanderthals who can't handle the fact that farming for prime parts has been screwed up? Which is it?

If we're not waiting long enough for corrections, I'm sorry, but 10 hot-fixes later and DE have still failed to address the clear issue that EVERY SINGLE PART TO THIS UPDATE IS A PROBLEM

If you mean we're morons that can't handle the grind then I quite frankly have nothing more to say to you. It's DE's duty to pander to the customers, us, not our duty to enjoy whatever boring crap they come out with next.

listen ive said it in the past there will always be a division in the community when it comes to things like this. i also said not everyone likes grind which is the truth and that DE should not try to extend it (i have no issues with grinding myself) so no this isnt about grinding. 

Don't worry folks, we'll keep the Hotfixes coming! I understand there is a lot of frustration with the variety of issues appearing to go un-addressed but rest assured our bandwidth to quickly note and log is at full capacity. We may not be able to respond to every thread but we are doing our best to verify and integrate solutions into our never-ending Hotfixes.


that is what they said in update 5 notes so its not like they dont know whats going on. they made us aware of what they plan on doing which some of the other game devs dont do. and 3 or 4 days of hotfixes wont fix every single thing not by a long shot. they launched the new update and like always it came with issues. they are getting to these issues im sure as speedy as they can even if they have to put bandaids in along the way.

imo i dont consider "DE this update is trash remove it" to be any kind of constructive feedback. especially since an enormous amount of effort went into  bringing it to us. so while i also disagree with some of the changes im not going to write off the whole update they added some nice things and part of giving feedback is also making suggestions on how to improve current system. but mostly all i read is "DE you messed up roll back" and that is simply where i disagree. 

Edited by EinheriarJudith
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22 minutes ago, EinheriarJudith said:

imo i dont consider "DE this update is trash remove it" to be any kind of constructive feedback. 

This is my original post, it's a little bit more than "DE this update is trash remove it" if you care to read it.

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5 hours ago, The_Daleatron said:

I still dont get how this update was even released let alone how they thought it could replace the previous void game mode's. you really just destroyed the game in my opinion. 

This update damaged many key aspects of the game.  This game may have come far so no other game in the genre can match it, but it took a huge leap backwards with this update and there's no real solid competition out there either. 

Overall, you should be utterly ASHAMED of this update


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Where is the lore of the game that backs the weird things (the complete change and overhaul) that we had to experience in this game. 
Warframe always did an excelent job of explaining everything or at creating the illusion that we, as players wanted to know.
Relays are broken, void changed, fissures, failing fissure means failing mission, junction and junction objectives, the person who challanges you in the junctions and why you as a tenno are interested.  

Eversince that lunaro (sometime before, where the focus just went to catering new players) update it felt that warframe is missing something. That somebody or someone isn't there anymore or affecting Warframe in a direction that isn't theirs.  

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Sadly I don't think there is any way in which the void fissure system/relics system could actually be made good. We had ~20 keys before now we have ~28, each with seemingly meaningless names and the word 'Tier' replaced with 4 even more meaningless names. Seeing the loot table (and drop chance) is nice, could have been implimented on the old system though.

If they wanted people out of the void surely it would have been simpler just to make the Tower Keys usable on any planet node where the mission type and enemy level both matched. Lets people choose based on resources and anemy types. They could still even choose a Void mission if they wanted. Better yet, simply choose a mission type and the key equiped would alter the starting level of the enemies.

Example, take a Tower 4 Excavation key to one of those level 1-3 Excavation missions on Earth and it becomes a level 40+ Excavation mission on Earth. What's not to like? Nuerodes, cryotic, a change in scenery, varied enemies and a reason to revisit those unused nodes. All that gets changed in the mission is the enemy level and the drop table to match the key. This isn't a 'mega patch update solution' this is a minor patch that would have taken no time to impliment on the old starchart/system.

Example 2 Those sabotage missions (that are really assinations) could still start in the void, but then the void portal takes you to the mission node you requested on the star chart. This becomes choose your boss fight; Tower 4 Tyl Regor void assassinate? yes please! Again, just match the enemies and mission type to the key equipped. This could even be the introduction for new players to the void as well as the typical planet boss fight. Some sort of lore BS: Tyl Regor has cloaked his location but using a void portal has the ability to lock onto the location of a single entitiy ie the Boss. Player enters void assassinate mission on each planet as a way of teleporting to the target boss location. For new players the boss could even give the player the key as a way of taunting them to come fight.
Vor managed to find us sleeping Tenno this way, seems like turning it against the enemy is a pretty good plot.

I mean it's not like earning rewards from the Orokin Void towers really made sense anyway. Kill all the enemies and magically "here, have a reward". This could just as easily occur on ANY other mission/planet. In effect the key becomes a 'magic box' that is unlocked with the blood/souls of your enemies. There, lore explained, now there is no reason it can't be put in the game :)

Edited by SoulOfTheHunter
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For all the bad in this update - and boy there's a lot of bad - I am glad to be out of the Void and running different missions in order to get Prime parts. I dont miss 20 minutes on T3 Survival over and over. I really just dont.


That said:

-Fissures still need to roate more often. Three hours in the same place is too long.

-OR more Fissures need to open at once. There really is zero excuse for offering only four possible missions out of all those on the star map. This needs to stop.

-Fissures need to be more than just a simple rehash of Excavation. Its a frustrating mini game that can be failed for no better reason than RNG, and that is unforgivably bad design. Fissures need to result in Orokin Crossfire missions. Or Orokin enemies replacing those on the normal map. Or even a portal into the Void, where we run a Void mission to a Vault of some sort (NO Dragon Key requirements) to obtain the Prime Part. Anything but this boring, repetitive mini Excavation. 


Lastly, its time DE began to look at some sort of End Game for Warframe. You've been around a pair of years and change now. You've got a ton of bored Vets who want something to do beyond just grinding for loot you've left them no reason to either need or use. The time has come to begin addressing Warframe's "Well, that's it, I guess" problem that players run into around the time they reach MR20 or so, or unlock the whole Star Map and get a few primes.

And a little hint: Sorties arent the answer. They are a boring slog through the same missions we've run a thousand times, except with boring and arbitrary restrictions on player loadouts (as if high level Corpus dont create enough of those already) filling with damage sponges for no real reason at all. 

We need something fun to do. Something that differs from the rest of the game. And nothing in this update came close to providing it.

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The grind you introduced in this update is unbearable for me. When I discovered that you almost halved syndicate revards, that was a last straw.

Firefall all over again, enjoy chinese chickens, hope they are worth it. Bye.


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