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Specters of the Rail General Bugs [Megathread]


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i'll leave this note here... so it looks like the prisma skana is having some trouble with the custom holstering, as it seems to put itself inside the warframe and sticks out on the back of the neck on my volt prime. i'm not sure if it is just in my case but would like for someone to confirm. all other swords seem to work just fine however.


EDIT: it only seems to work just fine with a few frames, even on frames that it does work i can't seem even be able to use the custom holstering of the sword as it is not even showing up. only about 6-8 of the frames actually had the sword properly placed on the hip but everyone else was messed up, often jutting up through the top of the head of the warframe rather than being put on the side of the hip, on the warframes that it did work on i still couldn't adjust the holster at all. all other sword types seem to be working just fine, as there is not any jutting through the body, nor is there any problem doing any of the various adjustments of the holster.

Edited by lightdragon64
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13 hours ago, Ins. said:

Today's sorties seem bugged. I get "Sortie completed. You have received the item highlighted below." message in the reward tab. No reward list. I also didn't actually finish the sorties today.

I have the same problem

Also Quoted someone else but that seemed to disappear

But regular dual kama blueprints which I pretty sure I even picked as a reward without noticing



Also Aksitiletto Blueprint seems to be missing from the drop table.  I assumed it was sapose to be in Meso Era - Meso C1 Relic as it has to Saryn Prime Systems Blueprints as rewards

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The Stradavar still displays 5% base status chance on the UI instead of 15%. It also doesn't display the "Semi-Auto" "Auto" mode on missions like it used to in previous patches.


Edited by Levanthan
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I'm loving the changes so far, and confused on how I just did a mission on Ceres, I guess I need to reread the new changes, since I thought starting points would be limited and needed to be unlocked for vets, but that's no issue, just sharing.

The bug I want to report is unusual head movement when going around:


Keep up the good work, I like what I'm seeing in-game so far!

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I do not receive any bonus at all when my squadmates pick my reward at the end of missions. I checked my mission progress screen (p) while still in the mission and it said 5 Void Traces. Finished the mission, everyone picked my Akstilleto Link as a reward and the UI says 3 Void Trace bonus from squaddies picking my reward. Back on the ship. Results screen tells me 5 Void Traces and checking the Relic Segment, I was only given 5 Traces.

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I've been having an issue with Simaris' daily challenges since the update; I was assigned 4 corrupted heavy gunners, but when I scan them, it doesn't count. I don't get any standings with him, nor does it contribute to my daily. I've been running the new void missions with a friend, and we've gone through around 6 corrupted heavy gunner synthesis targets and still nothing.


Should probably clarify that my regular synthesis targets work just fine. It's just the daily ones.

Edited by Aetran
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12 minutes ago, Aetran said:

I've been having an issue with Simaris' daily challenges since the update; I was assigned 4 corrupted heavy gunners, but when I scan them, it doesn't count. I don't get any standings with him, nor does it contribute to my daily. I've been running the new void missions with a friend, and we've gone through around 6 corrupted heavy gunner synthesis targets and still nothing.


Should probably clarify that my regular synthesis targets work just fine. It's just the daily ones.

Having the same problem, and the targets also give only the normal rep for their enemy type rather than scan target rep.

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I'm pretty sure these have been mentioned. My bugs are as follows:


I cannot access the menu while in "navigation."

Clicking a mission automatically "accepts" a mission and cannot cancel out.

Mission complete/reward screen stays up after mission and sometimes cannot be exited causing me to have to "X" out of the game.

Exiting the dojo keeps me in a kneeled position until I hit the menu.

Using a controller to access a navi node causes the mouse icon to automatically drift by itself and is resistant to manual control of the mouse.


That's everything so far that I have seen so far that's caught my eye.

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1 hour ago, p41nfr4m3 said:

2.) Several times now after a mission is completed and i return to my ship the mission stats window will be stuck and no buttons work or even show.

 I came here to post this, it has happened at least 4 times today, each time i've had to force-crash my client. It might have something to do with opening your chat screen with the mission results open, but i'm note positive.


There's also a bug when leaving your Clan Dojo, in which you will be stuck in the sitting/kneeling animation. I believe in the meantime it can be resolved by hitting Esc.

Edited by RobinDude
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does anyone else have the problem that his credit booster isnt working cause mine isnt working at all normaly on kadesh you get 14k credits without credit booster with credit booster you get 28k credits i did kadesh since the patch and it only gives me 8k credits while i have credit booster active

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After an archwing mission the sensitivity is way too high in ordis/main menu, even when the sensitivity is put on low from settings.
Edit: The sensitivity is also higher in normal (non-archwing) missions.

Edit: If you try skipping the seconds you need to wait after extraction, (Spamming "SPACE") the reward menu stays over the lobby loading screen.
Edit: It will be over the loading screen, without skipping using "SPACE".

Edited by JudgeFromHell
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3 hours ago, alekzezz said:

the nikana back holsters for hydroid are a little bit... offf.CqE6MKh.jpg



looks normal to me, atleast if i play hydroid i would do the same ;p (just kidding)


but i came accross the ui getting stuck bug (after a few defence rounds and then i leave the ui is stuck and wont do anything, but i am still alowed to use the chat)

after exiting the game and starting it up again it bugs out (after restart the game restarts in 1280x720 windowed mode, i have to change it back fullscreen 1920x1080 when i start the game up)

also seeing enemy's jumping inside the walls on spear defence mission on earth. and they get stuck there (i use rakta cernos to kill them through the walls)

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Auto-failed Rank Up qualification (for MR 8). Practiced (succeeded) at a relay, then went to qualify. Seemed that the mission failed to load (brief fade to black transition before dumping me back out) and auto-failed me. Now waiting 24 hrs to try again.

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Archwing nodes are a little tough to find. Mouse sensitivity increases when using Itzal and will revert back to normal when leaving an archwing mission (haven't tried other archwing frames yet.) when using Itzal's penumbra ability I have to click twice in order to activate it. This may be intentional, not sure.

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Bugs I've encountered:

1. Rhino's passive Shockwave ability isn't triggering consistently anymore. "Hard landings" do nothing, while landing after a short jump still triggered the ability.

2. Kela De Thame and the Rathuum arenas aren't showing the required number of Judgement Points needed to enter anymore.

3. The rotating platforms in the Orokin Moon Spy mission are now forcing my Warframe off the edge onto the electrified floor when I try to stand on them.

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