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Scorches have broken range [DE reply in thread]


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During my hunt for Kavat dna in derelict exterminate missions I noticed something odd. Scorch type enemies were killing me from a tile away, through walls and closed doors. Now I bring this up, because I destictly remember that with the release of the Hyekka Masters and the redesigned Ignis, enemy Ignis damage was an issue which was shortly after addressed by nerfing the enemy Ignis, specifically it's range, punch through propertie and damage. So I'm a bit puzzled, because on the one hand Hyekka Masters' Ignis function in these missions by the rules of that fix, while Ignis used by Scorches seam to work just like the ones available for the player. Furthermore I only encountered these über-Scorches in the derelict, on other (grineer) mission nodes Scorches do damage as they're supposed to.

I'm not sure wether this is a bug or not, but I reread the update notes from SotR to SotR-hotfix:10 and found no mention of this change so I assume it isn't intentional.

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I just went on my first orokin derelict mission, an exterminate, and this happens... I thought it was because I had misunderstood the concept of orokin derelict missions, since it was the first time I did one. I failed it halfway through since I was constantly on fire...

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Yeah. I went on this quest for Kavats, with Vauban P. Beside Bastille letting enemies running and attacking in even with augment (hope someday this will be fixed) i got fire damages while i had no enemy near me and napalms fighting infested in the next room. This makes the Kavat research impossible, will have to wait for a fix to search for them.

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i had no problem farming 60 kavat dna, although scorches were the only ones doing high damage. napalms and hyekka masters damage seemed to be inline with what it used to be. nova p = gg. lower attack speed =  slower proc rate = lower chance of DoT proc'ing and dealing damage

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Getting killed by scorches in rooms that I'm not even in. Their ignis are going through walls and have ridiculous range, possibly even having an absurd cone of fire. I can't tell since I'm hardly ever in the same room as them when I get insta-gibbed in the derelict by them.

Edited by Deus Draco
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On 7/12/2016 at 2:54 PM, Clem2-TheClemening said:

Trust me, it got worse. 

Just try and do and ODE. Take damage from nowhere.

Yeah, it got a LOT worse, getting really fed up with this crap when I'm soloing and have to use revives from being hit by these guys for 1 second that's ridiculous they're not even eximus tier units

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I agree, need a hotfix. When i went to Derelict Extermination, the Scorches killed me very easy, the range of the Ignis is very extensive, in: up, down, both sides, front and back. The flame didn't even reach me!.... Before the last patch or hotfix, this wasn't happening before.

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With certain enemies, like the corpus tech, and the grineer heavy units, it makes sense for them to be quite powerful, and able to chew through your health like nothing.

However, I've noticed that the grineer scorch (the enemies with the ignis flamethrower) are particularly deadly because of the flamerthrower's odd mechanics. The weapon has a deceptively wide reach that does not seem to be impeded by any walls or barriers (which, it seems, is exactly how the player version works). You can notice this especially easily in the Orokin Derelict missions, where the grineer are in conflict with the infested throughout the map. A large number of players I'd run with are baffled that they seemed to just drop dead with nothing attacking them, because a scorch was in the next room shooting his weapon wildly.

The ignis has a massive aoe attack that can only be avoided by pretty much being behind him. This defies the logic of all other enemy weapons, which dictates that as long as you keep moving and dodging, enemy shots will rarely land on you. The ignis will hit you no matter if you're dodging, and the damage is pretty heavy compared to other weapons.

That being said, I believe the grineer scorches need a bit of a tweak to be less unfair.

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Grineer Scorches are the single most powerful grineer unit when it comes to damage. However, they are bugged currently to more or less hit the entire room they are in with their damage. Why this hasn't been hotfixed within 12 hotfixes is beyond me, as it is a massive issue.

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If you look at the Hyekka masters, their Ignis is much more balanced, you get damaged when they're actually aiming at you 


but the scorches are still bugged as hell, their range seems to be doubled and even if they don't aim at you get killed 

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