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War Within Hype Thread (You Must Prepare)


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17 minutes ago, (PS4)geomancer1980 said:

Doubtful... they haven't uncovered the second panel of this section of the teaser site yet.  BUT WE CAN DREAM... well you can dream... Console gonna wait lol.

Kinda hoping that Dev Workshop talking about the market revamp won't be what is revealed on the teaser site... Would rather see Void rework/Kavat/Starchart stuff since those 3 are the most desired features at this moment (although I welcome the market revamp regardless).

Edited by YellowVolt
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1 hour ago, gunslinger20121 said:

There was a tweet earlier by @PlayWarframe that tomorrow is a Canadian holiday and as such there will not be a devstream, which means, apart from updating the teaser site today or Saturday, we probably are not getting any information anytime soon on its release.

Ahh, yes that one, well..a shame, but oh well, I guess the update will come next week, but to be fair, after reading spoilers, I want the Quest DLC, to come out.


But to be fair, I am hopeing Ash's Bladestrom & Limbo Rework comes out, cuz atm Vauban is my new "Main" 

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Considering they haven't unveiled the two other previews and the gap between the teasers: I'd give SotR two weeks minimum.

Shame, things would have been better if they focused on SotR and TWW first and threw Lunaro at us as the last update. I mean its not like we were rioting for Lunaro to be released.

Edited by Alma_Elma
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2 minutes ago, BornWithTeeth said:



Every Tenno needs a companion. Kubrows and Sentinels have aided Tenno in battle for years, and now a new species of companion enters the Arsenal: Kavats!


With the introduction of a new species also comes some new features for the Companion system overall! All biological Companions can now roam the ship in their kitten or puppy form, and it's up to you to decide to Mature them with the click of a button – no more mysterious wait times that can't be bypassed. You can choose to keep your ship extra-adorable with the roaming miniature versions, or simply Mature and then you've got a companion to join you in the fight. Adorn your faithful companion in the Armor it deserves and enhance it with new Mods!

There are two Unique Breeds of Kavat, the Mirror Kavat and the Chesire Kavat!

Each Kavat breed will have a set of unique perks:

Mirror Kavats, lethal and sly, have learned the following:

Keen Senses - Allies in range receive an increased Critical Chance for a short duration.
Kinetic Bristles – reflects damage back at attackers with increased lethality.

Chesire Kavats, aloof but powerful, have learned the following:

Displacer - Manifests an image of itself to distract enemies while entering stealth.
Omen - Occasionally grants a boon of good fortune.

Kavats are also getting a selection of shared Mods to help you better customize your newest (and perhaps cutest) companion yet!


These decorative Armors are fitted for a Kavat.

Wysar Kavat Armor and Saraba Kavat Armor


To see more of what's coming in the Specters of the Rail Update as well as a future updates, keep an eye on our Update Hub here.

Here it is.

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Uh.... This is weird (EDIT: First image below taken from quote below to clarify. I can remove if necessary): 


Look at the picture above and look at the one below; the one above me has the kavat sitting down looking like a dog while the one below is just a chubby faced kavat. Is that meant to be a joke from the developers or? XD


Edited by YellowVolt
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3 minutes ago, YellowVolt said:

Uh.... This is weird: https://n8k6e2y6.ssl.hwcdn.net/images/_newsImages/2016/June/Teaser2_Kavats.jpg

Look at the picture in my link and look at the one below; the one above me has the kavat sitting down looking like a dog while the one below is just a chubby faced kavat. Is that meant to be a joke from the developers or? XD



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4 minutes ago, Naith said:

I'm not if we're still going to be stuck with one incubator for both kubrows and kavats. 

It's rather infuriating.

Comments like these make me loose faith in humanity and go





More than one incubator is idiotic. You can't even say you're stuck now since the maturing process will instantaneous.

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