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War Within Hype Thread (You Must Prepare)


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1 minute ago, Stratego89 said:

If their cert process wasn't so ridiculous- it would take a LOT less content to be worth it to update the consoles as well. MS and Sony are 90% the reason consoles don't get updates even remotely close to how we do.

That being said- MS/Sony are HORRIBLE giant money wh... er... BAD companies. But with all the things they do wrong- cert processes aren't one of them. They're there for a reason, to protect the users from bugs, from potentially malicious coding, or code that would present security issues. So even though it's their fault it's not really cool to get mad at them. Just something people gotta accept about consoles. Just another reason PC master race.

Microsoft and Sony are also known to play favorites with games and developers they do Cert with.

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3 minutes ago, duhadventure said:


So that's good then. Couple of water hoses. Maybe some baking soda to throw on the stove. 

By supper then, no doubt.

Seriously, though, kudos to him for posting. I hate Crunch, myself. Let the guys and gals go home and get some rest. They can work tomorrow. During working hours. Game developers have families, too. 

Hopefully they get comp time next week. I want to hear part 3 was delayed because Steve and the gang were drinking Margaritas. On the beach. In Tahiti. And no, this isnt sarcasm. I mean it.

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1 hour ago, PsychedelicSnake said:

Microsoft and Sony are also known to play favorites with games and developers they do Cert with.

Now THAT is something to get on their case about. I still won't support anger towards the process itself though. :p

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4 minutes ago, Stratego89 said:

Now THAT is something to get on their case about. I still won't support anger towards the process itself though. :p


I'm more for encouraging them to go after those big companies rather then pointing at DE for all their issues.  Yes, DE isn't perfect but some things they don't have full control of yet I've seen plenty of people blaming DE specifically for being behind PC in updates.


But I do agree, all in all... there's no need to get angry about the process.  It's somewhat the same for every game out there.

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1 hour ago, duhadventure said:


i have always guessed they work too much and smoke too much po77 ... (=


ps: for all the doubters, i never read a message like that about a "current status" since i play warframe

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28 minutes ago, achromos said:


I'm more for encouraging them to go after those big companies rather then pointing at DE for all their issues.  Yes, DE isn't perfect but some things they don't have full control of yet I've seen plenty of people blaming DE specifically for being behind PC in updates.


But I do agree, all in all... there's no need to get angry about the process.  It's somewhat the same for every game out there.

Pointing at DE is even worse. They shouldn't yell at MS/Sony for it because it's an important process- even if it's their fault. They shouldn't yell at DE because it's not even anything to do with them in the first place. Really there's just a lot of disgruntledness with nowhere to put it. Only thing people can do about it is work on their patience to prevent it in the first place rather than trying to find someone to throw it at.

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Just now, Stratego89 said:

Pointing at DE is even worse. They shouldn't yell at MS/Sony for it because it's an important process- even if it's their fault. They shouldn't yell at DE because it's not even anything to do with them in the first place. Really there's just a lot of disgruntledness with nowhere to put it. Only thing people can do about it is work on their patience to prevent it in the first place rather than trying to find someone to throw it at.

True, but do you think that 'most' people would take the time to work on getting that patience?

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5 hours ago, duhadventure said:


Ah, I knew that interns were explosively flammable after hours. And then there's Steve with his whiskey coffee/hallucinogen combo meal he runs off of. That, or, this is the natural state of his office where he plots the creation of our sorrows and agony in the form of S.N.G. tweaking.

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