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War Within Hype Thread (You Must Prepare)


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Just now, ToxicTroublermaker said:

Maybe that was to throw us off and hes actually about to take down the enemy that was really watching us?

I find this far more likely.


We have to remember: Teshin is our Conclave announcer voice. Whatever happens, he's going to survive, and be a good guy in the end.

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The thing is, if Teshin turns out to be a traitor, or if he's working for the Queens for some reason like "He's the last Dax, and they're the last Orokin, so he's gotta" or whatever, or if he's in hock to someone who's got his soul in a jar, or has his left testicle and won't give it back unless he helps them lure a Tenno into some trap (in the glowing red place?)....the people who hate the Lotus and who say that one of their big reasons for hating her is that she keeps secrets, well, those people will be ok with it. They'll have justifications, they'll have reasons, whatever, but the people who hate the Lotus for 'keeping secrets' will turn out to be perfectly ok with Teshin keeping similar, or worse, secrets.



Because the level of information transparency is not, and never has been, what it's about.

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10 minutes ago, DeltaPhantom said:

I find this far more likely.


We have to remember: Teshin is our Conclave announcer voice. Whatever happens, he's going to survive, and be a good guy in the end.

And then it turns out Teshin was the bad guy and they just add some effects to make him look like a hologram so they can keep him as the announcer

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7 hours ago, DeltaPhantom said:

I find this far more likely.


We have to remember: Teshin is our Conclave announcer voice. Whatever happens, he's going to survive, and be a good guy in the end.

Sure but he can have been a "bad guy" all the time up until the resolution of the quest.

Teshin is most likely a Dax, loyal to the Orokin. The Queens are (as far as we know) the only remaining living Orokin.(Kuria poem)

It's likely he's been taking order from them all this time.

Edited by SilentMobius
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15 minutes ago, SilentMobius said:

Sure but he can have been a "bad guy" all the time up until the resolution of the quest.

Teshin is most likely a Day, loyal to the Origin. The Queens are (as far as we know) the only remaining living Orokin.(Kuria poem)

It's likely he's been taking order from them all this time.

frohd bek?

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7 hours ago, BornWithTeeth said:

The thing is, if Teshin turns out to be a traitor, or if he's working for the Queens for some reason like "He's the last Dax, and they're the last Orokin, so he's gotta" or whatever, or if he's in hock to someone who's got his soul in a jar, or has his left testicle and won't give it back unless he helps them lure a Tenno into some trap (in the glowing red place?)....the people who hate the Lotus and who say that one of their big reasons for hating her is that she keeps secrets, well, those people will be ok with it. They'll have justifications, they'll have reasons, whatever, but the people who hate the Lotus for 'keeping secrets' will turn out to be perfectly ok with Teshin keeping similar, or worse, secrets.



Because the level of information transparency is not, and never has been, what it's about.

Pray do tell what is it all about?

I don't hate the Lotus, I distrust her. She creeps me out. She betrayed her whole race for some parody of adoption and now sends her "children" as kill squads in the name of "balance", whatever that is. Meanwhile, Teshin is just over there all like "Do you even lift, bro?", he doesn't claim leadership over the Tenno the way she does.

@Kaisty hit it on the head. It's not that we think Teshin is a goody good guy. He may very well be a traitor, in which case I'd gladly shove that disc hat into his rectum. But see, I could do that because with Teshin we are on equal terms. When you reach max Conclave rank he straight up says it "Well met Master, you bring honor and fear to the Conclave."

With Lotus, we are stuck in her dysfunctional little family no matter what. 

Personally, if it turns out that we actual fight Teshin then and there, I'd be disappointed that is was so predicable and they just blew there wad a month before release. But it's very unlikely, they usually don't do stuff so obvious. 

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2 hours ago, tisdfogg said:

Pray do tell what is it all about?

I don't hate the Lotus, I distrust her. She creeps me out. She betrayed her whole race for some parody of adoption and now sends her "children" as kill squads in the name of "balance", whatever that is. Meanwhile, Teshin is just over there all like "Do you even lift, bro?", he doesn't claim leadership over the Tenno the way she does.

@Kaisty hit it on the head. It's not that we think Teshin is a goody good guy. He may very well be a traitor, in which case I'd gladly shove that disc hat into his rectum. But see, I could do that because with Teshin we are on equal terms. When you reach max Conclave rank he straight up says it "Well met Master, you bring honor and fear to the Conclave."

With Lotus, we are stuck in her dysfunctional little family no matter what. 

Personally, if it turns out that we actual fight Teshin then and there, I'd be disappointed that is was so predicable and they just blew there wad a month before release. But it's very unlikely, they usually don't do stuff so obvious. 



Which....is basically my entire point, that it's really not about whether or not the Lotus lied. It's about what she is and what she represents, meaning that no matter what Teshin actually does, for instance, if Teshin betrays us to the Queens, while the Lotus keeps her score of Betrayals at zero, those people will still hate the Lotus more than they hate Teshin.


Specifically, I've noticed a fairly significant correlation between people who were ultra salty about Second Dream, and who now won't stop talking about how much they hate/distrust/whatever the Lotus. It's a pretty common thread. A lot of people hate Second Dream because they can't stand for their Lone Space Badass to secretly be a crippled drone operator. Similarly, a lot of those same people resent the Lotus even more after Second Dream, because a Lone Space Badass shouldn't have a maternal figure.


It is not and has never been about whether or not the Lotus lied or whether Teshin keeps secrets. It's about people not liking what the Lotus represents.





I mean, if you want to talk about what the Lotus has actually done, then we do have a couple of issues. One issue, really. Keeping us in the Dream was dumb. It was a stupid move. Yes, she had the example of the Stalker, who found out the secret of the Reservoir and went mad, but she still had a long time to figure out how to wake the Tenno without that happening again. We should definitely rap her knuckles for that.

In the long run, becoming less dependent on her intelligence networks would be a good move. Perhaps distributing some Alerts through Syndicate membership, and getting more tips from Darvo and Maroo, would be helpful.


Notice how I'm saying "We should assert a little more control in our relationship with the Lotus, but definitely keep her onboard because bloody hell, she's the one person in the Solar system whom we can say is absolutely 100% on our side."

Edited by BornWithTeeth
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24 minutes ago, BornWithTeeth said:



Which....is basically my entire point, that it's really not about whether or not the Lotus lied. It's about what she is and what she represents, meaning that no matter what Teshin actually does, for instance, if Teshin betrays us to the Queens, while the Lotus keeps her score of Betrayals at zero, those people will still hate the Lotus more than they hate Teshin.


Specifically, I've noticed a fairly significant correlation between people who were ultra salty about Second Dream, and who now won't stop talking about how much they hate/distrust/whatever the Lotus. It's a pretty common thread. A lot of people hate Second Dream because they can't stand for their Lone Space Badass to secretly be a crippled drone operator. Similarly, a lot of those same people resent the Lotus even more after Second Dream, because a Lone Space Badass shouldn't have a maternal figure.


It is not and has never been about whether or not the Lotus lied or whether Teshin keeps secrets. It's about people not liking what the Lotus represents.





I mean, if you want to talk about what the Lotus has actually done, then we do have a couple of issues. One issue, really. Keeping us in the Dream was dumb. It was a stupid move. Yes, she had the example of the Stalker, who found out the secret of the Reservoir and went mad, but she still had a long time to figure out how to wake the Tenno without that happening again. We should definitely rap her knuckles for that.

In the long run, becoming less dependent on her intelligence networks would be a good move. Perhaps distributing some Alerts through Syndicate membership, and getting more tips from Darvo and Maroo, would be helpful.


Notice how I'm saying "We should assert a little more control in our relationship with the Lotus, but definitely keep her onboard because bloody hell, she's the one person in the Solar system whom we can say is absolutely 100% on our side."

Ah, I see now, your perspective is more meta than mine, but you make a valid point nevertheless. I didn't take the saltiness into consideration, I was merely talking from pure, in-game perspective, role-playing if you will. If I was a Tenno in that universe I would perceive Lotus as... not an entirely stable individual, even less so a maternal figure (we are supposed to be children only in appearance, no?), especially after finding out that I'm not really me. The keeping in the Dream part would be the deal breaker for me. Yes, the Stalker went mad when he found out, but we weren't woken up in perfect conditions either, in fact quite the opposite, and it went as well as it could have. This whole move screams "need to protect my poor babes!", and that kind of sentimentality is not exactly what I expect form a supposed leader. Perhaps it will surprise you, but it makes me like the character more - it would be so dull if she were this perfect, all-knowing, deus ex machina guide. Being flawed makes her more compelling. 

Basically, dependence on anyone in this setting seems like a short way straight to hell. Which brings us back to Teshin, who IMHO, nudges us more towards independence than any other character, but it's entirely possible he has an ulterior motive behind it.


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Oh, yeah. See, I really like what they're doing with the Lotus.


You know the way in stuff like cartoons and video games, mentor figures always seem to be either perfect, or else they're secretly the villain and are going to betray you in Act Two?
Instead, what we're seeing with the Lotus is the slow reveal that she's pretty far from perfect, that she has flaws, that her power and information have limits. What we're seeing with the relationship between the Tenno and the Lotus is that we are slowing growing closer to being equals. The more capable we become, the more we can see the limits of the Lotus' power, and we don't have to despise her for it or feel betrayed. It's like growing up, getting a job, getting your own life in order, and then, when childhood is finished and you can look out for yourself, actually being able to just be friends with your parents.

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3 hours ago, BornWithTeeth said:

Oh, yeah. See, I really like what they're doing with the Lotus.


You know the way in stuff like cartoons and video games, mentor figures always seem to be either perfect, or else they're secretly the villain and are going to betray you in Act Two?
Instead, what we're seeing with the Lotus is the slow reveal that she's pretty far from perfect, that she has flaws, that her power and information have limits. What we're seeing with the relationship between the Tenno and the Lotus is that we are slowing growing closer to being equals. The more capable we become, the more we can see the limits of the Lotus' power, and we don't have to despise her for it or feel betrayed. It's like growing up, getting a job, getting your own life in order, and then, when childhood is finished and you can look out for yourself, actually being able to just be friends with your parents.

Dude... That is so deep... Can you be the Teshin when he dies? (this is a half joke)

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The movie can not be trusted. Why?

Tombs of the Sentients showed Excalibur facing Hunhow and his army. That never happened.

The Auction showed Alad V killed. Just for dramatic effect.

I won't be surprised if this "reveal" is not what we will be experiencing when we play at all.


If Teshin is anything, he is against the Sentient. And he needs the Tenno to fight them.

The question is who the Queens relly are and what they will tell us. It is likely tied directly to the Tenno and Warframe origin, something he wants to protect us from.

if they want to shock us again, maby the twins want us to kill them, immortal and undying.

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5 hours ago, BornWithTeeth said:

I mean, if you want to talk about what the Lotus has actually done, then we do have a couple of issues. One issue, really. Keeping us in the Dream was dumb. It was a stupid move. Yes, she had the example of the Stalker, who found out the secret of the Reservoir and went mad, but she still had a long time to figure out how to wake the Tenno without that happening again. We should definitely rap her knuckles for that.

I'm more willing to forgive an inhuman alien with a vulnerability to void energy who tried to keep us from entering a state that the last example of which is actually worse than the Orokin.

I mean the Stalker literally betrayed every living being to the genocide-machines because of a grudge.

I'd be a little nervous about making more of those as well. Especially given the void is not something she is particularly good with.

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