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War Within Hype Thread (You Must Prepare)


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40 minutes ago, arch111 said:

Well, it allso depends very much on why we go there. How do we find out and who sends us in? What's the mission?

What part will Vor play? Is he friend or foe - and is he still half energy?


Many forumgoers report hearing that The War Within takes place before he becomes Corrupted on Mercury. Thus he, at the least, will still be our foe.. but who is to say he doesn't lash out against the Queens?

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1 minute ago, (XB1)Drunken Swede said:

Many forumgoers report hearing that The War Within takes place before he becomes Corrupted on Mercury. Thus he, at the least, will still be our foe.. but who is to say he doesn't lash out against the Queens?

Ok now that's just weird. It was strange enough having 3 versions of Vor. Now we have 4, AND go back in time?

If that is not a retcon, I don't know what is.

Might be fun though. Teshin vs Vor suddenly became a possibility.

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After reading the Cephalon Fragments about Ordis in SotR, they bring up the "Red Vial", and it seems to be how the Orokin attain immortality.

In the 2nd trailer for the War Within there's a red pool, and the Tenno says "this doesn't look Grineer."

Teshin takes honor to the next level, so my guess is that the Twin Queens gave him immortality from that red pool with the price being that he has to protect them.

It would explain how he's lived for so long outside of stasis.

EDIT: StallorD on it again with the Ordis fragment transmissions. Heavy spoilers.


Edited by GreyEnneract
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25 minutes ago, arch111 said:

Ok now that's just weird. It was strange enough having 3 versions of Vor. Now we have 4, AND go back in time?

If that is not a retcon, I don't know what is.

Might be fun though. Teshin vs Vor suddenly became a possibility.

Trust me, we're as confused as you are about it. Even some Devstream mentionings were not very confident in how the Warframe timeline is supposed to progress.

One day it'll all make sense. I hope...

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1 hour ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

I'm more concerned as to how the fight will go. hopefully it will be a good fight and Teshin won't be a tedious bullet sponge/have invincible phases and the like.

oh, and after I kick your &#! Teshin, I'll be taking those dual Nikanas for my collection >:)

I do hope, that if we do fight Teshin, that it is a good fight. Not just bullet sponge, with invulnerability phases. A Melee battle would be awesome, and should be a hell of a fight. Though I am not sure how long Teshin could hold his own against a Warframe. 

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I'm guessing a liset crash for the snow clip.

If Teshin can get around the system he probably has a ship, likely orokin. Innately superior or not as a dax(probably?) It likely has weapons.

A common location for putting the queens has been sedna, but the new cephalon fragments challenge that. I'd likely say a polar region on earth now.

So our operator is lost and weaponless and looking for shelter on the ancient home of humanity. I have no idea what the next big reveal would be after whatever we get out of teshin and the queens, but im guessing they find something, or someone finds them.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)IroncladBomber said:

I do hope, that if we do fight Teshin, that it is a good fight. Not just bullet sponge, with invulnerability phases. A Melee battle would be awesome, and should be a hell of a fight. Though I am not sure how long Teshin could hold his own against a Warframe. 

Maybe we should check the back of his neck for bone hooks embedded around the superior Vein?

Can you say lore-backed Berzerker-Invulnerabilty phase ;) ?

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13 minutes ago, (PS4)IroncladBomber said:

If there is a good reason for it, Fine. But not like Ruk who explains it away as "Impenetrable Armor"

My reference comes from Ordis' memory fragments.

I'm saying it's both a lore reveal and possible foreshadowing for the Teshin Boss Fight game mode.

It very well could be foreshadowing the Umbra Origin reveal as well.

What will happen when Ordis and other cephalons (like Simaris...whoa) lose the battle with trying to repress memories and want to be reborn?  Deep down Ordis is NOTHING like the passive, humble, digital servant we know.

I wouldn't be surprised if Simaris is already awakened and his "knowledge quest" is really just a strategy for power in preparation for his rebirth.

Edited by (PS4)Silverback73
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14 hours ago, SilentMobius said:


That is just a failure to read the tone of the setting, I mean we have word-of-god that the Tenno are "The good guys" and just like Lara croft can't mow down children and Commander Shepard can't glass all planets with Asari on it (...).

Actually, I'm pretty sure a Renegade Shepard stacks up an impressive bodycount of innocents by the end of the trilogy (i.e. thousands).

13 hours ago, SilentMobius said:

And the Tenno are only presented with mission that serve the balance in the system keeping any of the warmongering sides from dominating the innocents, the Lotus is quite clear why we are doing the missions. It's the same thing, I can see it, others can see it, if you can't I think that more telling about you than DE and Warframe.

I wasn't referring to you I was talking about the playerbase in general, but seeing as you seem to be sensitive about it, my apologies. 

The Tenno are demonstrably doing everything they can as an asymmetric force against threats of countless number. Again, we can see it, if you can't it says more about you than DE.

Oh the ennui of your storied history of fiction consumption, how can you possibly tolerate such base drivel with your refined palette.

Pffff, I'm done, talking to you is like listening to the 40k lore panel at a Games Workshop Game Day, and I'm about 25 years to old for that volume of black eyeliner.

Ah the bliss of the ignore list

That's a bit extreme, the guy is merely disagreeing with you. 

To play the devils advocate, the way I see it, he points out the fact that there is no opportunity to be good for the player. Yes, we are the good guys, but we are never faced by a temptation to do something bad. And overcoming such temptations gives a far better sense of heroism than opening the Lore Bible and reading all about it. The aforementioned Mass Effect does that really well - Shepard is always a force for good. No matter what you do, he will not side with the Reapers or start a crime syndicate, but he may strong-arm some shady types to pay him a cut if he turns a blind eye, so he can use that money to fight the real baddies. And if you decide to arrest them, because the'd hurt people, you yourself get to be the hero, not the screenwriter. I understand that @Kaisty thinks that having this sort of a moral grey area would benefit the setting, and I happen to agree with him. Players could get their evil fix without compromising the setting, while the whole child soldier deal would be more believable in my opinion (though, my view on child soldiers in gaming is heavily skewed by MGS, take that into account). 

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2 hours ago, tisdfogg said:

Actually, I pretty sure a Renegade Shepard stacks up an impressive bodycount of innocents by the end of the trilogy (i.e. thousands).

And yet you still can't go around glasing planets, the range of options you are presented with are limited. There are people who also complain about the lack of option in Mass Effect, they too are failing to read the tone of that setting. I can understand them wanting to have a shepard that can do these different things, but Shepard doesn't and can't because Shepard exists through a lens created by the authors. 

2 hours ago, tisdfogg said:

That's a bit extreme, the guy is merely disagreeing with you. 

I've have enough of people who can't distinguish between the tone of the setting and their own lack of taste. I've lived through those years where, in contemporary parlance being an "edgelord" seems cool, and I have no more time for it.

2 hours ago, tisdfogg said:

To play the devils advocate, the way I see it, he points out the fact that there is no opportunity to be good for the player. Yes, we are the good guys, but we are never faced by a temptation to do something bad. And overcoming such temptations gives a far better sense of heroism than opening the Lore Bible and reading all about it. The aforementioned Mass Effect does that really well - Shepard is always a force for good. No matter what you do, he will not side with the Reapers or start a crime syndicate, but he may strong-arm some shady types to pay him a cut if he turns a blind eye, so he can use that money to fight the real baddies. And if you decide to arrest them, because the'd hurt people, you yourself get to be the hero, not the screenwriter. I understand that @Kaisty thinks that having this sort of a moral grey area would benefit the setting, and I happen to agree with him. Players could get their evil fix without compromising the setting, while the whole child soldier deal would be more believable in my opinion (though, my view on child soldiers in gaming is heavily skewed by MGS, take that into account). 

Each mission we do is prefaced by context, be it as simple as "There is a large platoon of Grineer Marines stationed here. Leave no one standing.", "Assassination contracts are not to be taken lightly. Eliminating this target will have significant impact on enemy forces. Search the area, leave no survivors." or the more nuanced specifics that are delivered per-character in the assassination missions. These set the tone for all the small interactions (Like those of Mass Effect) that we do not have in this game.

Could we be given more context: sure, and DE are working on just that as they build themselves up to a level where content can be produced without threatening the profitability of the game (Story content is expensive like unbelievably expensive) but it's quite obvious what DE intend for the Tenno, to rail against that is just childish, either engage or... just leave, it's not complex, if you'd prefer a story where Frodo becomes the new Hand of Sauron and rules over Middle-Earth with dark industrialized might then don't read Lord of the Rings because that is not the tone of the story.

To suggest that the Tenno should be "bad" because the majority of the player base are opportunistic and don't care in the slightest about in-world repercussions is just... frankly childish.

Also, the Lotus is the announcer for everything, just that volume of VO is massively expensive, she is never going to be replaced, she is always going to be trusted because it's an axial part of the infrastructure of the setting both from a story perspective and a mechanical one. Of course DE wan't to portray her as a character that is morally grey and of dubious motivation in-the-game-world, but we are not Tenno, we are players who can understand fiction we can evaluate the story outside of our character, hell we have to as (Since the Second Dream) our characters know more about the world than we do. Our character must trust the Lotus so either we have a character who does or we play the game with cognitive dissonance and thus complain about it whenever given the opportunity (Which makes me thankful for the ignore function)

It all boils down to "I'm ignoring this clear and defined part of the story, and replacing it with my headcanon. Now I am upset because my headcanon is not being pandered to"

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1 hour ago, SilentMobius said:

And yet you still can't go around glasing planets, the range of options you are presented with are limited. There are people who also complain about the lack of option in Mass Effect, they too are failing to read the tone of that setting. I can understand them wanting to have a shepard that can do these different things, but Shepard doesn't and can't because Shepard exists through a lens created by the authors. 

My point was that Shepard still does some morally questionable things, while being the undeniable hero of the story. There is a plethora of possibilities between "The script is set in stone, deal with it" and "Do whatever the hell, like it's Skyrim on mods."

1 hour ago, SilentMobius said:

I've have enough of people who can't distinguish between the tone of the setting and their own lack of taste. I've lived through those years where, in contemporary parlance being an "edgelord" seems cool, and I have no more time for it.

I'm not a young man myself, and that's not the vibe I was getting from the conversation. Meh, that's between you and him. 

1 hour ago, SilentMobius said:

Each mission we do is prefaced by context, be it as simple as "There is a large platoon of Grineer Marines stationed here. Leave no one standing.", "Assassination contracts are not to be taken lightly. Eliminating this target will have significant impact on enemy forces. Search the area, leave no survivors." or the more nuanced specifics that are delivered per-character in the assassination missions. These set the tone for all the small interactions (Like those of Mass Effect) that we do not have in this game.

Could we be given more context: sure, and DE are working on just that as they build themselves up to a level where content can be produced without threatening the profitability of the game (Story content is expensive like unbelievably expensive) but it's quite obvious what DE intend for the Tenno, to rail against that is just childish, either engage or... just leave, it's not complex, if you'd prefer a story where Frodo becomes the new Hand of Sauron and rules over Middle-Earth with dark industrialized might then don't read Lord of the Rings because that is not the tone of the story.

To suggest that the Tenno should be "bad" because the majority of the player base are opportunistic and don't care in the slightest about in-world repercussions is just... frankly childish.

Also, the Lotus is the announcer for everything, just that volume of VO is massively expensive, she is never going to be replaced, she is always going to be trusted because it's an axial part of the infrastructure of the setting both from a story perspective and a mechanical one. Of course DE wan't to portray her as a character that is morally grey and of dubious motivation in-the-game-world, but we are not Tenno, we are players who can understand fiction we can evaluate the story outside of our character, hell we have to as (Since the Second Dream) our characters know more about the world than we do. Our character must trust the Lotus so either we have a character who does or we play the game with cognitive dissonance and thus complain about it whenever given the opportunity (Which makes me thankful for the ignore function)

It all boils down to "I'm ignoring this clear and defined part of the story, and replacing it with my headcanon. Now I am upset because my headcanon is not being pandered to"

Oh yeah, I know that it's an expensive business and that most of these issues stem from the fact that this is an unfinished product. But this is just speculation, not budget planning, I doubt any reasonable person here (forums) expects DE to copy & paste ideas, be it game balance or lore.

Who said anything about making Tenno bad, as in villainous? Did I say that? I thought I was pointing to player immersion into the role of the good guys, and how it could be improved without compromising the setting, using ME series as an example. If you think otherwise then I'm happy to agree to disagree. 

Do you often get such a dissonance? I ask because that's an entirely alien concept to me, the experience I mean. I usually can get into and enjoy a story, even if I absolutely, positively hate the characters, setting etc., for personal reasons, not because I find them badly written or just uninteresting. By your logic I should "like ALL of it or leave."  LotR is actually a perfect example, the pomposity sometimes was getting out of hand for me but it fit the grand epic that Tolkien was going for, and so it ended up being one of my personal favorites. 

Edit: Oh right the Lotus/Teshin thing. Better write something on topic... I have no doubts about Lotus being around as long as this game exists, both in her original role and perhaps some new ones in the future, Teshin is probably also not going anywhere (unless Conclave is), but from a role playing perspective I look forward to the confrontation between them. Thus I take issue with the underlined part, as I can separate my meta from my RP just fine thank you very much. Thus I can like the Lotus from meta perspective and have my character distrust her in RP and be completely wrong in doing so.

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22 hours ago, arch111 said:

Ok now that's just weird. It was strange enough having 3 versions of Vor. Now we have 4, AND go back in time?

If that is not a retcon, I don't know what is.

You don't know what a retcon is.

It is a standard trope in RPG's that "Level = Time" that is if you go fight something that is "level 10" then it is always chronologically before something that is "Level 20" regardless when you physically do it and regardless when the content is released.

Obviously DE have been making a number of story missions that fit at specific leveled points because they feel that the game is missing important story there. The War Within will most likely come before the Axi/T4 Void level that introduces Corrupted Vor.

Just because we are not new players and don't experience it "in order" doesn't mean there isn't a canonical order to the events that may have nothing to do with release order or player completion order.

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In the teaser trailer for War Within you see the Nyx and her tenno walking into the strange room. The tenno says, "This doesn't look Grineer." Now the camera is on her when she says this. Then the camera is looking at the Nyx and you hear the words,"I am being watched." The Nyx spins around, and you see Teshin.

Who said, "I am being watched."? Was it the tenno? Or maybe...it was the WARFRAME!!! I think we might have just heard a warframe talk.

Click here to watch the trailer!

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