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Unfortunately, the Kavat drop-chance boost...


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All these people saying "don't play solo. take a group of four". Some of us CAN'T. At all. Some of us are screwed over because of our internet limitations. In such a case, the low drop rate is utterly ridiculous. I can manage 4-5 scans per run, and about 40 runs in the past 3 days, 15 were after the "fix". I currently have 1 genetic code, after 40 runs. It needs to be balanced for more than just the people that play with a full party, and right now, it isn't.  

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1 hour ago, Evanescent said:

Did nothing, Still rare as all hell.

No drops here, after 60+ scans.


I give up. 

I'm sorry, I can't access a chunk of anticipated content. I'm just bummed out.

I'm sorry.

I give up.


I gave up aswell ended up buying 19 codes for 95p since I have gotten only 1 for over more then 300 scans lol(have done 90 scans since the drop boost)

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I got 10 DNA scans within an hour after they doubled the drop rate yesterday. In my first run I got 3; second run got 2 so that was five there( in 10 mins). After that I had 3 runs with nothing; then got a single scan triple times and one double scans in final. I managed it in Solo mode, didn't need to group up with stranger players.   

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Y'all are doing it wrong. Don't make a random BS drop chance be your goal.


Do vault runs, and get your kavat DNA on the side while doing that. Me and a bud have been doing ODE for a few days and picking up those sweet, sweet corrupt mods. The DNA is just a bonus.


FYI; the double-proc chance widget for synth scanners can proc on Kavats. If it triggers when a DNA drop occurs, you get two DNAs from one scan.

Oh and if you're interested in DNA, don't be the Extinguished key, cuz it lowers your synth scan time. Incidentally, Rhino's Roar actually boosts the scan time down to less than a second for me.

Edited by DiosGX
cuz rhino owns
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2 hours ago, Evanescent said:

Did nothing, Still rare as all hell.

No drops here, after 60+ scans.


I give up. 

I'm sorry, I can't access a chunk of anticipated content. I'm just bummed out.

I'm sorry.

I give up.


What ? i got about 20 genetic codes in about 30 runs ... Now its all fine

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... huh. I usually get 3-6 geneticodes per run of Orokin Derelict Exterminate, with only two players, after the drop increase.

Even playing solo, even before the drop increase, it was many times better than kubrow eggs (even after those had their drop rates increased as well), especially since it's more granular and gives a sense of progression even if you're only getting 1 geneticode every two runs (which was the lowest rate I ever saw).

RNG, why

Edited by AgentSkye
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I didn't bother trying to get my Kavat since I forseen this happening with same Kubrow Egg issue. The drop chance was something like 6.5% by determiners from Warfrane Reddit. So that number should be something like 13% now. 

Am just more annoyed that Helios isn't able to scan the kitties :/

Edited by Ibro156
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What scanner is everybody using? Maybe that has something to do with it? I'm using an upgraded Synthesis scanner and on my 2nd solo run I got 3 DNA sequences.

I'm now up to 5 DNA sequences in the 2 solo runs I've done. I'm not sure how many scans I've done(but it's not more than 10) since I'd already scanned every single Kavat during that Inaros quest for a current total of 33 scans.

Sleepquinox makes it really nice to get everyone to chill and stop moving around as well.

Edited by Maicael
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I've done 38 scans pre-fix and got none. That's fine and quite often here. 

But after fix I've done 91 scans with fully upgraded Simaris scanner and got only 4. It might be even accounted as two because double scans give double sample. 

And since that bugged buff to Scorches that hunt became complete BS.

I was doing those runs mostly solo or with one friend and we got around 4-9 kavats scans per run. Every time. 

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I just double checked with my clan, we do have two open spots right now.  If anyone is interested in jumping into one of those spots to purchase our fully researched Kavat Incubator, please feel free to contact me here or in game.

For anyone new to clans;

  • You must build a clan key to enter the dojo (takes 12 hours)
  • You cannot purchase research from a clan you are not a member of

My clan does not require anything from players that would like to take advantage of our full research labs.  


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5 minutes ago, White-Gin said:

What skin is that?

That's not a skin.  That's a picture of a wild Kavat in the Codex.

He was showing off that he has 404 scans of wild Kavats.

Solution 404: Kavat finally found?

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Sounds like RNG being RNG... Sucking out all the fun...

In my own experience though, the boost seems reasonable. I farmed solo last afternoon, getting 1-3 codes when I do. Even on my worst streaks, every third mission still gave me one code consistently enough.

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