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Prime Time #126: Vandal Reaction Poll


Reaction Poll  

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1 minute ago, (PS4)obsidiancurse said:

The entire premise of the game is to acquire loot. This pole is about specific loot, poor neglected loot that hasn't seen the light of day in about 3 years. Some will claim its a badge, although they never wear it, which says everything about their true motivations for wanting to keep it from the majority.

I mean I'd be way more open for re releases if DE would actually give people who had it originally would get something in compensation and not just. Best thing would be an exclusive weapon skin (that actually looks good.). Still doesn't change the fact that the people who get it through the 2nd release don't deserve it.

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I want to show you guys something.




This is a picture of my Kubrow, he may have some value to other players being that he has Lotus Print but to me he is Priceless. Reason being is that I searched high and low and payed Premium Plat for his Prinits simply because he looked closest to a Beagle I had own who passed away back in 2011. Just because other people can have the exact same Kubrow doesn't diminish the value of mine.

Edited by ChaoSoldier1986
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6 hours ago, siralextraffo said:

And I'd be glad if it won't mean anything anymore. 

Again, exclusivity is wrong, period, if you're basing your methods to keep a playerbase on releasing exclusive stuff you're just doing it wrong and luckily Warframe is not that anymore since a while. 

I don't see why the game should "punish" you if you don't play it all the time, it's insane and it's unfair; Steve himself said that players are going and coming back, but that's because of Second Dream, of events, of cool new stuff, not because otherwise they know they're gonna miss stuff forever. 

Do I feel special for being a founder? Absolutely. Do I need my founder gear to be mine and mine only to feel like that? Hell no. It's not about having a frame or a weapon or whatever. 

I can put a badge on and players will understand I'm a founder without the need of forcing myself into a 1 hour survival with a Lato Prime only. 

So yea, no weapon will matter in term of exclusivity and it's a good thing: I agree that there must be things that matter and display if you were there on a certain time, if you bought a certain pack and blabla, but it must not be gear. 

Marry me.

2 hours ago, Spookmineer said:

I don't have them, and apparantly the people who do (at least some of them) are getting pissed off if they were getting back.

Meanwhile noone gave a single PEEP when the old snipetron vandal players lost their one and only.

4 hours ago, markus230 said:

"fighting for better future"

That was my sentence <.< Duh.

24 minutes ago, markus230 said:

While I think that CBT weapons should come back, I think we should get something in return.

Totally. Event players also had a sigil or badge to show off that they participated in said event. So i'd agree that CB players can get a shiny badge or something like that to show off! The goal is not stepping on old players' toes but equality. While i like your fair attitude, i personally don't think you should be fighting with voltage. You 2 are more or less on the same rail.

Edited by IceColdHawk
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2 minutes ago, Skycook3y said:

I mean I'd be way more open for re releases if DE would actually give people who had it originally would get something in compensation and not just. Best thing would be an exclusive weapon skin (that actually looks good.). Still doesn't change the fact that the people who get it through the 2nd release don't deserve it.

Define deserve? If someone played closed beta and then never played again, are they more deserving than someone who has played for 1000hrs? Who has supported the game more?

personally as CBTers only had to log on to receive their "rewards" I find the idea of compensation ludicrous but I'm sure the devs will give them a badge or sigil. CB will become another event, you have a badge to prove you were there but the weapon gets re-released. I've always felt the badges were campaign medals, you should only be allows to wear if you fought in that campaign.

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22 minutes ago, (PS4)obsidiancurse said:

The entire premise of the game is to acquire loot. This pole is about specific loot, poor neglected loot that hasn't seen the light of day in about 3 years. Some will claim its a badge, although they never wear it, which says everything about their true motivations for wanting to keep it from the majority.

I use both of them all the time, problem being their.....pretty underpowered. Braton prime has better damage overall and the lato.....is a lato. If I use them it's usually fashion frame in relays.

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46 minutes ago, markus230 said:

We don't know that. Lato and Braton also were "forever exclusive never coming back ever", yet here we are. Thats why people started asking about Founders gear.

We also see many Founders that are ready to give away their exclusive weapons and frame

Its double edged sword. While I think that CBT weapons should come back, I think we should get something in return. But just as you can say I am greedy because I want something in return, I can say that you are jealous of my exclusive stuff. Such argument gets us nowhere

Well I wouldn't call it a double edged sword greed and jealously are not the same though we are jealous in a way I'd say we are more envious, though I can't even say that because most of you guys seem cool and would accept a badge or a sigil. Also since DE made this poll they'll probably make a choice on whether  or not to give us the weapons based on a poll. DEs making changes lately so I'm not really personally envious because in my eyes well already have the weapon available to us. 

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45 minutes ago, Skycook3y said:

I mean I'd be way more open for re releases if DE would actually give people who had it originally would get something in compensation and not just. Best thing would be an exclusive weapon skin (that actually looks good.). Still doesn't change the fact that the people who get it through the 2nd release don't deserve it.

Unless they were on console...We helped make console a thing. No...ok*gets sent back or the Xbox dimension*

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33 minutes ago, markus230 said:

We don't know that. Lato and Braton also were "forever exclusive never coming back ever", yet here we are. Thats why people started asking about Founders gear.

We also see many Founders that are ready to give away their exclusive weapons and frame

These weapons were never labelled as "forever exclusive". Even when explaining exclusives they were always iffy about these weapons.

The nature of this discussion is similar to founders but not the same. However due to this similar nature people want to give their opinion on both matters. We've had countless threads about founder gear it's no surprise they'd give their opinion on both matters; not to mention Steve also brings it up in the OP.

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On 15/07/2016 at 1:05 PM, (PS4)HarigeVINCE said:

I agree for 100%.

Because this is a game that relies on mastery to rank up, everything that gives mastery should become available again at some point. It makes absolutely no sense that only players who are playing from the very beginning have a right to complete the game.

Cosmetics are totally different, they should be a visual representation of the player's achievements, whether this is an in-game achievement or long time commitment to the game. Though when I say the Elite Riv armor should be conclave exclusive as an in-game achievement, people say it's elitism. But making equipment that gives mastery (to actually level up in this game) exclusive is the real elitism here, not cosmetics.

But let's say Excalibur Prime ever gets released again, maybe when the game ever gets out of beta, then I'm all for a special skin or whatever to show the difference between a founder and a 'regular' Excalibur Prime.



Stuff that gives mastery shouldn't stay exclusive forever, no exceptions.

Cosmetics can absolutely be exclusive without a problem, to show a player's achievements and commitment.

except at MAX you need mastery rank 12 to access everything in the game which is easily obtainable by not even levelling half of everything in the game to 30, anything beyond mastery rank 12 is a bonus the affinity/mastery items that are exclusive are so small that's it's irrelevant, oh no someone is mastery rank 23 and you are 22, doesn't matter, because at the end of the day a mastery rank 12 and a mastery rank 23 get access to the exact same content the affinity excuse is just silly.

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9 minutes ago, cghawk said:

except at MAX you need mastery rank 12 to access everything in the game which is easily obtainable by not even levelling half of everything in the game to 30, anything beyond mastery rank 12 is a bonus the affinity/mastery items that are exclusive are so small that's it's irrelevant, oh no someone is mastery rank 23 and you are 22, doesn't matter, because at the end of the day a mastery rank 12 and a mastery rank 23 get access to the exact same content the affinity excuse is just silly.

Syndicate/conclave standing is irrelevant? Trading is irrelevant? What game are you playing?

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Ok, here's how I feel:

They should return, why? Because so far you have brought back/are bringing back (ie Latron wraith) and what's the difference here? The second thing I would like to point out is that every player, no matter how old or how new should have a chance to get every item that has been released at some point in their journey through your amazing game. I think they should com back to give that chance to everyone, new and old (who may have missed it). The other thing I would like to point out, is at one point, I can't remember when , but Steve said that "every item in game (besides founder items) that is 'usable as an item' and that can gain mastery rank, should be accessible to all players; at some point, everything that you can level will come back", and I would have to agree with this, every item that you can feasibly level and get mastery points from, should be accessible at some point or another.

All in all, I know that myself and many others would want these back, but it's the way you bring them back, and the way you still say 'Thank you' to the players who were around for closed beta and open beta weekends that really makes the difference.

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18 minutes ago, (PS4)obsidiancurse said:

Syndicate/conclave standing is irrelevant? Trading is irrelevant? What game are you playing?

I said the mastery the exclusive items give is so small that it's irrelevant, you wouldn't even be able to get like half a rank from all the exclusive weapons, an extra 1k standing or 1 extra trade isn't going to make a huge difference at all.

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5 minutes ago, cghawk said:

I said the mastery the exclusive items give is so small that it's irrelevant, you wouldn't even be able to get like half a rank from all the exclusive weapons, an extra 1k standing or 1 extra trade isn't going to make a huge difference at all.

Depends if you trade a lot for trades but for standing, an extra 1k is quite a bit and can help a lot.

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On 7/15/2016 at 0:50 PM, cannonfodder1982 said:

cant understand why anyone would pay over 500 (insert your currency here) for a single game. however each to their own, you just made it sound like your contribution was significant, and if that was unintentional then perhaps not mention it at all in your reply


lol, the way you put that, '500 (insert your currency here)' If you were Indian, then 500 rupees is only $7.40 (USD). So yeah, I could definitely  imagine someone spending over $7.40 in warframe :P

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On 7/15/2016 at 1:02 PM, Yaerion said:

I'm for the return of these weapons.

The only argument against would be their meaning (i.e: 'i was there in the closed Beta'). I would understand this feeling, and a special skin to show this fact would fix the problem. A special wonderful skin for closed beta owners of these weapons, to display on their Lato and Braton families, which means that yeah... There were there. They fought aaaaall these battles. :)


My stance is the same for Founders items. I am one of them, and I would be ok with people getting those items in the future, against a whole set of exclusive ornaments for us Founders, to be able to display our contribution to the game on those items, but also with other frames (Founder Syandana / Armor Set / Animation Set with special visual effects? Well, the kind of things you can equip on other frames and look like... heh... a Founder).


/my opinion.


I agree to this. I wanted to make a stance on some of the founder arguments, but I never really was able to put it into words. This sounds really good. For both founders and owners of the two aforementioned vandle weapons, they should get exclusive ornaments such as syandanas, armour sets, stuff like that. Those ornaments would then mark their long-term existence in the game but would stay exclusive. This would make sure that everyone can get every item in the game that gives you mastery points but there would still be exclusivity for those who were 'there' in that time.

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On 7/14/2016 at 8:43 PM, [DE]Rebecca said:

Interesting point that maintains a meta-signifier of sorts.

It wouldnt really signify the same thing, but if that were to happen you could give the players that had that previously as separate emblem for each weapon to signify what the did mean when they were exclusive

i personally i would love to see them exclusive i feel the have a major significance to major milestones in warframes history being the closed beta and the open beta weekend

Edited by Radioactive_Gaming
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4 minutes ago, ChaoSoldier1986 said:

Why does it seem like more and more each Day that DE only cares and caters to the 1% of the Playerbase that got here in the first year of the games release and that everyone else is a Second Class Citizen and should be thrown under the Bus?

And here I thought this poll was actually showing quite the opposite....

Edited by siralextraffo
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1 minute ago, ChaoSoldier1986 said:

And you think one poll is going change anything? They did this solely to hang the Exclusive Carrot on a Stick over peoples heads.

I'm sorry for you if you feel that way. 

I've been here long enough to think otherwise; if they were caring only about the 1% a poll like this would have never happened and considering how many exclusives have come back so far I guess facts are not exactly on your side! 

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Just now, siralextraffo said:

I'm sorry for you if you feel that way. 

I've been here long enough to think otherwise; if they were caring only about the 1% a poll like this would have never happened and considering how many exclusives have come back so far I guess facts are not exactly on your side! 

CBT gifts & Founder Vault =/= Event Rewards

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