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Last sec leavers need to be taught a lesson


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Last second leavers. I don't like their attitude.We can talk all day how we feel about those living creatures, but we won't.

We will talk about how we can put our own, so called middlefinger, back in their so called faces and here's how:

Make the 1st person who leaves in the last 2 seconds lose all their affinity, resources and rewards. The ones who follow will keep theirs. If the 1st person goes back to the fight, too bad, the one is flagged. He should have stayed off the leave button.

I know it's not a perfect system, but remember this:

With the current system, someone leaves at last sec and keeps their rewards. Leaving you by yourself and fail mission because no backup and you are the one without rewards. That' not really fair, is it? Now when that happens again, you'll at least know that the bastard who started it, has no rewards either.

Sincerely yours,


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3 minutes ago, (PS4)B0XMAN517 said:

Just make it so if a person hits leave it adds 3 seconds and a player can only do this twice to avoid trolling.

Nice suggestion. And no one will get punished because of cruel system that described by OP.

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All this does is change the "last second" to some arbitrary amount and doesn't fix anything.

For example lets use your numbers:
2 or 3 out of 4 people change to leave at 4 or 3 seconds remaining.
The other players changes to leave at the 2 second mark, because human reaction timing is a thing, and one of them loses their rewards because they changed during the last 2 seconds, while the others get away scot-free with no change from how it is now.  In fact it allows them to troll the other people in the group even harder.

Unless what your talking about is "If at least one other person has selected leave then the punishment will not occur"
In which case all it takes is 1 person selecting leave early on and then everyone else who wants to leave at the last second can still leave with no punishment at all with your idea and no change.

This would just be an annoyance that serves literally no benefit at all to the game.

That is a much better option than what the OP is proposing.

Edited by Tsukinoki
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so what ?
have ppl leave at 3 seconds instead and the first person to follow after him at 2 seconds gets the sour apple ?
this sounds like even better troling to me

seriously there is no way to deal with these ppl other than:
use the /i [name] command and dont get qued with them anymore

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"Oh, so you think I'm doomed because run Nyx with just a War? THINK AGAIN"

Honestly, more often than not have I been left alone in the last second in an interception/defense.
My way of raising the hypothetical middle finger to them is completing the round anyways :)

In any case, the system OP describes is bound to cause more trouble/get exploited/bring more hate to the game/etc.

8 minutes ago, (PS4)B0XMAN517 said:

Just make it so if a person hits leave it adds 3 seconds and a player can only do this twice to avoid trolling.

This is a much better way of solving this problem

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7 minutes ago, (PS4)B0XMAN517 said:

Just make it so if a person hits leave it adds 3 seconds and a player can only do this twice to avoid trolling.

better idea but not perfect because of this

  1. leave at 3 seconds
  2. watingtime increased
  3. change back
  4. leave at 3 seconds
  5. waitingtime increased
  6. change back
  7. leave a 1 second
  8. get to troll them twice with waiting and no loot
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19 minutes ago, (PS4)B0XMAN517 said:

Just make it so if a person hits leave it adds 3 seconds and a player can only do this twice to avoid trolling.

Then they need to add a cooldown to changing your option that's longer than 3 seconds.

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Maybe just remove the auto timer? Who wants to leave - leaves instantly, who wants to stay - votes for staying and then the timer starts like with launching a mission, just their choice is locked (or maybe without locking, simply stop the timer if someone who voted to stay leaves instead). Those who didn't vote due to being afk leave automatically.

This will also let to have a small break after an intense match, you know, to dry hands, go pee, just relax for a minute.

Edited by Bouldershoulder
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30 minutes ago, (PS4)B0XMAN517 said:

Just make it so if a person hits leave it adds 3 seconds and a player can only do this twice to avoid trolling.

18 minutes ago, Weidro said:

better idea but not perfect because of this

  1. leave at 3 seconds
  2. watingtime increased
  3. change back
  4. leave at 3 seconds
  5. waitingtime increased
  6. change back
  7. leave a 1 second
  8. get to troll them twice with waiting and no loot


I'm sure he also meant that a player can only hits leave twice, so following your scenario itd be;
1. leave at 3 secs
2. waiting time increased
3. change back
4. leave at 3 secs
5. waiting time increased
6. change back
7. cannot hit leave a 3rd time.

6sec increase is alittle annoying, but not as annoying as what it is now.


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if you add that i want a kickvote to kick every last leech there is yeah looking at you mr2-7 guys at berehyna doing not even 10% of dmg. I always leave last sec if i do 50%+ dmg because im not here to carry your sorry a****

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I created a similar topic a while back. Didn't get much feedback.

My suggestion back then was to either close the extraction screen and get on / finish the mission once all players hit the same option, or to give every player the chance to change their decision once and reset the timer back to 5 seconds (or add 3, for coding convenience) if they do. Both technically possible and effective.

Edited by DNG0
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The solution is simple:

if a player are left alone in the battle after extraction Lotus warns them in helium voice about it and offer an additional extraction for a short time.

Something like...:

- Tenno, are you sure want to fight alone? Extraction is still available for a short time.

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9 minutes ago, Radagosh said:

if you add that i want a kickvote to kick every last leech there is yeah looking at you mr2-7 guys at berehyna doing not even 10% of dmg. I always leave last sec if i do 50%+ dmg because im not here to carry your sorry a****

For what reason do you choose to leave at last second instead? I can only see it as being an &#!.

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