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favourite Dagger?


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spent a lot of time stealth killing Grineer today, as I was levelling my Forma'd Ceramic Dagger. I wondered to myself: since Covert Lethality turns any single Dagger into a well-scaled melee, do people just decide which one they take based on visual preference, or because of a particular stat benefit? it doesn't matter if they all guarantee a stealth kill... right?

comment with your favourite Dagger and reason why below, and let's see which is the most favoured stealth blade!

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Gotta catch em all!

Besides any daggers that could just be passed off as "Mastery Fodder" I've held on to 4 of them and switch things up with them from time to time.

Ceramic Dagger, Dark Dagger, the Karyst and Sheev.

As to which of them gets used the most, well it's a toss up between Dark Dagger and the Karyst for me, mostly.

I used to use the Ceramic Dagger the most, but I like the Lore behind the Karyst so it became my "main" dagger. 

Then i was really becoming aware of using the Dark Dagger with the mod for the proc and I now alternate between that and the Karyst.

The Karyst I'm inclined to use on what I consider True Stealth Frames (i.e. Loki and Ivara) and Dark Dagger for non-Stealth "Forced Finisher" capable Warframes (Ash, Excal, Equinox, Inaros)

IF I had to pic and keep only one of them, I'd probably go with the Dark Dagger. Again because of the Augment mod, and it does indeed look cool, IMO.

And as to looks, well I do like the look of all four. Although to me the Sheev will always be "the Kubrow Can Opener" haha

And really I don't think you can go wrong with any of those four. They all work just as well when used "Covertly" ;-) and style wise is one's personal preference.

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Karyst for better damage, Dark Dagger for energy, Ceramic for speed... Outside of Covert Lethality they are not really good weapons. I know a lot of pwople will swear for the Karyst and it is not actually bad but for melee only there are tons of better weapons... 

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9 hours ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

spent a lot of time stealth killing Grineer today, as I was levelling my Forma'd Ceramic Dagger. I wondered to myself: since Covert Lethality turns any single Dagger into a well-scaled melee, do people just decide which one they take based on visual preference, or because of a particular stat benefit? it doesn't matter if they all guarantee a stealth kill... right?

comment with your favourite Dagger and reason why below, and let's see which is the most favoured stealth blade!

Try Dark dagger, with Blight mod that gives you with every proc 40 energy, and covert leth mod

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Dark dagger w/ syndicate is nice.

As far as it goes though, sheev and ceramic have the same finisher speed (I am fairly certain)  But damage wise (non-finisher), sheev has heavy slash damage, making Buzz Kill better than an elemental mod.  Also sheev has a decent enough status chance(making 2 mixed elementals take it >50%).  Combined with the 100% fire proc on ground slam, sheev takes the cake for all rounder.


Edited by zehne
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Dark Dagger, with Red Veil mod and Covert Lethality. And some time to time the Sheev, for the insane stacks of bleed and fun.

(I must also admit i'm strongly hoping for a Karyst Kakta when the syndicats melee arrive.)

Edited by Stonehenge
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1 hour ago, (XB1)Oussii said:

Try Dark dagger, with Blight mod that gives you with every proc 40 energy, and covert leth mod

It's even 75 energy in fact.


edit : Oops, i'm maybe wrong. The wikia says 25% of base Energy, but i was sure of the 75 energy. Nevermind. I'm not sure anymore.

Edited by Stonehenge
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