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When shall we see the glory of....

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Just now, (PS4)Heads_Cutter said:

Lol why would I get the norm when I can get the prime

Because the prime doesn't exist...

This right here is the reason why trading prices are so high. Not that I care, but for everyone who complain about Ember prime who sees this topic, this is why right here.

Edited by PoobahTheGrand
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Really cute with the semantics, guys

"When will we see banshee prime" = "when will banshee prime be made and released."

Anyways, there's a pretty good possibility that she'll come after necros prime.

Edited by rapt0rman
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Banshee might be one of the next female Primes, but we'll have to wait until way after Nekros Prime is Released. she'll come one day though.

as for your next frame, It depends on what you're after in a frame;

- banshee is an excellent damage dealer, with an incredible Debuff ability that scales well into late-game, and her Silence is a pretty good CC, but she's VERY squishy by herself, and is much stronger with a team to back her up.

- Zephyr is a pretty decent frame, able to be both agile and Tanky with her Turbulence skill, however her build requirements need a lot of Oxium, and not everyone likes her Floatyness. I like it though.

- Nezha is very well rounded, able to CC, defend himself easily, and support the team with status cleansing. his downside is that his parts are acquired through Sorties and reliant on RNG.

- Frost is a powerhouse when it comes to Defense, is great at CC and quite durable. he also suffers from a slower movement speed, and doesn't find many roles outside of defending an objective.

overall I think Frost is more important since he lets you solo defenses with ease, but as I said, you may want something different in your frames.



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21 minutes ago, (PS4)Heads_Cutter said:

Another topic what should my next frame be Nezha zephyr saryn p or frost

I would say either Nezah, Sayrn or frost. As much as i love my Zypher, (And seriously, I LOVE my zypher) She and banshee don't offer anything in terms of gun/game play. If using them all you'll get is a kit of buffs and de-buffs. Yes, Zypher has her divebomb, but who uses that? Her 1 is kidna null due to movement 2.0 and her 4..i mean, it CAN be useful?  Banshee's one is just... meh, her silence is... meh, her 3 is a great damage buffer and her 4 is... you sit still... and knock stuff around. They really offer nothing but gunplay and just get old pretty fast. 

Nezah is great, shield, set everything on fire, spears of death

Sayrn has a very active kit, you'll always be pressin buttons.

Frost is the most well rounded. Globe of defence, ok damage, ok tank. Fun frame. 

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Definately make Frost your next frame. He's one of the very rare frames where every ability is good and useful. He has freezing and slowing, slowing, freezing and slowing, and freezing.

In all due seriousness, he's a really good CC frame with Ice Wave Impedance, and essential for high level defense and excavation.

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2 hours ago, MortesRequiem said:

I would say either Nezah, Sayrn or frost. As much as i love my Zypher, (And seriously, I LOVE my zypher) She and banshee don't offer anything in terms of gun/game play. If using them all you'll get is a kit of buffs and de-buffs. Yes, Zypher has her divebomb, but who uses that? Her 1 is kidna null due to movement 2.0 and her 4..i mean, it CAN be useful?  Banshee's one is just... meh, her silence is... meh, her 3 is a great damage buffer and her 4 is... you sit still... and knock stuff around. They really offer nothing but gunplay and just get old pretty fast. 

Nezah is great, shield, set everything on fire, spears of death

Sayrn has a very active kit, you'll always be pressin buttons.

Frost is the most well rounded. Globe of defence, ok damage, ok tank. Fun frame. 

Banshee with RQ build can clean everything inside 100m(rangebuild)...

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3 hours ago, (PS4)Heads_Cutter said:

When shall we see the glory of banshee prime... for real it's been so long.

Another topic what should my next frame be Nezha zephyr saryn p or frost

ok, here's how prime stuff works: Male, male, female, female.

Ember prime (female)
Rhino prime (male)
Loki prime (male)
Nyx prime (female)
Nova prime (female)
Volt prime (male)
Ash prime (male)
Trinity prime (female)
Saryn prime (female)
Vauban prime (male)
and now, Nekros prime (male)

The next two in a row have to be female. So the next two are almost definitely going to be Banshee prime or Valkyr prime

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