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Asuri Nova and Davani Syandana Feedback


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27 minutes ago, TonyTFG said:

So where do i submit it? To support or?

Oh sorry, bud

Yes in order to get a refund go to support desk and for the following:

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I know DE has been messing up a lot lately, but here the fault is on you guys, you should have informed yourselves about what you are buying especially with plat, DE showed you the bundle you assumed stuff they never stated, there is only 1 person to be blamed and it isn't anyone at DE for sure. You you see a sports car at sale and you go to the stand and instantly buy the most expensive version and later you realized the cheapest version has the equipment you want, who's to blame?

About the skin, with a different color palette is not as hideous as with the default one, however it is still a bad skin, not sure how there are so many people that bought that stuff since yesterday the relays were filled with them. The hooves look some sort of hippies pants, the random balls are just that, random, the arms look like they were taken from a doll and placed in there, the head look like an insect mixed with a jar, the the torso has the hindu-like look, but it is also plagued with those balls, the result is some sort of chimera and not the good kind that in parts looks robotic in others looks organic.

The only good thing about the staff is that you can equip it for the whole class of it, it might make DE reflect about previous deluxe weapon skins and allow us to to use them on their whole weapon class as well. Other than that most of the polearms look better than it.

The syndana is nothing more than laughing stock, the only way that minuscule thing could actually be taken seriously would be changing the animation arms to it rather than the nova skin, looking at it I can understand why people did though the arms came with it, no one expected that such a thing would be throw in that state in a paying bundle.

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The way it appears to be shown on the market place, it looks like the actual syndana is part of the body skin & the arms are the syndana, and calling it the "sacred Danavi syndana" just makes it feel even more so that the arms are part of the syndana. I hope DE change it else I want a refund, am so salty right now :/

Edited by Teitaka
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16 hours ago, AM-Bunny said:

I'm pretty dumbfounded on why anyone thought the arms would be attached to the Syandana. There's a huge number of posts currently from people who were under this impression, but it never even crossed my mind. Did they ever state this somewhere?

I mean, even the initial art they showed of it at Tennolive showed the arms without the Syandana, and I recall them stating at that time they were part of the skin.


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I'm not saying it wouldn't be cool if the arms were part of the Syandana, but people are acting as though they were tricked or lied to somehow.

Yeah what could possibly give that impression.... I just don't know... Not ALL of the relevant release media. Cause everyone should be aware of tenno live for a realistic impression of their purchase rather than say, a market preview.  http://imgur.com/a/7Pksy Surely, the only reason so many people were expecting something else is their collective learning disability and not the setting of a bad expectation, right?

Edited by AreWeHuman
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Cuurently, DANAVI SYANDANA  's  Four arms appears only when Nova uses any ability,but the duration of the arms's animation is too short.It would be better if its Four arms become permanently visible once Nova use any ability and it stays there for the rest of the mission.It would be really better if it happens so even jsut for Nova

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3 hours ago, Ambiroa said:

That's weird, because I don't have that issue with my armor pack. It works perfectly, until I suited up the new skin.

Hm i can just say that if i equip the Dendra Armor pack on my Excalibur i have the same Issue.

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5 hours ago, Gwevare said:

I can see where you're coming from on this.  Though honestly, I would definitely capitalise on the multiple arms for at least one or two warframes.  The issue of people just slapping it on and it being overabundant...  Most people, I notice.  Do not put as much thought behind their style as would be preferable.  So, there will always be people with lacking taste or propriety, using something with great potential all willy nilly.  Not a sufficient reason in my books, to limit options for those who do think things through.

You have absurd requirements for other peoples choices. I'm puttying that very gently.

4 hours ago, LazerSkink said:


Actually there was. The TennoCon Art Panel was the first to show it off along with its early concepts, in addition to revealing the Syandana and weapon skin after. Timestamped below.


(Even then, I personally knew the arms were exclusive to the skin because it was stated clearly, not once was it said the syandana has the arms included. Just pointing that out)

A tennocon panel IS NOT the place where they should be informing people about the details of purcahse. We don't and shouldn't have an obligation to watch unlinked, yet related and dated media to get a realistic impression of our purchases, especially when that impression runs contrary to the actual release media AND store preview. http://imgur.com/a/7Pksy The fact that you think this is a good argument is bonkers to me.

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15 hours ago, Zanoza-chan said:

Man I can preview the whole bundle, not the syandana separately. That's why I just bought a sausage rack. I was hoping that syandana has arms on it, or maybe that piece of cloth around the Nova's waist, or that circle above her head... please, something except that sausages! But no.

That's why you don't buy it? Nova's deluxe skin is one of the worst ones in-game right now, second only to Excalibur and Nyx's

Don't get me wrong, there are some beautiful touches on it, but overall it looks like what a bobble head would look like if you were taking acid

Edited by 1tsyB1tsyN1nj4
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I thought it was absolutely hideous when I saw the preview a couple of weeks ago, but I actually ended up buying it when I saw it in-game on my Nova today. It can look really good recoloured, and she doesn't look like she's wearing high-heeled 70's clogs with bellbottoms anymore.

However, I don't use its helmet; I use the skin with the Nova Prime helmet.

Edited by Serien5
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The thing is, remember how much everyone complained about Banshee's Soprana? DE didn't change anything and they aren't planning to. If you bought this skin and think that arms will be tied to the syandana or the skin itself will be reworked: it won't happen. Ever. So don't even hope, just get a refund or run with it as is(my choice).

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I'd like to buy it if not the arms. Really, there are some nice things about this skin. I even like the balls. And she actually has new body, looks so fit and pretty.

But when i look at this arms, i cannot believe there is mind freakish enough to create this. I can't use it.

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1 hour ago, Teitaka said:

The way it appears to be shown on the market place, it looks like the actual syndana is part of the body skin & the arms are the syndana, and calling it the "sacred Danavi syndana" just makes it feel even more so that the arms are part of the syndana. I hope DE change it else I want a refund, am so salty right now :/

^ I can agree with this.

I bought it specifically for the arms because i thought they were on the Syandana. Needless to say i was disappointed when i found out that it wasn't. It also bothered me when i found out that only the default idle animations for Nova trigger the effects on her skin....I thought the Nezha noble animation worked pretty well with the skin (looks wise) guess DE didn't think the same :/

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13 hours ago, OceanTempest said:

Besides oberon skin no deluxe skin got this light/energy effect. Most people thought it was from the syandana, because syandanas have light/energy effects like that and skins do not. I buyed that pack because of the deva hands syandana to be put on other warframes. I'm very dissapointed thats the other way around,

Oberon Skin has a special effect?? Really?? 

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8 hours ago, KingDrakula said:

DE You should know by now your players love FLASHINESS. And this is a fashionable game so please.................redo this syndana. 

I agree, the Danavi be a basic b*tch.. Not up to par with any of the tennogen gear options.  DE please to rework this turd, and tell whoever made it that they suck at the internets.   

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