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55 minutes ago, bl4ckhunter said:

well you can either swallow it and trade or cough up the money, if you refuse to take part in the game mechanic that allows you to progress it's hardly fair to complain to de, it's like going to them and say " The game is p2w becouse I want a tonkor but i don't want to farm the resources so you should give it to me for free" it makes no sense, you don't want to work for it and you don't want to pay for it, you can't expect everything to be handed out to you, like it or not trading is a core part of warframe, the game it's hardly perfect but de needs to make money somehow and it's not their fault if some people refuse to use chats or interact with other players, it's ridiculous to expect to be able to play full solo in an online game and also be able to get all the benefits.

not saying it's not fair but if trading just isn't your thing or don't have the time for it inventory slots are the only pay ''walls''. if I got 1 hour a day to play warframe I don't want to spend 10-15 minutes on trying to trade something for plat and sometimes not even getting it.

to me the trading system is work, not fun and with the little time I do have for free time I want to have fun not work.

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I think the criticism from that article that rings the most true is that Warframe feels hollow. Getting new gear and improving it is, aside from enjoyment of the gameplay itself, the only reason to play. I don't feel tied into this world. Nothing I do in this game feels like it has any impact or meaning in the game world. I run excavation runs until my ears bleed, but why? What is it that the Lotus is so interested in digging up? What happens to all those popsicle Tenno from the defense missions? Why should I give two squirts of greedy milk about the relays that Hek blew up?

2 hours ago, steelblueskies said:

to the last two posters, i am around 300 hours. shortly will be mr 15.

i agree on the last two points.

i considered them fair and minor investment walls, especially compared to many other titles, mostly convolving around slot space. lets be fair here. 5$ with a 75% off of that price worth of buy in or 500, when design mechanics shovel you into it to not sit out the day, it IS a wall. be it this weapon type only sortie, or anything else that leads to it.

seriously, sit down make an alternate account and play without spending even that 50 starter plat. call me when you get through a seasons sortie rewards. and don't you dare decry but muh trade fer plat. someone still spent for that. if your mama bought plat and let you have it for cleaning yer room it'd be no different.

that was however pre SotR. it got WORSE with the added junction gates. 

I mean... I've got 2k hours in, and I've spent a lot of plat, but I've spent 99% of it on cosmetics. Occasionally, if I don't feel like farming for something, I'll grab it out of trade chat, but I think I've probably sold more than I've bought. I honestly don't feel like the money I've put into this game has anything to do with my ability to do sorties or whatever. I don't see that Warframe has anything in the way of cash-blocks, unless you want to collect frames and weapons.

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29 minutes ago, Brendael said:

I'm going to call you out on this one. In order to get to Mars you need a quest you get on Mercury. To get there you need to complete more than 20 quests. At an optimistic 6 minutes a quest including wait times you might be able to do it if you are a vet with maxed out equipment. A newbie with low ranked Mk1 equipment - Not happening. Solo defence missions as a newbie? Please.


Then the RNG of killing x number of eximus on Earth means you are farming a few missions.


I check with him. He actually never did Mercury besides the junction to it. Doing Earth and Venus however did not take long.


edit: at 80 hours of gameplay he got to all the planets, didn't clear all nodes, but did all planets. 

Edited by aleco247
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36 minutes ago, Brendael said:

I'm going to call you out on this one. In order to get to Mars you need a quest you get on Mercury. To get there you need to complete more than 20 quests. At an optimistic 6 minutes a quest including wait times you might be able to do it if you are a vet with maxed out equipment. A newbie with low ranked Mk1 equipment - Not happening. Solo defence missions as a newbie? Please.


Then the RNG of killing x number of eximus on Earth means you are farming a few missions.


You need 20 quests to get to Mercury? What? There is only 14 quests in the game if I recall correctly with the 15 coming soon.

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6 minutes ago, PsychedelicSnake said:

Who even takes RPS seriously anyway? That's like going to Kotaku or Polygon for fair and balanced journalism.

Honestly? I had gotten accustomed to expecting reasonably fair and thorough write-ups from them.

Now, however, I'm thinking that some larger portion of their content must be very similar to this, and I simply hadn't noticed because I never had reason to disagree.

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I skipped a whole lot of replies to say what other people have already reiterated: articles are mostly click-bait. If you see an article bad-mouthing Warframe with illogical arguments and idiotic ideas, it simply means they are doing it solely to get money in their pockets and they have had zero experience with the game itself.

Edited by JRMC
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4 minutes ago, stormsasuke180 said:

You need 20 quests to get to Mercury? What? There is only 14 quests in the game if I recall correctly with the 15 coming soon.

Apologies - I mean planet nodes. I am a new player and do get the names of things mixed up.

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1 minute ago, Brendael said:

Apologies - I mean planet nodes. I am a new player and do get the names of things mixed up.

Oh ok that makes sense. IMO,new players should get familiar with their frames and level them to level 30. They do so by progressing through the planets. By the time they are done,they should unlock a decent amount of planets by then. They should be able to get the resources they need by then for other frames and weapons.

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1 minute ago, stormsasuke180 said:

Oh ok that makes sense. IMO,new players should get familiar with their frames and level them to level 30. They do so by progressing through the planets. By the time they are done,they should unlock a decent amount of planets by then. They should be able to get the resources they need by then for other frames and weapons.

That was my approach. I leveled up my first frame long before I could farm the neural sensors for my rhino.


I know I am sounding overly critical about the game but I have stuck with it despite the paywalls and numerous frustrations caused by bad design simply because the combat is so fun.


It will only take a few tweaks to fix the beginner experience.

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Warframe: Closest We’ve Got To PC Destiny?

Using Warframe and Destiny in the same sentence is going to start a flame war


Warframe is a free-to-play third person online shooter/stabber, in which you customise and upgrade a sort of spiritual robo-guy and battle hordes of AI-controlled foes, usually with the help of other players, and always in the pursuit of more loot. Yes, much like Destiny, although Warframe was released some 18 months earlier. This is my first time with it, and I was curious as to its ongoing popularity.

1. You haven't read up on this game, haven't you

2. Warframe (free) and Destiny (Pay) are completely different games (Destiny is a Science Fantasy Action RPG and First Person Shooter, Warframe is a Science Fiction Co-op Third Person Shooter and Hack and Slash with some RPG elements in it)

3. You need to play the game for longer in order to get a good feel of it, hell, I have over 300 hours logged and there is still S#&$ I don't know about


Just let me die,” he called forlornly, as he was swamped for the third consecutive time by a horde of silent, rectangular-helmeted evildoers. Hey buddy, I thought, I feel dirty for spending so much time jogging on this infinite loot wheel too, but it’s not that bad, is it?

1. That person likely wants to die so his sentinel or energy can regenerate

2. They're called the Corpus

3. I hate it when reviewers pull that segue bullcrap in their reviews


Turns out my team-mate was bugged, stuck in place thanks to one of Warframe’s many physics glitches, and his dutiful squad’s constant attempts to resurrect him were confounding his plan to respawn elsewhere. This is Warframe in a nutshell: a game of huge ambition and some frankly eerie similarities to the mega-budget Destiny despite pre-dating it by over a year, but it can’t quite keep all its plates spinning.

1. DE is still patching them out

2. To someone who played for likely only a few hours

3. Are you seriously comparing the budget of Destiny (A game developed by Bungie and published by Activision, both giants worth several billion) to the budget of Warframe (A game developed by DE, a small studio in Canada)


So I let him die, like the hero I am. He respawned elsewhere, free once more to be showered in a dozen different varieties of loot. He seemed happy. Was I?

Yeah, you let his Carrier respawn and vacuum all the stuff on the floor.


This fleeting moment of twisted humanity, almost a cinematic mercy kill, had engaged me more than any other aspect of Warframe. Sure, that’s the inherent beauty of online games for you: unexpected unison or enmity with strangers, working together to best or stretch the game. Yet it also speaks to how hollow Warframe is. I do not consider it ‘bad’, but simply hollow. Hollow is what many folk want, of course.

1. Of all things to engage you, letting someone die for their carrier to respawn is engaging?

2. Again, you have barely scratched the surface, if the game feels hollow, you are likely burnt out and waiting for a new content update. Besides, War Within is gonna be coming

3. No we don't


There are so many things to upgrade, and so many ways to do it. A titular Warframe, for instance, is the mech-shell your character inhabits, and you choose/buy which of several dozens types to use.

Okay, it is very clear you haven't done Second Dream, you also don't seem to know that buying warframes is a stupid idea. While it is true you won't be able to build new frames until you get to Jupiter (the place Neural Sensors drop from), that doesn't mean buy them.


Then you choose cosmetic tweaks for it – helmets, arms, legs, chestpiece add-ons, regalia, cloaks, colours for each. Each of these has a price, which requires either completing/repeating tons of missions or stumping up real cash. On top of that you’ve got Mods, an enormous array of very specific upgrades, such as shield strength or movement speed or crit chance, and which are available in various strengths and rarities. On top of that, they can be crafted into more powerful forms, or have their polarities reversed to unlock new combinations or… Well, you take my point. And this is just the armour. The weapons have most of the same options and systems too, plus you can have a friendly combat drone which has its own upgrades and mods.

1. Which is where the term "FashionFrame" comes from. Also, don't spend your starting plat on that

2. I haven't heard of reversing polarities, changing them sure, but not reversing.


The rabbit hole is deep, and post-mission re-upping is extensive. This is the real game of Warframe, and the frantic shooty-stabby combat of its looping, austere missions is merely the conduit to doing more of it.

Modding is not the real game, Stat increases and Min Maxing are a staple of a lot of MMOs. The real game is the grind (which is a staple of a lot of Free to play games)


It’s as hollow as coin-collecting, yes, but similarly there’s a pleasure to it too. Building the character you want. Someone built for tricks and speed, for stealth and range, for tanking and firearms: it’s your call, rather than specific classes. Hell, simply painting my giant Anubis-bot Warframe in a colour scheme that vaguely resembles Ultra Magnus is a good time, even though it requires buying paint colours.

1. Except different warframes are better at different roles (Volt for speed, Loki for stealth, Rhino for tanking, and those are just the original ones)

2. By Anubis frame, you mean Inaros. Considering Baro hasn't show up in a while, I'm gonna assume you bought him with real money.


I can do the same with the exterior and interior of my ship too – the ship being essentially a crafting menu incarnate, but as a result it’s where I spend most of my time. I’d play Starship Home Improvement happily enough, but I’m not sure I’ll stick with the shooting game it’s wrapped around for long.

You have to do more than decorate your ship, you have to actually play the game


The combat itself has meat to it: there’s a constant and pleasurable choice between ranged and melee available, both suitably crunchy-feeling, and with MMO-style super-abilities in the mix too, but I’ve found the structure of the levels and the missions tiresome. Sprawling mazes in frequently indistinguishable locations, chains of doors and static scenery, enemy hordes who do little more than rush-attack, tedious objectives such as kill every one of 93 foes or defend five pylons twice each.

This is the first part where I think you actually have a point, the game can get tiresome, but burnout happens to a lot of us. People get tired and take a break until the next big update


Sure, there’s a variety of mission types, plus randos like Just Let Me Die enhance any experience, but there isn’t much flow to it. Destiny (I know the comparison is somewhat unfair given that Warframe is by far the earlier game, but the similarities are striking; whether coincidental, homage on Bungie’s part or the result of later Warframe updates I cannot say) is a no less repetitive experience, but it does fold escalation and visual drama into its non-patrol missions.

Will you shut the hell up about Destiny? The only similarities between the two is that they are science fiction games


Warframe’s tasks have tended to be ‘go in, keep doing thing until it ends’, and I’m rarely left with a sense of triumph at the end. Granted, it’s only had a day and a half of my time and no doubt stiffer challenges await, but trouble is it hasn’t thrown any thrilling situations at me during that time. Hence, I feel little pull to go back, beyond a dim nag to stick some better mods on my cyber-crossbow.

That's the problem, you barely scraped the surface of the game.


I do like the weapons, I must say. Many different styles have been thrown into a tombola: throwing knives and dual pistols, machine guns and bow and arrows, Bōs and flaming cyber-gloves. In terms of selling a clear theme it’s all over the place, but in terms of picking the toys that you most get a kick out of, it’s definitely onto something.

Main theme before you go into all the lore is that you are a magic space ninja fighting Nazis, the Trade Federation, and Necromorphs.


I’m robo-Anubis with a poison mech-bow, a spiky staff and throwing knives, and that does tickle me. I wish I got to be that guy in a more interesting game, and one more willing to acknowledge the rich silly streak of the character and weapon designs. As for plotting and dialogue, well, Warframe makes me pine for Wizards On The Moon guff. Not that anyone’s playing Warframe for that stuff, but it’s a shame it has to be quite as turgid as it is.

Dude, it is hard to take the review seriously when you use words you found in a thesaurus and again, YOU BARELY PLAYED THE DAMN GAME!


Factor in a smattering of obvious bugs, be it Mr Let Me Die’s problem, a mission stuck forever on the loading screen or innumerable physics glitches that saw foes stuck in trees, enemy corpses thrown across the landscape or still standing after death, and it’s hard to shake the feeling that Warframe just doesn’t quite match up the high-gloss presentation. It’s not unattractive, and again some of the Warframe armour designs are pleasing, but muted, washed-out colours and too many differing styles blends it all into visual soup. I’m not 100% confident I could pick out Warframe from a gallery of sci-fi shooters 2012-2016.

1. The game is constantly being updated, hell, we just had an update+hotfix by the time that review went live

2. That seems more like a problem with your visual settings


As a free game, you can get some hours out of it but will almost certainly spend money if you want to achieve any meaningful upgrades. That’s Warframe’s right, but trouble is you’ll keep spending to maintain that sense of progression, and psychologically that’s a trickier prospect than “I bought the whole game, let’s have fun.”

Ugh, I have no words to describe the stupidity of people who assume you have to pay money for this games. If you encounter a pay gate, you can trade stuff for plat. Then again, considering you spent money on a warframe and very expensive fashion accessories despite being a newbie, I doubt you care


I feel that I’m going to suffer from “is that it?” buyer’s remorse most every time I chuck some pounds at Warframe. Of course, some players are going to have friends and clans in here and be more inherently committed to long-term Warframing, so don’t take my response as universal, but playing with randoms or semi-solo is likely to go that way.

You. Barely. Played. The. Game.


There are two games in Warframe, the character designer and the combat missions, neither bad but neither wonderful, and most of all they don’t quite gel with each other. I enjoy hanging around designing my character until I run into cash-blocks and so decide to go into the field again, then I’m happy shooting cool guns and swinging my cool staff, but this wears thin from repetition and a lack of tangible escalation. As with Destiny, playing with a regular group and learning to master high-end missions would make a world of difference, but crucially I’ve not felt the pull to do that, or a compelling reason beyond stat-chasing to stick with it for the long term. Warframe’s serviceable enough, but doesn’t have enough character to mask how brazen a hamster wheel it is.

1. Your opinion

2. You can circumnavigate them with trading

3. That only applies if you have been playing for a long time and have completed the quests, you have not

4. That's the 4th time you mentioned Destiny


Conclusion: This review is clickbait horseS#&$, the reviewer is obviously a newbie who thought Warframe will be just like Destiny which he is a fanboy of, and any good points brought up are rendered null by the fact that he barely even played the game. This is more of a first impressions thing than a legit review.

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4 hours ago, Hemmo67 said:

thats the thing i hate about reviewers. they do not put in enough hours to justify their scores especially on free to play games. like 100 hours is enough to cover warframe? pfffft >__>

That's the business for ya. Reviewers don't put enough work in to justify their "job"

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RPS has spoken perfectly positively about WF before.

You know I like WF, but I can't fault a single thing the article said. I can tune out almost completely on some missions, the same tilesets the same foes, the same responses. The endless war achieving nothing.

For those saying he didn't stick around long enough, is it his fault that the game didn't make him want to get to know it better?

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2 minutes ago, DeccanTraps said:

RPS has spoken perfectly positively about WF before.

You know I like WF, but I can't fault a single thing the article said. I can tune out almost completely on some missions, the same tilesets the same foes, the same responses. The endless war achieving nothing.

For those saying he didn't stick around long enough, is it his fault that the game didn't make him want to get to know it better?

Yet his review comes as ridiculously biased to Destiny, which every edge lord in this community seems to want to compare it to. There is no comparison, since Warframe outshines Destiny even with less of a budget and Warframe still being in development. Don't like the game, go to the forums, maybe you'll get change, or just leave. See how long Destiny can keep you entertained for years to come w/ that game getting no more updates at all ever.

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1 minute ago, 1tsyB1tsyN1nj4 said:

Yet his review comes as ridiculously biased to Destiny, which every edge lord in this community seems to want to compare it to. There is no comparison, since Warframe outshines Destiny even with less of a budget and Warframe still being in development. Don't like the game, go to the forums, maybe you'll get change, or just leave. See how long Destiny can keep you entertained for years to come w/ that game getting no more updates at all ever.

Dude, I already said I liked the game Ive logged many hundreds of hours in the game. But the hollowness? He was bang on and the new player experience? its awfull.

We grind so we can get loot so we can better grind to get loot, that DE feeds us to keep us playing but then neuters with nullifyers and bullet sponges.

And despite this, well I liked second dream, I teared up at a few points. But, after you finish a big quest, theres nothing that lingers in the mind no grand set piece no epic hero moments, just methodically locking down maps with CC or you die, or chiseling away at a boss with way too many HP.

Yet for all the flaws, I am still playing. Its not the ones like me who play but complain you need to fear. Its the ones who don't even care enough to complain at all.

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6 minutes ago, DeccanTraps said:

Dude, I already said I liked the game Ive logged many hundreds of hours in the game. But the hollowness? He was bang on and the new player experience? its awfull.

We grind so we can get loot so we can better grind to get loot, that DE feeds us to keep us playing but then neuters with nullifyers and bullet sponges.

And despite this, well I liked second dream, I teared up at a few points. But, after you finish a big quest, theres nothing that lingers in the mind no grand set piece no epic hero moments, just methodically locking down maps with CC or you die, or chiseling away at a boss with way too many HP.

Yet for all the flaws, I am still playing. Its not the ones like me who play but complain you need to fear. Its the ones who don't even care enough to complain at all.

And I said nothing about YOUR enjoyment of the game. I'm strictly talking about this biased "reviewer" He hasn't even done any quests, only ran a few missions and spent some of his money on the game. That hardly qualifies anyone to write a review about Warframe. It's pretty much the type of clickbait designed to draw in someone like the OP who enjoys bashing this game anyway

Edited by 1tsyB1tsyN1nj4
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"The rabbit hole is deep, and post-mission re-upping is extensive. This is the real game of Warframe, and the frantic shooty-stabby combat of its looping, austere missions is merely the conduit to doing more of it."

the review might be somewhat shallow but there's alot of truth in that quote, as well as its conclusion: the game does feel hollow in multiple regards:

- like others pointed out already one's actions don't seem to really affect the game universe whatsoever. like who are the people we protect? those masked guys in relays? it's kinda hard feeling any compassion for those literally faceless guys. sure, there were events with some consequences like the destruction of some of said relays but that was so obviously scripted, i mean c'mon... anyway the devs are adding more and more lore as we go along so i have rather high hopes for this aspect.

- many features feel hollow as in: not fleshed out, half-a$$ed, sometimes even conflicting. it's obvious stuff gets piled all the time for a momentary wow effect among the community without aynthing ever being really polished to a cohesive whole, but we are too busy farming ever new stuffs to even notice... supposedly... apparently. this concerns stealth, archwing, lunaro, pvp in general, mission variety etc etc etc... edit: how could i forget the focus system?! ... wait, right, because after you got naramon perma invisibility and / or zenurik energy regen that's what you do: you forget about it, since nothing else is ever really worth it / the additional recovery time.

- but most importantly: the conflicts within missions themselves feel completely meaningless because (if you don't gimp yourself into oblivion) everything is just too damn easy like working at a conveyor belt. when did you ever fail a mission and think "a damn gotta hone my warframe skills... let's get to it! :)" instead of "oops, wrong gear". and this is why the author is correct in yet another regard: the majority of the game is happening at the loadout screen, the majortiy of challenge, that is. if you finally grinded the correct stuff there is nothing that's not within your grasp, the only limiting factors being time and boredom / rng frustration. this is my personal main gripe with the game as a "vet".

the game sure does a good job at making you addicted to it despite being rather mediocre through and through (some aspects are downright brilliant, some others terrible, with a lukewarm majority in between). steam is showing 2522 hours and even i couldn't recommend it to a friend with 100% conviction. kinda sad really. but i'm not giving it up, it somehow has become a part of me, for what it's worth. and i still feel the potential to become truly great within. anyway: forums = true endgame. :)

Edited by Kotsender_Quasimir
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58 minutes ago, PsychedelicSnake said:

Who even takes RPS seriously anyway? That's like going to Kotaku or Polygon for fair and balanced journalism.


 RPS is the Daily Mail of game journalism, they write sensationalized articles and reviews. If that's what you are looking for, it's there for you and that's great, but you don't go to a burger place for a filet mignon.

 I'm of the mind free to play games shouldn't be reviewed and scored at all. Previewed or highlighted sure, but you can't really accurately review something that, hopefully, is ever evolving and is free for you to form your own opinion on. This doesn't mean you can't highlight negatives and weigh criticisms throughout, but this review seems incredibly biased and even intentionally poisonous as others have pointed out.

Beyond that, this is a pretty terrible time to even attempt to review Warframe, the game is indeed in a state of upheaval with major systems just being overhauled and feedback from all of it hasn't had a chance to be implemented yet.



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1 hour ago, Brendael said:

Apologies - I mean planet nodes. I am a new player and do get the names of things mixed up.

Why would you assume that a new player has to do all 20 nodes to progress to the next planet?

As for the review, I believe the author should focus on explaining the game mechanics and other factors to present a reader with a way to predict what their own experience would be. The author's opinion on the game is worthless. People read reviews to find out if THEY will enjoy the game not if the author will enjoy it.

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10 minutes ago, MadGrekon said:

Why would you assume that a new player has to do all 20 nodes to progress to the next planet?

I meant that to unlock Mars (Finish the first three planets.) a new player will need to finish 20 or more nodes.

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12 minutes ago, Brendael said:

I meant that to unlock Mars (Finish the first three planets.) a new player will need to finish 20 or more nodes.

Yeah it doesn't take 50 hours to get to jupiter... I know that beginners have it harsh(I was once a beginner too you know). I do not have first hand experience with the new solar system but I imagine it's similar to what it used to be. Which means in 50 hours you should be almost ready to even take on orokin derelict missions not get stuck at jupiter.

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