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What's gonna happen with Banshee?


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9 hours ago, PapaFragolino said:

She is literally the least played warframe, they probably don't want to "waste" resources on something no one plays.

I think you have it wrong there.

Banshee is also sold for Plat, which means that at SOME stage - which will happen to practically anything that is "less used" - is re-balance passes.

I mean, lets exaggerate for a second here. it would not cost anything to DE to alter a few lines of code to make Banshee abilities totally OP. If they did, Banshee would become meta for a while.  A Sound Quake that CC's and obliterates Raid enemies, or a radial Sonic Boom that blast enemies into orbit. I mean, that won't happen, but if DE wanted to put Banshee into greater use simply based on the kiddies that thing "OP is the only way to play", they could. Look at what happened to Excalibur for instance.

The "underdog" Frames are the most fun to play when you get bored with your multi-Forma Mirage with a Simulor.

You can play this game anyway you want, that is why constant talk of buffs for things is rather pointless. It's basically long lists of people that want their "favorite" thing buffed, because they don't like that the "other" stuff works, but not "their" stuff".

Play what you like and ignore the fact it might not be "optimal". If you just focus on that you will actually have less fun.

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5 hours ago, KinetosImpetus said:

Like, enemy projectiles crossing the edge of the silence radius lose x% damage? 

Her skills don't have any synergy beyond Sonic Boom and Sound Quake being able to hit sonar spots if they happen to be on the target's torso, so probably something that encourages the use of other abilities in conjunction with Silence. My favorite suggestion is still Silence making enemies twice as vulnerable to blast and impact procs, and take twice as long to recover from them due to the ability messing with their sense of balance. Make that scale with power strength where 100% equals 2x vulnerability and recovery time, and you can use it to keep the mob off of their feet even easier.

Sound Quake needs a bit of a functionality change to make it more interactive, but without simply making it usable while moving and ripping out the essence of the ability.

Edited by AuroraSonicBoom
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im fine with banshee and zephyr, i use her silencer-qualities mostly for moving around on ext, sabotage, mob def, and i have seen some guys using her "blow"-abilities and cleaning/clearing the whole map on defense etc., the other 3 in the team simply chilled it out ^^)

im in love with her and i cant see any need for a rework

same is with zephyr and: i dont wanna see more frames ruined for some lazy kids and their abilities ... im serious, we have enough ruined frames now with that reworks ...

and the most "playful" abilities which comes with new frames since around a year is for kids which cant manage multitasking ^^)

multitasking in that way means, using all weapons and all abilities the useful way in missions which are finally 7 directions/chances to get your hands on enemies

finally i wanna share that i dont care about stats or numbers or damage, i go with expirienced (expirienced = PLAYED instead of thinking) usability, nearly all of my frames arent overloaded or specialized, i use the same balanced setting for nearly all of my frames which provokes to play the game as it is given, 4 abilities and 3 weapons and my moves ...

if you are out there in real life where a tight situation comes you cant ask anybody for stats, you have to move as effective as possible out of the moment, this saves our values and lifes ;-)


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9 hours ago, Omnimorph said:

Not necessarily.  There's always going to be a least-played frame, and a "class" can be least-played in a game either because it's crap or because it's high risk/reward, i.e. a class that's intrinsically difficult to play well.  With Banshee it's the latter. 

New players don't like her because she's too squishy; but I find that she's an acquired taste for more experienced players, who actually quite love her.  In that case she would be sort of WAI.

That said, she could do with a few more small adjustments here and there, but she's already been tweaked with a fair bit and she's in a good place atm.  I doubt DE would do a wholesale rework with her as they've done with some of the other frames.

It's pretty much how I view Zephyr along side Banshee. Both super solid Warframes (especially since they finally fixed Turbulence last month xD), but they both are a bit more specific in playstyle that not alot of people clique with. A rework won't change anyone's minds to play them. Especially since every rework thus far stays true to their core design ideals.

In other words, if you don't like the Support-esque with touches of CC with Banshee, and the Direct combat nature of Zephyr, no rework is going to change their fundamental playstyle. Either adapt or move on to one of the other 20+ wonderful Warframes we have. There's nothing wrong with not liking every Warframe we have (:


With that being said some touchups are definitely welcomed! Being one of the only Warframes with an abysmal 15 armor rating is really no excuse anymore, especially since the standard is 65 nowadays.

Like I get it, it made sense 2 years ago but this isn't update 9 anymore lol. You know, it's pretty clear how they were designed but they would be even better if they didn't have stats of a gimped spellcaster Warframe haha. 

Like seriously though, talk about an identity crisis xD But I digress lol~

Edited by HalfDarkShadow
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9 hours ago, PapaFragolino said:

She is literally the least played warframe, they probably don't want to "waste" resources on something no one plays.

I don't know about being the "least" played Banshee can with her augment kill the entire tileset i.e. massive focus gain.

Now Hydroid/Oberon I would think would be at the bottom as least played.


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1 hour ago, DxAdder said:

I don't know about being the "least" played Banshee can with her augment kill the entire tileset i.e. massive focus gain.

Now Hydroid/Oberon I would think would be at the bottom as least played.


DE did show some statistics some time ago (not sure if it was on PT or Devstream) and it turned out that Banshee was the least played Warframe.

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1 minute ago, PapaFragolino said:

DE did show some statistics some time ago (not sure if it was on PT or Devstream) and it turned out that Banshee was the least played Warframe.

More recently though, Rebecca and Megan did a Prime Time where they used a whole loadout of the least used gear, and I'm pretty sure Atlas holds the spot now.

Although I'm betting at the moment Nekros Prime is the least played Warframe.

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24 minutes ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

she'll get primed, and then people will use her more. not sure about her getting reworked, though I think a little more Defense and the ability to recast Silence would be a good start.

Yeah that would bump up her survivability a bit without being too OP and without needing to up her armor too much - keep her fairly squishy, as it's part of the fun of playing her, using her CC kit to keep her alive, and constantly moving.

Edited by Omnimorph
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Well, there's nothing wrong with her kit except for silence. 

And even that is sometimes useful. 

I think Limbo trolling is the biggest problem to fix (no matter how rare it is now). 

Edited by jjpdn
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19 hours ago, Trichouette said:

So far nothing, she's not even in the "soon to be reworked" list.

They don't seem to care about that frame at all.

She's an amazing frame already. Bit squishy but she's meant to be as she's a support - she's got great cc, incredible damage buff, stealth in her kit, easy access to finishers etc. Nothing to rework really save maybe not being vulnerable in her ult.

Her prime will really open eyes to her under rated value IMO when the prime offers the one thing she needs most - survivability so more base health or shields. Her augments are hella good too, shes not on my rework list either lol

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1 hour ago, (XB1)Skode said:

She's an amazing frame already. Bit squishy but she's meant to be as she's a support - she's got great cc, incredible damage buff, stealth in her kit, easy access to finishers etc. Nothing to rework really save maybe not being vulnerable in her ult.

Her prime will really open eyes to her under rated value IMO when the prime offers the one thing she needs most - survivability so more base health or shields. Her augments are hella good too, shes not on my rework list either lol

Well... whatever you say, I still find her boring to play.

Dealing x10 time more damage and/or standing here in ult are 2 things I don't care about...

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