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How does everyone else feel about the fact Guides of the Lotus now have an "exclusive" armor set?


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15 hours ago, Noamuth said:

I'm on the fence.  

Yes, it's nice to have a visual perk for being a GotL.

No, we don't need more exclusive items.

This is pretty much where I'm at.

I think it's a good idea to have an additional visual separator for someone who's an actualy GoTL to help new players identify with, but I've yet to actually meet one in game. Unfortunately since I'm at the the stage where I'd never need one, that's pretty irrelevant.

As long as they don't start getting weapons or something I think it's fine. Personally I think the armor should be limited to when they were "on-duty", but that's just the code that I would abide by and I think it's good practice.

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I thought they already had a sigil to make them distinctive. Which it very well did, that thing sticks out like a sore thumb.
This new armour blends in too much, it doesn't stick out at all and a newbie isn't going to know if it's some exclusive cosmetic from some promotion or if it's for guides of the lotus only. It is not benefitting or fulfilling the purpose.

I don't have an issue with it, I personally just think it is pointless since it doesn't do the job it is supposedly meant to do.

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8 hours ago, (PS4)DesecratedFlame said:

See: Excalibur Prime

I don't know who you've run into, but I have NEVER seen a founder bragging on their excal prime. Most of the time in missions or in relays everybody is like "holy f*ck that Excal prime is dope! I wish I had one :(" and most times founders don't even initiate conversation about it, they just respond when people notice them.

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On the surface, I don't like it.

It looks like a decision made to increase "visibility" at the expense of "approachability."

I'm not in a position to know whether this is a good move or not, but I'd prefer that they didn't take GotL in this direction.


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16 hours ago, Vesiga said:

Not a big deal at all; they get no stat advantage and it doesnt look that cool compared to some other armor pieces.
If it helps players identify the helpers easier then good. 

It is a big deal, Why? Because people should join guides of Lotus because they want to help other players ( not that they shouldn´t be helpful if they aren´t part of the program ) but now alot of people probably will/want to only join because of the armor set.

Another bad step from DE.

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Before we start, a disclaimer.

I applied to GotL during this latest round of recruitment, and I was not accepted. This might make it harder for me to be objective in talking about this stuff, so please bear it in mind.

I don't agree with this recent decision to introduce yet more exclusive cosmetic items, especially for Guides of the Lotus. I think it's a bad idea for several reasons. I think 1it does nothing to further their mission statement, 2it muddies the waters of DE's stance on "exclusivity," and 3it will unnecessarily add to the idea of "strata" within the Warframe community.

1. It doesn't function to further the GotL mission statement. Guides of the Lotus is supposed to be about players helping players; it should never function as a kind of lofty club for the "chosen of DE." That can only get in the way of helping Guides do their job. Exclusive cosmetics mess with someone's reasons for being a Guide, because the cosmetics themselves become a motivating factor for applicants. They promote the feeling of being set apart, and setting people apart does not tend to end well.

At best, DE is sacrificing approachability in favor of simple visibility. Sure, it will be easier to spot Guides in a crowd, but how badly do we need to be able to do that? Aren't there many other ways that Guides could be listed or located, in game or outside it, that would serve the same purpose? The armor is not the only option here; we have better ones.

2. This feels like further mixed messages on item exclusivity. DE have historically been a little unclear on this subject, and I have a hard time blaming them for that. The game changes, the community changes, and you have to balance many different needs. My issue here is that they didn't need to wade back into these waters. We're still trying to figure out the ultimate fate of founder "landmarks," and DE even took the step of polling players about their feelings on the return of certain exclusive weapons. Did they poll the community about these GotL cosmetics?

3. The Warframe community does not need to be further separated by "having" and "not having" cosmetic items. The original appeal of GotL was, for me, the fact that it was composed of ordinary players who had the knowledge and desire to spend their time helping others. They were given some basic instructions and tools that helped them in the execution of that role.

My problem with these new cosmetics is that I don't believe they do anything to significantly enhance a Guide's ability to perform his or her office. It feels like a hasty band-aid, and many would argue that Warframe already has far too many of those.

One of my core reasons for wanting to be a Guide was to practice solidarity; some veterans will remember that word from deep in the past when the devstream cast used it as a watch-word. I believe that solidarity is core to the GotL mission statement; solidarity both with each other and with the rest of the community. Adding cosmetics like these is not a good idea. It tempts Guides to feel "special," it tempts players to view them as "different," and it does not show potential to help Guides do their job more effectively.

What happens to these cosmetics if Guides step down or are retired? We'll need to make rules upon rules regulating the proper use of these cosmetics, which takes more time. It doesn't have to be this way, but I fear the die is already cast. DE has probably invested enough in this idea that they won't back out of it now.

That's my rant, but what do the Guides and other players think?


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I also applied to Lotus Guide and wasn't accepted either.  However, I see nothing wrong with official helpers having markers that show they are official helps.  Like Police with Badges, or Staff at a concert with Lanyard IDs.

Next up, complain about [DE] tags in front of names.

Edited by Karamethien
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1 minute ago, Misgenesis said:

I just fail to see the issue, maybe because ive never felt envy towards others.

It doesnt affect gameplay in any shape or form, why should any of us care.

It seems like a move that wasn't well thought-out.

I'm certainly not bothered by the introduction of more cosmetics; my fashion frame game is in a good place right now.

It looked like a questionable decision, so I'm questioning it. The goal here isn't to bash DE, or the Guides, or anyone really. I'm just hoping to point out that there are some potential problems with the path DE has chosen, because I do care about the health of the community.


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I don't see a problem with this.

In fact I see this just like a police badge, or a special lanyard ID you see at conventions for security/helpers.

It is easier to tell a new player "Hey if you see someone in this special armor that means that they are a guide of the lotus and can help you!" then trying to find a list of names (if such a list even exists).

All it is is an identifying mark that makes finding them easier.

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8 minutes ago, notlamprey said:

Guides of the Lotus is supposed to be about players helping players; it should never function as a kind of lofty club for the "chosen of DE." That can only get in the way of helping Guides do their job. Exclusive cosmetics mess with someone's reasons for being a Guide, because the cosmetics themselves become a motivating factor for applicants. They promote the feeling of being set apart, and setting people apart does not tend to end well.

If people apply to be a Guide just for the cosmetics, they won't be accepted, just like people that applied just for the sigil weren't accepted before, either. On the off-chance that someone like that does get accepted, they can be kicked out of the program due to bad behavior, so it's not like Guides with a "holier than thou" attitude would go unpunished.

To everything else: they're just cosmetics.

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Just now, Tsukinoki said:

I don't see a problem with this.

In fact I see this just like a police badge, or a special lanyard ID you see at conventions for security/helpers.

It is easier to tell a new player "Hey if you see someone in this special armor that means that they are a guide of the lotus and can help you!" then trying to find a list of names (if such a list even exists).

All it is is an identifying mark that makes finding them easier.

Didn't they already have sigils for that?

Also, was there no option to simply institute some easy common practices that would serve just as well? These cosmetic sigils and armor don't make Guides any easier to spot when they're crowded by dozens of other players.

There are better ways to go about identifying Guides.

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Just now, notlamprey said:

It seems like a move that wasn't well thought-out.

It looked like a questionable decision, so I'm questioning it. The goal here isn't to bash DE, or the Guides, or anyone really. I'm just hoping to point out that there are some potential problems with the path DE has chosen, because I do care about the health of the community.


Whats there to consider about it?

How is it questionable? What problems? Please do point out.

Im unable to see it any other way than envy or even jealousy.


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1 minute ago, Misgenesis said:

Whats there to consider about it?

How is it questionable? What problems? Please do point out.

Im unable to see it any other way than envy or even jealousy.


I think I went to some effort explaining the potential problems inherent in this move, if you read the original post. Maybe you don't agree, but I did attempt an explanation.

The insinuation that I'm envious... that just isn't necessary. We can be civil in talking about this.


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Just now, notlamprey said:

I think I went to some effort explaining the potential problems inherent in this move, if you read the original post. Maybe you don't agree, but I did attempt an explanation.

The insinuation that I'm envious... that just isn't necessary. We can be civil in talking about this.


Im not trying call you envious, we'll agree to disagree then.

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