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Hey there,

Thought a fun little community discussion/ something for DE to come to if need of mods to put in game

Try and not make it too OP or perhaps buff some older mods

For me.

Wrathful patience - removes duration from ability/ies but reduces strength of the ability by x-y-z%

Go to town!

What mods would bring some unique game play to warframe?

Thank you for reading,


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1 minute ago, Helch0rn said:

Silly Hair : casting tectonics makes Atlas shout "We are going to build a wall and we make the Grineer pay for it" and when you roll it into the enemy you get money

Who needs a credit booster? XD

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Hmm, how about some corrupted variations of our defensive mods to keep things simple? Make them rank 10 mods (obviously) and let them start out with a higher percentage with a drawback to an other other defensive stat.

For example:  (keep in mind, I have no good naming sense so, I'm just adding an adjective to keep things simple)

Supreme Vitality: - Unranked: +60% health and - 8% shields
                            - Rank 10:   +660% health and - 88% shields

Supreme Redirection: - Unranked: + 60% shields and - 8% health
                                   - Rank 10: + 660% shields and - 88% health

and so on...

pretty sure this would suffice as an example?

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I wish to make something fun to use, like more damage on weapon while slide. Or more damage on rifle for the first 3 seconds of fire, so people not just hold the trigger all the time. A mod for hide the presence (like % of chance to have -50% presence), so enemies are less alerted. Would be cool if this mod make your warframe appear like a shadow when active.

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45 minutes ago, CephalonUnknown said:

Hmm, how about some corrupted variations of our defensive mods to keep things simple? Make them rank 10 mods (obviously) and let them start out with a higher percentage with a drawback to an other other defensive stat.

For example:  (keep in mind, I have no good naming sense so, I'm just adding an adjective to keep things simple)

Supreme Vitality: - Unranked: +60% health and - 8% shields
                            - Rank 10:   +660% health and - 88% shields

Supreme Redirection: - Unranked: + 60% shields and - 8% health
                                   - Rank 10: + 660% shields and - 88% health

and so on...

pretty sure this would suffice as an example?

*inaros intensifies*

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I propose a string of power-affecting Mods that give a smaller upgrade than the ones we currently have, like an Intensify mod that maxes out at a bonus 15 or 20% added Power Strength. These mods would have enough effect to make a noticeable difference, but not so much effect that advanced players would equip them as it would use up valuable mod space (unless they were crafting a build for a very particular purpose). These mods would be made much more common than their full-effect counterparts and would serve the purpose of an introduction for newer players to modding their Warframe's power values. With the exception of Stretch, Power-affecting mods aren't too easily come by early, and many players don't get them until they've invested a pile of hours into the game. With these lower-tier mods, players could start modding to affect their powers in meaningful ways (in relativity to low-level content) within just a few hours of starting the game. These would also be handy for low-MR players to run a decent custom build on a new Warframe, making the early levels for that frame a little more exciting and personal.

The following are some ideas. Let's make them 3-rank mods with a drain of 5 or 6 when maxed, all of them common. These are max rank values:

Extend: +20% Power Range

Resourceful: +15% Power Efficiency

Remembrance: +20% Power Duration

Fortify: +18% Power Strength

Essence: +60% Power Max

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Keep in mind that I'm not good with names so they'll be horrible, but there are few things I'd like to see happen:

Persistence: lethal ground finishers for kubrows, +15% toxin dmg

Ghoul: Kubrow/kavat can pick up healts/energy orbs and ammo for you if companion is within 15m range from warframe

Battle Hardened: corrupted warframe mod, deactivates shields but adds +600% health and 150 to base armor(before steel fiber and other modifiers are applied), which wouldn't be equipable on several frames like inaros(for obvious reasons) and chroma, valkyr (and others that have intimate shields-kit interaction that I can't dig up from my head)


Edited by 5HV3N
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Sacrifice. Your Companion Revives you(oh wait that exists already).

Expendable. You sacrifice one of your revives to resurrect a dead ally/companion.

Divide and Conquer. Team-wide power bonuses(strength, range, casting speed, efficiency, duration) based on how long your party has stayed within affinity reach and is only activated whenever you leave the affinity range and lasts for the amount of time that you previously spent within the affinity range.

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Name: Worthy Adversary

Stats. 5 ranks, Cost at max rank 9. Exilus slot mod.

Effect: As long as this warframe has highest HP among teammates, it draws attention of all elite units in -7m per rank, 42 max- range


I ever thought that something to make a frame actually tank in the game should exist, but having it bound to a certain power aint what most players want (maybe i want to use the power but not to draw aggro)
This way is totally optional and its also an exilus so wont take space from any regular build.
This also doesnt automatically work on all units, and doesnt work in OP ways with invicibility powers because it still requires to be modded for health too taking a forced slot for vitality-

And it also has the option to partially select the amount of enemy you want to be focusing your frame by using a not fully ranked mod.

Edited by JohnKable
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Name: Bumpin' Uglies

Fist Weapon Mod

Effect: Whenever you hit an enemy in the groin increase your critical chance by 5%(30% max)


Name: Burning Sensation

Silva and Aegis Mod from Red Veil

Effect: Whenever you block an attack it does a 6m fire burst around you. +1 blight (damage can be 33% of your melee damage at unranked and 100% at max rank)


I'm also bad at naming things

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53 minutes ago, Agentawesome said:

Hyper Magnets - Armor effects shields, but not health. 


Very useful for the high shield frames - perhaps, strength of shield influences damage reduction rather than armour?

Ie. 1k shield gives equivalent armour dr of 1k armour?

14 minutes ago, Poppin_Fresh said:

Name: Bumpin' Uglies

Fist Weapon Mod

Effect: Whenever you hit an enemy in the groin increase your critical chance by 5%(30% max)


Name: Burning Sensation

Silva and Aegis Mod from Red Veil

Effect: Whenever you block an attack it does a 6m fire burst around you. +1 blight (damage can be 33% of your melee damage at unranked and 100% at max rank)


I'm also bad at naming things

I dig the s/a mod - unfortunately, I only eat medium rare :P

1 hour ago, SenorClipClop said:

I propose a string of power-affecting Mods that give a smaller upgrade than the ones we currently have, like an Intensify mod that maxes out at a bonus 15 or 20% added Power Strength. These mods would have enough effect to make a noticeable difference, but not so much effect that advanced players would equip them as it would use up valuable mod space (unless they were crafting a build for a very particular purpose). These mods would be made much more common than their full-effect counterparts and would serve the purpose of an introduction for newer players to modding their Warframe's power values. With the exception of Stretch, Power-affecting mods aren't too easily come by early, and many players don't get them until they've invested a pile of hours into the game. With these lower-tier mods, players could start modding to affect their powers in meaningful ways (in relativity to low-level content) within just a few hours of starting the game. These would also be handy for low-MR players to run a decent custom build on a new Warframe, making the early levels for that frame a little more exciting and personal.

The following are some ideas. Let's make them 3-rank mods with a drain of 5 or 6 when maxed, all of them common. These are max rank values:

Extend: +20% Power Range

Resourceful: +15% Power Efficiency

Remembrance: +20% Power Duration

Fortify: +18% Power Strength

Essence: +60% Power Max

These are wonderful minors!

A brilliant little thing to add on

Perhaps maybe add a small additon to it. Ie. 5-10% efficiency/range etc.

Such would be a brilliant addition for newer players as well as those who wanna tweak and min max to a t

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7 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

I'd like several serration mods with utilities baked in.

For example: 100% damage + 20% reload speed.

This way we get to use utilities and have choice without sacrificing the progression of serration.


Tweaks and changes to the norm are always good

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I feel like this is in the wrong section but I'll join in anyways.

Peacemaker Augment : *insert name here*

Able to move while Peacemaker is active.

Rank 0: 50% less damage and 25% speed.

Rank 1: 40% less damage and 40% speed.

Rank 2: 30% less damage and 55% speed.

Rank 3: 20% less damage and 70% speed.

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1 minute ago, secret9005 said:

I feel like this is in the wrong section but I'll join in anyways.

Peacemaker Augment : *insert name here*

Able to move while Peacemaker is active.

Rank 0: 50% less damage and 25% speed.

Rank 1: 40% less damage and 40% speed.

Rank 2: 30% less damage and 55% speed.

Rank 3: 20% less damage and 70% speed.

Interesting way of making peace maker work

Quickest way to damage

I dig it

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Scourging Tempo (Name up for debate)

Nothing to it except a status version of Berserker

On status proc: +30% attack rate increase for 24 seconds stacking up to 75%


I think that Berserker being the best speed mod in the game really gives an unfair advantage to crit weapons over status weapons because they can achieve insane attack speeds and DPS. Having a status version would be greatly beneficial for weapons like the Lacera, Lesion, etc. because it will help them compete with crits.


This could also amp up crit+status (like the Dual Ichor) weapons to ludicrous attack speeds. This is still up for debate whether it would be game-breaking (knowing how the Warframe community loves asking for nerfs), in that case make them like the elemental bullet-jump mods that you cannot equip them both at the same time.

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Augmentation mod for Hydroid's first spell, tempest barrage: 

Instead of water, Hydroid delivers a barrage of living Magikarps. During 6 seconds, they remain on the battlefield, using splash. No damage done (what did you expect ?), but ennemis nearby (3/5/7 meters) loose 10/20/30% accurracy because on unstoppable laughing.

Name it, euh... Living barrage?

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I'm a big fan of the type of mods we saw on the acolytes event and some of the new auras, so I would create something that follows that path. 
Now, my english is awful and I'm really bad at naming stuff, so I'll just use generic names:

-power strenght: this is a mod that will give the player 3% extra power strength every 20 enemies killed with damaging abilities. (this mod has been made with endless missions in mind, and let some warframes to escale a bit more)

-stealth dual dagger: this mod will give dual daggers 70% of armor penetration when attacks come from behind the objective. (including stealth finishers).

-slash katanas: this mod will work along channeling on nikanas, but the energy won't be drained per hit. In this case the energy is taken away (50 pts of energy base) and buffs the nikana for the next 6 seconds, letting it channel his total damage (Everything counts here, even the combo counter) into pure slash damage with procs. Now, if this sounds OP, maybe increasing the cost to 100 pts of energy and reducing the damage conversion to 70% of the total damage to slash damage could fix it... maybe lol.

-aggro: this triggers when the player uses a heavy CC ability, and when it triggers it draws 90% of the aggro from enemies to the player for the next 6 seconds. When the aggro ends. The player will regenerate 25% of his total HP and will get a buff to his power range for the next 5 seconds.(if an invisible frame does this, enemies will know exactly where he is).

-stealth breaker: When the player uses a damaging ability, shoots or attack with melee attacks, their invisibility will break the cloack but will give the player 300% of damage to any of his attacks/weapons for the next 4 seconds. (this only works if you become invisible with your own abilities, Ivara won't make you trigger this, smoke bomb's agument or shadow step don't trigger this).

-heat beam: this is a mod only for continuous beam weapons. It increases the total damage of your weapon by 60% every 2 seconds of shooting without reloading, because when you reload the beam weapon cools down losing the buff. 

-Heal beam: this mod let's you heal 5 points of HP per round with beam weapons. (if this is too op or too weak, you could change it)

-burst damage: this mod works only with burst weapons. This basically blood rush for burst weapons that will give the weapon a 10% critical chance stack every 30 headshots. (as this works on burst weapons, obviously on most weapons this would be equal to shooting 10 times to the head). The maximum numer of stacks is 8. To reach 80% critical chance on any burst weapon. (this of course can be incremented with base critical chance mods).

-powerful blast: this mod works only on grenade launchers, rocket launchers or remote explosives (like the pox, talons, etc...) and increases the damage explosives do the more they travel, but it reduces the base damage if the shoots impact too close to the user's location. (it means that you should try to take down enemies that are really away from you:

-Every shoot that travels less than 20 meters has a damage reduction of 60%. 
-To deal the normal damage of the weapon, the grenade/rocket must travel between 21 to 35 meters.
-if the projectile traves a distance equal or beyond to 36 meters the explosives will deal 100% of their normal damage.

-iron protection: If a self-protection ability is casted near to allies, they will receive 30% of damage reduction for reduction at the cost of 15% of effectiveness of your self-protection ability. (with effectiveness I mean that is 15% weaker)


Edited by (PS4)BrutalReaper32
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