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We need to give DE a break


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The point of this post is to just state my opinion after looking at all aspects so dont bash the comments section with things like "cause theres no new content to use" cause this isnt a rant post or me just being plain dumb. Im not asking anyone to agree with my opinions but i felt this needed to be heard.

Honestly i don't see the point in all the doom threads and hate comments cause they dont have any significant value to DE apart from making them think that the ranters are acting a tad bit immature, sure negative feedback is needed but in my honest opinion (this opinion is based on what people would expect of such claims in real life which from my PoV the hate comments and doom posts are sorely lacking) the feedback needs to be constructive (not biased or benificial to more than just the person making the post/comment) and has evidence such as screenshots or recordings that can support the claim without DE jumping to the conclusion that the thread is biased and just plain ignoring it, if i was in DE's shoes then I would have a similar opinion since i have experiecned how cruel life can be at times and that trying to listen to all the doom/hate threads would be a giant pain. Saying things like "im quitting warframe cause you dont give us new content" is kinda stupid since it has no significance to anyone other than the one posting it.

In regards to complaints about the delays of TWW, If TWW isnt coming out in a few weeks then im fine with that cause it gives me time to look over old weapons and frames and to think about what i could do to make them better rather than focus on a new weapon every week, sure i want TWW to come out ASAP but im not the type to just post in the forums "RELEASE TWW NOW!" cause i have some experience when it comes to programming and i know that no matter what, an update of this magnitude will have a crap ton of bugs (hence why they split the update into smaller pieces), if they released the whole update in one go, i would be willing to bet that there would be so many bugs that the game would be almost unplayable or that the update would be so massive that it would take forever to download which no one wants especially console players since they have to deal with the policies of xbox and playstation companies in regards to the size of an update in a game.

Sure DE have made some bad mistakes but if they do hold up to what they say that they are accepting feedback and willing to mend their mistakes then i got no complaints but all the doom posts and hate comments are potentially stopping DE from seeing what could be potentially very good ideas in regards to new warframes, new weapon types/weapons, or ways to spice up the game itself.

If i had to add an opinion that may seem significant only to me id say that all the hate comments and doom posts were made by people who are used to spamming xp farms and getting through the game so fast that you dont really actually enjoy it and that they should know when to chill out and slow down cause warframe ain't going anywhere and that if they already have all the OP weapons, they should try to go outside of the box and look back at what they had before they speed leveled and the dumping the warframe/weapon as soon as its maxed out and milked of all mastery xp.

If you think im just a noob talking from a noobs PoV then thats sorely mistaken, im MR22 and have been playing for more than a year and trust me when i say that I used to spam draco ALOT before draco was nerfed, and tbh im glad draco was nerfed otherwise i would be among those who are posting alot of hate comments and doom posts or demanding new content so that i can speed level it and go back to demanding more content. Now that SoTR has been released I have had the chance to go over weapons that i completely ignored while leveling them via draco.

Since when was warframe a fast paced game? To be perfectly honest since i started warframe i never got that vibe from the game, sure speed farming is now a thing since the introduction of the relic system, even with the lack of prime parts in the void or derilect, im still more than happy to do endless missions since it actually slows my pace down and I have many alternatives to play the game if i felt that the change in pace is needed, plus i get to see how far i can take myself in an endless mission and find ways to improve.

Sorry for going on for so long but i feel that an opinion that comes from all sides of the argument should be said and that from my perspective, if people want updates to come out faster then unless theres something like a lack of entertainment, the hate/doom threads should be adressed ONLY after a major update since it also takes time for people at DE to actually read all the posts in the forums cause they are not robots they're as much human as us so we should give them some space to do what they do best. I suspect that once people actually give DE room to breathe rather than constantly bombard them with hate/doom threads, the i have a feeling that the sweet sweet updates would be coming out alot faster then they are now.

peace out.

Edited by GRIFFONP
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You're totally right - I mean it's not like DE and all the hardworking devs are just sitting around a big table throwing around silly ideas.

They have so many ideas, some even from the community, that they document, theorize, test, tweak just to see if it's a good idea. I mean just the other day you got Steve testing out environmental immersion with plant meshes like tall grass, just to see how it will look and feel in the game. You have the impatient whiners like "They should be spending their time on the new content we were promised", like geez they have so much work to do and they lose sleep just trying to make the game better by testing out new things. They don't get enough credit.

If the dev team was able to show the players what they do day in and day out, the whiners and complainers would shut up straight away. Their job is most definitely not an easy one and the best games require patience any way. All those games that rushed to meet a deadline had to cut back on parts of development for sure, and they were successful for a small time, but what happened to that game a few months or years later? It gets drowned and forgotten in the ocean of games out there.

Take your time DE, don't listen to the people wanting to rush you.

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Em...no? It's their job to provide new content, they got paid for doing it. Next time your teeth will have a problem-keep telling yourself that your dentist need a break too, so you need to endure da pain. DE isn't some friends that gladly provide game for us, they take our money for it, and considereing that game still alive and they have crew with over 200 dudes onboard-there alots of it. If they meet some sort of creative crisis-thats their problem too and they should deal with it, it's not our concern. Again-it's their job to entertain us, and if they unable to do so or they will make game unable to entertain us due to their bad decisions-they will  pay for it by losing their jobs and it's completely fair.

Edited by -CM-Hekovashi
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TWW teased half year ago. TWW delayed. TWW divided into 4 pieces. Half year later TWW still delayed, not a single hint we know about when we will actually have it. And TWW supposed to be just the beginning of updates of this year. "Year of cinematic quests". We don't even have the first one yet. What about those after it? It's September already. Do they just disappear to thin air? Wow it just seems like they can't even follow their own schedule and a half year is not a short time. I can't even imagine Excalibur Umbra which will be featured in the cinematic quest after TWW. I still remember in one of a devstream or whatever they said "Umbra is at the corner". And now we hardly have any progress on it. And U20 if the same thing happens again. Probably I will not see it in this decade.

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1 minute ago, Alcoholism said:


Were you expecting them to not release any of the other content and just skip ahead to The War Within content?


In WHOLE u19 update only void destruction is somewhat meaning and game changing, all other stuff is doesn't. Kavats? New starchart? Search plants quest? All of this is nothing to the general game flow. It's isn't new content, it's fillers in pauses between new chunks of ACTUALL content,


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Just now, -CM-Hekovashi said:

In WHOLE u19 update only void destruction is somewhat meaning and game changing, all other stuff is doesn't. Kavats? New starchart? Search plants quest? All of this is nothing to the general game flow. It's isn't new content, it's fillers in pauses between new chunks of ACTUALL content,


You're speaking from experience right? I mean you study game development or perhaps work in the industry?

I know first hand mate how hard that job is, even a simple job like QA Testing will get you a few hours sleep a day. The fact you're complaining about a game is pretty funny. I have no problem giving credit to hard working people. What do you do? Play games for a living? lol

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5 minutes ago, Alcoholism said:

You're speaking from experience right? I mean you study game development or perhaps work in the industry?

I know first hand mate how hard that job is, even a simple job like QA Testing will get you a few hours sleep a day. The fact you're complaining about a game is pretty funny. I have no problem giving credit to hard working people. What do you do? Play games for a living? lol

Doesn't matter if i have experience or not, even more-i don't need. If DE decided to take a path in game developing then they should expect to do what they need to do, i don't need to be a good cook to decide if mine soup taste like crap, i paid for this soup and i ether enjoy it or not. See where imma going?

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7 minutes ago, Alcoholism said:

You're speaking from experience right? I mean you study game development or perhaps work in the industry?

I know first hand mate how hard that job is, even a simple job like QA Testing will get you a few hours sleep a day. The fact you're complaining about a game is pretty funny. I have no problem giving credit to hard working people. What do you do? Play games for a living? lol

If they didn't waste time on Lunaro which only being played for the first few days of the release and change in Archwing movement which didn't bring real improvement I'm pretty sure TWW would have been released way ealier. It's like you waste few hours on a side dish but you don't have a main at all. The priority is just wrong.

Edited by Marvelous_A
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Yes lets all take a break.... Call in to our jobs, at least those that actually have them. Those that don't tell mom you don't need her credit card because DE and everyone else is taking a break from work and play.


Grabs popcorn....waits to see how DE feels about everyone taking a break.....and not buying plat and other goodies because HEY WE ARE ALL TAKING A BREAK.

While we are at it lets think up a word for this new break thing......thinking......thinking.....Oh how about we call them VACATIONS....no wait that's already taken isn't it.

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6 minutes ago, Marvelous_A said:

If they didn't waste time on Lunaro which only being played for the first few days of the release and change in Archwing movement which didn't bring real improvement I'm pretty sure TWW would have been released way ealier.

De keep clinging to pvp and other game mods that have nothing to do with main game for some reason, one that you know we came to actually play-space ninjas vs hordes of dudes. No1 plays warframe to fly in space or beat da crap from other tenno, it's nice if i can, but core gameplay should improve too, and firstly.

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3 minutes ago, Marvelous_A said:

If they didn't waste time

I'm going to stop you right there - no time was wasted, this was on their list of things to do and it was done.

Whether or not you like it doesn't matter. If you and I'm sure many others gave them constructive feedback on what they did, then that will be on their list to improve. Everything is on a list, a very big long list. You can't blame them for giving something a go. You expect them to just sit on the same content forever to keep hardcore gamers happy? News flash, that is just one demographic and they'd be stupid to only target that and that alone.

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24 minutes ago, ----Fenrir---- said:

Not complaining has historically never improved or solved anything. Complaining is the first step to improving something.

There are also historical examples in which complaining caused things to worsen as a result, such as the American Prohibition or the opposition to Obama Care.

Sometimes it's better to just not say anything negative and just let things be.

Things can be worse.

Like if DE rushed The War Within like they did with Specters of the Rail, just because you guys complained too much.

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I agree that doom threads, rage threads and threats to leave the game are idiotic. What i don't agree with though is to not complain. Complaints done right can help DE improve their game just like normal feedback. Probably "giving them a break" would not make them release more content and people will never stop complaining.

The problem with the whole U19 is that even though DE has 200+ employees they tried to release more content than they could polish before releasing it. Now they are facing the consequences of their foolishness.

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2 minutes ago, OzoneAle said:


So I guess if you're heading to the gym to do your usual work out but decide to go just that one step further and try something new instead of the same old routine, then it doesn't quite work out, that's being foolish?

Succeeding is all about trying something new and improving, even if you fail. It's certainly not foolish. Foolish is doing the same thing over and over and expecting things to improve or get better.

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11 minutes ago, Heckzu said:

There are also historical examples in which complaining caused things to worsen as a result, such as the American Prohibition or the opposition to Obama Care.

Sometimes it's better to just not say anything negative and just let things be.

Things can be worse.

Like if DE rushed The War Within like they did with Specters of the Rail, just because you guys complained too much.

De rush SoTR  not coz of us, they rush it coz they break all deadlines that they set for themselfs, coz there was a year without any updates, coz they want to release it before tennocon and list goes on and on and on. It's not OUR fault if they fail something, no1 was standing in De office with gun pointed at steve head and force them, they did it coz they wanted to, for good or bad.

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9 minutes ago, Alcoholism said:

So I guess if you're heading to the gym to do your usual work out but decide to go just that one step further and try something new instead of the same old routine, then it doesn't quite work out, that's being foolish?

Succeeding is all about trying something new and improving, even if you fail. It's certainly not foolish. Foolish is doing the same thing over and over and expecting things to improve or get better.

They did not try to "go one step further". They overburndened themselves and messed up. If they had said "U19 will be released in several updates" from the start there would not have been so much people complaining.

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Just now, OzoneAle said:

They did not try to "go one step further". They overburndened themselves. If they said U19 will be released in several updates from the start there would not have been so much people complaining.

You're talking hypothetical.

Let's use the gym example again, can you really predict how you may look in the coming months based on your workout? Especially if you're trying something new compared to the old routine, there's just no way of telling.

Also there's something called agile methodology with software development. It means you have more flexibility in development, changing aspects like the schedule or what is being developed in order to get the desired result. The worst thing you can do is give a 100% accurate deadline and follow it exactly. Who knows what might get left out, or it may be riddled with bugs. It's just bad practice. You're assuming they should just focus on the schedule and not development, in the process dropping new things in development for the same 'ol routine content. You're saying they should just do the same thing over and over to release content at regular intervals just so you hardcore gamers have something to do. That's absolutely absurd.

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DE need some vacations BUT if they want it. Ands warframe is not an easy game develvoment DE is tiby but any single one of his members are working very hard to give us what we want, we can says take a break And get relax but is better say work harder,exc work, thank you very much, keep doing good!.

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7 minutes ago, Alcoholism said:

You're talking hypothetical.

Let's use the gym example again, can you really predict how you may look in the coming months based on your workout? Especially if you're trying something new compared to the old routine, there's just no way of telling.

Also there's something called agile methodology with software development. It means you have more flexibility in development, changing aspects like the schedule or what is being developed in order to get the desired result. The worst thing you can do is give a 100% accurate deadline and follow it exactly. Who knows what might get left out, or it may be riddled with bugs. It's just bad practice. You're assuming they should just focus on the schedule and not development, in the process dropping new things in development for the same 'ol routine content. You're saying they should just do the same thing over and over to release content at regular intervals just so you hardcore gamers have something to do. That's absolutely absurd.

I never said any of the things you said. I simply criticized DE because they tried to do something too big for them. The best part is that they knew it was too much for them to handle so they had the back up plan that should have been plan A to begin with. When you promise something you can not go back on your word. 

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