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Coming Soon: Devstream #81!


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Personally i just want ash skin warframe is the greatest free game tww update is worth the wait and i dont want end game content till the story is done thats just me maybe a new dagger stance and how about dual nikana :3._..._De has done amazing so far ive been playing for a while and never get bored x_X lol 1 more thing that lotus voice idea what happend i wanted the waifu voice ill be watching the stream bless up from Toronto....

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Will we be seeing any updates regarding Oberon in the future? I recently started loving his theme (Reckoning is so fun to use), but it feels kind of weak at higher levels. It seems like a real 'Ultimate Ability' and was wondering if there were any plans for Oberon. Like maybe making it to increased damage to irradiated enemies, something along the lines of % max HP maybe?

I'm really liking Oberon, but he just feels a tad bit lackluster right now. I even bought the deluxe skin because it looks amazing!

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Hello Devs.

First I'd like to thank you for making a game that has literally hooked me so much I put fallout 4 away. Also, a thank you to Rebecca for taking the time to answer my question yesterday about Mark Rosewater. It is encouraging to know that successful devs have common inspirations in the industry and is making me reconsider my career goals. 

Now my question: Any chance of secondary weapons hitting archwing mode? And any future dojo plans? Thanks again. 


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Hello good Morning

I am not native English, so my apologies for any errors.

I just want to make the following observation:

1 - You have launched a series of melee weapons, and in my poor opinion, which one the worst. The latter one, that kind of machete is absolutely horrible.

2 - I would like to have some quality weapons, melee mainly, and with a little more damage than those that have been launched. If not for the dual kamas prime, or even the old lady orthos prime, I do not know what it was.

Thank you for reading these words, and have a nice day, and keep all in good health. And just so you know, I still love this game. This game isnt only for young people. I have 60 years old, and until my hands allow, im gonna keep playing

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You've mentioned the addition of a Musician/Virtuoso Frame on its way in the coming months. Are there any plans for musical abilities or emotes that could be used in dojos for fun? It would be great fun to create a Warframe band and perform gigs at all the hottest relays!

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Do you have plans for the next deluxe skins besides Zephyr? If so, which one? I've spent over 85% of my time play Mag in the last 3+ years and I've been waiting for a deluxe skin ever since you guys announced that the other warframes will be getting deluxe skins as well.

In case you can't tell, I'm waiting for the Mag deluxe skin. =P

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So now that you've PBR'd all (I think all) of the Primed Weapons & Warframes, when can we expect the same for some of the standard weapons eg. Dread, Despair & Hate? Considering the What Stalker? Pack is 800 plat i feel it deserves that kind of love in particular. Not to mention I'll be running the Dread & Despair with my excal for The War Within & want them looking their best :)

Edited by Agent_Talon
Rewording needed
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Guys, DE, why not just inbuild passive 12m radius vacuum into the warframes themselves as a gameplay element rather than something to be modded for? The problem of carrier was that crucial quality of life gameplay mechanic was locked behind specific equipment and this situation didn't really change after the last update. Same issue even more obvious for archwings that need 40-50m radius vacuum for item pickups in archwing missions to be useful at all.

Does picking up items manually add anything to the gameplay really? It kills the pace of the game, limits movement and is a source of frustration for a lot of people. Why not get rid of it or make it more convenient at least? People will still run through starchart with lightning speed - they just won't bother to pick up anything, - it's a completely different issue that has nothing to do with vacuum and QoL.

I had a thread with a lot of positive and, more importantly, constructive comments on this suggestion (ofc it was deleted, but that's somewhat understandeble). The people in that thread geniunely and pretty much universally liked this idea. People like vacuum not because they are lazy but because without it the players can not fully and safely utilize parcour 2.0, since we are forced to move from one tiny pick up to another and stay on the ground. In my humble opinion, this mechanic itself is outdated for action games. 

We also had an Idea of increasing the vacuum range with rank from default 10m at Rank 1 to +1~ish meter after rank 11.

 For the people who dislike the vacuum for some reason, it shouldn't be too hard to add a switch on\off vacuum button to the menu. And the DEVs will have a way to measure how many people will actually keep it off (just to know if it was a good idea or not).

Edited by AperoBeltaTwo
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The change to vacuum is much appreciated, however some sentinels still feel so underwhelming, the little synergy between djinn and gazal is nice step in the right direction but i feel is not enough. Are there plans to increase the effectiveness of the precepts of the underused sentinels and add more effective utilities in the near future? Right now the only useful sentinels (in my humble opinion) are still carrier and helios, shade to a lesser extent.

On a sidenote, will we be recieving something similar to vacuum for kavats and kubrows?

Also: will it be possible for sentinels to share mods with your weapons and warframes, as apposed to having 2 copies of everything you'd like to use on the sentinel and its weapon, having to use different copies of the same mod feels restrictive and taxing on endo reserves and doesnt make the game more enjoyable in any aspect.


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I would like to offer a few suggestion and questions.

-Fragment reward(s) possibility when collecting all.

People wanted a bobble head type cephalon fragment for their ship but I'd like a display that looks like a fragment shape.

Since unlocking all fragments get you the picture that can be used in your ship on the displays. It would give us a chance to see what the displays can do and might entice people to buy them or the pack.

- Sentinels revives

Regen it does work but the problem is it revives so fast after its death its almost unnoticeable.

The mod could be changed to one of the following or a combination of them:

  • You could have it revive by time based
  • You could have it revive on command when you need it on out of harms way.
  • You could have it revive by a life counter like we do.

You could also add the following to the game if you do not like the idea of changing the mod.

  • You could have it revive by Ordis in gear. And he could say a catch phrase that is fix or something?
  • You could revive it by a ship that will bring back pets and sentinels by a timer like health supply/turret/alarms/bombing runs

-Character customization

Can the eye-guard be worn on the left eye too? Or is it purely only for the right eye? Can all character customization be swappable left and right side.

-Token system

What has happened to the token system?


Was it scrapped when you implemented the "Check system" Will Maroo sever any purpose in the future?

-Codex missing mods

  • Meteor Crash
  • Nebula Bore
  • Astral Slash
  • Comet Blast
  • Quasar Drill
  • Zodiac Shred

-Opened relic reward screen

When we finish the void fissure it would be nice if we had the ducat value attached with the item or rarity.

-Archwing focus orbs

On 2016-08-04 at 11:43 PM, JacquesTheBitter said:

I've noticed that we can apply a focus lens on archwing or archwing weapons. But I couldn't find any focus orbs during a mission which makes it almost useless to place a lens on archwings.

Is there any plan to make the focus orb available for archwing mission? If not I'd like to kindly request the developers to make it possible to get as much focus as the ground missions on archwing ones. 

And focus ability available for archwing missions maybe?

focus orbs available for archwing missions?

-Sliver grove ending missing

On 2016-08-20 at 9:09 PM, TrueHawkEye said:

I got nothing to show but if you look at mutiple youtube videos the ending of the silver grove is missing Ordis starts talking and out of no where the inbox opens and auto plays the transmission and I would like to know what Ordis said. I know I can't redo the quest but is it possible to have the text transcript for what he said?

not my footage, see the videos for what i am talking about





-Sentinels for new players quest


· Reviewing the new player experience we realized that Sentinels are incredibly useful, but there's no real tutorial that teaches players how to use them.

· We're implementing a quest that will also introduce a new Sentinel for players to get to know.

· The new Sentinel is more defensive in nature.

Quote pulled from https://warframe.com/news/devstream-71-overview

-Nekros shadow of the dead problems

their is a problem when spawning a scavenger drone it will steal all the resources on the map from you

their is a problem with the sentinel overspray you can not tell what circle is friendly and which ones will hurt you.


-wanted to add more but late to the party... next dev stream


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This isn't a question, but since I don't have facebook connect on twitch I figured I'd just say here that I'm really sorry and slightly pissed off to hear that you guys were receiving death threats about the freaking Vacuum nerf.  I mean... it's not really surprising to me anymore with all the extremist bullS#&$ everywhere these days,  (Like my country's presidential elections for one thing) but seriously, that's #*($%%@ up and I just wanted to express my support.

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Hi !

Is your time so precious that you cant' even take a couple minutes to address "simple" issues brough up hotfix after hotfix after hotfix, such as the Itzal's research costs changes ? (FYI: the Harness now costs 250 oxium to research. Before SotR, it used to cost 20. Same thing with the System (3750 after/30 before) and the Wings (3750 after/5 before). Is this change intended or not ? AFAIK it was not in the (SotR) patch notes, and it haven't been commented on or even acknowledged ever since then; despite me and other players asking about it in pretty much every. single. update. thread. for the last two three months.)


Will there be a Codex overhaul anytime soone ? I keep bringing up the missing enemies codex entries, but there's other issues, such as:

  • Missing mods entries, too (The archwing I/P/S ones that came with SotR comes to mind)
  • Missing Item enries (the Argon pegmatite)
  • "Miscategorised" stuff: shouldn't the Lanx be in Enemies/Wildlife, rather than in Objects ? And the Kurias grouped with the Cephalon fragments in a "Collectables" category, rather than in Objects ?
  • Unobtainable stuff: Ayatan Sculptures and Stars have codex entries, but aren't scannable.
  • Plain bugged stuff: the Apothics entries used to be bugged, so people who did the Titania quest when they were have no way to unclok the entries in the codex.
  • and I'm sure there's other issues I'm not aware of.
Edited by Alenn_Tax
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