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give us infinite ammo


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I'm gonna say no specifically because ammo economy is a legitimate balancing point that deserves its place in Warframe. Without it, guns which focus on tons of little hits as opposed to one gigantic hit effectively have no drawbacks whatsoever inside of their effective range apart from not spiking quite so high. The last thing we need is for the main drawback of guns like the Amprex, Soma Prime, Synoid Gammacor, and Wraith Twin Vipers to suddenly vanish. Plus it's one of the difficulty factors of endless missions, so it's pretty important.

Also, increasing reload times to compensate wouldn't even begin to work. It would effectively destroy game flow since you can't roll or cast most powers without interrupting reloads, which itself is a reasonable limitation within the existing system. Furthermore, it's basically a massive nerf to every weapon's usability, and because of that I can't help but doubt its worth and legitimacy as a proposal.

Or do you honestly believe that fire-rate mods are supposed to be on every weapon? The only guns that really benefit from them are charge weapons such as bows, the Drakgoon, and the Opticor, and for everything else it's basically a nerf to ease-of-use because it worsens recoil and makes it easier to overkill your targets. Hell, Critical Delay is almost viable on the Amprex just because the thing's fire-rate is already that obnoxiously high. Also, if you're running out of ammo, then you're probably either not modding right, or have under-leveled mods for the content you're trying to play.

Finally, a point of personal opinion, but it's being raised in response to your own opinion, so it's just as legitimate: "Arcadey" my left nut. This is basically an anime of Warhammer 40,000, and in the grim darkness of the far future, you're gonna need to find more ammo. If you're pooh-poohing and turning up your nose at the existing tools for improving one's ammo economy, you've got nobody to blame but yourself when you run dry prematurely.

Warframe will never, ever be Earth Defense Force (For one thing, it's not a steaming pile of weeaboo s***.), so you've no right to demand that the former imitate the latter, and if you honestly have nothing better to do than complain on Warframe's forums about how it's not like Earth Defense Force, then you're not giving a very strong impression of EDF's entertainment value at all. Unless of course you're only here to troll like some of the guys from DotA who go on LoL forums just to tell people how much LoL sucks, and for that you would certainly deserve a permanent. F***ing. Ban.

Edited by Dreddeth
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17 minutes ago, Dreddeth said:

It would effectively destroy game flow since you can't roll or cast most powers without interrupting reloads,

So let people reload while rolling.

17 minutes ago, Dreddeth said:

Finally, a point of personal opinion, but it's being raised in response to your own opinion, so it's just as legitimate: "Arcadey" my left nut.

You're wrong. What do you think arcadey even means?

17 minutes ago, Dreddeth said:

Warframe will never, ever be Earth Defense Force (For one thing, it's not a steaming pile of weeaboo s***.),

*pfft* hahaha. WF is already far more weeaboo. DE has openly stated that the game is heavily anime-inspired. EDF is actually made by Japanese people and is more based on western sci-fi b-movies from the 50s, such as "Them!".  Checkmate.


Edited by (PS4)DesecratedFlame
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Why, DesecratedFlame, is it always you that makes these really "I-wanna-piss-off-anyone-with-common-sense" ideas that generate alot of flamethrowing?

Is this really that fun to aggravate the forum community? Cause I don't believe that you seriously think your posts and ideas are well-based most of the time.


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1 minute ago, Shiniko said:

Why, DesecratedFlame, is it always you that makes these really "I-wanna-piss-off-anyone-with-common-sense" ideas that generate alot of flamethrowing?

Is this really that fun to aggravate the forum community? Cause I don't believe that you seriously think your posts and ideas are well-based most of the time.


If these are common-sense, which they are, then there is no reason everyone should be getting pissed off about it. Pissing people off by using my common sense doesn't even make sense.


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3 hours ago, (PS4)DesecratedFlame said:

How is it "derpy" in any way shape or form? Just saying it doesn't make it true. What is your justification for this?

How does infinite ammo make sense?  You just materializing it in or something?

Its a limiting factor to the game, it should remain.  The whole unlimited ammo thing, it should never be a thing, unless were talkin' the Corpus energy weapons, and even then, infinite ammo until the battery dies....

Plus it invalidates the restore pizzas, needing the pickups and removes the entire dynamic of having limited ammo.

Id much rather they increase the amount given from an ammo pickup, or make it a % based on the weapon's max amount, over giving us infinite ammo.  IE: Kohm, Soma, get 10% of max, 1000 for Soma, so it gets 100 per pickup, while the Kohm, 245+1080 for like 132 per pickup.  While the Sobek, also a shotgun, has 20/240, so 280, giving it 28 per pickup.  Dynamic ammo pickups, so guns get worthwhile amounts of ammo from drops.  Not unlimited ammo....Id likewise, massively lower the drops of ammo.  So, we still had the ammo limitations, but yeah...not unlimited ammo ever.

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Someone speaks at lvl140 while someone speaks at lvl20.



There's no balance or whatever between weapon types in WF.

Gorgon and Supra

DPS? Bad

Ammo? Garbage 

Tigris and Hek

DPS? Fking top notch 

Ammo? Sustainable even over lvl100

Tonkor and Synoid

DPS? Uber good , even higher with more enemies 

Ammo? As long as you kill more than one at a time it's sustainable 

Braton and Soma

DPS? Mediocre

Ammo? Meh.....


the key is "it force you to swap to melee or not"

Edited by Volinus7
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6 minutes ago, KnightCole said:

How does infinite ammo make sense?  You just materializing it in or something?

How does "flashes of light = ammo" make any more sense?

I want it to invalidate pies. Pies are far more annoying. Having to stand around several minutes just to make a stack of pies gets old, and adds nothing to the game.

Universal ammo picks ups that restore 25% of your max ammo for every weapon would be helpful too, but I don't think it goes far enough.

6 minutes ago, Volinus7 said:


I have no idea what you are trying to say . . .

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57 minutes ago, (PS4)DesecratedFlame said:

So let people reload while rolling.

You're wrong. What do you think arcadey even means?

*pfft* hahaha. WF is already far more weeaboo. DE has openly stated that the game is heavily anime-inspired. EDF is actually made by Japanese people and is more based on western sci-fi b-movies from the 50s, such as "Them!".  Checkmate.


If cherry picking and semantics are your only rebuttal of my point, then you've yet to say anything that actually addresses my criticism. I see what you're doing here, and I'm reporting you for inciting a flame-war.

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6 minutes ago, (PS4)DesecratedFlame said:

How does "flashes of light = ammo" make any more sense?

I want it to invalidate pies. Pies are far more annoying. Having to stand around several minutes just to make a stack of pies gets old, and adds nothing to the game.

Universal ammo picks ups that restore 25% of your max ammo for every weapon would be helpful too, but I don't think it goes far enough.

I have no idea what you are trying to say . . .

Honestly, what would make the most sense is a "Cargo Drop", where Ordis drops in an ammo crate, and we stand on it like a pizza, but its very fast, resupplying like 500 ammo per 2 seconds, so in 4 seconds you get 1000 ammo back, a full Soma. Have it warped in whereever you want it, it gets called in like air support, stays until it has resupplied x%, maybe it stays around for 5 minutes, then it poofs on a cooldown for like 15 minutes.  Only thing we would ha

I will agree the pizzas are to damn slow.  Every 2s would be good, but yeah, every like 4 like now.....it does feel excessive.  Charging up my Ember for missions, I drop 1 and yeah, its like dum dee dumm dee dum......watch the birds and then end up still being short, since Ember has like 525 energy.......

id probably double all the those pizzas then half the restore time.  So, 25/50/100 up to 50/100/200 at 2s between pulses.  Ammo, id change that to 100/250/400 per pulse, every 2s.  Shields, 250 per pulse every 2s, Health: 250 per pulse every 2s.  For sure, id make them alot better then they are.  If it was up to me, but alas, its not.

ON another note, one other thing id change is survivals and Air.  Allow us to "overcharge" the air, in that we pick up the air drops, but it overcharges the life support to 200% and we cant pick up any more air drops until it drops below 100%, that way we stop wasting the air drops...Get a pile of dead guys, like 30 air drops and then waste about half of em...

Edited by KnightCole
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2 minutes ago, KnightCole said:

ON another note, one other thing id change is survivals and Air.  Allow us to "overcharge" the air, in that we pick up the air drops, but it overcharges the life support to 200% and we cant pick up any more air drops until it drops below 100%, that way we stop wasting the air drops...Get a pile of dead guys, like 30 air drops and then waste about half of em...

That's out of left field, but that seems like a good idea.  You should make a thread for it.

4 minutes ago, Dreddeth said:

If cherry picking and semantics are your only rebuttal of my point, then you've yet to say anything that actually addresses my criticism. I see what you're doing here, and I'm reporting you for inciting a flame-war.

I did address your points that I could pull out of that wall of text.

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27 minutes ago, (PS4)DesecratedFlame said:

I did address your points that I could pull out of that wall of text.

See, I'm gonna have to stop you right there. The very definition of a wall of text is a collection of sentences which are not broken apart into paragraphs. Mine are, so if you can't be brought to read it, then I'm not obligated to take you seriously. After all, the implications of your stated opinion are pretty dim.

Secondly, I don't know how much more weeaboo it gets when you're already at the level of an interactive Super Sentai show of surpassing cheese content, but considering that that was a throwaway comment, your fixation upon it accomplishes nothing, and my point about Warframe not being your precious EDF still stands.

And just what the hell does "arcadey" mean to you? Unlike the term "weeaboo," there's not much in the way of an objective definition, but we're not talking about Pac Man or Mortal Kombat here. The only real defining aspect of old-school arcade games is that being a bare-bones, money-wasting pile of s*** with a game-breaking bug or two and a pathetic excuse for a story was the norm rather than the exception back then, and considering that such games are still being made today *cough*Destiny*cough*, that's not much definition.

Also, the more things one has to change in order to implement a suggestion, the less practical said implementation becomes. That was kinda the whole point of me pointing out that your bad idea would kill the game's flow in its interaction with the way the rest of the game works. Yes, there are work-arounds, but considering that we don't need infinite ammo at all, having to change all that for something that only a small number of completely unimportant people even want to begin with is just not worth the time and effort.

I've read your belligerent, juvenile ranting, and you're expected, obligated even, to extend the same courtesy. Go back, read my post, and if you can raise a valid rebuttal of my criticism, then I'll convert to Druidism. If that sounds outlandish to you, it's because you have given me no evidence to suggest that you are indeed capable of such. As a matter of fact, your every word was lent more credence to my accusation that you're just an EDF fanboy troll looking to spread vitriollic bulls***.

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18 minutes ago, Dreddeth said:

Secondly, I don't know how much more weeaboo it gets when you're already at the level of an interactive Super Sentai show of surpassing cheese content, but considering that that was a throwaway comment, your fixation upon it accomplishes nothing, and my point about Warframe not being your precious EDF still stands..

You clearly do not know what the term weeaboo means. If the content was made by Japanese people, it cannot, by definition, be weeaboo.

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I can't agree with this solely because DE's idea of balanced reload times for this would be more than 4s, which is already outrageously too long. Anything over 2 just feels awful, and the worst offenders (shotguns, and not even the really good ones) don't have primed reload mods (yet).

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Is this a troll thread? Why does this have five pages?

Ley me start off by saying it is possible for a Japanese person to be a "weeaboo", which is a term that they may find offensive. It's the same as if a woman is a misogynist.

Second, infinite ammo has already been experimented with. Warframe is not "arcadey" by any definition, and if you think it is, I have strong doubts you ever played an arcade game. If you can imagine yourself in a loud arcade full of obnoxious kids and vomit, terrible pizza and sweaty change, then congratulations, you're one of the few. But DE is not going to cater to the opinion of the minority, of which you are a part of. Sorry buddy. ?

21 minutes ago, (XB1)FCastle74 said:

Meh, make a arcane for unlimited ammo.  Rank4 =10% chance for 20 sec.. Done! This thread is a waste of time and space. There are better things to talk about. 

This is a good alternative if there ever was going to be one.

4 hours ago, Dreddeth said:

I'm gonna say no specifically because ammo economy is a legitimate balancing point that deserves its place in Warframe. Without it, guns which focus on tons of little hits as opposed to one gigantic hit effectively have no drawbacks whatsoever inside of their effective range apart from not spiking quite so high. The last thing we need is for the main drawback of guns like the Amprex, Soma Prime, Synoid Gammacor, and Wraith Twin Vipers to suddenly vanish. Plus it's one of the difficulty factors of endless missions, so it's pretty important.

Also, increasing reload times to compensate wouldn't even begin to work. It would effectively destroy game flow since you can't roll or cast most powers without interrupting reloads, which itself is a reasonable limitation within the existing system. Furthermore, it's basically a massive nerf to every weapon's usability, and because of that I can't help but doubt its worth and legitimacy as a proposal.

Or do you honestly believe that fire-rate mods are supposed to be on every weapon? The only guns that really benefit from them are charge weapons such as bows, the Drakgoon, and the Opticor, and for everything else it's basically a nerf to ease-of-use because it worsens recoil and makes it easier to overkill your targets. Hell, Critical Delay is almost viable on the Amprex just because the thing's fire-rate is already that obnoxiously high. Also, if you're running out of ammo, then you're probably either not modding right, or have under-leveled mods for the content you're trying to play.

Finally, a point of personal opinion, but it's being raised in response to your own opinion, so it's just as legitimate: "Arcadey" my left nut. This is basically an anime of Warhammer 40,000, and in the grim darkness of the far future, you're gonna need to find more ammo. If you're pooh-poohing and turning up your nose at the existing tools for improving one's ammo economy, you've got nobody to blame but yourself when you run dry prematurely.

Warframe will never, ever be Earth Defense Force (For one thing, it's not a steaming pile of weeaboo s***.), so you've no right to demand that the former imitate the latter, and if you honestly have nothing better to do than complain on Warframe's forums about how it's not like Earth Defense Force, then you're not giving a very strong impression of EDF's entertainment value at all. Unless of course you're only here to troll like some of the guys from DotA who go on LoL forums just to tell people how much LoL sucks, and for that you would certainly deserve a permanent. F***ing. Ban.

This to the infinite maximum. +1.

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32 minutes ago, (PS4)DesecratedFlame said:

Weeaboo literally means "Caucasian that finds Japanese culture superior simply because it is Japanese". So no, you're wrong. 

I don't know where you found that backwards definition, but it's wrong, and it heavily discriminates towards white people.

A weeaboo is someone who is heavily immersed, or even obsessed, with Japanese culture. Anyone could fit that definition, not just white people. And actually, a lot of people do react negatively to that word, because it is racist. Honestly, we need to all stop throwing the word around just because of the fact that it could offend someone.

So, since you decided to not reply to anything constructive that I wrote, and instead suggested that my definition of the aforementioned prohibitive word is incorrect, I'm going to report you. Good job.

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15 hours ago, Jackviator said:

*Points at Tonkor, Synoid Simulor, Tigris series, and every other gun that would be even more broken as hell if this happened*

EDIT: Just thought of more.

*points at Akstilleto Prime, Atomos, Twin Grakata, Synoid Gammacor, Boar Prime (sorta-kinda), Soma Prime, Boltor Prime, Kohm, and on and on and on...*

Having to use the qualifier "Even More" before the word Broken sort of...invalidates the argument. If its already broken, there's little sense in worrying about it at this point, from a balance perspective. If DE werent so obsessed with tossing in nigh useless bandaid mods instead of actually balancing their game, we wouldnt have this issue.

honestly, unlimited ammo would be a welcome change. Launching into a mission with these superpowered Warframes and having barely sufficient ammo for auto pistols or a Braton Prime is...frankly stupid.

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